Literary Representation of Natives in Indian Regional Literature-A Vast Panorama of Indigenous Culture, Imperialism and Resistance

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International Journal of English Language,

Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL)

ISSN: 2583-3812 Journal Home Page:

Vol-2, Issue-5, Sep-Oct 2023 Journal CrossRef DOI: 10.22161/ijeel

Literary Representation of Natives in Indian Regional

Literature-A Vast Panorama of Indigenous Culture,
Imperialism and Resistance
Dr. Manoj Shankarrao Madavi

Assistant Professor, Department of English, Annasaheb Gundewar College, Katol Road, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
Article Detail: Abstract
Received in revised form: 21 Jul 2023; Indian English fiction writing shows the development of
Accepted: 28 Aug 2023; Indian literature which takes a dive deep into the colonial
past of India along with the detail observation of the
Available online: 05 Sep 2023
history of deviation of social strata and its psychological
©2023 The Author(s). Published by effects on common masses of India. Social realism was
International Journal of English checked through the early independence period of English
Language, Education and Literature writing. In Indian English fiction writing, partition trauma
Studies (IJEEL). This is an open access was glorified, celebrated as the main theme and Gandhian
article under the CC BY license age is also described by most of the prominent novelist like
( Raja Rao, Chaman Nahal, and Khushwant Singh. The
/4.0/). women novelists took the initiative after the independent
period and Kamala Markandeya, Ruth P. Jabhawala,
Shashi Deshpande, Geeta Hariharan, Anita Nair and
Namita Gokhale have shown the rebellious feminism
though their postcolonial sensibilities. If we want to write
Keywords— Cultural Imperialism,
historical, social and cultural literature of India, we do not
Class-struggle, Hierarchy, Bhasha
have escapism from the history of adivasi victimization
Literature, Resistance
and several adivasi harassments of centuries in India.

I. INTRODUCTION Many governments have been overturned

Adivasis marginalization is the dark reality of for equality, freedom and justice. This is
India, but hardly any Indian English writer seems serious history. The literature that glorifies
about this theme and about their, realistic literary pleasure gives central place to the
presentation. Indian English fiction writing shows their pleasure of seeking aesthete. The
connectivity with the particular subject which are the issues literature that promotes equality freedom
of the largest population of this nation. Majority of the and justice is revolutionary and it
novelist writes for the interest of the Indian reader but such emphasizes the centrality of human being
literature can never be a part of social revolution or gradual and society. If pleasure-giving literature
social transformation for the welfare state. In this regards, arouses joy and sympathy in people,
famous writer and novelist Sharankumar Limbale in his revolutionary literature awakens the
famous book Towards an Aesthetic of Dalit Literature: consciousness of self-respect. (Limbale:
Histories, Controversies and Consideration, opines: 2004: 16)

There has never been a revolution in the

world for the sake of pleasure and beauty.

Article DOI:

©International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL) 1
Madavi, Int. J. Engl. Lang. Educ. Lit. Stud. (IJEEL), 2023, 2(5)
Sep-Oct 2023

II. INDIAN BHASHA LITERATURE-CLOSE theories of literature including Colonialism,

TO REALITY AND SUBJUGATION Postcolonialism, deconstruction, metanarrative, Marxism,
In Maharashtra, we have massive data literature Neocolonisation and Postglobalization but on the other
under the title Adivasi Vimarsh which observe the adivasi hand mainstream Indian English fiction writing does not
history for the last 300 years. Adivasi’s revolts, existences show such a vast maturity of ‘ism’ and its literary
and upbringing during colonialism, their struggle for presentation through their novels. Indian English fiction
survival in postcolonial India have presented very acutely writers find out them with ease when they use the word
in Marathi literature. Their stories of vanishing identities, Subaltern but they never think adivasi women from this
erasing dialects of adivasis are realistically presented by perspective, nor they have presented the community of
many prominent Marathi writers. Marathi writers like Indian adivasi from subaltern point of view but the most
Bhujang Meshram wrote poetry volume, Abhujmal striking and surprising reality is that the Adivasi-
depicting the adivasi hardship of survival. Dr.Vinayak Abongional are the most wretched soul, most destructed
Tumram is another big name in Marathi adivasi writings cultures in contemporary independent India. We remind the
who is still giving justice to adivasi pathos through his title of Gayatri Chakraverty Spivak when he asks Can
writings. His books like Adivasi Sahitya-Disha Ani subaltern Speak, as the adivasi is the victim of neo-
Darshan, Rangarbhatil Jakhma and Gondwana Petle Ahe. colonization and post-globalization.
Sunil Kumare is a prominent adivasi prose writer who wrote In Indian social hierarchy, we notice that the
Jangle Jivhar, Kingari (Poems), Lataru Kavadu Madavi is ruling class is center in every sphere of national life
a good interpreter who deals with the theme of the including political terms, economic policies and the social
indigenous issue of Indian Adivasis. All these adivasi circumstances. They have every authority that they make a
writers have given rebellious voices to century’s dance to the ruling class on their tunes because the ruled
subjugation of adivasis in this country. Tukaramji class has no voice in power structure or oppressive state
Warkhade is one of the prominent names in Marathi critical apparatus. In this regard of subaltern concept, Dipesh
writing who wrote Vaicharik Parivartnaccha Masuda, Chakraverty opines,
Adivasichya Astitvache Prashn, Lingo Ka Mithak and “Subalternity, the composite culture of
Bharat Ke Vastvik Bhumalak. Some of the prominent resistance to and acceptance of
academicians like Dr. Tukaram Rongate wrote Adivasi domination and hierarchy is
Sahitya – Ek Chintan, Dr. Vinod Kumre work Adivasi characteristic of class relations in our
Sahityatil Pravah- EK Abhyas and Dr. Pramod Munghate society, where the veneer of bourgeois
wrote Adivasi Sahitya Pravah. This literature shows that equality barely marks the violent, feudal
Adivasi Discourse is strengthening day by day. These nature of much of our systems of power
Bhasha literature about adivasi life are very different from and authority” (Chakraverty: 1985:375).
the writings and perceptions of Indian English Fiction
The regional literature of Jharkhand is the treasure
of adivasi identities with the number of issues including
subjugation, disposition and deculturization. Some of the
prominent novelists of Jharkhand is Ashwini Kumar Pankaj
who wrote the novel, Mati Mati Arkati. Mahua Manzi wrote Adivasi life, culture, identity and geographical
the novel Maram Gomke Nilkanth Hu., Red Zone is written particularities could never be a part of Mainstream Indian
by Vinod Kumar. Vandana Tete wrote, a critical volume, English literature. A historical novelist like Manohar
Adivasi Sahitya Parampara and Prayojan, Abhishek Malgonkar deals with colonial Indian societies without
Kumar’s, Jharkhand Andhere Se Sakshatkar deals with the taking adivasi life in consideration. He praised and abuses
critical evaluation of regional adivasi novels of Jharkhand. the both about the princely state of pre-independence India
Novelist Reanendra wrote the novel Global Gaon Ke Devta in the novels like The Princess, The Distant Drum, The
Rakesh Kumar Singh’s Pathar Pe Kohara, Sanjeev’s Paav Bend in the Ganges and The Devils Wind but he could
Tale ki Doob, Dhar, Vinod Kumar Samar Shesh Hai, hardly give justice to the Bhil adivasi in his novel. Political
Rakesh Kumar Singh’s Jo Itihas Me Nahi Hai are some of victimization of adivasi could not present with sufficient
the gems in regional adivasi novel writings. detail. If Postcolonialism rewrite the nation with
nationality, but in this concept of nation adivasi seems
When we study this huge body of Adivasi
literature in regional languages with the treatment of all the

Article DOI:

©International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL) 2
Madavi, Int. J. Engl. Lang. Educ. Lit. Stud. (IJEEL), 2023, 2(5)
Sep-Oct 2023

Postcolonial mainstream woman writers of India That is how the overseers make money
speaks about the marital or extramarital women relations, corrupting their bodies and mind” (Janu:
struggling identities of upper cast women in male- 2004:44).
dominated patriarchy but women longing, her physical In Indian English fictions, postcolonial responses
desire and rebels about stereotype traditional Indian deal with the rewriting of history, sociology and political
mentality becomes the most distinct part of literary upheavals but the issue like displacement of adivasis hardly
conferences but the seduction of adivasi girl Rima in The takes any place. Kamala Markandeya’s The Coffer Dam
River Sutra or body celebration of Bilasia in The Strange deals with the theme of displacement where the team of
Case of Billy Biswas, lustful attitude of Augustya towards British Engineers with their families comes to adivasi
adivasi women Para in The English August could never village, they displace adivasi hut and built their own tents
become the topic of their literary discourse on subaltern there. The western outlook towards adivasi is only as of the
feminism. Mainstream Indian novelist should judge and junglee. While depicting adivasi as romantic, superstitious,
rejudge the place of adivasi women, her matriarchy in a ignorant and uncivilized, the mainstream novelist has
male-dominated society and her subjugation during presented them from the matriarchic point of view. Female
colonialism, postcolonialism and in the contemporary is given much respect in the adivasi family but the modern,
period of new colonization. The relationship of adivasi urban, elite English writers look uninterested to depict this
women to her husband, their family problems could also be civilized and splendid side of adivasi. As the adivasi comes
a major topic of third world feminism. In this regard Gayatri in contact with sophisticated city life the subjugation of
Chakravorty Spivak explores the concept of subaltern their women increased. Explaining this point C. K. Janu
women when she opines: comments:
Between patriarchy and imperialism, What happens among our women is not
subject- constitution and object- what happens in civil society. In our case,
formation, the figure of the women unity in everything originates from our
disappearance not into a pristine women. They have something in
nothingness but into a violent shuttling common that shelters us from
which is the displaced figuration of “The meaninglessly adopting the ways of civil
Third world Women” caught between society. They have enough resilience in
tradition and modernization… There is them to stand for what they feel is right
no space from which the sexed subaltern even though they may have to suffer a lot
subject can speak. (Spivak 306-07) for it. It is among our women that our
Indian English fiction writers barely treated the traditions and the ways we dress live on
land disposition of adivasi. In the novel The Princes when even now. All our struggles have been
Indian Government wants to build a big dam in Bulwara struggles to establish the ownership
which is a major adivasi territory in the state of Begwad, rights of the real owners of this land for
adivasi apposed them, because the government was not the right to live on it. (Sengupta:
giving them compensation to migrate from their own land. 2015:26)
Adivasi was promised for a better life, but the political
victimization of adivasi is a major topic of discourse during
their pre-colonial and postcolonial existence in adivasi
territory. In the recent scenario, adivasi are forcibly driven
out from their native soil without any promises of
rehabilitation and without any certainty of compensations.
The landlords in the adivasi area are grabbing their lands Postcolonial Indian English novels have given
and turning it into dumping zone by intoxicating them. C. voices to suppressed sections of society. The above-
K. Janu has a make a serious comment on this contemporary mentioned novel deals with poverty, hunger, famine,
subjugation of adivasi, subjugation colonial and neocolonial traits but we hardly
find that they have given voice to adivasi in their novel but
“They would get him drunk on arrack.
on the other side C. K. Janu, a adivasi activist is well known
Only then would be prepared to enter the
for her adivasi fight for their land and forest. It seems that
forest and cut down trees. When one
the issue of adivasi is not taken seriously by our Indian
drinks arrack continuously, a stage
English fiction writers. Indian English fiction writing seems
comes when one cannot live without it.
far away from adivasi reality but regional novel writing is

Article DOI:

©International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL) 3
Madavi, Int. J. Engl. Lang. Educ. Lit. Stud. (IJEEL), 2023, 2(5)
Sep-Oct 2023

very convincing about their pathos. Disorientation of Ancestor again deals with adivasi ancestry. Many beliefs,
Adivasis, marginalization of Adivasis has been depicted tradition, customs, with their primordial powers have been
authentically by Raja Shekhar Pateti in his volume, kept in this novel. Regarding the theme of the novel Bikram
Exploring Fourth World Literature when he writes: Das opines:
The struggle for land spearheaded by C. The novel Paraja is much more than
K. Janu was not merely a struggle for sociological or anthropological
land by the landless. In fact, it was the documentation. Sukru Jani is not merely
resistance against dispassion. The the primitive tribesman ensnared by the
Adivasis were trying to reclaim land on predictor money lender from the city he
which they have existed over the is also quintessential man, waging heroic
millennia. The law passed during the but futile war against holistic universe.
colonial period and subsequently The choice of the adivasi canvass,
affected a kind of erasure of their whether by accident or design, becomes
existence and declared the land on which singularly appropriate to Mohanty’s
they live as ‘forest’ out by giving that theme; the primeval consciousness of his
nomenclature appropriated it for a adivasi protagonists reflects perfectly the
specific purpose and excluded them from situation of the archetypal human being
it. (Patteti: 1998:279) their stark joys and interwoven anguish
Another regional novel, Kocharethi deals with the embody the complexity of the human
disposition of adivasi from their land. The exploited condition. (Mohanty: 1997:06)
machinery of landlords has shown with its ugly reality India regional novel writing is much relevant and
though this novel. This novel is another example which representative with the reality in the tribal heartland of
shows a better understanding of adivasi life than the India. Issues like dispossiotion, acculturation and
mainstream Indian English fiction writers. In the dehumanization of tribal and other marginal communities
introduction of this novel, Catherine Thankamna opines: have been represented with poignant observation.
The novel maps the Adivasis changing Mainstream writers can derive a good inspiration from the
perceptions of land and its ownership. Its writings of Mahashweta Devi and can give to voice of the
account that traces the possession and voiceless people of India. Issues of disimpact of
disposition of land, the innocence at a colonization, decolonization and globalization can be
people who did not even have a motion explained in a very acute manner by the novelist of Indian
that land was property and that they could writing in English
be alienated from it. To the Adivasis, the
first inhabitants, there was no question of REFERENCES
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Article DOI:

©International Journal of English Language, Education and Literature Studies (IJEEL) 4

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