Cathy Multigrade LP

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Name: Catherine May R.

LEARNING PLAN Subject: English 1 & 2
Time duration: 40 minutes

I. Learning Outcomes: At the end of the lesson, the students are Expected to:

Grade 1
A. Identify what is verb.
B. Determine the action verb being shown in the picture.
C. Use their upper and lower body strength to perform different physical activities.
Grade 2
A. Define and identify what is verb.
B. Appreciate the importance of verb in completing a sentence.
C. Constructs simple sentences using verb.

II. Learning Content: Learning References and Materials:

Lesson: English Verb a. Materials:

 Cut-out Pictures
 Flashcards
 PowerPoint

b. Reference:

III. Learning Procedures

A. Pre-lecture/ Motivation
 The pupils sing and dance, entitled “Verb is an Action words.”

Fo-fo-fo---llow me, Fo-fo-fo---llow me,

Yippee Yippee lets go,
Walk , walk, lets walk
Yippee Yippee lets go,
Stomp, stomp lets go
Yippee Yippee lets go,
Waddle, waddle lets go
Yippee Yippee lets go,
Run, run lets run
Yippee Yippee lets go,
Jump jump lets jump
Yippee Yippee lets go,
Hop, Hop lets hop
Yippee Yippee lets go,
Dance, dance lets dance
Yippee Yippee lets go,
Clap clap lets clap

Sing with me!


 The pupils will describe what was the song all about.

 The pupils will perform the different verbs in the song.

B. Process/ Student Activities

Grade 1
 Theteacher will discuss what is verb.
 The teacher will show a cut out pictures showing action words to the pupils and what
the picture is doing.
 The student will perform the action words given.

Walk Hop Clap

Grade 2
 The pupils will define what is verb and its functions.
 The pupils will identify the action word from the given sentence.

Simple sentences using verb:

Anna is going to dance.
I always jump during New Years eve.
I love to sing.
I always eat nutritious foods.
The monkey climbs on the tree.
 The pupils will construct simple sentence using verb.

C. Integration/ Valuing

 The pupils will appreciate the importance of action words in every sentence.
 The pupils will share their ideas or situation where they can describe action words.

D. Product/ Assessment

Grade 1
 The pupils will have an group activity where they play “charades”

The teacher will group the pupils into 4 groups then they will have to form a
straight line each leader of the group will be called by the teacher, and the teacher will say a
word to leaders and the leader will pass the said word to the second member by using actions
and the second member will to the same to his/her next and so forth.

Actions Words
 Dance
 Sing
 Jump
 Eat
 Walk

Grade 2
 The pupils will play: “Identifying Verb”

The teacher will group the pupils into five (5) groups then they will form a line,
each member has its turn. The teacher will state a simple sentence consist of action
words. The member of the group who will identify the action word first will move to
the back so that the other member will try to answer next so that all members will
given a chance to answer.


1. Carlo jumps on the trampuline.

2. The pupils sing the Philippine National anthem during the Flag Ceremony.

3. The pupils clap their hands as sign or appreciation to the teacher.

4. Shane and her friends loves to play.

5. I want to ride a bicycle.

III. Agreement/ Assignment

Grade 1 Grade 2

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