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一、(20%) Toss one fair dice and one fair coin.

Let x and y be the points of the

dice and coin (Head=0, Tail=1), respectively. Define w  x  2 y .
1.write down the sample space of variable w
2.define event A that variable w is nonnegative, and event B that w is greater
than 3, find the probability of event A and event B.

3.calculate P( B A)

二、(20%) Residents in Wellington are going to vote on building a new botanical

garden or reserving the old Lincoln Park. Suppose the proportion of people preferring
the new garden is 0.60. Twelve residents are randomly selected by you.
1. What is the probability that more than ten people prefer the park?
2. What are the expectation and standard deviation of this distribution?
3. Calculate the probability of in this distribution.
4. Could we use normal distribution to approximate this distribution? Compare
the probability ( ) of normal distribution vs aforementioned one.

三、(30%) 頂辛油廠善於煉油,旗下共有 A、B、C 三座煉油廠,分別採不同方

法,獨立煉製食用油。根據最新一期品管報告,A、B、C 三廠所生產之標準包
裝容量均數分別為 500、505、495(ml),變異數分別為 100、225、400(ml2)。假
1.隨機自 A 廠抽出一瓶油檢測,其容量不足 480 之機率為何?
2.消費者無意間買到一瓶容量未達 480 之瓶裝食用油,最有可能來自何廠?
3.工程人員欲進行混油試驗,將 A、B、C 三廠之油依 1:2:2 之比例進行混合,
得到混製油 M,請問混製油 M 之容量仍不足 480ml 之機率為何?
4.針對消費者質疑包裝不實(容量過少),總公司決定就混製油 M 先進行檢測。
品管部門規範容量過少者超過 5%的即屬不合格,試問檢測部門應如何設定

四、(15%) 假設早上交通尖峰時間(7:00~9:00)發生事故的頻率為台北市每小時 2
件,台中市每小時 4 件,兩者皆服從 Poisson 分配。
1.請問台北市早上 7:00~8:00 發生事故不到 2 件的機率為何?
2.台北台中兩地早上 7:30~8:00 間都沒有事故發生的機率為何?

五、(15%) 研究人員宣稱,根據過去經驗,國產車、日本車、美國車、歐洲車等
中古車發生毛病的機率分別為 20%、5%、40%、15%,假設市面上流通車輛市占

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