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A poor little girl is told as the highlight of the story of The Little Match Girl.

In Hans Christian
Andersen's "The Little Match Girl". H. C. Andersen is a writer whose stories can be enjoyed by
children but also adults.

The condition or suffering experienced by this little girl is very touching . The little girl hopes that
she can enjoy moments that can make her happy or happy.

The plot of the story is as follows: On the eve of the new year, a little girl walks barefoot. Initially
she left the house wearing large slippers, but when she was walking her slippers were released
because of a fast horse carriage, after that she tried to find her slippers, but one of them was carried
away by an animal while the other she could not find.

After that, the little girl continued her walk again with legs that were red and blue from walking
on the cold snow. She was carrying a match in an old apron, and she had a bunch of matches in her
hand. She tried to sell the matches but no one wanted to buy them and no one gave her money.
She continued on her way with a body already shaking with cold and hunger. Snowflakes covered
her hair, which hung down her hair and curled beautifully around her neck.

In a corner formed by two houses, the little girl sat and curled up. She did not dare to go home
for fear of being scolded by her father because no matches were sold and not a penny to take home.
Her tiny hands almost went numb from the cold. She then thought of lighting one of the matches
she brought to warm her hands. She tried to bring her hand closer but the small fire was
immediately extinguished. She lights one more matchstick. The light that appears from the match
makes her enjoy moments like the dining table on which there is a roasted goose and a Christmas
tree which makes him happy just looking at it, but all these things disappear when the fire that
appears from the match goes out. After that, she saw a shooting star. "Someone is just dead!"
shouted the little girl. In the past, her grandmother, who was the only person she loved but had no
longer said that when a star falls, it means that a soul will rise to God. She lit the match again, there
was a gleam of great light and her grandmother stood glisteningly with a face full of love. The little
girl asked her grandmother to take her away with her and the little girl's wish was fulfilled on that
New Year's Eve. The little girl has a kind, humble nature.

Overall, H. C. Andersen's The Little Match Girl is a good story, it tells a social problem, namely
poverty, and it contains many messages to be learned.

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