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Al-Quds University

Faculty of Medicine

Medical Education Unit

Programme Evaluation & Quality Assurance Committee

First Semester
Academic Year 2022/2023

Reproductive System

Course Number Credit Hours Sequence

6100341 3+1 First Semester / Third Year
Course Coordinator Dr Rula Abdul-Ghani

Course Description:
This multidisciplinary four credit-hour module gives a comprehensive coverage of the normal
anatomy, physiology, pathology, pharmacology and microbial infections of the male and female
reproductive system. Developmental aspects of the system correlated with congenital
abnormalities are also discussed. Pathogenesis, therapy and basic laboratory investigations of
common diseases of the reproductive system are explored. The course includes lectures, practical
sessions, seminars and small group discussions of clinical oriented problems in order to enhance
self-directed learning.

General Objectives:
Aim 1: Integrate the anatomic/ physiological basis of reproductive system with pathological
and pharmacological concepts

Aim 2: Correlate normal biomedical sciences related to reproductive system with clinical

Intended Learning Outcomes of Course (ILOs)

A. Recall of Knowledge and Understanding:
By the end of the course, students will be able to:
A1- Identify and describe the macroscopic appearance of different parts of reproductive system.
A2- Identify the vasculature, lymphatic drainage and innervations of different parts of
reproductive system
A3- Describe the microscopic appearance of different parts of reproductive system.
A4- Describe the normal embryological development of reproductive system and common
congenital abnormalities.
A5- Describe and understand the physiology of reproductive system.
A6- Recognize the characteristics of microorganisms that cause infection of the reproductive
system, their pathogenicity and methods of identification.
A7- Understand the pathogenesis of reproductive diseases.
A8- Understand the mechanisms of action, pharmacokinetics, uses and adverse effects of
commonly used drugs in the treatment of common reproductive system diseases

B- Intellectual Skills
By the end of the course, students will be able to:
B1- Integrate the basic anatomical & physiological facts of the reproductive system with
clinical data.
B2- Correlate functional alterations of common pathological conditions and diseases of
reproductive system with clinical data.
B3- Use problem solving skills in a variety of practical and clinical situations related to
reproductive system.

C. Professional and Practical Skills

By the end of the course, students will be able to:
C1- Identify the pathology and histology of the male and female Reproductive System
C2- Identify the pathological aspects of the male reproductive system
C3- Identify and discuss the pathological aspects of the female reproductive system

D. General and Transferable Skills

By the end of the course, students will be able to:
D1- Respect superiors, colleagues and any other members of the health profession.
D2- Communicate ideas and arguments effectively.
D3- Be prepared for the lifelong learning needs of the medical profession.
D4- Work constructively and cooperatively within a team.
D5- Practice self and peer evaluation & Manage time effectively.

Course Summary:

Discipline Lectures Practical / CBL**

Anatomy 8 2
Physiology 11
Biochemistry 2
Histology 2 2
Pathology 7 2
Microbiology 6
Immunology 2
Pharmacology 5
Multidisciplinary* 2
Clinical Lectures 2
Total 45 8 2
*Case Based Learning

Academic Staff

Discipline Academic Staff

Anatomy Section 6 + 7 : Dr. Mustafa Nkhaleh
Section 8+9: Dr M Baker Abu Isnaineh
Embryology (All sections): Dr M Baker Abu

Physiology Section 6+7 : Dr. Hatem Hmeidan

Section 8+9 : Dr. Safa Abdul Ghani

Biochemistry Section 6+7 : Dr. Suheir Ereqat

Section 8+9 : Dr, Rula Abdul Ghani

Histology & Pathology Section 6+7 : Dr. Marwan Qubaja

Section 8+9: Dr.Ghassan Balosheh

Microbiology Section 6+7 : Dr. Murad Ibrahim

Section 8+9: Dr. Ibrahim Abbassi

Immunology All sections Prof. Mahmoud Abu Hadid

Pharmacology All sections Dr. Hussein Hallaq

Methods of Teaching:

A. Theoretical Sessions (TS)

Lecture No Lecture Title Department

1+2 Perineum and urogenetal triangle Anatomy

3+4 Male reproductive system 1 (scrotum, testis, epididymis) Anatomy
5+6 Development of male reproductive system Anatomy
Histology of male reproductive system Histology
7+8 Physiological concepts of reproduction. Clinical anatomy of the Physiology
male reproductive system. Spermatogenesis and storage.
9+10 Sex hormones, seminal glands & secretions Physiology
11+12 Androgens and Anti-Androgens Pharmacology

13+14 Diseases of male reproductive tract: Pathology
- Testis
- Prostate
15+16 Female reproductive system Anatomy
17+18 Development of female reproductive system Anatomy
Histology of female reproductive system Histology
19+20 Female Reproductive System, Correlation between Structure and Physiology
21 Menstrual, Uterus and Vaginal Cycles Physiology
22 Diseases of female reproductive tract: vulva & vagina Pathology
23+24 Bacterial Genital Infections Microbiology
25+26 The Male and Female Sexual Cycles (Excitement, Erection, Physiology
Ejaculation, Orgasm, Resolution
27+28 Mechanism of Fertilization, Pregnancy Delivery and Lactation Physiology
Infertility and Contraceptives
29+30+31+32 Diseases of female reproductive tract: Pathology
- Uterine Cervix
- Uterus and endometrium
- Uterine Tubes and Ovaries
- Gestational and Placental disorders
- Diseases and tumors of the breast
33+34 Molecular genetics of breast cancer Biochemistry
35 Drugs acting on the uterus Pharmacology
36+37 Hormonal Contraception Pharmacology
38+39 Fungal Genital Infections Microbiology
Parasitic Genital Infections
40+41 Viral Genital Infections Microbiology
42+43 Immunological disorders of Reproductive System Immunology

44 Infections of Reproductive system Public Health

45 Community Awareness Public Health

B. Practical Sessions
- Anatomy

o Male Reproductive System
o Female Reproductive System
- Histology
o Male Reproductive System
o Histology: Female Reproductive System
- Pathology
o Male Reproductive System
o Female Reproductive System
C. Small Group Discussion (Case Based Learning) and Evidence Based Medicine
1. Evidence Based Medicine Sessions (EBM)
Please write a 500-words review of the following subjects, use the following design:
o Introduction: define the basic disorder terms.
o Body: explain the evidence found in the articles for the subject
o Conclusion
o References (Use Endnote for citations).
o Plagiarism is strictly prohibited, any project with more than 15% Plagairism will
be marked zero.

1 Management of Polycystic ovarian syndrome
2 GnRH antagonists for the treatment of endometriosis
Single-dose systemic methotrexate vs expectant management for treatment of
tubal ectopic pregnancy
4 The use of Bevacizumab in ovarian cancer
5 The role of Tamoxifen in the treatment of early-stage breast cancer.
Hormone replacement therapy for breast cancer patients with BRCA1 and
BRCA2 mutation
Homologous recombination deficiency in breast and ovarian cancer: role for
BRCA1 mutations
8 Prostate specific Antigen in prostate cancer

2. Case Based Learning (CBL)

Case report related to the reproductive system, and preparation of a small presentation.
 Case presentation
 Review of the basics of the disease
 Investigations
 Treatment
Topic – 40 minutes for each topic
Session 1 1 Ectopic Pregnancy

2 Ovarian Cancer
3 Testicular Torsion
Session 2 4 Hypogonadism or Genital Ulcer

5 Polycystic ovarian syndrome

6 Infertility

Assessment Plan

A) Assessment Methods

Formative Assessment
It is a part of learning process and is not included in the module allocated marks. The goal of
a formative assessment is to monitor student learning to provide ongoing feedback that can
help students identify their strengths and weaknesses and target areas that need work. It also
helps faculty recognize where students are struggling and address problems immediately and
can be used by instructors to improve their teaching and by students to improve their
- Quizzes
- Draw a concept map in class to represent their understanding of a topic
- Submit one or two sentences identifying the main point of a lecture
- One-minute papers on a specific subject matter
- Lesson exit tickets to summarize what students have learnt

Summative Assessment including

- MCQs, extended matching, short answer questions and case scenarios (Assessment of
knowledge and understanding)
- Objective Structured Practical Exam – OSPE (Assessment of knowledge, understanding and
general skills)

B) Time Schedule and Grading System

Attendance / Activities: 7%

Lab Assessment: 18%

Activities & Quizzes 8%
Final Exam (OSPE) 10%

EBM / CBL: 10%
End of Module, Comprehensive Written (NBME) Exam: 65%
Total 100%
Recommended Text Books and Atlases:

1- Anatomy
- Clinical anatomy by systems, R.S. Snell, (latest edition)
- Grants Atlas of Anatomy or any other reasonable colored atlas of Human
- Before we are born. By K.L. Moore and T.V.N. Persaud, (latest Edition)
2- Physiology:
- Textbook of Medical physiology. By Guyton and Hall, (Latest Edition)
3- Biochemistry:
- Textbook of Biochemistry with clinical correlations. Thomas M. Devlein (latest
4- Pharmacology
- Pharmacology, Lippincott’s Illustrated Review, (latest edition)
5- Histology & Pathology
- Basic Histology, by L.Carlos Junqueira, Jose Carneiro, Bobert O. Kelley, (latest
- Robbins Basic Pathology, Kumar, W.B. Saunders, (latest edition)
6- Microbiology & Immunology
- Review of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, Levinson, W. (latest
- Immunology: A short course (Seventh edition 2015). Richard Coico and
Geoffrey Sunshine. Wiley Blackwell.

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