Data Structures Explained

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Data Structures
and Their Types

@Kiran Kanwar Rathore

Data structures are ways of
organizing and storing data in a
computer's memory or storage, so
that it can be accessed and
manipulated efficiently.

A data structure provides a way of

representing data in a structured
manner, so that it can be easily
processed and analyzed.

@Kiran Kanwar Rathore

Types of Data
There are many types of data structures,
such as :

1. Linear data structures:

Linked lists
2. Non-linear data structures:

3. Hash-based data structures:

Hash tables

4. Heap-based data structures:

@Kiran Kanwar Rathore
5. Trie-based data structures:

6. Set-based data structures:


7. Map-based data structures:


8. String-based data structures:

Array :
An array is a data structure that stores a
fixed-size, contiguous block of elements of
the same data type.

It provides fast access to any element

within the array, but inserting or deleting
elements can be slow as it may require
shifting all elements.

Arrays are commonly used in algorithms

and data processing.

@Kiran Kanwar Rathore

Linked List:
A linked list is a linear data structure that
consists of nodes linked together by

Each node contains a data element and a

pointer to the next node in the list. Linked
lists provide efficient insertion and
deletion of elements but may have slower
access times than arrays.

They are commonly used in dynamic data

structures and graph algorithms.

@Kiran Kanwar Rathore

A stack is a linear data structure that
follows the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO)
principle. It allows elements to be added
and removed only from the top of the

Stacks are useful for implementing

algorithms like depth-first search and
function calls in programming

@Kiran Kanwar Rathore

A queue is a linear data structure that
follows the First-In-First-Out (FIFO)

It allows elements to be added to the back

of the queue and removed from the front.

Queues are useful for implementing

algorithms like breadth-first search and
simulating real-world scenarios like waiting
in line.
A tree is a hierarchical data structure
that consists of nodes connected by

It has a root node and every other

node has a parent node and zero or
more child nodes.

Trees are useful for organizing data in

a hierarchical structure and
implementing search algorithms like
binary search.

@Kiran Kanwar Rathore

A graph is a non-linear data structure
that consists of vertices or nodes
connected by edges.

It can be used to represent complex

relationships between data points and is
commonly used in algorithm design and
optimization problems.

Graphs can be directed or undirected,

weighted or unweighted, and can have
cycles or not.

@Kiran Kanwar Rathore

Hash Table:
A hash table is a data structure that
uses a hash function to map keys to
values, allowing for efficient retrieval
and insertion of data.

Hash tables have constant time

complexity for searching, insertion,
and deletion, making them ideal for
large datasets and real-time

@Kiran Kanwar Rathore

A heap is a binary tree-based data
structure that satisfies the heap property,
which ensures that the value of each
parent node is greater than or equal to its
@Kiran Kanwar Rathore

It provides efficient access to the

maximum or minimum element in the data
set and is used in sorting algorithms like
heapsort and implementing priority

@Kiran Kanwar Rathore

A trie is a tree-like data structure that
stores strings or sequences of elements.

Each node in the tree represents a

prefix of the string and can store
additional information, such as a
boolean value to indicate if the string is
a valid word.

Tries are commonly used in algorithms

for text processing and string matching.

@Kiran Kanwar Rathore

A set is a collection of unique
elements, where the order of the
elements does not matter.

Sets are useful for removing

duplicates from a list, checking if an
element is present in a collection, or
performing operations like union,
intersection, and difference on
multiple sets.

@Kiran Kanwar Rathore

A map, also known as a dictionary or
associative array, is a collection of
key-value pairs where each key is
associated with a value.

Maps are useful for storing and

retrieving data efficiently based on a
key, such as the name and age of a
person or the ID and price of a

@Kiran Kanwar Rathore

A string is a sequence of characters,
such as letters, numbers, or symbols,
that can be manipulated and processed
by computers.

Strings are often used for text

processing, such as searching for a
pattern within a string, or performing
operations like concatenation and
substring extraction.

Strings are a fundamental data type in

many programming languages.
@Kiran Kanwar Rathore
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