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6/20/22, 1:32 PM Recap 1 - 4

Recap 1 - 4
Element, Compound, Mixture, State of Matter, Atomic Number and Their Calculation.

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You are allowed to see your periodic table for this section
Use Periodic Table

5. What is the symbol and atomic number of Iron respectively? Give space * 5 points

for separation the symbol and atomic number example H 1

6. What is the symbol and its row in the periodic table for Tin respectively? * 5 points

Give space for separation the symbol and its row example H 1 1/11
6/20/22, 1:32 PM Recap 1 - 4

7. What is the symbol and its property (choose between brittle or malleable) * 5 points
for Bromine respectively? Give space for separation the symbol and
brittle / malleable example H malleable

8. Which of the following element has the least ability in conducting heat? * 5 points

Mark only one oval.





9. Which of the following element is liquid at room temperature? * 5 points

Mark only one oval.





10. Which of the following element is in the row with the least amount of * 5 points

Mark only one oval.




zinc 2/11
6/20/22, 1:32 PM Recap 1 - 4

Compound and Mixture

11. Pseudoephedrine (PSE) is a sympathomimetic drug of the * 5 points

phenethylamine and amphetamine chemical classes. It may be used as a

nasal/sinus decongestant, as a stimulant, or as a wakefulness-promoting
agent in higher doses. Pseudoephedrine consist of ten atoms of carbon,
fifteen atoms of hydrogen, one atom of nitrogen and one atom of
oxygen. What will be the symbol of Pseudoephedrine in order and
neglecting the subscript law? Do not give space for the symbol.

12. Ammonium phosphate has been used in many different areas. It is used * 5 points
in baking as a leavening agent. In this instance, the oven’s heat causes
the compound to become a gas and evaporate, leaving behind an airy
product with no ammonia residue. For years, it has been instituted as an
effective fertilizer, it provides crucial minerals for the healthy and
sustained growth of plants. It consists of three atoms of nitrogen, twelve
atoms of hydrogen, one atom of phosphor and four atoms of oxygen.
What will be the symbol of ammonium phosphate in order and
neglecting the subscript law? Do not give space for the symbol. 3/11
6/20/22, 1:32 PM Recap 1 - 4

13. Which of the following is not compound molecule? * 5 points

Mark only one oval.

Option 1 Option 2

Option 3 Option 4 4/11
6/20/22, 1:32 PM Recap 1 - 4

14. Which of the following is not element or element molecule? * 5 points

Mark only one oval.

Option 1 Option 2

Option 3 Option 4

15. Which of the following is solution? * 5 points

Mark only one oval.


muddy water

salt water

juice 5/11
6/20/22, 1:32 PM Recap 1 - 4

16. Which of the following will give the best Tyndall effect? * 5 points

Mark only one oval.


muddy water

salt water


17. Which mixture is best separated by using the method shown in the * 5 points


Mark only one oval.


salt water

grey water

muddy water 6/11
6/20/22, 1:32 PM Recap 1 - 4

18. The heating cooling curve below describe two compounds. At room * 5 points

temperature, the state of the compounds from left to right is ....

Mark only one oval.

solid and solid

liquid and liquid

liquid and solid

solid and liquid 7/11
6/20/22, 1:32 PM Recap 1 - 4

19. A mixture is made by mixing two compounds with the heating curve as * 5 points
below. The compounds are soluble one to another and made in the room
temperature. What is the possible mixture made by those compounds?

Mark only one oval.


salt water

grey water

muddy water 8/11
6/20/22, 1:32 PM Recap 1 - 4

20. A mixture is made by mixing two compounds with the heating curve as below * 5 points

under room temperature . Both compounds are easily dissolve one to

another. Which method of separation is best done to separate this mixture?

Mark only one oval.


magnetic separation


reverse osmosis

Calculation 9/11
6/20/22, 1:32 PM Recap 1 - 4

21. The picture shows the volume percentage of composition to make hand * 5 points
sanitizer. How many clove oil needed to make 250 ml hand sanitizer?
Give space for the unit and use maximum two decimal after coma,
example 300 g, 125.4 ml, 25.8 %

22. The picture shows the elements that can be found inside isotonic water. * 5 points
How many calcium ion can be found inside 100 ml isotonic water? Give
space for the unit and use maximum two decimal after coma, example
300 g, 125.4 ml, 25.8 % 10/11
6/20/22, 1:32 PM Recap 1 - 4

23. The picture shows the elements that can be found inside 500 ml isotonic * 5 points
water. How many water needed to be added to this isotonic water to
make the magnesium ion concentration half of the initial? Give space for
the unit and use maximum two decimal after coma, example 300 g, 125.4
ml, 25.8 %

24. A salt farmer wants to produce 4 kg of salt a day. By taking the seawater * 5 points
has 25 % salt inside it, how many seawater need to be evaporated in one
day? Give space for the unit and use maximum two decimal after coma,
example 300 g, 125.4 ml, 25.8 %

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