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9/6/23, 10:05 AM IBM TS7700 Virtual Tape Library Education for Technical Sales Level 3 Quiz: Attempt review

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Virtual Tape Library Education for
Technical Sales Level 3 Quiz.

Question 1


Points out of 1.00

Besides encrypting data, what is another major advantage of

the TS7770's use of AES-256 bit encryption?

AES-256 bit encryption is supported by ISO 14001 as

strong encryption.

AES-256 bit encryption is an IBM standard algorithm. 

AES-256 bit encryption uses Elliptic Curve Cryptography.

AES-256 bit encryption algorithms are Quantum resistant.

Question 2


Points out of 1.00

Physical tape brings massive capacity to large high availability

(HA) disaster recovery (DR) virtual tape library (VTL) clients.
Which of the following is NOT an advantage of physical tape
usage for Mainframe?

Significant reductions in carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e )


Increased data resiliency with airgap

Low latency recalls of data 

Significant cost savings for archive data 1/13
9/6/23, 10:05 AM IBM TS7700 Virtual Tape Library Education for Technical Sales Level 3 Quiz: Attempt review

Question 3


Points out of 1.00

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During a client-facing meeting, one of the client’s IT staff

indicates they do not understand the main difference between
management interface (MI) Dual Authentication and Multi-
factor Authentication (MFA). What should the seller tell them?

MFA is more robust because it uses 2 forms of trust to 

log in an administrator.

Dual authentication requires 2 separate admins to agree on

a critical change.

Dual authentication uses IBM Security Suite for TS7700


Dual authentication meets IBM naming conventions.

Question 4


Points out of 1.00

A Business Partner receives a call from a client who indicates

they need a replacement for their traditional attach controllers.
What TS7770  Feature Code (FC) provides this replacement for
traditional tape attach controllers?

Feature Code 5282

Feature Code 5999 

Feature Code 3402

There is not a feature code, because the TS7770 supports

controller replacement natively. 2/13
9/6/23, 10:05 AM IBM TS7700 Virtual Tape Library Education for Technical Sales Level 3 Quiz: Attempt review

Question 5


Points out of 1.00

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A seller believes they have a deal ready to close up when the

client states they are concerned about IBM possibly being a
niche player in the enterprise virtual tape library (eVTL) market.
How might the seller respond to put the client as ease?

IBM commands 97% of the mainframe eVTL market by


IBM commands 65% of the mainframe eVTL market by 


IBM commands 80% of the mainframe eVTL market by


IBM commands 52% of the mainframe eVTL market by


Question 6


Points out of 1.00

A client data center requires off-site data resilience or airgap

capability. Which option should a seller recommend that the
client leverage for the highest level of data durability at the
lowest cost?

TS7770C cloud off-load

Feature Code #5999 replacing the C06 or C07 controller

TS7770 Feature Code #5995 with IBM LTO tape 

support and export

IBM All Flash cache with encryption 3/13
9/6/23, 10:05 AM IBM TS7700 Virtual Tape Library Education for Technical Sales Level 3 Quiz: Attempt review

Question 7


Points out of 1.00

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IBM is competing against Dell DLm, and the client, who has
minimal IT staff, asks what is the main advantage of IBM
TS7770 Disaster Recovery (DR) versus Dell DLm.

The TS7770 offers highly automated and robust 

“hands-off” disaster recovery.

TS7700 controllers are more reliable because they use

IBM Power servers.

TS7770 components are all in a single frame.

DLm prevents corruption of data by using Graphics Double

Data Rate (GDDR) memory for recovery.

Question 8


Points out of 1.00

A seller has listened to a prospective client describe their

requirements. The seller then informs the client that the
TS7770 All Flash product is specifically designed for their
workloads. What workloads are the TS7770 All Flash solution
targeted to?

Low-cost direct attach tape

High availability (HA) grid support

Write Once Read Many (WORM) applications 

High IOPS (input/output operations per second)

Transaction Processing Facility (TPF) 4/13
9/6/23, 10:05 AM IBM TS7700 Virtual Tape Library Education for Technical Sales Level 3 Quiz: Attempt review

Question 9


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A client notes that Dell DLm supports fail-over in the case of a

location outage. Which of the following proof points would a
seller respond with to show that the TS7700 fail-over is easier
for clients to operate?

TS7700 fail-over and failback are automated; no human 

intervention is required.

The TS7700 fail-over capabilities are equivalent to the

DLm; therefore, IBM does not have a competitive
advantage in this area.

The TS7700 provides synchronous replication.

The TS7700 does not use deduplication technology.

Question 10


Points out of 1.00

A client needs to replace their C06 and C07 direct attach tape.
What is the TS7770 Feature Code (FC) required to bundle
features as a high-performance replacement for C06 and C07
Direct attach tape?

FC #5999 

FC #3402

FC #5995

FC #8080 5/13
9/6/23, 10:05 AM IBM TS7700 Virtual Tape Library Education for Technical Sales Level 3 Quiz: Attempt review

Question 11


Points out of 1.00

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A client has experienced multiple regional failures that have

resulted in unplanned outages and damaged hardware
infrastructure. IBM has come in and suggested a solution
involving TS7770C Cloud restore. How can TS7700C help the
client solve their problems?

Managed service providers keep the data in multiple

locations for critical access.

TS7700 can create Grid connectivity in the cloud.

TS7770C is hosted as infrastructure as a Service for

disaster recovery (DR) operations.

An empty TS7770C store can be connected to the cloud 

source and restore the database, including source
settings and pool definitions.

Question 12


Points out of 1.00

When a problem occurs on a cluster, the TS7770 grid

automatically fails over, but requires manual intervention to
synch DFSMS data. This statement is:

True, fail-over is automatic, but TS7700 cannot synch data.

False, TS7770 is automated to fail-over and to 

automatically synch data.

False, fail-over requires manual intervention, but data

synchs are automatic.

False, Data Facility Storage Management Subsystem

Hierarchical Storage Management (DFSMShsm) controls all
of the fail-over activity. 6/13
9/6/23, 10:05 AM IBM TS7700 Virtual Tape Library Education for Technical Sales Level 3 Quiz: Attempt review

Question 13


Points out of 1.00

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During a meeting, a prospective client expresses concerns

about performance and scaling. The client asks how many
clusters the TS7770 can support in a single Grid configuration?
Which of the following is the correct response?

Only 1 cluster can be supported.

8 

Question 14


Points out of 1.00

An organization has multiple remote sites spread across a

1,000 mile radius. They are dropping hints that they are
considering a Dell DLm solution. What could the Seller point out
to them to help the client understand why a Dell DLm solution
would likely not work well for them?

Dell DLm only supports a 130 miles range 

Dell DLm only supports a 130 kilometers (km) range

Dell DLm only supports a 4 miles range

Dell DLm only supports a campus-wide range 7/13
9/6/23, 10:05 AM IBM TS7700 Virtual Tape Library Education for Technical Sales Level 3 Quiz: Attempt review

Question 15


Points out of 1.00

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When comparing cloud and physical tape, what is a feature that

cloud offers that physical tape cannot offer?

Cloud can be used as an airgap.

Cloud has faster data recalls than tape.

Cloud enables the establishment of a pseudo test 


Cloud is always less expensivefor storing data than tape.

Question 16


Points out of 1.00

A client is very environmentally conscious and maintains a

green data center. What feature does their TS7700 grid provide
that reduces carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) impact by
reducing required hardware?

Multi-site high availability (HA) disaster recovery (DR)

Physical tape support

Secure data infrastructure

Concurrent code load to a single grid cluster  8/13
9/6/23, 10:05 AM IBM TS7700 Virtual Tape Library Education for Technical Sales Level 3 Quiz: Attempt review

Question 17


Points out of 1.00

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A seller is responding to an RFQ and wants to include cost-

savings benefits for the client's consideration. What savings do
the IBM Transparent Cloud Tiering (TCT) solutions involving
DS8900F and TS7770 provide to the client?

The client can save the cost of two Storage Area Network
Fibre Connect (SAN FICON) control feature codes.

$1million in storage costs

The client can save up to 50% in mainframe central

processing unit (CPU) utilization when migrating large

50% in hierarchical storage management (HSM) 

licensing costs.

Question 18


Points out of 1.00

How does IBM’s Secure Data Transfer (SDT)  provide high

performance encrypted data transfer with minimal impact to
the central processing unit (CPU)?

SDT offloads encryption to the ethernet card.

SDT exploits the Power8 and Power9 embedded 

encryption instruction sets.

SDT lets the DS8900F do all the encryption of data.

SDT joins the clusters into the grid. 9/13
9/6/23, 10:05 AM IBM TS7700 Virtual Tape Library Education for Technical Sales Level 3 Quiz: Attempt review

Question 19


Points out of 1.00

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A client asks how cloud retention and restores are performed?

How should a seller respond?

In a similar manner to traditional retention and restores 

Via RESTful APIs

Using JSON scripted APIs

Without intervention from host applications

Question 20


Points out of 1.00

What percentage of the world's credit card transactions are

processed by IBM Z?

87% 



80% 10/13
9/6/23, 10:05 AM IBM TS7700 Virtual Tape Library Education for Technical Sales Level 3 Quiz: Attempt review

Question 21


Points out of 1.00

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A client is concerned that the Seller isn’t being completely

honest with them. The client wants to know if IBM has
competitors to the TS7700 virtual tape library and if so, who is
the largest competitor?

Luminex – MVT 2.0

Dell DLm8500 

Hitachi Vantara

Dell – DLm2500

Question 22


Points out of 1.00

During a consultation with a client, a seller explains that a “Test

Mode” can be enabled during a restore on the TS7770C. The
client asks for additional informationclarification. How might
the seller respond?

Test modes are required by SEC regulations.

Test modes allow verification of the ability to restore a 

company to an operational state without risking

operational data corruption.

Test Modes enable entire clusters to be easily configured

and reconfigured when applications are implemented in
the grid.

Test modes create development environments that let

developers build new functions and features. 11/13
9/6/23, 10:05 AM IBM TS7700 Virtual Tape Library Education for Technical Sales Level 3 Quiz: Attempt review

Question 23


Points out of 1.00

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What capability does logical write once-read many (LWORM)

expire-hold provide to clients?

It prevents scratch volumes from being deleted for the 

time period provided by the expire-hold policy.

It creates a level of airgap using tape retention.

It reduces IBM Z cenral processing unit (CPU) usage by up

to 50%.

It provides enforced volume retention.

Question 24


Points out of 1.00

A client indicates their Dell DLm solution is very robust for high
availability (HA) and disaster recovery (DR), and they cannot
see why they should even consider an IBM solution. Which of
the following is a good counter-argument to the client's

TS7700 views all sites as equal, regardless of the

designation as HA/DR.

TS7700 has cloud export.

DLm uses the same volume ranges across locations. 

DLm HA/DR is better than TS7700 because it supports bi-

directional replication. 12/13
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Question 25


Points out of 1.00

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In a sales conversation, what proof point should a seller use to

show that the TS7700 is the best choice for Mainframe Virtual
Tape Library (VTL)?

The TS7700's tape management and volume range policies

enable granular management.

The TS7700 offers integration of deduplication.

The TS7700 provides unique manual tape libraries (MTLs).

The TS7700 is integrated with IBM's Storage 

Management Subsystem (SMS), providing flexible and

dynamic policy management. 13/13

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