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Interview Question and answers on Flow, Workflow,

Process Builder, and Approval Process, along with

scenario-based examples:

1. What is the difference between Flow and Workflow?

Answer: Flow is a declarative tool that allows you to
automate business processes and collect data, while
Workflow is a rule-based automation that triggers
actions based on specified criteria.

2. How do you pass data between Flow and Workflow?

Answer: Data can be passed between Flow and
Workflow by using variables, field updates, or record

3. Can you trigger a Flow from Workflow?

Answer: No, Flows cannot be directly triggered from
Workflow. However, you can use Workflow to trigger a
Flow by updating a specific field that the Flow is
listening for.

4. What is the difference between Flow and Process

Answer: Flow provides more flexibility and control over
business processes, allowing for complex logic and
decision-making, while Process Builder is a simplified
tool for building basic workflows and automation.

5. How do you handle bulk data processing in Flow?

Answer: By using a Loop element in Flow, you can
process records in bulk. For example, you can loop
through a collection of records and perform specific
actions on each record.

6. How can you handle record updates in Flow when

bulk processing?
Answer: By using the "Fast Update" element in Flow,
you can perform bulk record updates efficiently
without the need for additional queries or loops.

7. What is the purpose of an Approval Process?

Answer: An Approval Process automates the approval
or rejection of records based on predefined criteria. It
allows for the routing of records to the appropriate
approvers and tracks the approval history.
8. Can you update fields in an Approval Process?
Answer: Yes, you can update fields in an Approval
Process using Field Updates. These updates can be
performed based on specific conditions or actions
taken during the approval process.

9. How can you specify different approval steps in an

Approval Process?
Answer: You can define different approval steps in an
Approval Process by configuring the criteria-based
evaluation of each step. Each step can have its own set
of criteria, approvers, and actions.

10. Can you have multiple approval processes for the

same object?
Answer: Yes, you can have multiple approval processes
for the same object. Each approval process can have
different entry criteria and workflow actions.

11. How can you skip an approval step in an Approval

Answer: You can skip an approval step in an Approval
Process by using a "Skip" or "Bypass" option based on
specific conditions or criteria.

12. Can you trigger a Flow from an Approval Process?

Answer: Yes, you can trigger a Flow from an Approval
Process by using an Apex trigger or Process Builder to
initiate the Flow based on the approval outcome.

13. How do you handle complex business processes in

Process Builder?
Answer: You can handle complex business processes in
Process Builder by using a combination of criteria,
actions, and scheduled actions. Additionally, you can
leverage invocable Apex actions for more advanced

14. Can you schedule actions in Process Builder?

Answer: Yes, you can schedule actions in Process
Builder using the "Scheduled Actions" feature. This
allows you to define actions to be executed at specific
times or based on time triggers.
15. How do you handle recursive or self-triggering
flows in Process Builder?
Answer: To prevent recursive or self-triggering flows in
Process Builder, you can use a "Stop" element
combined with specific criteria to exit the flow under
certain conditions.

16. Can you call an Apex class from Process Builder?

Answer: Yes, you can call an Apex class from Process
Builder by using an invocable Apex action. This allows
you to execute custom logic or integrate with external

17. How can you handle exceptions or errors in Flow or

Process Builder?
Answer: Flow and Process Builder provide error
handling capabilities. You can use decision elements,
fault connectors, and error screens to handle
exceptions and guide users through error scenarios.

18. What is the recommended best practice for

choosing between Flow, Workflow, Process Builder, and
Answer: It is recommended to choose the most
appropriate tool based on the complexity of the
business process. Flows and Process Builder are
suitable for declarative automation, while Workflow
and Apex are used for simpler tasks or when more
control is required.

19. Can you trigger a Flow based on a time-based

Answer: Yes, you can trigger a Flow based on a time-
based event by using a combination of Process Builder
and scheduled actions.

20. How can you handle approval rejections in Flow or

Process Builder?
Answer: In Flow or Process Builder, you can define
actions or processes to handle approval rejections. For
example, you can send notifications, update fields, or
reroute the record for further review.
Certainly! Here are some more scenario-based
questions and answers related to Flow, Workflow,
Process Builder, and Approval Process:
21. Scenario: You have a custom object called "Expense
Report" with a field named "Total Amount." You want
to automate the process of flagging expense reports for
review if the total amount exceeds a certain threshold.
How would you accomplish this using Workflow or
Process Builder?

Answer: In this scenario, you can use Workflow or

Process Builder to create a rule that triggers when an
Expense Report is created or updated. Set the criteria
to check if the Total Amount exceeds the threshold.
Then, define an action to update a flag field, such as
"Review Required," to true.

22. Scenario: You need to update multiple related

records when a specific field on an object is modified.
How would you approach this using Workflow or
Process Builder?

Answer: To update multiple related records, Workflow

is not suitable as it only allows for updates on the
current record. In this case, you can use Process Builder
to define a process that triggers when the specified
field is modified. Use criteria to identify the related
records, and then set actions to update the desired
fields on those related records.

23. Scenario: You have an Approval Process for a

custom object called "Order Request." When an order
request is submitted, it should be routed for approval
based on the request amount. How would you
configure the Approval Process to handle this?

Answer: In the Approval Process for the "Order

Request" object, you can define multiple approval
steps. Set the entry criteria of each step based on the
request amount. Configure the appropriate approvers
for each step and specify any necessary actions or

24. Scenario: You need to automate the creation of a

child record when a specific field on a parent record is
modified. How would you accomplish this using Flow or
Process Builder?

Answer: To automate the creation of a child record, you

can use either Flow or Process Builder. With Flow, you
can create a screen flow that triggers on the field
modification. Collect the necessary information for the
child record and perform an auto-create action. In
Process Builder, set the criteria based on the field
modification and define an action to create the child
record with the required fields.

25. Scenario: You want to update a field on an object

only if a related record meets certain criteria. How
would you achieve this using Workflow or Process

Answer: In Workflow, you cannot directly reference

fields from related records. However, in Process
Builder, you can utilize a "Get Records" element to
retrieve the related record based on the criteria. Then,
use decision criteria to check the desired conditions
and update the field on the object accordingly.

26. Scenario: You have a requirement to send email

notifications to specific users when an Opportunity
stage is updated to "Closed Won." How would you
accomplish this using Workflow or Process Builder?
Answer: Both Workflow and Process Builder can handle
this requirement. In Workflow, you can create a rule
with criteria to trigger when the Opportunity stage
changes to "Closed Won." Define an email alert action
to send notifications to the specified users. Similarly, in
Process Builder, set the criteria based on the stage
update and define an immediate action to send an
email to the designated recipients.

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