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Source: Franck, K. A., & Lepori, R. B. (2000). Architecture Inside Out. San Diego: Academic

Chapter 1 (Page 10-30)

Outside: Because architects are specialists in the designing of form and the manipulation of
materials, because they represent their ideas in drawings and models, which are also physical
objects meant to be seen but not occupied, and because they told the values of appearance
and aesthetics so dear, and rightly so, there seems to be a natural tendency to adopt the
position of being outside - the position of maker and spectator - and not to assume the
position of occupant. Architectural education tends to support this distance from the life that
buildings necessarily sustain (or frustate) by encouraging students to adopt an overriding
concern with formal issues, to use professional language, and to present abstract drawings
and models, often with no indication of how the spaces are intended to be used.

Inside: One of the reasons for architecture to exist at all is to house and organize human
activities, to support and enhance daily life. The earliest shelter, the rent, the room, the
building, the park, the city do this. It seems likely that activities and their spatial patterns
developed first, and that the physical manipulation of space to support and further facilitate
the activities followed. "Schools began with a man under a tree, who did not know he was a
teacher, discussing his realizations with a few, who did not know they were students. Spaces
were erected and the first schools became"

Inside Out: Not only is the experience of being inside primary, so is the process of bringing
forth what lics within. What is speaking but the outward expression of a thought or a feeling
from within? The same is true of composing a song, of creating a dance, a drawing, or a
building. Indeed, the process of making manifest what we imagine or what we desire is
continuous, occuring all the time, as we speak, as we decide what meal to prepare and do so,
as we are choose to have a cup of tea or to go for a walk, as we write this book. These are
quite obvious expressions of particular intentions. Inside out at an individual level is also the
manifestation of psychological states: what one does or how one arranges one's sorroundings
or where one chooses to live may reflect emotional circumtances. This is true on a collectives
level as well: our cities and towns embody the values and intentions common to our time and



Models Drawings



Inside Outside Inside Out

Natural tendency to adopt the The physical manipulation of Experience from the process of
position of being maker and space to support and further making manifest what we
spectator (outside) , not the facilitate human activities. imagine.

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