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How to Avoid Communication Breakdown?

To avoid communication breakdown, Padilla et al. (2016) emphasized the following


1. Become an engaged listener

Effective communication is more about listening rather than talking. Listening means
understanding the emotions and what the speaker wants to communicate. When you
listen very well, you can hear the subtle intonations in someone's voice, understand
the other person, and make him feel heard and understood, building a stronger
connection between the two of you. To become an engaged listener, you need to:

EXPLANATION: When it comes to communication, we also need to learn how

to listen to the person we are talking to. When you say intonation ito yung
pitch of the voice where you will know kung paano pinapahiwatig ang emotion
and expression of the speaker. This also helps build a relationship or closer
connection to the person you are listening to.

1. Focus fully on the speaker. It means listening in an engaging way not constantly
checking on your phone, or being preoccupied with something else. Staying focused
is picking up the subtle intonations and nonverbal cues in a conversation. Apply the
techniques of clarification and reflection to confirm what the other person is saying to
avoid confusion.

EXPLANATION: When someone engages a communication, you should listen

and give your focus to the person, Using phones while someone is talking to
you is improper, dapat attentive ka sa mga sinasabi ng speaker to avoid
confusion and understand what he or she wants to say. As you will hear the
intonations of their voice, and give them feedback with non-verbal cues like
nodding your head.

2. Do not interrupt. Listening is not waiting for your turn to oppose or retaliate.
Concentrate on what someone is saying, not forming in mind what you're going to
say next. Speakers often read your facial expressions and that your mind is
wandering elsewhere.

EXPLANATION: Always wait for your turn in the conversation, speakers can
understand what you are thinking in what they say, dapat rin na isipin mo ng
mabuti kung what will be your feedback to his or her topic.
3. Try to set aside judgment or bias. To communicate effectively with someone is not
to agree with or like their ideas, values, or opinions to please them. It is setting aside
your judgment by keeping back criticism to understand the speaker fully. This
attitude often leads to a connection between you and the speaker.

EXPLANATION: For better communication always balance the topic to give

good and positive feedback, Your opinion values to the speaker in the
conversation dahil gusto rin nila malaman kung ano yung perspective mo in
that topic you both engaging. Share your ideas and opinions to build a
connection with them.

4. Show your interest in what is being said. Body language is essential in a

conversation, like occasionally nodding, smiling, and making sure that your
appearance is open and inviting. Verbal comments like "yes" or "uh huh" will also
encourage the speaker to continue.

EXPLANATION: When we say BODY LANGUAGE it is a part of Non-verbal

communication. Show interest sa topic na sinasabi nila, show them that you
are approachable and ready to listen when they want to talk with you. Give
them a reaction that will make them comfortable to talk with you while you are
engaged in listening.

5. Give feedback. If you are disconnected at some point, try to reflect what has been
said by rephrasing it. You may say, "What I'm hearing is", or "Sounds like you are
saying". Simply repeating the speaker's exact words sounds hypocritical and
unintelligent. Ask questions for clarification. You may say. "What do you mean when
you say..." or "Is this what you mean?"

EXPLANATION: We can’t avoid disconnection from the conversation, better to

recap what they said that you understand for example, “What I'm hearing is” or
“Sounds like you are saying”. Always ask for clarification to have a better
understanding of the topic they are engaging in.
2. Be attentive to nonverbal signals
You send messages through words, gestures, and body language. This includes
tone of voice, facial expressions, and silence, eye contact, hand, arm, and leg
postures. The way you look, listen, move, and react to another person tells them
more about how you're feeling than words alone ever can.

EXPLANATION: The way you listen, look, move, and react—tell the person
you're communicating with whether or not you care if you're being truthful,
and how well you're listening. When your nonverbal signals match up with the
words you're saying, they increase trust, and clarity, because you are showing
them that you are focusing on the conversation.

When you develop the ability to understand and use nonverbal communication you
can connect with others, assert yourself, handle difficult situations, and create better

Are you mindful of the non-verbal signals you are sending? Bernardo (2016)
suggested the following tips to better improve nonverbal reading communication:

1. Be aware of individual differences

People come from different countries and cultures that they tend to use different
nonverbal signs in communication. When you read body language signals you have
to take into consideration the age, culture, religion, gender, and emotional state.

EXPLANATION: Hindi lang about sa topic in the conversation you need to look,
you also need to their body language. Consideration is important when you
are communicating as if you are putting yourself in the position of the person
you talking to, para maintindihan mo yung perspective nila. And also consider
how to communicate with them by their age, culture, religion, gender, and
emotional state.

2. Consider nonverbal communication signals as a group.

You need to pay attention to all the nonverbal signals you receive- eye contact, tone
of voice, and body language. Consider also the signals as a whole to understand
better the person.

EXPLANATION: Like we said before, communication is not always verbal.

Dapat in a conversation you are also aware of signals, and body language to
see what the speakers intended to engage in the topic. And it will also help
you understand them truly.

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