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EG35CH05-Schwarzenbach ARI 18 September 2010 7:4

REVIEWS Further Global Water Pollution
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• Top cited articles René P. Schwarzenbach,1 Thomas Egli,1,2
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2010.35:109-136. Downloaded from

• Top downloaded articles

• Our comprehensive search Thomas B. Hofstetter,1,2 Urs von Gunten,1,2
and Bernhard Wehrli1,2
Institute of Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics (IBP), ETH Zürich, 8092 Zürich,
Switzerland; email:
Eawag, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, 8600 Dübendorf,

Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2010. 35:109–36 Key Words

First published online as a Review in Advance on agriculture, geogenic, micropollutants, mining, pathogens, wastes
August 16, 2010

The Annual Review of Environment and Resources Abstract

is online at
Water quality issues are a major challenge that humanity is facing in the
This article’s doi: twenty-first century. Here, we review the main groups of aquatic con-
taminants, their effects on human health, and approaches to mitigate
Copyright  c 2010 by Annual Reviews. pollution of freshwater resources. Emphasis is placed on chemical pol-
All rights reserved
lution, particularly on inorganic and organic micropollutants including
1543-5938/10/1121-0109$20.00 toxic metals and metalloids as well as a large variety of synthetic or-
ganic chemicals. Some aspects of waterborne diseases and the urgent
need for improved sanitation in developing countries are also discussed.
The review addresses current scientific advances to cope with the great
diversity of pollutants. It is organized along the different temporal and
spatial scales of global water pollution. Persistent organic pollutants
(POPs) have affected water systems on a global scale for more than five
decades; during that time geogenic pollutants, mining operations, and
hazardous waste sites have been the most relevant sources of long-term
regional and local water pollution. Agricultural chemicals and waste-
water sources exert shorter-term effects on regional to local scales.

EG35CH05-Schwarzenbach ARI 18 September 2010 7:4

glaciers, and an intensification of the water cycle

Contents (2), with potentially more floods and droughts
(3). With respect to human health, the most
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
direct and most severe impact is the lack of
improved sanitation, and related to it is the lack
of safe drinking water, which currently affects
more than a third of the people in the world. Ad-
COMPLEXITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
ditional threats include, for example, exposure
to pathogens or to chemical toxicants via the
food chain (e.g., the result of irrigating plants
POLLUTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
with contaminated water and of bioaccumula-
Persistent Organic Pollutants:
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tion of toxic chemicals by aquatic organisms,

A Long-Term Global Problem . . 115
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2010.35:109-136. Downloaded from

including seafood and fish) or during recreation

Agriculture and Water Quality . . . . . 116
(e.g., swimming in polluted surface water).
Geogenic Contamination Sources:
This review deals with the pollution of fresh-
The Problem with Arsenic in
water resources, including lakes, rivers, and
Groundwater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
groundwater. Because numerous reviews have
Surface Water Contamination
appeared recently that cover the various aspects
from Mining Operations . . . . . . . . 118
of waterborne diseases in a comprehensive way
Groundwater Contamination by
(4), more emphasis is placed on chemical pollu-
Spills and Hazardous Waste
tion. More than one-third of Earth’s accessible
Sites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
renewable freshwater is consumptively used for
Pharmaceuticals in Wastewater
agricultural, industrial, and domestic purposes
and Drinking Water . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
(5). As most of these activities lead to water con-
tamination with diverse synthetic and geogenic
natural chemicals, it comes as no surprise that
chemical pollution of natural water has become
a major public concern in almost all parts of
Global Health Problems Related to
the world. In fact, a recent Gallup poll taken in
Sanitation and Drinking Water . . 122
2009 revealed that pollution of drinking water
Wastewater Treatment
is the primary U.S. environmental concern (6).
and Water Reuse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Chemical water pollutants can be divided
Detecting Pathogens
into two categories, the relatively small number
and Waterborne Diseases . . . . . . . 125
of macropollutants, which typically occur at the
The Multibarrier Concept for
milligram per liter level and include nutrients
Improved Sanitation and Safe
such as nitrogen (7) and phosphorous species (8)
Drinking Water Supply . . . . . . . . . 125
as well as natural organic constituents (9). The
CONCLUSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
sources and impacts of these common classi-
cal pollutants are reasonably well understood,
but designing sustainable treatment technolo-
gies for them remains a scientific challenge (10).
INTRODUCTION For example, high nutrient loads can lead to
Improved sanitation:
a safe way to handle Many of the major problems that humanity is increased primary production of biomass, oxy-
excreta, including its facing in the twenty-first century are related to gen depletion, and toxic algal blooms (11, 12).
collection, treatment, water quantity and/or water quality issues (1). Increasing salt loads entering surface water via
and disposal or reuse
These problems are going to be more aggra- road salt and excessive irrigation pose another
to avoid spreading
diseases and pollution vated in the future by climate change, result- long-term problem (13). High salt concentra-
ing in higher water temperatures, melting of tions prevent the direct use as drinking water

110 Schwarzenbach et al.

EG35CH05-Schwarzenbach ARI 18 September 2010 7:4

and inhibit crop growth in agriculture. The trialized countries (see below). Other impor-
problem is accentuated in many coastal areas, tant sources of micropollutants include inputs
such as India and China, by marine salt intru- from agriculture (19), which applies several mil-
Macropollutants: the
sion into groundwater owing to overexploita- lion tons of pesticides each year; from oil and relatively small
tion of aquifers and sea level rise (14). Technical gasoline spills (20); and from the human-driven number of mostly
and political strategies to cope with these clas- mobilization of naturally occurring geogenic inorganic pollutants
sical problems have been discussed extensively toxic chemicals, such as heavy metals and metal- occurring at the
milligram per liter
in the literature (15, 16) and are therefore not loids. Additional natural micropollutants are bi-
addressed here. ologically produced taste and odor compounds
Micropollutants: the
In this review, we focus on the thousands of (21), which are not primarily a toxicological
thousands of inorganic
synthetic and natural trace contaminants that problem but are of great aesthetic concern. and organic trace
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are present in natural water at the nanogram There are also the millions of municipal and, pollutants occurring at
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2010.35:109-136. Downloaded from

to microgram per liter level. Many of these particularly, hazardous waste sites, including the nanogram to
micropollutants may exert toxic effects even abandoned industrial and former military sites, microgram per liter
at such low concentrations, particularly when from which toxic chemicals may find their way
present as mixtures. The large number and into natural water, especially into groundwater.
great structural variety of micropollutants make Finally, when considering that more than
it, however, usually very difficult to assess such 100,000 chemicals are registered and most are
adverse effects, which often are not acute but are in daily use (22), one can easily imagine numer-
subtle, chronic effects (5). This contrasts with ous additional routes by which such chemicals
the common, acute health effects of the rather may enter the aquatic environment.
small number of well-known pathogens that By addressing a series of very different types
may be present in polluted water. Therefore, of micropollutants from different sources, we
considering the difficulty of assessing the effects attempt to give a representative picture of the
of micropollutants on aquatic life and human scales and extent of this global water pollution
health and that appropriate, affordable water problem, without a claim of completeness. As
treatment methods for their effective removal an introduction to these selected topics, we start
are not available in many parts of the world, ma- with some general remarks on the problems
jor efforts (such as restricted use, substitution and challenges in assessing micropollutants in
or oxidative treatment) have to be undertaken natural water.
to prevent these chemicals from reaching natu-
ral water. However, as should become evident
from the examples discussed in this review, this AQUATIC MICROPOLLUTANTS:
task often represents a formidable challenge not THE CHALLENGE OF DEALING
only from a technical but also from economic, WITH CHEMICAL COMPLEXITY
societal, and political standpoints. A proper assessment of any chemical pollu-
The sources of micropollutants in natural tion of natural water relies on five elements:
water are diverse. About 30% of the globally ac- (a) knowledge of the type and origin of the pol-
cessible renewable freshwater is used by indus- lutants, (b) the availability of analytical methods
try and municipalities (17), generating together for quantification of the temporal and spatial
an enormous amount of wastewaters containing variability in concentrations of the chemical(s)
numerous chemicals in varying concentrations. present, (c) a profound understanding of the
In many parts of the world, including emerg- processes determining the transport and fate
ing economies such as China, these wastewaters of the chemical(s) in the system considered,
are still untreated or undergo only treatment (d ) mathematical transport and fate models
that does not effectively remove the majority of appropriate complexity to design optimal
of the micropollutants present (18). The latter sampling strategies and to predict future
also holds for municipal wastewater in indus- developments of a given pollution case, and • Global Water Pollution and Human Health 111

EG35CH05-Schwarzenbach ARI 18 September 2010 7:4

(e) methods for quantification of the adverse stable isotope signatures of metallic elements,
effects of the chemicals on aquatic life and such as iron (26).
human health. Notably, the same analytical The large variety of different mineral phases
Complexation: the
interaction between a tools and process knowledge are also pivotal and possible interactions between solutes,
positively charged for the design and operation of treatment tech- which are relevant for adsorption processes,
metal ion in solution nologies and in situ remediation procedures. complicate the environmental assessment of
and a negatively In the following, we address some fundamental metal pollution and its health effects (27). Rapid
charged ion or a
aspects related to these five elements of an progress in X-ray spectroscopy was instrumen-
molecule with an
unshared electron pair exposure assessment of micropollutants. tal in elucidating the structure of metal ions ad-
Considering the large number of struc- sorbed on mineral surfaces because the method
turally diverse micropollutants that may un- allows identification of the specific molecu-
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dergo numerous interactions with other natu- lar neighbors of metal ions in complex min-
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ral or anthropogenic, dissolved or particulate eral environments (28). Such molecular-level

chemical species and materials (e.g., natural information helps develop an understanding
organic matter, mineral surfaces, redox active of the factors affecting the mobility of toxic
species), with light, and even with living or- metal ions. A precondition for biological ac-
ganisms, exposure assessment of aquatic micro- tion is the potential ability of metal ions to
pollutants is commonly quite a challenging task cross cell membranes. Strong bonds to mineral
and requires a broad interdisciplinary approach particles and stable macromolecular complexes
(5, 23). typically prevent uptake. As a consequence, di-
For inorganic pollutants, including heavy rect methods have been developed to assess the
metals (e.g., Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Hg, U, Pu) mobility and bioavailability of metal contam-
and metalloids (e.g., Se, As), the main challenge inants in complex media, e.g., soils or sedi-
in assessing environmental risks is related to ments (29). To determine the fate and distri-
their contrasting behavior under different redox bution of metals in the environment, insight
conditions. These elements are not subject to from molecular-level studies and in situ field
degradation like many of the organic pollutants observations can then be scaled up using simple
(see below); the major processes that determine or more sophisticated reaction/transport mod-
their transport and their bioavailability include els (30), which combine physical, chemical, and
oxidation/reduction, complexation, adsorp- (micro)biological processes (26). The last step
tion, and precipitation/dissolution reactions. of an assessment procedure addresses the ef-
Most metallic elements exhibit widely different fects of biological uptake. The analysis of po-
solubility in the presence of oxygen and under tential effects of nanoparticles provides an il-
reducing conditions. Under oxic conditions, lustrative example. In recent years, the rapidly
the most abundant redox sensitive metals— growing use of engineered nanoparticles for
iron and manganese—form finely dispersed industrial and commercial applications caused
oxide particles, which strongly adsorb heavy concern about the biological effects of this type
metals and metalloids (24). When oxygen is of new anthropogenic pollutant for the aquatic
depleted, these oxide particles undergo reduc- environment and human health. There is now
tive dissolution and release their adsorbed toxic preliminary evidence that such particles do not
load (25). The precipitation and dissolution of only release toxic metals at constant rates but
such reactive particles in the environment are could also exert direct specific harmful effects,
often governed by microorganisms. Analyzing which require further research (31). So far,
pathways and rates of iron and manganese much progress has been made in elucidating
dispersal under environmental conditions re- molecular mechanisms, relevant geochemical
mains a challenging task, but recently, progress and microbial reactions, and integrating reac-
in mass spectrometry opened new analytical tion and transport pathways in biogeochemi-
windows to trace microbial processes via the cal models. The most critical knowledge gap

112 Schwarzenbach et al.

EG35CH05-Schwarzenbach ARI 18 September 2010 7:4

relates to our limited ability to predict and in complex natural systems. Moreover, in
quantify adverse effects of inorganic pollutants contrast to models describing homogeneous
on aquatic life and human health. chemical or photochemical reactions (23),
Persistent organic
When dealing with organic pollutants, the the treatment of enzymatic and surface- pollutants (POPs):
major challenge is to cope with the large num- mediated reactions, which are often linked the globally
ber and the great variety of chemicals cover- to biological processes, is still in its infancy. distributed pollutants
ing a wide range in physical-chemical prop- Depending on the environmental conditions that exhibit a high
erties and reactivities (23). As an illustration, (e.g., pH, redox potential, type of surfaces
Figure 1 (see color insert) shows the large dif- present), a given compound may react by
ferences in partitioning behavior between water various pathways and/or at very different rates.
and air or water and an organic phase, respec- Furthermore, even compounds exhibiting only
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tively, that may exist between different types minor differences in their structures may react
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of chemical micropollutants. For example, the very differently (23). Therefore, future research
apolar, hydrophobic polychlorinated biphenyls should be directed more intensively toward de-
(PCBs) partition reasonably well from water veloping tools for assessing (bio)transformation
into air and extremely well from water into an processes in environmental settings because
organic phase, such as octanol, and are thus these processes represent the most powerful
highly bioaccumulative. In contrast, more po- removal mechanisms for organic pollutants
lar, hydrophilic compounds, such as the sul- in natural water. In addition, predictive
fonamide antibiotics, partition very poorly into models for biodegradability using structural
both air and an organic phase. This different information need to be developed (36).
partitioning behavior means that these com- Finally, there are a significant number of
pounds exhibit a very different transport and cases in which chemical water pollution is
phase transfer behavior in the environment. suspected, but the types and sources of the pol-
Also, their analysis in environmental samples lutants are not known and/or cannot be ex-
(e.g., air, water, sediment, soil) requires a differ- haustively analyzed. In such cases, a “battery”
ent methodological approach because usually of effect-oriented routine methods that would
several enrichment and separation steps are in- allow one to assess whether or not action is
volved, which rely on the partitioning behavior needed would be useful to investigators. Al-
of the compound. The major analytical difficul- though promising examples of effect-oriented
ties are encountered with more complex, multi- methods have been reported (37, 38), there is
functional polar chemicals, which include many still ample room for future developments.
of the biologically active compounds—such as
modern pesticides, biocides, and pharmaceuti-
cals (32, 33). The same holds for the quantifi- SELECTED TOPICS OF
cation of the environmental partitioning of or- CHEMICAL WATER POLLUTION
ganic pollutants (e.g., sorption from water to Table 1 gives an overview of the topics that
particles, soils, or sediments), which is most dif- are discussed in the following sections. These
ficult for polar, complex organic chemicals— topics address and illustrate various aspects
including those exhibiting ionizable functional of global water pollution, including important
groups (34, 35). types of pollutant sources and pollutants as well
The major challenges in assessing or as different temporal and spatial scales of water
predicting transformation reactions of or- pollution, ranging from long-term global per-
ganic micropollutants in the environment sistent organic pollutants (POPs) to long-term
are presented by the biologically (micro- regional (e.g., geogenic pollutants, mining) to
bially) mediated processes. This is partly long-term local (e.g., hazardous waste sites) to
due to the intrinsic difficulty of classify- short-term regional (e.g., agriculture) to short-
ing or even quantifying biological activity term regional or even local (e.g., wastewater) • Global Water Pollution and Human Health 113

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Table 1 The discussion of water pollution issues in this review follows the sequence of pollutant sources as shown in this overview of topics
Pollutant types Main water quality
Pollutant sources Source type addressed Illustrative examplesa problems Major challenges
Multiple (waste sites, Globally Persistent organic PCBs, PBDEs, DDT, Biomagnification in food Phase out existing POPs,

spills, agriculture, distributed point pollutants (POPs) PAHs, PCDDs, PCDFs chain, diverse health confine existing sources,
combustion, and and diffuse effects prevent use of new POPs


Agriculture Diffuse Pesticides Triazines, Contamination of ground Control of pesticide runoff
chloraceanilides, DDT, and surface water with from agricultural land,
lindane biologically active pesticide misuse
chemicals; accidental
poisoning (particularly in

Schwarzenbach et al.
developing countries)
18 September 2010

Natural contaminants Diffuse Inorganic contaminants, As, F, Se, U, microcystins, Cancer, fluorosis, human Development of effective

Geogenic cyanotoxins, taste and geosmin health, aesthetics (taste household treatment
contaminants odor compounds and odor) systems, control,
Biogenic contaminants eutrophication, consumer
Mining Mostly point Acids, leaching agents, Sulfluric acid, cyanide, Metal remobilization, Acid neutralization, metal
heavy metals mercury, copper acute toxicity, chronic removal, introducing
neurotoxicity effective nontoxic reagents
Hazardous waste Point Diverse U, technetium, Long-term contamination Containment of pollutants,
chromium, chlorinated of drinking water monitoring of mitigation
solvents, nitroaromatic resources processes including natural
explosives attenuation
Urban wastewater in Point Pharmaceuticals, Diclophenac, Ecotoxicological effects in Reduction of micropollutant
industrialized hormones 17α-ethinylestradiol rivers, feminization of loads from wastewater by
countries fish polishing treatment
Urban wastewater in Point Microorganisms and Cholera, typhoid fever, Human health, child Improving sanitation and
developing and viruses diarrhea, hepatitis A and mortality, malnutrition hygiene, safe drinking
emerging countries B, schistosomiasis, water, cheap adequate
dengue drinking water disinfection

Abbreviations: As, arsenic; F, fluorine; PCBs, polychlorinated biphenyls; PBDEs, polybrominated diphenyl ethers; DDT, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane; PAHs, polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons; PCDDs, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxines; PCDFs, polychlorinated dibenzofurans; Se, selenium; U, uranium.
EG35CH05-Schwarzenbach ARI 18 September 2010 7:4

pollutants. The examples should also illustrate these conventions allow addition of new com-
that any mitigation and adaptation strategies to pounds to the list. Recent examples of such
solve a given water pollution problem have their “emerging POPs” that are under consideration
Diffuse sources:
own technical, economical, political, and soci- to be added are the polybrominated diphenyl widespread activities,
etal boundary conditions. ethers (PBDEs) widely used as flame retardants with no discrete
(41, 42), and a variety of perfluoroalkyl chem- source, that cause
icals (PFCs) that, because of their very spe- pollution
Persistent Organic Pollutants: cial properties (43), are used in numerous in-
A Long-Term Global Problem dustrial applications (44). It should be pointed
A group of chemicals that have been and con- out that many “emerging pollutants,” includ-
tinue to be of greatest environmental concern ing some POPs, may have already been present
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are denoted as POPs. They include a diverse set in the environment for decades but were
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of high-volume production compounds that are not detected because of analytical limitations
intentionally produced as well as compounds (32, 33). From a toxicological point of view,
that form as accidental by-products of a vari- POPs may threaten the health of both humans
ety of combustion processes. A compound is and wildlife because of their various adverse ef-
commonly classified as a POP if it exhibits the fects, including disruption of the endocrine, the
following four characteristics: reproductive, and the immune systems, as well
as their ability to cause behavioral problems,
1. Persistent in the environment, which
cancer, diabetes, and thyroid problems.
means that chemical, photochemical, and
In the context of global water pollution,
biological transformation processes do
POPs pose a severe problem primarily because
not lead to a significant removal of the
of their particularly large bioaccumulation and
compound in any environmental com-
biomagnification potential in aquatic food webs
(45, 46). A series of monitoring studies have re-
2. Prone to long-range transport, thus to
vealed critical concentrations of POPs in fresh-
global distribution, even in remote re-
water and marine fish and in marine mammals
gions where the compound has not been
and, as a consequence, in human milk and hu-
used or disposed, owing to the com-
man tissues of people who depend on these food
pound’s physical-chemical properties;
sources (47, 48). Owing to various long-range
3. Bioaccumulative through the food web;
transport mechanisms, accumulation of POPs
is particularly pronounced in the world’s cold
4. Toxic to living organisms, including hu- regions (e.g., in the Arctic) (46, 49). Even legacy
mans and wildlife. POPs, such as DDT or PCBs that have been
Some prominent classical POPs (also called banned or are restricted in their use, remain
“legacy POPs” or “the dirty dozen”) have been of great concern because they continue to be
listed and dealt with in two international con- released from various old deposits, including
ventions (the Aarhus Protocol and the Stock- waste sites and contaminated sediments.
holm Convention) with the goal to assess the For emerging POPs, such as, for example,
POPs’ global presence and to reduce their emis- the PBDEs in the past 30 years, there has
sions to the environment (39). They primar- been an exponential increase by a factor of
ily encompass highly chlorinated compounds about 100 in concentration in human tissues
[e.g., dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), with a doubling time of about 5 years, which
PCBs, polychlorinated dioxins and dibenzofu- can be observed in various parts of the world
ranes] and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (Europe, Japan, North America). This is, of
(PAHs). However, recognizing that there are course, the result of several different exposure
many other high-volume production chemicals routes, including primarily terrestrial ones
potentially falling into the POP category (40), (47). However, very similar trends can also be • Global Water Pollution and Human Health 115

EG35CH05-Schwarzenbach ARI 18 September 2010 7:4

seen in marine mammals in North America fungi, weeds, insects, and other pests (see
and northern Europe (47). the sidebar Global Pesticide Consumption;
As is evident from the still ubiquitous global 54). Pesticides and related agrochemicals are
Point source: a single
identifiable localized presence of many legacy POPs in the environ- available on the market as tens of thousands
source of pollution ment, global control strategies aimed only at of different commercial products that contain
reducing production and use of POPs do not approximately hundreds of different active
necessarily lead to an immediate reduction of chemical ingredients (55, 56). Owing to the
emissions because of the presence of various old toxicity of these chemicals for biota and
sources. To identify and design optimal mitiga- humans and their intentional release into the
tion strategies, further development of emission environment, the use of new and established
inventories, as attempted for PCBs (50), and of agrochemical products is regulated in detail:
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more refined models for assessment and predic- Country-specific registration and risk assess-
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tion of (a) the (global) transport and distribution ment procedures aim at protecting not only
behavior (51) and (b) the effects on humans and soil and water resources/ecosystems but also
wildlife (52) of legacy and emerging POPs is farmers and consumers (56–59).
still important on the research agenda. There- Contamination of water resources in catch-
fore, the influence of climate change on the ment areas of agricultural land and continuous
distribution and the effects of POPs in the exposure of humans and biota to biologically
environment needs to be addressed (53). From active chemicals are of great concern. Peak con-
an environmental policy point of view, the centrations of pesticides and their transforma-
most urgent actions to be taken by the inter- tion products, such as the frequently detected
national community are to phase out POPs triazines or chloroacetanilides in U.S. rivers
that are still in use, to improve source controls (61), can exceed ecotoxic levels for nontarget
wherever possible, and to make sure that no organisms in soils and aquatic systems and com-
new chemicals with POP characteristics appear promise the use of surface and groundwater for
on the market (22). drinking water supplies (61). Quantifying the
share of used pesticides that reach surface and
groundwater (62) and designing effective miti-
Agriculture and Water Quality gation measures (63, 64) beyond a case-by-case
Several million tons of chemicals are consumed basis are challenging because of the substantial
annually for agricultural production to main- spatial and temporal variability of pesticide
tain and increase crop yields by controlling losses (65). Typical agricultural point sources
include pesticide runoff from hard surfaces,
mostly from farmyards or storage facilities
GLOBAL PESTICIDE CONSUMPTION during the handling of agrochemical products
or accidental spills. Depending on connections
Three to seven million tons of pesticides are produced annually to sewer systems, pesticides can either infiltrate
(60). Estimates of pesticide use vary between approximately 0.2 into the nearby soil or enter aquatic systems
and 2 kg of active substance per hectare (ha) of arable land in via sewage treatment plants. Point sources can
developing versus developed countries, respectively (54). Such cause high-concentration peaks in the outlet of
estimates are imprecise by nature. The amount of active chem- a catchment area, but they do not necessarily
icals required to control pests depends on the crop treated, the constitute a major share of the mass input (66).
type of pesticide used, the application technique, as well as geo- Instead, diffuse losses, including field runoff,
graphic and climatic boundary conditions. More recently devel- drainage/leaching into the subsurface, or spray
oped agrochemicals generally operate at lower doses compared to drift, are of much greater concern, and a
established products, but toxic loads per dose of active ingredient broad variety of mitigation measures have been
vary widely among different agrochemicals. evaluated to minimize their impact on water
resources (67). The occurrence of pesticide

116 Schwarzenbach et al.

EG35CH05-Schwarzenbach ARI 18 September 2010 7:4

losses from runoff is determined largely by the and assessing the risk for humans and the
soil hydraulic properties (permeability, water environment are often limited (79), and atti-
flow patterns), topography, and meteorolog- tudes toward enforcement of regulations are
ical conditions, whereas compound-specific scant (80). Monitoring programs of pesticide
properties (e.g., sorption behavior to the solid occurrence and distribution illustrates that the
matrix) are less relevant (68). Restricted ap- spectrum of active ingredients can still differ
plication of pesticides to such hot spots prone from those used in the developed countries.
to increased runoff would be a more effective Especially, the persistent organochlorine
mitigation measure than replacing pesticide pesticides [DDT, hexachlorocyclohexanes
products and/or alternative application timing (HCHs)] are applied extensively for agriculture
(66–68). and sanitation purposes because they are still
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Water contamination also arises in drainage comparatively cheap and effective (74, 81)
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and sewer systems from pesticide applica-

tions in nonagricultural/urban areas through
increased runoff of pesticide-containing rain- Geogenic Contamination Sources:
water over sealed surfaces, such as roofs and The Problem with Arsenic in
roads (69). From the perspective of the overall Groundwater
environmental impacts of extensive agriculture, The geological composition of aquifers in some
a reduction of soil and water pollution by pes- areas of the world is the main cause of leaching
ticide emissions is considered a key element in of toxic elements into drinking water supplies.
agricultural management practices to minimize The main elements of concern are arsenic,
ecological changes and to maintain biodiversity fluoride, selenium, and a few others, such as
(60, 70). Finally, acute poisoning from direct chromium and uranium. Among all these ge-
pesticide exposure is a considerable risk for agri- ogenic contaminants, arsenic has so far caused
cultural workers. Although the impact of this the greatest negative health effects as well as
exposure pathway is debated in North America global concern. For this reason, arsenic is dis-
and Europe (71, 72), accidental exposure and cussed as an illustrative example. In Bangladesh
deliberate misuse of agrochemicals seem more alone, arsenic-contaminated groundwater
frequent in developing countries (73–75), re- affects between 35 and 75 million people (82).
sulting in an estimated poisoning of 3 million About 6 million people are at risk in West Ben-
people with as many as 20,000 unintentional gal in India (83), and other regions of concern
deaths per year (76). include the highly populated river deltas in
Apart from distinct climatic/ecological con- Cambodia and Vietnam (84). In these regions,
ditions and grown crops, agricultural practice in arsenic poisoning developed over the past
most developing countries is driven by the need decade as a result of efforts to provide safe
to achieve or maintain food security for grow- drinking water. Until the 1970s, most people
ing populations and the economic/political in these rural areas depended on untreated
implications of this overarching goal (60). drinking water from rivers and ponds, which
Together with trends toward urbanization are often a source of infectious diseases. The
and industrialization, these agricultural de- high mortality of up to 250,000 children per
velopments are causing water quality issues year in Bangladesh alone triggered large-scale
(77). Pesticide use per hectare of cropland (see programs to install groundwater wells to pro-
the sidebar Global Pesticide Consumption) vide safe drinking water. More than 95% of the
increased over the recent years, even if, as population now uses groundwater from about
documented for China, contributions to crop 10 million tube wells. About 60% of these wells
yield were marginal (78). In developing coun- along the Ganges-Brahmaputra River system
tries, resources and capabilities for monitoring in Bangladesh are affected by arsenic levels
pesticide concentration in aquatic systems exceeding the World Health Organization • Global Water Pollution and Human Health 117

EG35CH05-Schwarzenbach ARI 18 September 2010 7:4

(WHO) limit (85). Arsenic pollution is also of water may be more economical than large-
concern in other parts of the world, such as the scale treatment of the whole water supply. For
United States (86, 87) and Eastern Europe (H. rural areas in developing countries, however,
WHO: World Health
Organization Rowland, E. Omoregie, R. Millot, C. Jiminez, simple but effective household-level treatment
J. Mertens & M. Berg, submitted). technologies need to be implemented (93, 94).
Factors responsible for the arsenic con- Alternative drinking water sources, such as
tamination are the high weathering rates of deep aquifers or rainwater harvesting, provide
arsenic-rich source rocks in mountain ranges, another potential solution (95). Although ar-
deposition of organic-rich deposits in river senic in drinking water remains a technological
floodplains, and a flat and humid terrain with challenge for water supplies, there is recent
long residence times of water in the aquifer, evidence that enrichment of arsenic along the
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leading to anoxic conditions whereby adsorbed food chain is not of primary concern (96).
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2010.35:109-136. Downloaded from

arsenic is released into the water (88). A second Furthermore, the mechanisms that produce the
pathway of arsenic mobilization is occurring in arsenic problems in groundwater work as a self-
arid areas, such as in the U.S. Midwest, eastern purification system at the soil surface: Seasonal
Australia, and central Asia—where high-pH flooding during the monsoon season leads to
conditions mobilize arsenic in oxygen-rich reducing conditions in the soil matrix, which
groundwater. Because the chemical factors favors arsenic mobilization and flushing of this
governing arsenic mobilization are well un- toxic element into river systems and the sea (25).
derstood, the risk of arsenic contamination
in groundwater has been modeled at a global
scale (Figure 2; see color insert) (89). Surface Water Contamination
Chronic arsenic poisoning leads to an ac- from Mining Operations
cumulation of the element in the skin, hair, Mining activities worldwide mobilize more
and nails; this accumulation results in symp- than 50 × 109 metric tons of geological mate-
toms such as strong pigmentation of hands and rial per year, which is similar to the flux of par-
feet (keratosis), high blood pressure, and neuro- ticles transported by rivers from the continents
logical dysfunctions (82). Another health prob- to the sea (97). Most mining operations trig-
lem is the carcinogenic effect of arsenic [i.e, ger significant environmental and social prob-
an increased risk of cancers of the skin, lung, lems as they result in large waste deposits, which
and other internal organs (90)], which has been are exposed to oxidation by air and weather-
known for a long time. The estimated risk of ing by precipitation, and subsequent pollution
arsenic-induced cancer could be as high as 1 in of water resources (98). Mining for coal, lig-
100 individuals, who consume drinking water nite, building materials, and iron involves the
at the former maximum contaminant level of largest mass movements with a significant yield
50 μg As/L (91). In 1993, WHO reduced the of end products (Table 2). The extraction of
standard for safe drinking water to 10 μg As/L, rare metals, such as copper, nickel or gold, how-
which still results in a smaller margin of safety ever, produces up to 1,000 tons of waste mate-
compared to typical organic pollutants with car- rials per kilogram of pure metal. These massive
cinogenic properties. Thus, arsenic illustrates waste streams are accompanied by problematic
the dilemma between public health concerns geochemical weathering reactions and specific
and economic feasibility. High safety margins pollutant loads, which are introduced as mining
would result in widespread requirements for chemicals. Ores, such as coal, iron, and copper,
very costly drinking water treatment. typically contain large fractions of sulfide mate-
For industrialized countries, a broad range rial; this material is oxidized in contact with air
of technologies is available for the adsorption and water and releases sulfuric acid in the form
of arsenic to achieve or improve on the WHO of “acid mine drainage” (99). Because the sul-
limit (92). In critical areas, switching to bottled fur concentrations can reach high proportions

118 Schwarzenbach et al.

EG35CH05-Schwarzenbach ARI 18 September 2010 7:4

(1–20 wt% pyrite in the case of coal), a conser- Table 2 Estimated global mass movements by mining activities in
vative worldwide estimate assumes that about million metric tons per yeara
20,000 river kilometers and 70,000 ha of lake Mining activity Total Refined product Waste
and reservoir area are seriously damaged by Coal 18,444 3,787 14,657
acidic mine effluent (100). Building stone 14,186 10,430 3,756
In addition, mining and extraction of pre- Lignite 9,024 930 8,094
cious metals are associated with intense use Copper 4,190 9.3 4,181
of chemicals, energy, and water that poses
Petroleum 3,489 3,065 424
greater pollution hazards and environmental
Iron 3,138 604 2,534
risks. Gold production serves as an illustrative
Gold 2,138 0.002 2,138
example. As the average ore grade decreased
Phosphate 477 119 358
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over the past two centuries, chemical extrac-

Nickel 403 0.72 402
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2010.35:109-136. Downloaded from

tion either by mercury amalgamation in arti-

Aluminum 302 101 201
sanal gold mining or via the industrial cyanide
extraction process became increasingly impor- a
Sources (97, 106).
tant. Both reagents are extremely toxic to hu-
mans and the environment. Artisanal gold min- operations are therefore often associated with
ing with mercury is increasingly practiced by spectacular fish kills. Most aquatic organisms
about 13 million miners in 55 countries, such were killed along the main stem of the Tisza
as Brazil, Tanzania, Indonesia, and Vietnam River in Hungary, and most water supplies were
(101). Traces of gold are dissolved in liquid closed when a dam failure at a tailing pond in
mercury, which is then removed by heating and Romania triggered the release of about
evaporation to the atmosphere. Mine workers 100,000 m3 of cyanide-containing waste in
are thereby directly exposed to hazardous lev- January 2000 (105).
els of the neurotoxic metal, and the local en- More sustainable mining practices require
vironmental contamination of water resources mitigation measures for existing tailings and
can be severe. A review based on detailed case improved processes and safety procedures for
studies in Brazil (102) estimates that more than ongoing activities (106). Highly toxic chemi-
100 tons of mercury are discharged into the en- cals, such as cyanide or mercury, should be re-
vironment every year, and about 50% of this placed by less harmful extraction agents, such
is mobilized into surface water, where mercury as halogens or thiourea, or a zero-emission pol-
biomagnifies up to 106 -fold in predatory fish icy should be enforced (107). Such technical
and then represents a health risk to indigenous measures should be supplemented by clear in-
populations. ternational regulations (108) and corporate so-
At lower gold concentrations and larger cial responsibility in the mining industry, which
volumes, the cyanide extraction facilitates ox- is based on open information policies (109).
idative leaching of gold as a complex into Although international agreements and prac-
aqueous solution. Dissolved gold is then ad- tice codes cannot substitute for stronger en-
sorbed, and the cyanide solution is recycled. forcement of environmental regulations by
Typically, 700 tons of water and 140 kg of developing countries, they represent helpful
cyanide are required to extract 1 kg of gold benchmarks for protecting water quality.
(103). Cyanide blocks the function of iron- and
copper-containing enzymes in the respiratory
chain of higher organisms (104). It is acutely Groundwater Contamination by Spills
toxic to humans at a level of a few 100 mg for and Hazardous Waste Sites
an adult person. Fish react at about 1,000 times Contamination of groundwater from munici-
lower levels and are killed in water containing pal solid waste landfills, hazardous waste sites,
as little as 50 μg/L of cyanide. Gold mining accidental spills, and abandoned production • Global Water Pollution and Human Health 119

EG35CH05-Schwarzenbach ARI 18 September 2010 7:4

facilities is a prominent cause of water pollu- of types of incidents, including transportation

tion. Several hundred thousands of sites can be and facility releases.
found throughout the world, where 100 million Estimating the number and fluxes of toxic
tons of wastes have been and still are discarded. chemicals from such contaminated sites to the
Many of them contain large amounts of haz- groundwater is difficult (113, 114). In many
ardous or radioactive material (110–112). How- cases of spills, waste disposal sites, and aban-
ever, estimates point to an even higher number doned facilities, their primary contaminants
of unknown, groundwater-contaminating land- are known: fuel hydrocarbons (115), chlori-
fills (111). Even though many of the official con- nated ethenes (116), PCBs and polychlorinated
taminated sites are under control, the large ma- dibenzo-p-dioxines (PCDDs) from wastes of
jority of them are expected to release chemicals pesticide manufacturing (117), methylmercury
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into the environment. In addition, thousands from contaminated soils and wastewater (118),
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2010.35:109-136. Downloaded from

of oil, gasoline, and other chemical spills occur radionuclides from former nuclear weapons test
each year on land and in water from a variety sites (119) and radioactive waste repositories
(120), and nitroaromatic explosives from am-
munition plants (121), to name just a few. Dis-
REDOX PROCESSES CHANGE carded materials are, however, often not well
CONTAMINANT BEHAVIOR characterized and heterogeneous (114). Apart
from some predominant contaminant species,
Many physical and chemical properties of organic and inorganic the leachate composition from the landfill ma-
contaminants are determined by their redox state. Therefore, re- terials cannot be predicted in detail (122).
dox conditions in subsurface environments directly impact con- Because the hydrogeology of such sites is in-
taminant fate, and the control of redox conditions is essential for herently complex, the dynamics of pollutant
the design of successful mitigation processes. release can only be quantified reliably on a
Metal contaminants from radioactive waste repositories or re- case-by-case basis through combined continu-
processing sites, such as uranium (U) or a fission product like tech- ous on-site monitoring and adequate ground-
netium (Tc), are generally present in their oxidized state [U(VI), water models (see the sidebar Redox Processes
Tc(VII)] in contaminated soils and groundwater. The same is Change Contaminant Behavior; 123).
true for chromium [Cr(VI)] waste from tannery operations. Al- Owing to the widespread use of ground-
though these metal anions are very mobile and thus a threat to water as a drinking water resource and the
humans and the environment, they are sparingly soluble in their persistence of contaminations for decades if
reduced forms [U(IV), Tc(IV), Cr(III)]. Consequently, creating not centuries, assessment of human health
or maintaining reducing conditions in the subsurface, for exam- risks of exposure to mixtures of chemicals and
ple, through in situ stimulation of microbial activity with organic implementation of appropriate, cost-effective
substrates (134), is seen as a key process for the metal immobi- remediation strategies are essential (112, 124).
lization and containment of hazardous materials. Typical approaches for the active mitigation
Different approaches apply to organic contaminants because of groundwater contaminants from spills and
they can, in principle, be mineralized to carbon dioxide and other waste sites are site excavation, pump-and-treat
nonproblematic compounds. However, organic water contami- procedures, permeable reactive barriers, and
nants, such as the explosives di- and trinitrotoluene or the sol- phytoremediation (125, 126). The mitigation
vents tetra- and trichloroethene, are persistent because they are concepts either aim at removing the contam-
highly oxidized. Complete transformation is possible only after ination source or intend to catalyze reactions
transient reduction by metal catalysts or microbes. These pro- that lead to an immobilization (metals) or
cesses partially lead to reduced products, like aromatic amines or transformation to benign and biodegradable
vinyl chloride (23, 121), which are of even greater toxicity than products (organic contaminants). However,
the parent contaminant. These electron-rich products, however, many remediation approaches are often either
are much more susceptible to complete oxidation by microbes. too expensive or inefficient in that they require
treatment for years to decades (125). To this

120 Schwarzenbach et al.

EG35CH05-Schwarzenbach ARI 18 September 2010 7:4

end, strategies focusing on microbial or abiotic pharmaceuticals are launched on the market ev-
degradation in situ (natural attenuation) are ery year with 8% of the worldwide research
increasingly being considered as viable long- and development (R&D) expenditure (137). On
term treatment options (116, 127). Bioavailable the basis of the worldwide R&D expenditure of
carbon loads and microbial activity at contam- about US$83 billion in 2007 (137), it can be ex-
inated sites and in leachate plumes can often trapolated that on average more than 300 new
lead to anoxic conditions. Such reducing envi- pharmaceutical compounds are launched every
ronments not only alter some properties of the year. The worldwide market of pharmaceuticals
solid matrix for contaminant retention but also [100,000 tons per year (138)] was US$773 bil-
generate conditions that promote the growth of lion, with the highest per capita sales of US$676
alternative microbial communities, for example in the United States (137). In most European
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for dehalorespiring bacteria that are capable countries, per capita sales vary between about
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2010.35:109-136. Downloaded from

of initiating the reductive dehalogenation of US$200 (in the United Kingdom) and US$400
polychlorinated organic compounds (116, 128). (in France) (137).
Anoxic environments, especially iron-reducing Pharmaceutical compounds are highly
conditions, can also lead to the formation bioactive, and therefore, undesired effects
of abiotic reactants through the activity of in organisms cannot be excluded after their
metal-reducing microorganisms (129). Such discharge into the aquatic environment, where,
iron-bearing minerals are capable of transform- owing to their polarity, they tend to be quite
ing organic and inorganic pollutants (130–132). mobile (Figure 1) (139). Even though the
Thus, a comprehensive assessment of con- presence of pharmaceuticals in wastewater
taminant exposure, and thus water pollution, and natural water could be expected from
requires a sound understanding of the dynamics their large production and widespread use,
of biogeochemical processes in the subsurface only developments in analytical chemistry
and their interplay with contaminant mobility (LC-MS/MS) allowed the analysis of these
and reactivity. One of the major scientific compounds in the nanogram to microgram
challenges and prerequisites for a thorough per liter range, which is typical for wastewater
assessment of groundwater pollution by spills and aquatic systems (135, 140). The observed
and hazardous waste sites is thus to quantify the concentrations of human pharmaceuticals in
site-specific, relevant processes that determine raw sewage of up to several micrograms per
the transport and transformation behavior liter confirm that municipal wastewater is
of a given pollutant and its transformation the main pathway for their discharge to the
products. One promising analytical tool to receiving water bodies (141).
obtain such information is compound-specific Currently, in wastewater systems, pharma-
stable-isotope analysis (133). ceuticals are removed unintentionally by sorp-
tion to sludge and by biodegradation (142).
Biodegradation of pharmaceuticals in wastewa-
Pharmaceuticals in Wastewater ter often does not lead to their full mineraliza-
and Drinking Water tion but to the formation of metabolites. In the
Municipal wastewater contributes significantly case of iopromide, an iodinated X-ray contrast
to the micropollutant load into the aquatic en- medium, 12 metabolites were identified (143).
vironment (135). The main concerns are phar- Therefore, in terms of the (eco)toxicological ef-
maceutical compounds and personal care prod- fects of the discharged wastewater, not only the
ucts. Approximately 3,000 pharmaceuticals are parent compounds but also their wastewater-
used in Europe and the United States today, borne metabolites have to be considered. For-
including painkillers, antibiotics, beta block- tunately, the more hydrophilic metabolites are
ers, contraceptives, lipid regulators, antidepres- expected to have a smaller (eco)toxicological
sants, and others (136). In Germany, ∼30 new potential than their more hydrophobic parent • Global Water Pollution and Human Health 121

EG35CH05-Schwarzenbach ARI 18 September 2010 7:4

compounds, unless another specific mode of ac- magnitude. These factors are still significantly
tion becomes important (38). It was shown re- higher than the safety factor of 1,000, which is
cently by a mode-of-action test battery with applied to potentially carcinogenic compounds
five in vitro bioassays that nonspecific effects, such as the herbicide atrazine (148). Further-
such as bioluminescence and growth rate inhi- more, from a human toxicological point of
bition, and specific effects, such as acetylcholine view, pharmaceuticals are probably the most
esterase activity, estrogenicity, and genotoxic- rigorously tested synthetic organic chemicals.
ity, decreased dramatically from primary waste- Authorization of a new pharmaceutical com-
water to the effluent despite the fact that many pound requires detailed information on phar-
different pharmaceuticals and their metabo- macology, pharmacokinetics, toxicology (e.g.,
lites were detected in the wastewater efflu- carcinogenicity, genotoxicity, reproductive and
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ent (144). However, an assessment of the dis- development toxicity), and clinical tests (149).
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2010.35:109-136. Downloaded from

charge of 742 wastewater treatment plants in On the basis of this assessment, the risk for con-
Switzerland showed that for diclofenac, an anti- sumers from exposure to individual pharmaceu-
inflammatory agent and its metabolites, the ticals in drinking water seems rather low. How-
water quality criterion of 0.1 μg/L (a sum of ever, more information is needed for long-term
the parent compound and metabolites) was ex- exposure to small concentrations and mixtures
pected to be exceeded in 224 river sections of pharmaceuticals.
(145). Because wastewater is a major point source
Although the main issues related to phar- for pharmaceuticals, several options for pol-
maceutical in wastewater effluents are con- ishing treatment, such as activated carbon and
nected to their ecotoxicological effects, there ozonation, are discussed as mitigation strate-
is a growing concern about human health be- gies (150). Recently, full-scale studies have
cause of the presence of some of these com- shown the feasibility of ozonation with accept-
pounds in drinking water derived from indirect able operation costs (141). Polishing treatment
or direct potable reuse. In indirect reuse sys- of wastewater effluent has the advantage that
tems, wastewater-derived pharmaceuticals and the aquatic environment, including the water
their metabolites can infiltrate into the aquifers resources, is protected from human pharma-
through the riverbank. Luckily, the riverbank ceuticals and endocrine-disrupting compounds
appears to be a good barrier for many of these (see the sidebar Endocrine Disruption in the
compounds. In a study where 19 antibiotics Aquatic Environment and Its Influence on
were found in a surface water in concentrations Environmental Sciences). Alternatively, if the
between 5 and 151 ng/L, only sulfamethox- presence of these compounds in drinking wa-
azole could be detected in the bank filtrate ter is the major concern, various drinking water
(146). However, even in the worst case of sul- treatment processes, such as granular or pow-
famethoxazole, a removal of 98% from 151 dered activated carbon, oxidation, and nanofil-
ng/L to 2 ng/L was observed. Nevertheless, a tration/reverse osmosis, can be used for the re-
recent review on residues of human pharmaceu- moval of these compounds (151).
ticals in aqueous environments presented evi-
dence that a complete removal of all potential VIRUSES AND MICROBIAL
pharmaceutical residues by riverbank filtration PATHOGENS: THE CHALLENGES
cannot be guaranteed (147). A comparison of CONCERNING WATERBORNE
drinking water concentrations of pharmaceu- DISEASES
ticals, such as the antibiotic sulfamethoxazole,
Global Health Problems Related to
shows a difference of >6 orders of magnitude
Sanitation and Drinking Water
compared to the therapeutic dose of this com-
pound. For other compounds, the safety mar- The problems related to sanitation, hy-
gin might be in the range of 4 to 6 orders of giene, and drinking water differ fundamentally

122 Schwarzenbach et al.

EG35CH05-Schwarzenbach ARI 18 September 2010 7:4

between industrialized and developing coun-

tries. In high-income countries, maintenance ENDOCRINE DISRUPTION IN THE AQUATIC
and replacement of the installed sanitation and ENVIRONMENT AND ITS INFLUENCE ON
water supply infrastructure are the predomi- ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES
nant tasks during the next 20–30 years. In de-
veloping countries, where most of the sewage One of the main triggers in the field of pharmaceuticals and en-
is discharged without treatment, the improve- docrine disruptors was the discovery of intersex fish in English
ment of sanitation and access to safe drinking rivers downstream of municipal wastewater discharge in 1978
water are of primary importance (1). However, (152). Later, this observation was attributed to the presence of
because most of the population increase will oc- estrogenic compounds in wastewater effluents (153). The active
cur in urban areas of developing countries, cur- ingredient of the contraceptive pill [17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2)]
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rent estimates predict that 67% of the world’s and to a lesser extent industrial chemicals, such as alkylphenols
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2010.35:109-136. Downloaded from

population will still not be connected to public or bisphenol A, were recognized to be able to cause “feminiza-
sewerage systems in 2030 (1). tion” of fishes in exposed populations. In a more recent study,
Currently, 1.1 billion people lack access it was shown that the fish population (fathead minnow) in an
to safe water, and 2.6 billion people do not experimental lake in northwestern Ontario, Canada, was nearly
have proper sanitation, primarily in developing extinct after a seven-year exposure to 5–6 ng/L EE2 (154). The
countries, and an imbalance exists between ru- early observations of intersex fish and 30 years of research led
ral and urban areas in access to both improved to (a) development of analytical methods to determine polar
sanitation and safe drinking water supply. Four compounds in municipal wastewater effluent in the ng/L range;
out of five of the world’s inhabitants with no (b) novel highly sensitive biological in vitro test systems, which
access to safe sources of drinking water live in can detect various toxicological end points; (c) recognition of mu-
a rural environment (155). On a global scale, nicipal wastewater as a source for micropollutants; and (d ) devel-
the restricted access to safe water and to im- opment of mitigation strategies to reduce their discharge into the
proved sanitation causes 1.6 million deaths per receiving water bodies.
year (156); more than 99% thereof occur in the
developing world. Nine out of ten incidents
affect children, and 50% of childhood deaths global cholera cases in this period. In addition
happen in sub-Saharan Africa (157). The easily to cholera, the most proliferate waterborne dis-
preventable diarrheal diseases caused by unsafe ease outbreaks were due to (para)typhoid fever
water and lack of sanitation and hygiene con- (caused by Salmonella typhi and S. paratyphi,
tribute to 6.1% of all health-related deaths; one respectively). Also hepatitis A and E viruses,
report estimates that unsafe water is responsi- rotaviruses, and the parasitic protozoa Giar-
ble for 15% to 30% of gastrointestinal diseases dia lamblia are often found associated with in-
(158). adequate water supply and hygiene (158). A
The main acute disease risk associated study in Bangladesh reported that 75% of di-
with drinking water in developing and transi- arrheal and 44% of the control children were
tion countries is due to well-known viruses, bac- infected with either Cryptosporidium parvum,
teria, and protozoa, which spread via the fecal- Campylobacter jejuni, enterotoxigenic and en-
oral route (158). According to WHO records teropathogenic Escherichia coli, Shigella spp.,
of infectious disease outbreaks in 132 coun- or Vibrio cholerae (160). In high-income coun-
tries (from 1998 to 2001), outbreaks of water- tries, outbreaks caused by pathogenic E. coli
borne diseases are at the top of the list, with and cryptosporidiosis are often reported, and
cholera as the next most frequent disease, fol- Legionella pneumophila is increasingly dis-
lowed by acute diarrhea, legionellosis, and ty- tributed in warm water supplies and air-
phoid fever (159). It is alarming that, after an conditioning systems of large buildings, such as
absence of almost 100 years, cholera reappeared hospitals. Outbreaks of typhoid fever occur only
in Africa and accounted for 94% of the reported sporadically. • Global Water Pollution and Human Health 123

EG35CH05-Schwarzenbach ARI 18 September 2010 7:4

Even though health problems associated connectivity to municipal wastewater treatment

with wastewater and drinking water supply are plants is in the range of 50% to 95%, whereas
intimately linked, issues related to sanitation more than 80% of the municipal wastewater in
MDG: millennium
development goal are treated politically with lower priority low-income countries is discharged without any
than water supply problems, and more funds treatment, polluting rivers, lakes, and coastal
are allocated to the latter. Throughout the areas of the seas (1). Industrial wastewater is,
Organization for Economic Co-operation however, not only a source of BOD but also
and Development (OECD) projects related a point source of chemical pollution of heavy
to drinking water and sanitation, 82% of metals and synthetic organic compounds. In
the funding was directed toward drinking industrialized countries, these pollutants have
water projects (161). This preference contrasts been reduced significantly through implemen-
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with strong epidemiological evidence, which tation of internal water recycling and recovery
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2010.35:109-136. Downloaded from

suggests that improved sanitation would dras- systems and end-of-pipe treatment using ad-
tically reduce the burden of infectious diseases vanced technologies, such as activated carbon,
and, linked to this, also malnutrition. In Africa advanced oxidation, or membrane processes.
alone, owing to the lack of access by a part of The water efficiency of industrial wastewater
the population to sanitation and safe drinking treatment (i.e., the product revenues per treated
water, the overall economic loss is estimated volume of process water) is highly variable,
to be ∼5% of the gross domestic product (1). ranging from approximately US$140 per m3 in
To reduce the human health burden due to Denmark to only US$10 per m3 in the United
poor water quality and the lack of improved san- States (1) and even less in low-income countries.
itation and hygiene, WHO and the United Na- These numbers depend on the type of industrial
tions Children’s Fund have launched as a mil- activity. To date, a substantial potential exists
lennium development goal (MDG) to halve the for water reuse, which would strongly reduce
population without access to safe drinking wa- the discharge of potentially polluted water.
ter and basic sanitation by 2015 (157). In 2006, Water recycling and reuse for agriculture
87% of the world’s population used safe drink- and for drinking water through surface and
ing water sources compared to 77% in 1990 groundwater bodies are common and long-
(155). With respect to sanitation, however, the established practices (162, 163). Today, a
numbers are less encouraging; the total popula- framework of integrating aspects of risk assess-
tion without access to improved sanitation has ment and risk management is recommended
decreased only slightly since 1990 from approx- by WHO to ensure water safety for agricul-
imately 2.5 to 2.4 billion (1). tural reuse. This includes water safety plans
that rely on hazard analysis of critical con-
trol points (HACCP) and the “multibarrier
Wastewater Treatment principle” (163). Furthermore, with increasing
and Water Reuse water scarcity, wastewater reuse for drinking
Mitigation of wastewater streams from house- and industrial water becomes more widespread.
holds and industry is one of the key compo- For example, in Windhoek, Namibia, wastew-
nents for improving sanitation and maintain- ater has been recycled since 1973, using a se-
ing public and ecosystem health. Treatment ries of advanced processes to obtain drinking
of municipal wastewater aims at eliminating water (164). In many other urban areas that
nutrients (carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous) and are under water stress (California, Australia,
pathogenic microbes. Nutrient removal leads Singapore), direct or indirect potable or indus-
to a reduction of the biological oxygen de- trial reuse is practiced on large scales. These
mand (BOD) of effluent water and thus a de- systems mostly rely on membrane technolo-
crease in eutrophication of inland water bodies gies (microfiltration followed by reverse osmo-
and coastal areas. In industrialized countries, sis) to treat secondary wastewater effluent and

124 Schwarzenbach et al.

EG35CH05-Schwarzenbach ARI 18 September 2010 7:4

remove micropollutants and pathogens effi- and -independent microbiological methods

ciently (164). is currently being proposed for the detection
and quantification of pathogens and indicators
HPC: heterotrophic
(169). For practical testing of treated water plate count
Detecting Pathogens samples, flow cytometry (FCM) is one of the
and Waterborne Diseases most promising approaches. FCM enables
Enteric diseases spread mostly via water con- on-site and online enumeration of microbial
taminated with feces from ill persons and ani- cells independent of their cultivability, allows
mals. Hence, assessing treatment schemes, in- fast screening for specific pathogens (170, 171),
cluding the potential for water recycling, with and permits detection of microbial activity after
regard to the transfer of waterborne pathogens, disinfection (172). A total microbial cell count
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requires reliable hygienic drinking water qual- can be obtained within 15 min (173). However,
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ity parameters. Despite the urgent need for FCM-based methods require a paradigm
so-called pathogen indicators, fast, cheap, and change regarding the number of microbes that
easy-to-use methods for a worldwide applica- are expected in raw and disinfected water: in-
tion are still lacking. Today’s hygiene concept stead of a tolerable HPC count of less than 300–
relies on the detection of such indicators as a 500 bacterial cells per milliliter, FCM counts
hygienic drinking water quality parameter, and amount to 100,000–200,000 cells per milliliter
the enteric bacterium E. coli is used worldwide in high-quality (nondisinfected) drinking water
as an indicator of possible fecal contamination (174).
(163). In addition, the general microbiological Complementary approaches are currently
state of water is assessed by counting the total being tested to address the spreading of
number of colony-forming microbes growing infectious diseases on an epidemiological scale.
on a nutrient agar plate (the heterotrophic plate Increasing water temperatures as well as severe
count, HPC). As the HPC method largely un- rainfall and flooding events as a consequence
derestimates the number of heterotrophic mi- of climate change are likely to impact the
crobial cells present in a water sample (165), spreading patterns and frequency of infectious
the HPC was omitted from the recent lists of disease outbreaks (175). To this end, satellite
hygiene parameters of WHO, the European surveillance data for weather and climate fore-
Union, and the United States (163, 166). As casting may become an essential early warning
a consequence, it is becoming current practice system for water-related diseases because their
to rely exclusively on the presence/absence of spread can be correlated with heavy rainfalls
E. coli to judge the hygienic quality of drinking and/or increased water temperatures (176).
water. However, this approach is not suited for The potential of this approach is illustrated
monitoring the hygienic quality of water treat- by the successful prediction of outbreaks of
ment and distribution (discussed in depth in infectious diseases, such as dengue, West Nile
Reference 167). The vulnerability of this con- fever, yellow fever, and malaria (177, 178).
cept was demonstrated painfully in Milwaukee
in 1993 when chlorine-resistant Cryptosporid-
ium oocysts from an upstream cattle farm con- The Multibarrier Concept for
taminated the drinking water. Despite chlori- Improved Sanitation and Safe
nation and absence of E. coli, more than 50 Drinking Water Supply
people died after consumption of contaminated Because many waterborne pathogens spread
water and 400,000 persons suffered from cryp- primarily via feces-contaminated water, a clear
tosporidial diarrhea (168). separation between wastewater and drinking
Although the detection of E. coli will water systems is key to successful water man-
remain the hygiene parameter for the next agement. To reduce the load of pathogenic
decades, a wealth of cultivation-dependent microbes and viruses into surface water from • Global Water Pollution and Human Health 125

EG35CH05-Schwarzenbach ARI 18 September 2010 7:4

wastewater, a multiplicity of conventional treat- drinking water to their customers (179). The
ment methods are available, and feasible op- reasons are manifold and include insufficient
tions for low-income countries have recently maintenance owing to lack of finances or
been comprehensively summarized (162). Most expertise, as well as to pressure failure, illegal
of these methods rely on physical elimination of tapping, etc. Hence, in low-income countries,
the pathogens by coagulation, sedimentation, treatment at the household level is required
and filtration, typically eliminating pathogens not only in rural areas (for example, by solar
by 1–3 log units (162). Today, disinfection disinfection) but also in cities with existing
of treated wastewater by UVC irradiation or centralized systems. The impact of household-
chemicals (UVC, chlorination, ozone) is per- based methods in low-income countries for
formed in some countries. Even disinfection of drinking water treatment on human health is
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the raw wastewater is practiced occasionally. currently debated (181). The reliability of such
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2010.35:109-136. Downloaded from

One of the main ways of producing safe methods, however, is of primary importance
drinking water is by the removal and/or inac- because even occasional consumption of unsafe
tivation of pathogenic microbes through mul- water results in an increased health risks,
tiple barriers. These barriers include filtration particularly for children (182).
by soil aquifer treatment, riverbank filtration,
sand filtration, or membrane systems and also
disinfection steps, such as boiling, chemical CONCLUSION
disinfection, or UV light. Chlorination is still Tackling global water pollution requires an ef-
the most widely used technique for disinfecting fective set of policies, technologies, and sci-
drinking water because it is effective and eco- entific advances on very different scales. The
nomical, and it maintains a disinfectant residual legacy of persistent priority pollutants, such as
concentration during distribution as additional PCBs, calls for a general phase-out and a regu-
security measure. The formation of chlorinated latory effort on the global scale. Volatile chem-
disinfection by-products is today considered icals, such as halogenated compounds or mer-
insignificant when compared to the health cury, which are not subject to biodegradation
benefits from the inactivation of pathogens but accumulate in the food chain, should be re-
(162). During the past decade, membrane- stricted in their use to applications in strictly
based processes became cost-effective for their closed systems. Human food production sys-
application in municipal water treatment and tems require rigorous protection against com-
are increasingly used as polishing steps to pounds with a potential for bioaccumulation;
remove microbes and viruses from pretreated thus water as the key commodity for agricul-
water (179). Recent work suggests that gravity- ture needs the same attention. In addition, the
driven low-flow ultrafiltration may become precautionary principle has to be applied in de-
a valid option for producing drinking water signing potential substitutes for such priority
directly from low-quality source water even pollutants to make sure that today’s solution
for low-income countries (180). will not become tomorrow’s problem.
The efficacy of the above disinfection Global agriculture faces the challenge to in-
processes strongly depends on their imple- crease production yields and at the same time
mentation as centralized versus decentralized safeguard the environment and protect the food
solutions. In densely populated urban areas, chain against contamination. Improving water
centralized drinking water production and quality in agricultural areas requires more inte-
distribution systems are economically favorable grated approaches to farming. “Precision agri-
and, therefore, the usual case in industrialized culture” is based on local characteristics such as
countries. However, experiences from large soil type, topography, irrigation and drainage
cities in low-income countries also show that systems, and makes sure that the optimal crop
centralized systems often fail to supply safe management practices are implemented in the

126 Schwarzenbach et al.

EG35CH05-Schwarzenbach ARI 18 September 2010 7:4

right place at the right time, thereby reducing geochemical transformation pathways, and pos-
the risk of emitting nutrients and pesticides into sible remediation technologies to choose the
surface water (183). most effective strategies. Such waste manage-
Geogenic contaminants act as diffuse ment strategies need to be superseded in the
sources of toxic elements at regional scales, in- long run by proactive strategies based on life-
flicting chronic diseases on large populations cycle assessments and cradle-to-grave steward-
on all continents. As the main geochemical ship for toxic compounds. Global water cycles
drivers are known, geochemical modeling based should no longer be used as transport pathways
on hydrogeochemical data and spatial analysis for pollutants; it is the responsibility of eco-
helps identify the populations at risk and imple- nomic actors to keep toxic compounds within
ment advanced treatment technologies for cen- controlled, closed loops.
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tral water distribution systems. In many parts Finally, the many point sources of water
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2010.35:109-136. Downloaded from

of the developing world, however, rural pop- pollution from urban water systems need in-
ulations depend on contaminated groundwater creased attention and investments over the next
wells. For these settings, identifying alternative decades. To reach the MDGs to provide im-
water resources or implementing simple, reli- proved sanitation and safe drinking water for
able household-centered water treatment tech- about 2 billion people, concerted efforts to de-
nologies requires special effort. velop and implement cost-effective sanitation
Cleaning up large-scale water pollution systems in the growing megacities in areas with
from mining activities and groundwater con- water stress are of highest priority. Developing
tamination from waste sites requires science- the techniques and social networks to improve
based decisions that take into account the spe- household-centered sanitation in rural areas re-
cific hydrological conditions, the microbial and quires an effort of similar magnitude.

1. The increasing global chemical pollution of natural water with largely unknown short-
and long-term effects on aquatic life and on human health is one of the key problems
facing humanity.
2. The point and diffuse sources of chemical pollution are manifold, and their temporal
and spatial impacts on water quality range from short-term local to long-term global.
Agriculture, mining activities, landfills, industrial and urban wastewater, as well as natural
geogenic releases are the most relevant pollutant sources.
3. Owing to the enormous variability of micropollutants, mitigating a given chemical wa-
ter pollution problem is commonly a quite challenging task. Each case requires its own
interdisciplinary scientific knowledge and methods, and each has its own technical, eco-
nomical, and societal dimensions.
4. Reliable wastewater collection and treatment systems are critical for sanitation and for
human and ecosystem health. Centralized municipal wastewater systems provide reliable
solutions to many of these problems but lead to estimated global annual infrastructure
costs of US$100 billion over the next 20 years. Such a financial outlay may be prohibitive
for low-income countries.
5. Access to improved sanitation for one-third of the world’s population is an urgent issue,
and lack of proper sanitation systems is responsible for the spreading of waterborne
infections and for unsafe drinking water. Despite this fact, 80% of the financial aid for
water-related projects is spent on drinking water instead of sanitation issues. • Global Water Pollution and Human Health 127

EG35CH05-Schwarzenbach ARI 18 September 2010 7:4

6. At present, cheap production in emerging economies is too often accompanied with

unacceptable pollution of natural water. International chemical regulation, consumer
information, and good practice codes should therefore work synergistically to prevent
large-scale emission of chemicals into the hydrosphere in all parts of the world.

1. Despite the anticipated advances in water treatment technologies, efforts to reduce intro-
duction of problematic chemicals into the (aquatic) environment should be given highest
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priority. This requires the improvement of the scientific tools to identify those existing
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2010.35:109-136. Downloaded from

chemicals that need to be substituted and phased out and the political will to enforce
such action.
2. In the chemical industry, the “green chemistry approach” should be more strongly im-
plemented, including efficiency engineering of chemical processes to minimize material
flows into the environment and emphasizing the design of new chemicals that are com-
pletely biodegradable and therefore of less environmental concern. In addition, improved
treatment and removal technologies will allow coping with the legacy of existing water
3. Surface- and groundwater pollution from mining activities, known and unknown land-
fills, and spill sites will continue to threaten our water supplies. Mitigation of these
contaminant sources will require enormous financial resources over the next decades and
research on effective removal technologies.
4. The high costs of centralized wastewater systems and their low water efficiency require
the development of alternative solutions, possibly decentralized systems. They will allow
reusing the water and nutrients locally and lead to low discharge systems.
5. The goal of cheap, fast, and reliable detection of a broad variety of micropollutants and
pathogens in natural water calls for innovative developments in analytical technologies
and internationally compatible protocols for water quality assessment.
6. The increasing demand on freshwater resources over the next decades will exert enormous
pressure, particularly in arid regions of the world, to protect surface water from pollution.
International stewardship for surface water quality will become a high priority to avoid
serious water conflicts along international river basins.

The authors are not aware of any affiliations, memberships, funding, or financial holdings that
might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this review.

We thank Jeanne Tomaszewski and Michael Sander for valuable comments and for reviewing
the manuscript. We thank ETH Zürich, Eawag, and the Swiss National Science Foundation for
continuous support of our work.

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101 methanes Cl
F Cl

Chlorinated Fluorotelomer
Cl Cl F F F F F F F F
methanes/ alcohols
100 ethenes Cl Cl F


10–1 Polycyclic aromatic

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Air– water partitioning constant (K aw )

Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2010.35:109-136. Downloaded from

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB)

10–2 Perfluorinated Cln
Nitroaromatic (PFCAs) F F F F F F F F Polychlorinated dibenzo–dioxins
compounds OH
and –furanes (PCDDs/PCDFs)
10–3 Polychlorinated pesticides
O2N NO2 Chloro– and nitrophenols Cl3 Cl
Aromatic amines H
NO2 Cl Cl Cl Cl
Cl O
Cl Cl
10–4 Cl
diphenyl ethers
Brn (PBDEs)

10–5 OH

Antibiotics Triazine
10–6 O
CH3 Cl
Hormones H3C OH H N N N
10–7 H H

100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107
Octanol–water partitioning constant (K ow )

Industrial Halogenated Industrial Refrigerants, blowing Consumer Pharmaceuticals,

chemicals solvents, fuel products agents, lubricants, products personal care
components, surfactants, flame products
explosives retardants

Biocides Pesticides, wood Combustion/reaction products


Figure 1
Air-water (Kaw ) versus octanol-water partitioning constants (Kow ) of different organic water pollutants (BTEX stands for benzene,
toluene, ethylbenzenes, and xylenes, i.e. fuel constituents). Colored areas indicate the approximate range of the compound properties as
well as the origin/usage of the contaminants (i.e., industrial chemicals and products, consumer products, biocides, or
combustion/reaction products). • Global Water Pollution and Human Health C-1

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Schwarzenbach et al.
18 September 2010


Very low




Figure 2
Estimated risks for arsenic contamination in drinking water based on hydrogeological conditions. Map modified after Reference 89.
EG35-FM ARI 18 September 2010 7:49

Annual Review of
and Resources

Volume 35, 2010

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Preface p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p pv
Who Should Read This Series? p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p pvii

I. Earth’s Life Support Systems

Human Involvement in Food Webs
Donald R. Strong and Kenneth T. Frank p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 1
Invasive Species, Environmental Change and Management, and Health
Petr Pyšek and David M. Richardson p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p25
Pharmaceuticals in the Environment
Klaus Kümmerer p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p57

II. Human Use of Environment and Resources

Competing Dimensions of Energy Security: An International
Benjamin K. Sovacool and Marilyn A. Brown p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p77
Global Water Pollution and Human Health
René P. Schwarzenbach, Thomas Egli, Thomas B. Hofstetter, Urs von Gunten,
and Bernhard Wehrli p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 109
Biological Diversity in Agriculture and Global Change
Karl S. Zimmerer p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 137
The New Geography of Contemporary Urbanization and the
Karen C. Seto, Roberto Sánchez-Rodrı́guez, and Michail Fragkias p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 167
Green Consumption: Behavior and Norms
Ken Peattie p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 195

EG35-FM ARI 18 September 2010 7:49

III. Management, Guidance, and Governance of Resources and Environment

Cities and the Governing of Climate Change
Harriet Bulkeley p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 229
The Rescaling of Global Environmental Politics
Liliana B. Andonova and Ronald B. Mitchell p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 255
Climate Risk
Nathan E. Hultman, David M. Hassenzahl, and Steve Rayner p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 283
Access provided by 2401:4900:5d8d:3ea1:6513:5bae:878f:78b7 on 09/01/23. For personal use only.

Evaluating Energy Efficiency Policies with Energy-Economy Models

Luis Mundaca, Lena Neij, Ernst Worrell, and Michael McNeil p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 305
Annu. Rev. Environ. Resour. 2010.35:109-136. Downloaded from

The State of the Field of Environmental History

J.R. McNeill p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 345


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 26–35 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 375

Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 26–35 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 379


An online log of corrections to Annual Review of Environment and Resources articles may
be found at

Contents ix

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