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June 20th 2023

For a long time, the existence of aliens has been in doubt, with the passage
of time, many proofs have appeared that aliens exist, the image of aliens
has been changing. At first, they were shown as species with a small body
and a large head and green in color, but with the passage of time that image
has been changing and they have shown various aspects that are described
as aliens. Now the big question is Are we the only in the universe?
Exist many movies where the extraterrestrial life exists and most of them
show us that they want to invade us, it could be right or not. There are
many pictures that show like weird creatures or OVNIS, the NASA´S
scientist have been exploring the space in search of life, nowadays, the
human has discovered too much about space like new galaxies, planets,
stars, moons, etc. But no cases of life other than on earth have been
Enrico Fermi was an Italian physicist who lived in the 20th century and
thought, with how big the universe is, why were there no signs of
extraterrestrial life? Although it is true that some planets do not have the
physical characteristics for life to occur on them, but among all the crowd,
maybe there is one that is similar to Earth and harbors life.
There is a theory that aliens have not visited us if there is life on other
planets. Here on earth life has always existed starting with bacteria, fungi,
etc. Over time, life has evolved until the human was transformed or created,
but nevertheless thousands of years passed before you could understand the
brain, as well as different skills such as walking, talking, running, etc. It may
be that if there is life on other planets, they do not have the intelligence to
want to explore space and thus not have discovered us.
In conclusion, today the Aliens are just a myth because the public or the
people have not obtained concrete proof that aliens exist, there have been
images showing a UFO or aliens but most of them have been shown to be
photoshop or fake and are created only to intrigue people that they have
already visited us. the aliens, there is a possibility that it is true and maybe
they have already visited us but that evidence may not come to light by the
governments so as not to create a global panic and thus avoid
June 20th 2023

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