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When the
surpasses the
black swan.
By Andrés Ospina

Created by
Super Anima

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by Andrés Ospina

Training is probably the most important process for a pilot in their career; it is
their first contact with what awaits them. It's impossible to train for everything that
life can bring, but falling into unrealistic training is easier than it seems.
This has only one name: negative training.

I f you are one of those who enter the grocery store with a
specific list but also buy the lottery ticket just in case, you have
more opportunities than those who do not buy it. However, I am
Negative training and negative transfer of learning are related
concepts, but they refer to different aspects of learning and skill
development. This is where one must begin to understand unreal
sorry to say that your chances of winning will depend on many training and comprehend when the groundwork is laid for the
variables. The odds drop from 1 in 14 million to 1 in 178 million, black swan to be born.
depending on which lottery you buy. But hey, don't get
discouraged; at least you have a chance. Negative training involves intentionally exposing learners to
incorrect methods to enhance learning, while negative transfer of
The same thing happens with an emergency; the likelihood of it learning refers to the interference caused by previously learned
occurring depends on many factors, but it can happen just like skills or knowledge when trying to acquire new skills or
winning the lottery. The difference is that nobody wants to win this knowledge.
To mitigate the chances of winning this so-called lottery, the The first refers to a specific instructional approach where learners
industry now employs multiple advanced training processes, are deliberately exposed to incorrect or inappropriate techniques
state-of-the-art devices, competency-based training or information and the second one occurs when prior knowledge
methodologies, and technological advances that grow or skills hinder or interfere with the learning of a new task or the
exponentially every day. performance of a different skill. In this case, the skills or
knowledge learned in one context have a negative impact on
This is where flight training for pilots becomes the best option to performance in another context. It happens when there is a
mitigate adverse conditions that could jeopardize aviation safety. similarity or overlap between the two tasks or domains, leading to
The use of technology today aims to enhance the way we confusion or errors.
approach these situations, but technology alone cannot handle it;
it requires human interaction in two fields: the instructor and the I remember entering a simulator once, where today, I am not clear
student. which of the two aspects was more evident, or if both were so
An instructor is the most valuable asset a student can have, but if evident that they prevented the simulator from becoming the
this instructor is more of a magician than a facilitator, that's when essential tool that all pilots need at some point in their lives.
negative training comes into play—the significant question that
many have wanted to explain, but few know how to define. Surely, as you read this, you are recalling dreadful memories of
some instructor who, at the time, said, 'I have a bonus track for
The great question about negative training has been attempted to you! “Nobody wants a bonus track, stop this!”
be answered by many, but is there only one answer? I believe not.

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“The instructor remains the key factor in the success of training.”

In pilot training, each flight scenario presents a unique rhetorical successful in effectively conveying what we now know as a
situation, whether during academic exercises, in the workplace, or session.
when communicating with air traffic control. Instructors are faced Today, a pilot brings their experience as the initial requirement to
with a constant problem: how can they effectively communicate become an instructor, and they undergo specific training, which
their ideas and decisions in a way that is clear, informative, and now, more than ever, involves the human factor as a fundamental
compelling to their audience, which might include other students piece of any trainer.
or instructors?
The training process for instructors has evolved, recognizing the
Some flight training situations are well defined and prescribed, significance of not only technical expertise but also the ability to
while others require instructors to make independent decisions. connect with and guide learners effectively. Pilots who wish to
Between these two extremes are complex flight scenarios become instructors now undergo specialized training that
characterized by various limitations and freedoms, which require emphasizes both instructional skills and the understanding of
instructors to make use of their skills, not the excessive use of the human psychology in the learning process.
imagination, or better defined as pulling something out of the hat. This transformation ensures that instructors are not merely
experienced pilots but also skilled educators, capable of imparting
As in other professional settings, instructors must master the art of knowledge, fostering critical thinking, and providing effective
communication and adapt their language to suit the audience and feedback to future pilots. It is through this comprehensive
the situation. Being able to convey critical information, instructions, approach that we strive to improve the quality and safety of pilot
or decisions in a concise and persuasive manner is essential to training, reducing the risks associated with negative training and
maintaining training effectively and efficiently. promoting a culture of continuous improvement in aviation
Through comprehensive training and experience, instructors learn
to handle various rhetorical situations, developing the ability to But a trained instructor is not a guarantee of success; without a
communicate effectively and make well-informed decisions while supportive team behind them, they can quickly mount the duck
considering the various limitations and freedoms encountered in horse faster than we think. The training department or whoever
the dynamic environment of pilot training. guides them at the technical and administrative level must be
composed of a strong team of professionals who invest in
research, production of training products, and verification. The
INSTRUCTOR, THE FUNDAMENTAL PIECE creation of syllabi and training materials should be standardized
for everyone, understanding that as long as we have human
interaction, there will always be an instructor who deviates from
To understand where the duck horse is the the guidelines.
born and why it surpasses the black
swan, it is essential to first define the This is where management comes in,
importance of the instructor's role and using many tools to keep a
why their role is fundamental in the homogeneous group, preventing them
development of proper training. The from taking the duck horse for a ride.
instructor serves as a coach and Concordance, standardizations, and
counselor, ensuring that the training many other methods to maintain group
time is utilized effectively, and that the balance will lead to fewer riders each
objectives and purposes are met and day. Remember, the black swan will
achieved. However, before delving always be there; be prepared for it, as
deeper, we must ask: How was this the real goal is to motivate students to
instructor trained? the fullest.

Not too long ago, instructors were Today, instructors cannot be without
appointed for reasons that would be proper preparation to fulfill their role.
scandalous today, despite such Doing so will only bring problems to the
practices still prevailing in many team and leave significant gaps in the
countries. Instructors were chosen knowledge of the students, gaps that
solely based on their tenure in the can impact flight safety. Relying on
organization, being friends with the subjectivity without collected data is no
boss, belonging to a union, or any longer acceptable, as it will only lead to
other reason that wasn't necessarily traditional training without clear
based on merit. The consequences objectives.
over time have become evident, leading
to multiple accidents resulting from We are no longer in the era where
negative training. instructors entered the classroom or
simulator with an axe in hand; those
But this has changed over time; we times are over, and we must build
have come to understand that eating at every day to understand the processes
the finest restaurants doesn't make us in new generations of aircraft and
chefs. Despite having had great Drawing by Giordano Aita
individuals. Innovation will be the
instructors who learned on the fly how foundation of training for the future.
to conduct a class, many were
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What isa? Def. A black swan is an unpredictable event that is beyond what is normally

expected of a situation and has potentially severe consequences.
Black swan events are characterized by their extreme rarity, severe impact,
and the widespread insistence they were obvious in hindsight.

The industry has witnessed many stories with a happy ending, but These unexpected situations can provide valuable experiences
unfortunately, many more with tragic outcomes. Did you recognize when conducted in a positive environment, improving pilots'
some of the accidents mentioned above; these were selected resilience and self-awareness.
from among many other accidents and incidents in which we can
be sure that none of the pilots aboard those aircraft had been After facing an unpredictable event, each pilot can assess their
trained beforehand to deal with what they faced. strengths and weaknesses, based on their behavior and reactions
during the incident. Armed with this knowledge, pilots can operate
How did they overcome these situations? They put all their primarily based on their demonstrated strengths and develop
experience, skills, and competencies into action to navigate the strategies to overcome weaknesses, ensuring they don't hinder
unexpected. Cases like Air Canada B767 (1983), TACA B737 overall crew performance.
(1988), United DC-10 (1989), Indian Airlines A300 (1993), Air
Transat A330 (2001), British Airways B777 (2008), US Airways Experiencing "black swan events" doesn't mean turning the world
A320 (2009), and Qantas A380 (2010), to name a few, show that upside down. A well-designed failure in a surprising situation is
a single failure, one mistake, or simply something unforeseen can sufficient to showcase a pilot's potential. There's no need to
result in the tragedies we mentioned above. invent unrealistic scenarios that even Michael Mann's worst movie
wouldn't include.
Engineering has continuously advanced to make simulators more
realistic each day, aiming to represent the aircraft as closely as Dealing with the unexpected doesn't require an exorcism to get
possible. However, many instructors still treat these tools like a out of the situation. Train for expected situations to solve the
Pandora's box where once the door is closed, they don't know unexpected. However, the instructor shouldn't be the factor that
what will happen. worsens the situation; it will deteriorate according to the
administration of the circumstances. Remember, the goal is to
Imagination is infinite to the extent that unrealistic scenarios are learn, whether from an unexpected situation or not, but the trainee
introduced, driven by the complexity and absurdity of many should never leave the simulator without having learned
failures and their combinations. But what happens when an something.
unexpected, untrained event appears? How do we prepare for it?
No simulator can simulate every possible life scenario. This is why
Realistic training has shown us that there is no need to split the the instructor is a vital component in providing trainees with all the
aircraft in half to observe human behavior during a single failure. tools through instruction to face the black swan one day. The
Even the simplest evaluation can lead to an evacuation simply due instructor's role is not to create impossible or absurd scenarios in
to human behavior during the session. Believe me, there's no the simulator; instead, it is to prepare the pilots for the
necessity to create a movie-like unrealistic scenario to achieve unpredictable challenges they may encounter.
surprising results.
Scenarios are not created with the outcome the instructor would
The "black swan" has appeared more times than we would have like to have, much less with the intention of achieving a
wanted, with incidents involving many airlines and planes. predetermined grade. They are designed with the objective of
However, none of these events required anything beyond dealing attaining a safety standard that ensures a secure operation.
with the failure at hand; they had enough to handle. Remember, it's not about how I, as an instructor, would like it or
how I would have done it; it's about how they did it.
An excellent way to enhance the quality of training and pilots'
performance is to expose trainees to classical startle effects Not having a clear guide or a defined syllabus will only
caused by "black swan events." turn the instructor into a magician pulling something out
of a hat. However, even a magician has a script for their shows.

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An instructor needs their imagination precisely to avoid the mistake of

exaggeration. While traditional instructor training considered TEM, there is now
considerable emphasis on how competencies serve to manage threats, errors,
Doesn’t “expecting
upsets, and UAS and promote resiliency to black swan events. It is essential for the unexpected”
instructors to be familiar with AQP, CBTA/EBT or any other training methodology, make the unexpected
what the competencies are (if any), how to enhance them, and how to assess expected?
A new study related witch startle effect,
Many instructors confuse the black swan with an excessively difficult situation merely showed that it’s dangerous to
that involves multiple failures, leading to a landing where nobody knows how it ignore the challenges posed by surprising
was accomplished. This way of thinking is incorrect. Preparing for the situations. “However, how to train pilots
unexpected means developing competencies to understand how to handle the for these situations is still not very clear. Is
unexpected based on the training received. it, for instance, necessary to surprise pilots
during simulator training, or to train under
We mustn't forget that a crucial actor here is the training program, the training stress? If so, to what extent?”
module. If it is unrealistic, overly burdensome, and improbable, the outcome will
reflect that same improbability. Whereas commercial airline pilots may
once have been assessed wholly on their
manual flying (aircraft handling) skills,
nowadays pilot assessment is
predominantly based on Systems and Crew
Management, where management of the
automated systems and maintenance of
situational awareness replace many of the
traditional flying skills.

For a pilot, situational awareness means

having a mental picture of the existing
inter-relationship of location, flight
conditions, configuration and energy state
CRITICALLY ENDANGERED of your aircraft as well as any other factors
that could be about to affect its safety such
(Let's hope that this species disappears soon.) as proximate terrain, obstructions, airspace
reservations and weather systems. The
Every instructor must prepare and keep up to date with the latest advances in potential consequences of inadequate
methodologies, processes, and training systems. No instructor should saddle the situational awareness include CFIT, loss of
duck-horse at any moment in life, as this will only bring problems that could be control, airspace infringement, loss of
irreparable for many students, starting with breaking their self-confidence. separation, or an encounter with wake
Those sessions where the copilot died, an engine failed, the good one caught vortex turbulence, severe air turbulence,
fire, the departure airport closed after takeoff in optimal conditions, and to top it heavy icing, or unexpectedly strong head
all off, the landing gear wouldn't come up, must come to an end. winds.

An instructor who doesn't grasp the role of being a coach for their students, Researchers have identified a number of
whose function is to observe rather than spending the entire session pushing strategies that can reduce the negative
buttons, is an instructor who fails to understand modern training. It's also effects of startle and help improve pilot
essential for them to grow as a person and not fall into a dominant position where performance during and immediately
they constantly demonstrate that they know more than the students. While this following a startle event. These include:
might be evident from the beginning, it doesn't add anything to the students if
they end up competing with them. Know your aircraft, Maintain handling
skills be competent and comfortable flying
To ensure effective and safe training, instructors must embrace evidence-based the aircraft "without the automation”, Train
practices, utilizing data-driven approaches to identify areas for improvement and appropriately, simulator exercises should
adjust their methods accordingly. Embracing objective assessments and be conducted in a constructive manner with
continuous evaluation will lead to a more robust training program that addresses a focus on evidence based (most likely)
the specific needs of the students and promotes a culture of excellence in events. However, there should also be
aviation education. Only by adapting to the changing landscape and utilizing a constructive use of unexpected critical
more systematic and data-informed approach can we ensure that future pilots events, Be cognizant of your surroundings,
are well-prepared to face the challenges of the aviation industry. develop and maintain effective situational
awareness skill-sets. Avoid complacency,
Formative and summative assessments should be terms mastered by any Anticipate threats, utilize effective threat
instructor and reinforced by the training department. and errors management (TEM) strategies.
Formative assessments have low stakes and usually carry no grade, which in Adopt a "what would I do if.." mindset.
some instances may discourage the students from doing the task or fully
engaging with it. The goal of summative assessment is to evaluate student Martin, W., Murray, P. and Bates, P. (2012).
learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against some standard The Effects of Startle on Pilots During Critical
Events: A Case Study Analysis.
or benchmark.

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If the instructor understands their role in the process of safety, The topic of unrealistic training has been considered and
they will never saddle the Duck-Horse, as with the appropriate discussed in various publications, including those from aircraft
tools, they will be able to show the students their capabilities, the manufacturers like Airbus, who wrote an article in 2019 titled "The
strengths provided by their competencies, and the opportunities Adverse Effects of Unrealistic Simulator Scenarios."
that arise from their weaknesses. The instructor is the vital This is a reality that, unfortunately, is increasing. The need to train
component who will demonstrate to the students the challenges of pilots in the shortest possible time has led to the selection of
flying the aircraft; they are the ones who initially know the inexperienced instructors facing enormous challenges in
differences between the aircraft and the simulator, and they are methodologies they are unfamiliar with. While it may not be their
aware of the limits of the aircraft and do not exceed them in the fault, the responsibility lies with those who manage training
simulator. Investing in technology will be of no use if we programs in airlines and training centers, where such behaviors
exaggerate its use without a real objective: safety. are overlooked.

A person who can perform a task in a predictable situation may The industry must continue innovating the training process hand-
not necessarily be able to perform the same task when surprised. in-hand with technology, human factors, and instructor training,
Therefore, flight training programs should include elements of focusing on their role as observers rather than enforcers. By
surprise to better prepare pilots for unexpected situations. following some of these recommendations, we can expect to see
fewer duck-horses tied outside simulators in the not-so-distant
In a study, more than 20 airline pilots were tested using a motion- future.
base flight simulator. They were first trained on recoveries from A
eight different upsets in a specific order and then performed
recovery procedures for four stalls. Afterward, they were informed
that their aircraft would stall three minutes after passing a
particular landmark and were required to execute proper stall
recovery procedures.

In one situation, the stall occurred as per the instructions.

However, for other pilots, the stall happened about 5 seconds
before reaching the landmark, and they were also distracted by
researchers asking them to rate their sickness on a scale. The
surprise stall negatively affected the pilots' adherence to the stall-
recovery procedures.

The study aimed to highlight the difference between skillfulness in

predictable versus surprise situations. Responding to a surprise
requires different mental processes and actions, forcing pilots to
make sense of the situation and react accordingly. If pilots only
train with predictable and scripted scenarios, their competencies
may become "brittle" and less resilient in emergency situations.

To address this issue, an Evidence-Based Training (EBT) program

is suggested. In an EBT program, pilots recognize their
competencies and learn how to manage the startle effect

Introducing variability and unpredictability in simulator training is

crucial to effectively teach pilots how to handle surprises and
unexpected events. This approach enhances their ability to react
and respond in real-life scenarios. However, it is important to
avoid using scenarios taken from horror movies. Identify such
scenarios and exclude them from the training program.

“Everything is unprecedented
until it happens for the first time”.
Chesley Burnett “SULLY”
Sullenberger III
U.S. Ambassador to the International
Civil Aviation Organization (Former)
Capt. A32S (Former)
US Airways


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