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Hello Disney, my name is Katherine sara chuquicaña del carpio

and my partner is luz mery and this is our video.

A: Good morning ____. How are you?

B: Good morning. I’m fine, thanks.

A: What time do you get up?

B: I get up at seven in the morning. Do you get up at seven eim?

A: No, I get up at 8am. What time do you go to the university?

B: I go to the university at nai eim. And you?

A: I go at 10pm every weekdays. What is your favorite drink?

B: My feivorriet drink is soda, what is yours?

A: I like apple juice. Do you like fish?

B: No, I don’t, I like meat. What time do you have dinner?

A: I have dinner at 9pm. And what about you? You make dinner?

B: Yes, I do. At eich o’clock I have dinner ready. Do you like metal music?

A: No, I hate metal music but I love pop.

B: Oh, me too. What is your feivorriet sport?

A: I like swimming, and you?

B: I like saycling. When do you go to the gym?

A: I go to the gym every monday, and you?

B: I go on Sarurdays. and, what is your favorite hobby?

A: I love painting, it relaxes me. What about you?

B: I like riding a bike in my free time.

A: Thanks for the conversation, good bye.

B: Thanks, see you later.

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