4th Month (Thomas Alva Edison)

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Afford International English Course Thomas Alva Edison (RCC)
Address : Jl.Pemuda No.20 Telp : 0771 – 26108 (Head Office)
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Reading Competition of The Class ( RCC )
The Presentation of The Picture ( Page 1 )
Intermediate Conversations

4th Month Phrases

Afford International English Course

Electric light
for the cities of
the world


Electric light for the cities of the world
By. Sarah K. Bolton
At the age of six, Thomas Edison made his first scientific experiment.
Wanting to learn how an egg become a goose. He spread his shirt over
a nest of goose in order to keep them warm, he had put some foods himself
near the nest, and planned to stay there until the end of his experiment.
In time his parent found him and took him away, but the small experimenter
never lost his interest in science. Edison was born in the quite little town Milan,
ohio in 1847. As a very young child, he liked to read but
he spent the time only three months in school. For some reasons the boy
never did well in school. Edison himself remarked in later years. I remember
I never was able to get along at school. I don’t know why it was, I was always
at the foot of the class. I used to feel that the teachers didn’t like
or understand me, and I was sure that my father thought I was stupid.
The boy’s school came to an end, he continued his education however
by reading with his mother who never lost faith in her son. Between the ages
of nine and twelve. He read books as, Hume’s history of England. The Penny
Encyclopedia, Gibson Decline and fall of the Roman Empire, Ure’s dictionary
of the sciences and Newton’s Principia. This last work was very difficult for
young Tom, “ because of this book I have never liked mathematics.
“ He later said. During the next years, Tom had very little time for reading,
because he had to begin to work for support of his family. First, he sold
newspaper on the street, then he worked for the railroad.
Selling books, newspaper, candy and peanuts. There people liked Tom,
his pleasant manners brought him many friends.
The nation was in the early days of the civil war, and people were
especially interested in the news. Tom decided to print his own newspaper.
Buying some old type from The Detroit Free Press, he printed his weekly
Herald on the railroad train. The first copy appeared on February 3. 1862.
It was only sixteen inches long and twelve inches wide, Edison’s newspaper
was a great success, hundred of copies were sold every week. In four years,
Tom earned two thousand dollars and he gave it all to his parents.
Afford International English Course

At this time, Tom was also busy with scientific experiments. In the same
railroad car where he kept his printing press, he also had a laboratory with old Tom was also
tins, bottles of chemicals and so on. Here he measured and mixed different busy with
chemicals while the train moved along the track from city to city. For sometimes scientific
all went well, but one day a bottle of phosphorus fell to the floor and started experiments.
a fire. The fire burned the inside of the railroad car and soon attracted
the attention of Tom’s employer, the train conductor. Tom threw the water on
the fire and put it out, ours but the conductor was very angry, he boxed
the boy’s ears and threw him off the train at the next station, because of that
boxing, Tom’s right ear could here nothing for the rest of his life.
After this experience, Edison was sad but not discouraged. His father offered
him a room the attic of the house, and Tom’s experiment continued up there.
He put necks of bottles around ordinary wire for insulation. And these wires
became Tom’s telegraph lines. But one night a cow, returning home through
the trees, walked into the telegraph lines and fell, with the wires all around
her legs, the cries and noise soon brought neighbours out of their house and
that was the end of Tom’s home telegraph.
One day in 1862 when Tom was fifteen years old, he happened to be at the
Mt. Clemens railroad station. A train speeding along the track !
suddenly Tom noticed that the baby son of the station master had ran into
the track, the child was directly in the path of the train. Without stopping to
think, Tom rushed to the track and pulled the child out of danger.
The wheel of railroad car caught the heel of Edison’s shoe, but he and
the station master’s baby were saved.
Wanting to do something for Tom in return, the grateful father offered
to teach him how to become a telegraph operator. He gave Tom four lessons
every week, after working hours and three months, the pupil knew more than
his teacher. Edison found a job as a telegraph operator in another town, but
again his experiments resulted in the loss of his jobs. After working all day
in his laboratory, he sometimes fell a sleep at the telegraph office during the
night, he lost his job and was without money again.
Edison now moved from the city to city, getting jobs and losing
or leaving them, while he was in Detroit, he decided to read all the books
in the public library, but after reading “ about fifteen feet of books “,
he decided the task was too great. In Cincinati, however, he paid two dollars
for a great pile of old magazines. He started for home at three o’clock in the
morning. Seeing him with his armful, a policeman thought he was a thief
and commanded him to stop, but Edison was too deaf to hear the command.
The policeman shot and bullet almost hit young Tom.
When Edison returned to his home town, at the age of twenty one people
were beginning to take interest in his experiments. One railroad company
was beginning to use a small invention of his, and his parents were not as poor
as before. Edison continued to read, study and experiment. He invented several
machines including important invention in the field of telegraphy.
When he was paid for these inventions, he used the money for more

Afford International English Course Tanjungpinang

A friend has described Edison’s life those days “ I come in one night “ said
the friend, and there sat Edison with a pile of books, five feet high, which he
In 1886 Edison
had ordered from New York, London and Paris. He studied them night and
married Miss
day, eating at his desk and sleeping in his chair. At the end of six weeks, he
Nina Millar,
had read all the books, written a book about the ideas in them and made
during the
two thousand experiments on the formulas which he had found in the books
years that
and that not was all. In 1873, at the age of twenty six, Edison married Marry E. followed, he
Still Well, who had worked for him in his factory in New Jersey. They had three lived with her
children and lived happily together until Mrs. Edison’s death in 1881. The years and with their
after 1873 were very important years for Edison and for the world. The result of three children
his work included the electric light, the phonograph, the kinetoscope, which in a beautiful
helped later inventors create the modern picture machine. Until the invention big house, filled
of kinetoscope, Edison had not known much about photography. But now he with gift from
read all that could find on the subject and invented photography film. Many all over the
other inventions also came from the mind of Edison, he invented an world.
instrument for measuring the heat of stars, mimeograph for making copies of
printed material, and a way of separating iron from the worthless material
around it. And he invented the electric storage battery, which was later used
in subways and street cars.
In 1886 Edison married Miss Nina Millar, during the years that followed, he
lived with her and with their three children in a beautiful big house, filled with
gift from all over the world. As Edison grew older, he never lost his interest in
science, even as an old man he continued to work in his laboratory, with such
interest that he hated to stop lunch even on his birthday. His work ended only
with his death in 1931, at the age of eighty four.


Afford International English Course Tanjungpinang

6. A : Have you ever been to Bali ?

B : No I haven’t, but I intend to go there one day.
A : Bali is beautiful island, isn’t it ?
B : Oh yes, It’s very lovely island and it’s also called Eden of the east , moreover
it’s as the island of dream.
A : What thing makes Bali famous for ?
B : Bali is famous for traditional dances and wood carvings.
A : Are there any conditions for people to go there ?
B : Yes, there are all tourists from abroad must be in possession of valid passport,
valid small pox vaccination certificates .
A : How about Indonesian people ?
B : For Indonesian people who only travel from Jakarta to Bali v.v ( vice and verse )
need no passport .
A : And how can we go there ?
B : By bus, by ship or by plane.

7. A : Do you know what is our staple food ?

B : Rice is the staple food for Indonesian.
A : When the farmers grow the rice ?
B : Usually at the beginning of the rainy season.
A : Do you think that growing the rice is an easy job ?
B : Oh no, because the farmers have to work hard in the muddy field from morning
till late in the afternoon.
A : What kinds of tools can we use in the rice field ?
B : We use so many tools such as : plough, hoes and shovels.
A : What animals feed the rice and become the farmer’s enemy ?
B : They are birds and mice, sometimes boars and deer.
A : I think you like to see the rice when it is ripe ?
B : Oh, It’s very beautiful landscape, I always spend it on my vacation to my

Afford International English Course

. A : Excuse me friend, what are you ?

B : I am a medical X –Ray operator.
A : What is your task ?
B : I operate X – Ray equipment.
A : What do you do for ?
B : To make radiographs for diagnostic purposes, or to give therapeutic
A : What about time and intensity of exposure ?
B : I manipulate controls of machine to regulate time and intensity of exposure.
A : Do you apply X – Ray treatment ?
B : Yes I do, I apply X – Ray treatment under direction of radiologist.
A : How do you like your job ?
B : Well, I like it very much, it is my hobby to X – Ray people.

9. A : Do you know, what is the job or duty of legal clerk ?

B : His task is about legal administration.
A : Please tell me the legal clerk task you know as detail.
B : Making search for legal records to prepare data relevant to case under
A : Only that ?
B : Of couse not, he examines or make arrangements for examination of
documents representing title to property or right under wills.
A : And how about filing ?
B : He also files pleading with clerks of court and serves copies pleading on
opposing courts.
A : Is that all ?
B : Finally he prepares affidavits of documents and takes charge of correspondence
Of assigned cases.
A : Well, thanks a lot for your answer.
B : That’s all right.

Afford International English Course ( Oxford University System )


1. The teacher pointed out the mistakes in my composition.

2. We are living at the hotel for time being, but later we try to find a small apartment.
3. Robert kept on talking although the teacher asked him to stop several times.
4. a. The fireman worked hard but they were not able to put out the fire ( to extinguish )
b. Be sure to put out the light before you leave, yes I’ll put it out.
5. Do not stand to close to that stove, your clothes may catch fire.
6. The blind man took hold of my arm and I led him across the street . ( to grasp )
7. Tom’s sister took pity on him and lent him some money.
8. After the accident both cars lay in the street upside down.
( in a reverse position with the upper side turned toward the lower side )
9. Keep an eye on my suitcase while I buy my ticket. ( to watch, guard )
10. a. Peter swims well but I don’t like the way he always shows off in front of everyone.
b. She wants to go out simply show off her new clothes.
c. Nobody likes him because he is such a show off to display.
( to excess one’s ability or possession )
11. a. I have never met our new neighbours, I simply know them by sight.
b. Although I have never spoken with either of our two new employees, I know them
both by sight. ( to recognize as a result of seeing someone previously )
12. a. He ran away from home when he was a child, and never returned.
b. They ran away and got married in London, ( to leave without notice or permission )
13. When we need to run an errand, he is never here. ( to act as an errand boy )
14. a. Go on and take your coffee break, I’ll cover for you until you return.
b. Richard has to go to have lunch early today, can you cover for him from twelve to
thirty ? ( to take charge of or assume responsibility for another person’s duties or
works )
15. a. When our dinner guest got up to leave , we begged him to stick around and watch
a recant movies on television.
b. I can’t stick around this delightful party any longer, I have to go back to work,
( to stay or remain where one is )

Afford International English Course ( Oxford University System )


18. NEVER LOOK BACK = Tak pernah menyesal

Examples : a) That proud boy said that he never looks back what he has ever done.
b) He never looks back although the teacher has punished him in the class.
c) The killer never looks back after doing the murder.
d) I never look back, even if I am unsuccessful in my life.
19. COME OF AGE = Sudah berumur
Examples : a) He looks still young, but as a matter of fact he comes of age.
b) I come of age, when I got married.
20. HE IS BUT A CHILD = Dia hanya anak kecil
Examples : a) Don’t take a miss of him , because he is but a child.
b) You may not treat him like that, he is but a child.
c) He is but a child, that’s why he always plays toys.
21. IT IS FOR YOUR GOOD = Itu adalah demi kebaikan anda
Examples : a) Your parents advice, it’s for your good.
b) My coming here to discuss about that case, it’s for your good.
c) He taught you to be honest, it’s for your good.
22. BODY AND MIND = Jiwa dan raga
Examples : a) What did I say just now, it’s from my body and mind.
b) He advices us from his body and mind.
23. IN BADLY = Secara mendadak
Examples : a) When I got the long distance call from my father that my mother was ilI,
I came home in badly.
b) I performed that report in badly, because my principal needs it as soon as
c) Everything in my office is ordered in badly.

Afford International English Course 0( Oxford University System )


1. Untuk menjelaskan bahwa pokok kalimat ( subject ) mengetahui atau melaksanakan
sesuatu tanpa perantara.
Pelaksanaan-nya : Saya sendiri melihat kejadian itu.
- I myself saw that accident.
Bapak saya sendiri memberikan surat itu kepada guru.
- My father himself gave that letter to teacher.
2. Untuk menjelaskan bahwa penderita langsung dikenai oleh perbuatan pokok kalimat
( tanpa perantara )
Pelaksanaan-nya : Guru memberikan hasil tersebut langsung kepada si Amat.
- Teacher gave that present to Amat himself.
Amat menyampaikan berita itu langsung kepada saya.
- Amat informed that news to my self ( me ).

3. Untuk menyatakan sesuatu yang dikerjakan oleh pokok kalimat ( subject ) yang tidak
ditolong oleh orang lain.
Pelaksanaan-nya : Dipakai Compound Personal Pronoun yang selaras dengan
pokok kedua, tetapi ini untuk pronoun.
Examples : Si Tom membuat sendiri pekerjaan rumahnya.
Tom made his homework by himself.
Catatan : BY dapat dihilangkan saja.

4. Untuk menggantikan pronoun sebagai pengganti yang kedua dalam sebuah kalimat.
Pelaksanaan-nya : Hanya dipakai Compound Personal Pronoun yang selaras
dengan pokok kedua, tetapi ini untuk pronoun.
Examples : Ibu dan saya sendiri pergi melihat dia sakit.
Mother and my self went to see him sick.

Afford International English Course ( Oxford University System )


5. Untuk menyatakan sesuatu gerak reflek atau perbuatan yang tidak disengaja
oleh pokok kalimat ( subject )
Pelaksanaan-nya : Dipakai Compound Personal Pronoun yang selaras
dengan pokok kalimat dan terletak sesudah kata kerja.
Examples : Terpotong tangan saya dengan pisau.
I cut myself my hand with a knife.


1. ………………. will do that work. ( I myself will do that work )

2. John ………………. will make all the preparations for the trip.
3. Helen said that she ………………. saw that enter the office.
4. President ………………. will deliver the principle address.
5. The captain ………………. led attack against enemy.

Examples :
- Why didn’t you return that axe to his uncle ……………….
- Why didn’t you return that axe to his uncle HIMSELF
1. Helen gave that book ( me ) ……………….
2. I have written that letter to ( him ) ……………….
3. The postman hands the letter to father ……………….
4. I offered the flower to Helen ………………. as her birthday token.
5. Everybody received that prize from Governor ……………….

Examples :
- The man shot ……………….
- The man shot HIMSELF
1. The girl hurt ………………. when she was alone.
2. Helen and I enjoyed ………………. very much at the party last night.
3. Mother and I ………………. went to the movies last night.

Father and I myself went to the movies last night.

1. Ali and ( HE ) ………………. saw that accident yesterday.
2. John and ( I ) ………………. dropped in her house yesterday.


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