Spetic Tank - Threat To Water Bodies

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Do septic tanks pose a hidden threat to water quality?

Article  in  Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment · March 2014

DOI: 10.1890/130131


151 4,448

5 authors, including:

Paul Withers Phil Jordan

Bangor University Ulster University


Linda May Helen Jarvie

UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology University of Waterloo


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Do septic tank systems pose a hidden threat 123

to water quality?
Paul JA Withers1*, Philip Jordan2, Linda May3, Helen P Jarvie4, and Nancy E Deal5

Aquatic ecosystems are being degraded by anthropogenic pollution on a global scale. Septic tank systems (STS),
which are widely distributed in rural and peri-urban areas, are one potential source of water pollution. Although
generally regarded as the most efficient method for onsite treatment of domestic wastewater, we question
whether current regulation and management of these systems is sufficient to guarantee that they function effec-
tively. Here, we present watershed-specific examples that illustrate some of the problems that arise when many
years of inadequate regulation and management result in a legacy of failing STS that can become long-term,
chronic sources of nutrient pollution. Our data suggest that more accurate accounting of the location, perfor-
mance, and degree of failure of STS, and more research into their impacts on water quality, would improve source
attribution of pollutants within rural watersheds. This would ensure that education of homeowners, mitigation,
interdisciplinary research, and technological innovation could be targeted in a cost-effective way.
Front Ecol Environ 2014; 12(2): 123–130, doi:10.1890/130131 (published online 11 Nov 2013)

A quatic ecosystems provide valuable goods and services

– including clean water for drinking and irrigation,
sources of food and energy, and recreation – that benefit
Pollution is a major threat to the ecological integrity of
aquatic ecosystems, water security, and human health.
Urbanization and agricultural intensification have greatly
human society. They also support a diverse range of increased the amount of organic matter, nutrients, pesti-
microbial, plant, and animal communities, and biogeo- cides, pharmaceuticals, and pathogens in the world’s
chemical processes that regulate water quality. rivers, lakes, reservoirs, estuaries, and coastal zones. This
Maintaining these ecosystem services is critical for has promoted eutrophication (Smith 2003) and the
human and environmental well-being (MA 2005), and spread of infectious diseases (Patz et al. 2004), and raised
actions are required to halt the endemic declines in water concerns over the long-term effects of persistent micro-
quality and aquatic biodiversity that have occurred over pollutants (pollutants that exist in trace amounts in water
the past century due to human interference and impacts bodies) on aquatic life and human health (Schwarz-
(Vörösmarty et al. 2010). Identifying and addressing the enbach et al. 2006). Further human population growth
numerous threats to water quality at their source is criti- and climate change will place increasing pressure on
cally important for maintaining ecosystem health. water resources, reducing their capacity to dilute these
pollutant inputs, especially in vulnerable headwaters
where flow volumes are low.
In a nutshell: Septic tank systems (STS), the most common form of
• Accurate identification and targeted control of pollutant onsite domestic wastewater treatment, are one potential
sources that degrade water quality is vital for the sustainable source of water pollution in headwater catchments.
management of water resources However, in many areas of the US and Europe, STS are
• Septic tank systems can be a major, and potentially underesti- usually not considered a sufficiently important source of
mated, source of water pollution water pollution for policy-driven regulatory controls at
• The performance of septic tank systems varies widely from site
to site, and there is little or no integrated regulatory control of the national or watershed scale, or for adequate policing
these systems in many locations where these controls already exist. This is most likely
• Septic tank systems must be better maintained and monitored because STS have long been considered an effective and
so that they remain effective and do not threaten water quality permanent solution to the treatment of domestic waste-
in environmentally sensitive areas water in rural areas. They offer several advantages over
more centralized systems in terms of energy efficiency and
cost, and have very low greenhouse-gas emissions (US
School of Environment, Natural Resources and Geography, Bangor EPA 2002; Weiss et al. 2008; Diaz-Valbuena et al. 2011).
University, Bangor, UK *(p.withers@bangor.ac.uk); 2School of However, there is now a growing body of evidence link-
Environmental Sciences, University of Ulster, Coleraine, UK; ing STS discharges to water-quality impairment (Carrara
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Penicuik, UK; 4Centre for et al. 2008; Katz et al. 2011; Macintosh et al. 2011;
Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford, UK; 5Department of Public Withers et al. 2011; Mallin and McIver 2012). New strin-
Health On-Site Water Protection Branch, North Carolina Division gent controls on phosphorus (P) inputs to already
of Public Health, Raleigh, NC eutrophic waters, for example in the Baltic Sea, are also

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Septic tanks and water quality PJA Withers et al.

124 now drawing attention to uncertainties over the long- therefore hidden from view and assumed to be working
term effectiveness of STS and their contribution to effectively. When STS are planned, designed, installed,
eutrophication (Eveborn et al. 2012). operated, and maintained properly, rates of pollutant atten-
Here, we consider whether current regulatory and uation are indeed very high (70% to >90% of pollutants are
maintenance standards for STS are sufficient to ensure removed). For instance, Robertson (2012) documented one
that they are operating effectively and not presenting a domestic STS where close to 100% of the lifetime P loading
pollution threat to aquatic ecosystems. We compare the to a STS over 20 years was completely retained by the sand
regulatory controls and functioning of STS in the US, filter bed within 2 m of the infiltration pipes. Nitrogen (N)
UK, and the Republic of Ireland (hereafter referred to as attenuation is naturally more variable (20–80%) given the
Ireland) and review reasons for their failure. We then restricted opportunities for denitrification of nitrate
examine the nature of STS impacts on water quality in (NO3–) or anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) to
rural headwaters in these three countries and discuss how occur within the subsoil. This means that NO3– enrichment
inadequate regulation and maintenance can result in of nearby groundwater wells is often related to the density
conditions that impede the restoration of aquatic ecosys- of STS in the area (Gill et al. 2009; Katz et al. 2011). While
tems. Our analysis indicates that the degree of regulatory research has indicated where systems work best, not all STS
and management failure, and the resulting threats to are installed in optimal conditions, and design specifica-
water quality and human health, may be underestimated tions may be circumvented where sites are unsuitable, lim-
because locally administered and variably enforced regu- ited by a lack of available land, and/or by cost constraints.
lations cover only the planning and installation of STS According to US EPA (2002), one-third of soils in North
and not their subsequent performance, unless specifically America may not meet modern drainfield design require-
permitted. We argue that more research into STS func- ments, as reported by Day (2004). In rural areas of the UK
tioning in different environments is needed to inform and Ireland, STS are typically clustered adjacent to water-
modeling of their potential contribution to nutrient loads courses because of topographical restrictions on house loca-
and effects on water quality in rural watersheds. tion, a historical need for access to water, and high stream
densities. Some older systems still receive stormwater in
n Septic tank systems addition to wastewater and may also be undersized for
modern levels of water usage.
Septic tank systems are used worldwide to treat domestic Suboptimal conditions may lead to lower pollution atten-
wastewater from individual or small groups of dwellings in uation rates and more rapid system deterioration over time,
rural (and some peri-urban and urban) areas that are not with a resulting increase in the risk of water pollution; for
connected to a main sewage network. For example, it has example, P attenuation can fall to 10–30% in subsoils with
been estimated that 26% of households across Europe low P retention capacity (Robertson et al. 1998; Eveborn et
(Williams et al. 2012), 25% in the US (US EPA 2002), al. 2012). Poor STS performance commonly occurs where
and 20% in Australia (Beal et al. 2005) rely on STS for effluent loading rates to the drainfield are too high; if the
onsite sanitation. Following on from an early French drainfield soil type is unsuitable; or if the drainfield area is
prototype, the septic tank was first introduced into the inadequate, too close to a watercourse (ie high water table),
US in 1883 and into England in 1895; the basic design or absent altogether; and where systems are not maintained
has changed very little since then, although the need for properly (Butler and Payne 1995; Beal et al. 2005).
an adjacent drainfield (or “soakaway”) was only recog- Although tanks should be emptied when more than 30%
nized some 50–60 years later. Today, STS typically com- full of solids (or “sludge”; US EPA 2002), this recommenda-
prise a one- or two-chamber septic tank, where solids set- tion is often ignored. Tanks do not function properly when
tle out and undergo anaerobic digestion, and a piped damaged or full of sludge, and this can result in tank over-
drainfield, where abiotic and biotic processing (eg filtra- flow and higher levels of organic matter in the tank effluent,
tion, adsorption, nitrification, denitrification) within and which in turn can clog the drainfield and lead to poor infil-
below a biomat zone (the zone of organic matter build-up tration, soggy drainfields, and surface runoff (Figure 1b).
in a drainfield soil) purifies the tank effluent. This treated Deliberate discharge of so-called “foul drainage” – used water
effluent then disperses naturally into groundwater. In from domestic sink, bath, shower, toilet, washing machine,
some STS with advanced nutrient removal, drainfield and dishwasher waste pipes – directly into watercourses
effluent may be allowed to discharge directly into the (termed misconnections) can also occur (Dunk et al. 2008).
nearest surface water. While the tank reduces the loading Thus, there is broad variation in STS performance (eg
of organic solids, it is the slow percolation of the tank EPRI 2001; US EPA 2002), ranging from very effective
effluent through the drainfield soil and underlying strata systems with good subsurface drainage and retentive sub-
that attenuates most of the nutrients, micropollutants, soils (or with filtering media) that disperse treated efflu-
and pathogens that are present in household wastewater ent into groundwater, to defective systems that discharge
(see comprehensive reviews by EPRI 2001; Beal et al. partially treated effluent to a surface waterbody, either
2005; WERF 2009). directly (eg misconnection) or during storm events (eg
Septic tank systems are usually buried underground and blocked or slowly permeable drainfield). However, the

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PJA Withers et al. Septic tanks and water quality

number of defective systems (a) (b) 125

is unknown because most
STS are not systematically
inspected; only those larger
systems that require a specific
permit to discharge are rou-
tinely monitored for dis-
charge quality. For most sys-
tems, failure is cataloged only
when an acute water-quality
or odor problem arises. The
most accurate information on
STS failure rates is collected
via field performance surveys
of randomly selected systems.
In the US, such county sur-
veys suggest low failure rates
(< 7–13%; eg Lynn et al.
2005; Deal et al. 2007; Jordan
2013), with failure defined as
surfacing effluent, graywater
discharge, or sewage backup
Sewage discharges (permit)
into the residence. In the UK
Sewage discharges (exempt)
and Ireland, similar water-
shed surveys suggest that a
much greater proportion
(~70%) of STS are failing Figure 1. Siting of STS and potential points of failure. (a) Location of consented (142) and exempt
due to poor tank mainte- (1079) domestic wastewater discharges in the watershed of the River Conwy in North Wales, UK,
nance, defective drainfields, following the introduction of a compulsory registration system for STS in 2012 (data supplied by
and surface-water discharges Environment Agency Wales, with permission). The clustering in valley bottoms and the close
(Arnscheidt et al. 2007; May proximity of STS to headwaters is very marked in an area with shallow stony soils over bedrock. (b)
et al. 2010; Withers et al. In failing systems, a (1) full or (2) damaged tank, (3) stormwater connections, or (4) a blocked
2012). Generally, lower fail- biomat or lack of onsite drainage (hydraulic failure) leads to reduced effectiveness, storm overflows,
ure rates might be expected and increased risk of runoff to nearby streams via (5) surface and (6) subsurface pathways. (7)
in the US because STS densi- Some older systems lack a drainfield and discharge directly into a watercourse (misconnection).
ties will be lower and because
systems can be located farther away from, and are there- in the US, state and local authorities set their own regu-
fore less connected to, watercourses. latory targets in relation to N and P emissions from STS
When STS fail to work effectively, nearby groundwater (and other onsite wastewater treatment systems),
and surface waters can become contaminated with polluted depending on whether they are considered a water-qual-
leachate or surface runoff, which may have direct conse- ity problem or not (SORA 2012). In a recent survey car-
quences for human and environmental health. Such ried out by the State Onsite Regulators Alliance (SORA,
impacts may include NO3– enrichment of aquifers (Katz et a professional organization of government regulators of
al. 2011), fecal contamination of water supplies (Ahmed et STS), 25 out of 49 US states reported that regulations
al. 2005), disease outbreaks (Borchardt et al. 2003), antibi- were in place for N discharges, whereas only 10 states reg-
otic resistance in aquatic microorganisms (Graves et al. ulated P discharges (Figure 2). A further eight states and
2002), eutrophication of surface waters (Mallin and McIver four states were considering introducing regulations for N
2012), loss of biodiversity (Short and Burdick 1996), and a and P discharges, respectively, in problem or eutrophica-
decline in the ecosystem services provided by aquatic tion-sensitive areas (eg those with high amenity value).
resources (Palmer-Felgate et al. 2010). The type of regulation, the size of the system it pertains
to, and whether it was regulated statewide or adminis-
n Regulatory controls tered by local counties also varied widely. In many cases,
regulations did not apply to small residences and fewer
The widespread perception that STS are very effective in than 10 states kept a register of permits required for the
treating domestic wastewater is reflected in the absence installation of larger systems that use advanced treatment
of standardized regulatory controls over their discharges, technology to improve nutrient removal.
which consequently vary from good to poor. For example, A similar survey of relevant UK authorities conducted

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Septic tanks and water quality PJA Withers et al.

126 tion, while some authorities reported that rural commu-

Nitrogen (N) nities became tolerant of STS problems in areas where
they regularly occurred. More rigorous regulations are
now in force for new STS being installed in the different
parts of the UK, but hundreds of thousands of unregis-
tered older STS still remain, and their condition and
effectiveness are largely unknown. The lack of integra-
tion between the different regulatory authorities is clearly
illustrated by a recent compulsory STS registration
scheme in Wales, which revealed that the location of
only 12% of STS in the River Conwy catchment was
known to the water regulators (Figure 1a).
A relatively large number of STS installed in the
1970s serve the rural populations of Ireland and
Northern Ireland (part of the UK). The degree of regula-
Phosphorus (P) tion over their design, location, and discharge has largely
been decided at the county level and therefore varies
considerably (Clenaghan et al. 2005). In October 2009,
following widespread public health concerns over the
contamination of local water supplies by STS, the
European Union (EU) Court of Justice ruled against
Ireland for failing to adequately regulate STS discharges
under the 1975 EU Waste Framework Directive (Case C-
188/08), an infraction that incurred large daily fines but
has also brought the issue of STS effectiveness and
impacts on water quality sharply into focus. The Court
found that only one rural county council (out of 28) had
Figure 2. Status of regulations covering N and P discharges a legislative framework in place (full registration and a 7-
from onsite wastewater systems according to a survey of 50 US year inspection program) that complied with the require-
states, US territories, Native American tribes, and Canadian ments of the Directive. The Irish Government is now
provinces conducted by the State Onsite Regulators Alliance in implementing legislation that will make homeowners
2012. States shaded light blue are where survey respondents responsible for ensuring that their STS do not constitute
indicated that N and P from onsite systems were not considered a risk to human health or the environment (water, air,
to be a problem at this time. States shaded dark blue are where and soil) or to plants and animals. Importantly, the EU
respondents indicated that some problems due to N and P occur fines were lifted in February 2013 and the case was closed
in places, but regulations are not being considered at this time; in May 2013, after the publication of a national risk
states shaded purple are those where respondents indicated N and assessment method and inspection plan (Republic of
P regulations are being considered; dark green states are where Ireland EPA 2013a, b). The risk assessment method
respondents reported that N and P is regulated and that is used as a means of focusing inspections and estimates
regulations may apply to smaller and larger systems; light green the potential pollution (N, P, and bacteria) risk to
states are where respondents indicated that N is regulated, but groundwater and surface water from the number of STS
regulations apply only to larger systems. No response was in the watershed and the permeability of the soil and
received from Arizona. The survey shows that N discharges from underlying geology.
STS are more of a water-quality problem than P discharges, In Northern Ireland, the current STS effluent quality
reflecting the greater mobility of N in subsoils and groundwater. standard is based on biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)
and suspended solids removal. In subwatersheds of < 2
in 1992 also showed large regional variations in the inter- km2, new installations can discharge directly into the
pretation of various national regulations governing STS watercourse if 95% BOD removal can be achieved in the
installation (Butler and Payne 1995). The survey found STS effluent. This standard does not, however, account
that responsibilities for administering the regulations for nutrient concentrations, which can be high even
were divided among four different government authori- in modern systems. Phosphorus concentrations, for
ties and that the absence of single authority control had instance, are typically at least 2 mg L–1 in discharges from
led to the installation of some STS with inadequate modern STS, which may be high enough to cause
drainfield designs, in unsuitable locations, and with no eutrophication of receiving headwaters under low flows.
common policy covering their registration or mainte- Additionally, the standard does not account for the exist-
nance. Some older systems were poorly maintained and ing STS density, which can be as high as 15 systems per
discharging directly into watercourses without authoriza- square kilometer in some headwaters (Arnscheidt et al.

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PJA Withers et al. Septic tanks and water quality

(a) (b) 127

0.8 0.08 0.8 0.4
County Armagh County Monaghan
TP concentration (mg L–1)

TP concentration (mg L–1)

0.6 0.06 0.6 0.3

Flow (m3 s–1)

Flow (m3 s–1)
0.4 0.04 0.4 0.2

0.2 0.02 0.2 0.1

0 0 0 0

27-May-06 03-Jun-06 10-Jun-06 17-Jun-06 03-Apr-06 13-Apr-06 23-Apr-06 03-May-06

(d) (c)
0.15 0.08
0.4 County Louth
County Armagh

TP concentration (mg L–1)

TP concentration (mg L–1)


Flow (m3 s–1)


0.1 0 0

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 11-Mar-10 15-Mar-10 19-Mar-10


Figure 3. (a, b, c) The impact of STS discharges on P concentrations in three headwater streams on the border between Ireland and
Northern Ireland under low-flow conditions. The flow and P time-series charts cover periods of low or zero rainfall when surface-
water runoff does not occur and baseflows become the major contributor to streamflows. Without exception, as baseflows decrease
(blue line), P concentrations increase (red line), indicating a direct source input and a loss of dilution potential. (d) Box-whisker plots
of hourly P concentrations over 6 days in the County Armagh watershed show diurnal signals associated with patterns of wastewater
discharge. TP = total phosphorus.

2007) and more than 30 systems per square kilometer in identification and targeting of the major sources of nutri-
larger watersheds (Douglas et al. 2007). ents responsible for the growth of nuisance algae and the
loss of aquatic biodiversity, but linking nutrient inputs to
n Wider watershed goals ecological impacts is complex, especially in rivers (Jarvie
et al. 2013). Source apportionment models tend to iden-
The SORA survey in the US identified emerging water- tify the main watershed contributions to annual nutrient
shed nutrient management goals as an important driver loads as the main sources to control (ie agriculture and
for more rigorous regulation of STS in the future. Nutrient large wastewater treatment centers), while STS are largely
pollution is one of the most widespread, costly, and chal- perceived to be small and dispersed units that contribute
lenging environmental problems in the US and, indeed, only a fraction to watershed nutrient loads and are there-
globally. Nutrient reduction goals (eg total maximum fore generally not considered to be important sources of
daily loads) have been identified for different regions (US nutrients. For optimally performing systems, this is usually
EPA 2008), and rigorous target nutrient criteria have been true. However, recent evidence from high-resolution (sub-
introduced in other countries in an effort to address hourly) monitoring of rural watersheds in Ireland and
eutrophication problems in different types of water bodies Northern Ireland has shown that, despite their small size,
(eg SI 272 2009; Defra 2010; Chambers et al. 2012); for clusters of poorly functioning STS can be a major source
example, target P concentrations typically range from 10 of nutrients during the ecologically active spring and sum-
to over 100 µg L–1 in different countries. These targets are mer periods (Macintosh et al. 2011).
well below the concentrations discharged from many Synchronous measurements of water discharge and
functioning STS (eg Robertson et al. 1998). stream chemistry in these watersheds revealed diurnal P
Achieving nutrient reduction goals requires accurate signals of varying phases and magnitudes during low-flow

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Septic tanks and water quality PJA Withers et al.

128 sewage inputs in a rural chalkland

1.4 headwater, Jarvie et al. (2006) sug-
gested that the most likely source of
synchronous increases of P and B con-
1.0 centrations at higher flows was the
SRP (mg L–1)

0.8 flushing of STS effluent into the river

as rising groundwater levels came into
0.6 contact with the STS drainfields.
0.4 This will not hold true for all water-
sheds, however, especially where
other sources of B are present. The
0.0 effects of storm-driven transfers of
STS pollutants on stream concentra-

















tions will also be more variable
because of the increased dilution
Figure 4. Improvement in water quality following decommissioning of STS. A sharp capacity afforded by the additional
decline in soluble reactive P (SRP) concentrations was observed in the River Chew at stormwater.
Litton, Somerset, UK, when a group of STS serving 500 residents, two public houses, To what extent such headwater
and a school was decommissioned at the end of 2002. From 2003 onward, wastewater nutrient enrichment from STS trans-
from these properties was pumped to a nearby wastewater treatment facility and the lates to downstream ecological im-
effluent from this was discharged into another river. The two SRP peaks in late 2005 pacts remains a major research ques-
and mid-2006 may have been caused by rainfall-driven runoff events flushing P out tion but, as headwaters typically
from the drainfields of decommissioned septic tanks. Data supplied by Wessex Water, represent more than 75% of the total
with permission. length of a river, they could poten-
tially impact the health and biodiver-
periods, which were superimposed on a general trend of sity of entire river systems (eg Finn et al. 2011). Reducing
rising P concentrations as baseflows decreased (Figure 3). only diffuse inputs from agriculture without considering
The diurnality is consistent with patterns of domestic the contributions of variably effective STS may therefore
water use, with increases in stream P concentrations undermine eutrophication control strategies in rural
apparent in the morning and early evening (Jordan et al. watersheds. The decommissioning of STS in a small
2007). The number and condition of STS upstream of watershed in England in 2002, for instance, resulted in a
low-flow monitoring points was correlated with the mag- 66% reduction in annual average in-stream P concentra-
nitude of the average seasonal or low-flow P concentra- tions, from 251 to 86 µg P L–1, and enabled the target P
tion (Macintosh et al. 2011), with values reaching over concentration of 120 µg P L–1 for eutrophication control
200 µg P L–1, which are well above the 35 µg P L–1 target in this stream to be achieved (Figure 4). This rapid recov-
required for eutrophication control in Ireland (SI 272 ery confirms that STS were impacting stream P status as a
2009). The failure of STS in these catchments was due to result of direct surface-water loading from failing systems;
a lack of maintenance and inadequate performance of if the P enrichment of the stream had been due to STS
drainfields in an area with soils of low permeability and contamination of the groundwater, a lag period of many
high water tables (Arnscheidt et al. 2007). The low soil years would have been required to observe any improve-
permeability precluded proper attenuation of the STS ment in stream P levels.
effluent, which consequently entered the streams directly
and at a time when their dilution capacity is at its lowest, n Conclusions
thus providing the conditions for maximum ecological
impact. Withers et al. (2011) reported similar problems in Research has shown that STS remain a cost-effective
a watershed in rural England. method of treating domestic wastewater in rural areas,
In addition to low-magnitude/long-duration STS dis- but with large site-to-site variation in their performance.
charges under baseflow conditions, at least some of what There is increasing evidence that a former lack of ade-
is assumed to be agricultural inputs at high flows may quate, consistent, integrated, and/or enforced regulatory
actually be inputs from STS acting as diffuse sources of control over STS design, installation, and monitoring
pollution. Separating the contribution of STS from agri- may be compromising water quality, with increased risk
cultural nutrient sources during short-duration storm to human health. Systems have often been located in
events is difficult without using specific effluent tracers, unsuitable areas and on unsuitable soils, or have been
and little information is available on the importance of improperly maintained or unaccounted for in relation to
this transport pathway. Stream enrichment has been doc- watershed nutrient carrying capacities. This situation has
umented following storm overflows from full tanks (eg arisen either because STS have not been considered an
Withers et al. 2009). Using boron (B) as a tracer for environmental risk, or because the data required for pro-

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PJA Withers et al. Septic tanks and water quality

viding proper guidance have been lacking or poorly inter- jointed past policies and lack of guidance), will continue to 129
preted. Without national STS discharge limits and with be a thorny political issue.
few regulatory requirements to monitor long-term system
performance, the extent of STS failure is difficult to n Acknowledgements
quantify accurately, may be underestimated, and may
increase over time as systems age. Local authorities may The location of consented and exempt wastewater dis-
be reluctant to set discharge limits because the absence of charges in the River Conwy was provided by D Jones,
technical guidance and federal support may increase the Environment Agency Wales, and the River Conwy map
risks of litigation. (Figure 1a) showing their location was drawn by I Harris,
We have demonstrated that failing STS may be far Bangor University. The STS schematic in Figure 1b was
more important and chronic pollutant sources than their drawn by H Byrne (DunseverickART). Stream P data for
small contribution to stream nutrient loading would sug- the River Chew at Litton shown in Figure 4 were pro-
gest – at least some of what we assume to be nutrient vided by R Barden, Wessex Water. We also acknowledge
inputs from agriculture may in fact be inputs from STS. data contributions from the Agricultural Catchments
This is an important message for policy makers as well as Programme (Teagasc, Wexford, Republic of Ireland) and
regulatory and conservation agencies because, at the from science/technical staff at the University of Ulster,
moment, agriculture is often the sole focus of eutrophica- and funding from the Special EU Programmes Board
tion control efforts in rural catchments. Failure to (INTERREG IIIa Project 020204).
acknowledge and address discharges from poorly main-
tained and leaking STS in rural (and some urban) land- n References
scapes may therefore lead to an overestimation of the Ahmed W, Neller R, and Katouli M. 2005. Evidence of septic sys-
contribution of agriculture to eutrophication and to tem failure determined by a bacterial biochemical fingerprint-
delays or failure in achieving nutrient control targets in ing method. J Appl Microbiol 98: 910–20.
Arnscheidt J, Jordan P, Li S, et al. 2007. Defining the sources of
sensitive ecosystems. The hidden threats to water quality low-flow phosphorus transfers in complex catchments. Sci Total
from failing STS will be watershed-specific and relate to Environ 382: 1–13.
local combinations of scale, soil, geological, and rural Beal CD, Gardner EA, and Menzies NW. 2005. Process, perfor-
population factors, but may be exacerbated by climate mance, and pollution potential: a review of septic tank–soil
change. Forecast reductions in baseflow (in Western absorption systems. Aust J Soil Res 43: 781–802.
Borchardt MA, Chyou P, DeVries EO, and Belongia EA. 2003.
Europe at least; Prudhomme et al. 2012) will diminish the Septic system density and infectious diarrhea in a defined pop-
capacity of receiving streams to dilute STS inputs, and ulation of children. Environ Health Persp 111: 742–48.
the design criteria and performance of drainfields will also Butler D and Payne J. 1995. Septic tanks: problems and practice.
become more critical if storm events grow more frequent Build Environ 30: 419–25.
and extreme. Carrara C, Ptacek CJ, Robertson WD, et al. 2008. Fate of pharma-
ceuticals and trace organic compounds in three septic system
When developing watershed mitigation strategies aimed plumes, Ontario, Canada. Environ Sci Technol 42: 2805–11.
at maintaining the important ecosystem services that fresh Chambers PA, McGoldrick DJ, Brua RB, et al. 2012. Development
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