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Castro, Kaira Isabelle L.

BSA 1-1


Create your Commitment to Take Charge of your SELF:

I will now concentrate on controlling my own well-being as I become more

knowledgeable about the many concepts and the importance of self-care to a
healthy lifestyle. I'll take care of myself on a physical, social, mental, spiritual, and
emotional level to lessen all of the difficulties in my life.
The hardest part of cutting back on my screen time would probably be
watching different shows, browsing the internet, and reading manga and online
novels on my gadgets. But, it's crucial to look after your social and emotional health.
I'll learn to prioritize spending more time in-person with my family and friends and
getting used to spending time with people other than my online friends. It improves
not only my social self-care but also my emotional welfare. Since I am always
interacting with people outside, I am able to maintain my mental health without
going through periods of anxiety or despair.
Ultimately, caring for oneself necessitates a routine that must be adhered to;
it is not a straightforward task that can be finished fast. I pledge to keep in mind that
life will eventually become hectic and stressful, even if I don't succeed at all of the
things I've listed, and that's okay. Self-care includes acknowledging where I am now,
letting go of self-judgment, and taking modest steps to become who and where I
want to be.

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