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Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management 16 (2021) 100561

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Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management

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Removal of methyl orange from aqueous solution using SRB supported

Bio-Pd/Fe NPs
Hemamalathi Kubendiran a, Dayal Hui a, Mrudula Pulimi a, N. Chandrasekaran a,
P. Sriyutha Murthy b, Amitava Mukherjee a, *
Centre for Nanobiotechnology, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, India
Water & Steam Chemistry Division, BARC Facilities, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research Campus, Kalpakkam 603 102, Tamil Nadu, India


Keywords: Removal efficacy of biogenically (Desulfovibrio desulfuricans) synthesized bimetallic Pd/Fe nanoparticles on the
Methyl orange toxic azo dye Methyl Orange (MO) was evaluated using DM and natural water bodies. Nanoparticle concen­
Pd/Fe nanoparticles tration and conditions were optimized using response surface methodology (RSM). Biogenic Pd/Fe nanoparticles
Desulfovibrio desulfuricans
exhibited higher removal (96.16 ± 1.6%) efficiency in just 30 min. The role played by D. desulfuricans and Pd
In-situ removal efficacy
catalyst in MO removal was also assessed and 36.8 ± 1.4% removal by D. desulfuricans and 45.19 ± 1.7% by the
Cell viability assessment
Bio-Pd NPs were noted. Mechanism of removal of MO by Bio-Pd/Fe NPs as revealed by XRD, FTIR and ORP
analyses showed both adsorption and reduction processes. Removal studies carried out with the lake, tap and
ground water samples showed efficiency of 74 ± 1.95%, 81 ± 2.57% and 87 ± 1.36% respectively. Bio-Pd/Fe
nanoparticle treated MO exhibited reduced toxicity towards algal and bacterial species. Biogenic synthesis of
Pd/Fe NP offers a promising approach for removal of toxic methyl orange dye from contaminated aquatic
ecosystems and a methodology for remediation of MO is elucidated.

1. Introduction minimize food intake ability and inhibit growth and fertility rate (Dotto
et al., 2013; Feng et al., 2012). Studies have revealed that the azo
Methyl orange (MO), an azo dye is considered as the most primitive reductase enzyme of liver has the ability to reduce the azo bond
pollutant in wastewater and natural water bodies due to their compli­ (–N– – N–) and produce aromatic amines, which could lead to intestinal
cated molecular structure, synthetic origin, toxicity, carcinogenicity and cancer (Chung, 2016; Feng et al., 2012). In natural ecosystems these
visible colour. MO is one among the most common and extensively used dyes hinders the passage of sunlight through the water column thus
acidic/anionic dyes in textiles, printing, cosmetics, electroplating, affecting photosynthesis which in-turn results in reduced dissolved ox­
mining, leather, pharmaceutical, tanning paper industries (Ismail et al., ygen (DO) level in water bodies (Chequer et al., 2013; Hussain et al.,
2019; Mahato et al., 2020). Around 0.7 million tons of toxic dyes con­ 2019). Hence removal of toxic dyes from aquatic systems is highly
taining highly hazardous chemicals and by-products are being generated essential.
annually by textile industries alone (Kulandaivel et al., 2014; Sadeghi A number of physico-chemical techniques like sol – gel, chemical
et al., 2019). The existence of an azo group on methyl orange and low coprecipitation, electrochemical, ball friction, hydrothermal, micro-
biodegradability make it a matter of consideration for environmental emulsion, coagulation, flocculation, nanofiltration, photolysis, acti­
studies to remove/remediate it. vated carbon adsorption, reverse osmosis and ion exchange had been
In a majority of cases unused and left-over synthetic dyes are successfully investigated (Hassaan and El Nemr, 2017; Katheresan et al.,
released into natural water bodies without proper treatment methods 2018). Most of these techniques are energy intensive and require
(He et al., 2020; Sun et al., 2019). These dyes are heat-resistant, muta­ extensive handling processes and not eco-friendly (Saini, 2017; Unuofin
genic in nature and even small traces are highly toxic. These dyes cause et al., 2019). Also, these methods are not advantageous as they only
renal disturbance, dysfunction in the digestive tract system, cerebral transmit the pollutants from one phase to another and also high
damage, hepatic system, skin and central nervous system. They also equipment cost limits their large-scale implementation. Hence nano

* Corresponding author at: Centre for Nanobiotechnology, VIT, Vellore 632014, Tamil Nadu, India.
E-mail address: amitav@vit.ac.in (A. Mukherjee).

Received 10 May 2021; Received in revised form 19 July 2021; Accepted 22 August 2021
Available online 25 August 2021
2215-1532/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
H. Kubendiran et al. Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management 16 (2021) 100561

biotechnology has found a great attention by overcoming the above 2.3. Characterization of bimetallic Pd/Fe nanoparticles
problems using nanoparticles (NPs) (Jun et al., 2019; Sharma et al.,
2017). In water treatment, NPs usage is developing rapidly (Dhillon The crystal structure was analysed using X-Ray Diffraction (Bruker
et al., 2012; Saratale et al., 2018). Advanced D8, Germany) using CuKa radiation (1.54 A˚). The surface
In this study, Pd/Fe nanoparticles had been synthesized using the functional groups were analysed using Fourier-transform infrared
sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) Desulfovibrio desulfuricans (hereafter spectroscopy (IR Affinity-1, Shimadzu, Japan). To analyse the particle
referred as Bio-Pd/Fe NPs). SRB was chosen as a supporting material for size and shape of bacteria and Pd/Fe loaded biomass, Field emission
formation of bimetallic Pd/Fe NPs to remediate MO, because of its scanning electron microscope (FESEM) (Hitachi S 4800 HR, Japan) was
ubiquitous presence in wastewater systems. The novelty of the current used.
work is combining the catalytic activity of Pd/Fe bimetallic particles
with the SRB system, which has not been attempted so far. This proposed
2.4. Removal experiments by RSM
novel bio-nano catalyst has increased stability as well as improved
removal strategy and hence it could be more effective than the existing
An important statistical method for optimizing the experimental
water treatment methods. To the best of our knowledge there are no
conditions and for building the quadrating model to assess the statistical
prior studies in this direction on dye removal using bimetallic Pd/Fe
relationship among the parameters was obtained using the Response
nanoparticles supported with SRB. The current approach significantly
surface methodology (RSM) (Biswas et al., 2019; Ravikumar et al.,
removed MO and the removal conditions were optimized using
2020a). Through this method, industrial remediation processes by
Response surface methodology (RSM). The possible underlying mecha­
nanomaterials and various chemical reactions can be designed (Nasiri
nism was also studied. Further the MO removal experiments were per­
et al., 2018). The removal of methyl orange using Bio-Pd/Fe NPs was
formed using natural water samples and also the toxic level of MO before
investigated. The three important experimental parameters for the
and after treatment with Bio-Pd/Fe NPs was assessed towards bacterial
removal of methyl orange are: 1) NPs concentration 2) initial MO con­
strains such as E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and freshwater
centration, and 3) pH. To optimize the experimental parameters,
microalgae Scenedesmus sp to assure the environmental safety of the
factorial Central composite design (CCD) was used (Cho and Zoh, 2007).
transformed/degraded MO product.
Several permutation combinatorial experiments were conducted to
check the influence of one parameter on removal efficacy while other
2. Materials and methods
two parameters were kept constant. The statistical significance of the
removal study findings was analyzed using ANOVA one-way by Design
2.1. Materials
Expert software version-11 (Dalvand et al., 2016). The ANOVA analyses
signifies whether the statistical model fits well or not from the Adjusted
All the chemicals used were of analytical grade. Ferrous sulfate
R2 and predicted R2 values. Also, with the help of desirability score,
(FeSO4⋅7H2O) was obtained from Sisco Research Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.,
maximum MO removal at optimized condition can be predicted. The MO
India. Potassium Hexachloropalladate (IV) (K2PdCl6) was purchased
concentration (40–80 mg/L), pH of the solution (5–9) and nanoparticle
from Sigma-Aldrich and Methyl orange
dosage (500–1000 mg/L) were varied for optimization. These specific
(C14H14N3NaO3S) was from Hi–Media Laboratories, Mumbai, India.
ranges of these significant parameters had a say on MO removal as re­
All solutions were prepared using deionised water. Desulfovibrio desul­
ported by earlier studies (Deb et al., 2019; Jia et al., 2019; Uddin and
furicans (NCIM 2047) was obtained from National Collection of Indus­
Baig, 2019).
trial Microorganisms (NCIM Pune, India). SRB was grown and
As Desulfovibrio desulfuricans is anaerobic, removal of MO by Bio-Pd/
maintained in Baar’s medium (K2HPO4 – 0.05 g; NH4Cl – 0.1 g; CaSO4 –
Fe NPs was performed under anaerobic condition. All MO removal ex­
0.2 g; MgSO4⋅7H2O – 0.2 g; Sodium lactate – 0.7 g; Fe
periments were done in triplicates and it was carried out in 125 ml
(NH4)2(SO4)2–0.05 g; distilled water – 100 ml and pH – 7 to 7.5) (Mathur
serum bottles with 100 ml working volume. The bottles were then
et al., 2017).
purged with N2 for 10 min and closed with butyl rubber stoppers and
kept in shaker at room temperature. Periodically at specific time in­
2.2. Biological synthesis of bimetallic Pd/Fe nanoparticles
tervals (10, 20 and 30 min), 2 ml of sample was collected and imme­
diately centrifuged at 8000 rpm for 10 min. The residual concentration
The biological synthesis method was followed as per previous report
of methyl orange was measured using UV–vis spectrophotometer
with minor modifications to the reported protocol (Martins et al., 2017).
(UV1750, Shimadzu Corporation, Kyoto, Japan) at 464 nm. The removal
Desulfovibrio desulfuricans was grown in postgate medium and incu­
percentage was calculated using the following equation:
bated for 7 days at 37 ◦ C in anaerobic condition. After incubation, it was
transferred into falcon tubes (50 ml) inside an anaerobic chamber and MO Removal(%) =
Co − Ce
then centrifuged (Remi C-24BL) at 7000 rpm for 10 min. The superna­ C0
tant was removed and the pellet was interacted with 0.05 M Potassium
Hexachloropalladate (IV) aqueous solution (pH 2.0 using 0.01 M HNO3) where C0 – initial methyl orange concentration; Ce (mg/L) – concen­
(Humphries et al., 2006) inside an anaerobic chamber. Then, 100 ml of trations of methyl orange at equilibrium.
culture media was transferred to serum bottles (125 ml) in aliquots and
sealed with butyl rubber stoppers. To replace the nitrogen in head space, 2.5. Removal of methyl orange using in-situ water samples
cell suspension was supplemented with sodium pyruvate (25 mM)
(injected through syringe). After 1 h of interaction at room temperature, After optimizing the experimental conditions for MO removal in
0.1 M of ferrous sulfate was added and allowed to interact for another 1 double deionized water, MO removal using in-situ water samples was
h until the color of solution changes to black. The resultant solution studied. Water samples like lake water (lat: 12◦ 58′ 10.3′′ N, long:
containing cell bound Bio-Pd/Fe NPs was then separated by centrifu­ 79◦ 09′ 36.5′′ E), tap water (lat: 12◦ 58′ 10.4′′ N, long: 79◦ 09′ 20.0′′ E) and
gation at 7000 rpm for 15 min. Resultant Bio-Pd/Fe NPs was then ground water (lat: 12◦ 57′ 55.5′′ N, long: 79◦ 09′ 15.5′′ ) were collected in
washed with water thrice and then with ethanol (99.9%) once and dried and near VIT campus and characterized using Inductively coupled
in vacuum oven (70 ◦ C). plasma – optical emission spectrometry [ICP-OES (Perkin Elmer Optima
5300 DV)] to check the trace elements present in these samples (Feist
and Sitko, 2019). Conductivity, pH of real water samples was also
checked. MO removal study in these natural water samples was

H. Kubendiran et al. Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management 16 (2021) 100561

performed using Bio-Pd/Fe NPs at optimized conditions (Initial MO The FT-IR analysis was used to check the changes in composition of
concentration: 40 mg/L; Bio-Pd/Fe NPs concentration: 1000 mg/L; pH: D. desulfuricans after adsorption of Pd. Fig. 2a represents the FT-IR
5). spectra of D. desulfuricans and Fig. 2b shows the spectra obtained for
Bio-Pd/Fe NPs. The FT-IR spectra of D. desulfuricans exhibited peaks at
2.6. Cell viability assessment to check the toxic level of MO before and 3597 cm-1 represented N–H asymmetric stretching of the amines and
after treatment with Bio-Pd/Fe NPs O–H bond of the hydroxyl groups (Kiran et al., 2017) and 2332 cm− 1
indicates the presence of C– – S group in the blank D. desulfuricans (Singh
Bacterial strains such as E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and et al., 2011). Main characteristic peaks at 1406, 1506 and 1633 cm− 1
freshwater microalgae Scenedesmus sp. were used as test organisms for correspond to the stretching vibration of benzenes in SRB as reported
the toxicity assessment of MO (diluted to 1 mg/L) before and after previously (Ling-Li et al., 2012). For Bio-Pd/Fe NPs, peaks were found at
treatment with Bio-Pd/Fe NPs. For growing bacterial strains, nutrient 3259, 1633, 1506, 1081 and 817 cm− 1. New peaks at 1081 cm− 1 cor­
broth (Hi media, India) was used. During the exponential phase, test responds to –C–O–C stretching of Desulfovibrio strains (Feio et al.,
bacterial strains were harvested through centrifugation at 6000 rpm for 2004) and 817 cm− 1 corresponds to C–O–C and C–O–P stretching
10 min. In order to remove the residues of culture media ingredients, cell due to presence of oligo and polysaccharides in the bacteria (Kiran et al.,
pellet was washed with PBS (phosphate buffered saline). The bacterial 2017). As there was no much difference observed with the main char­
culture was prepared in nutrient broth and OD was adjusted to 0.1 (1 × acteristic absorption peaks, indicating that the structure and composi­
108 CFU/mL) for the toxicity assessment studies. The untreated MO and tion of D. desulfuricans was not affected after absorption of Pd/Fe
Bio-Pd/Fe NPs treated MO was added to 5 ml of bacterial suspension and nanoparticles on their surface.
incubated at 37 ◦ C for 24 h as reported in previous study (Ravikumar The surface morphological characteristics and the elemental
et al., 2019). The viability was tested using standard plate count assay composition of Bio-Pd/Fe NPs were analysed with the help of SEM and
and the viability percentage was calculated using control as reference. EDAX. The biologically synthesized Pd/Fe nanoparticles using SRB is
The control for this assessment study is bacterial culture devoid of any represented in Fig. 3a and the average size of the Pd/Fe nanoparticles
treatment (taken as 100% viable). formed was found to be 108 ± 2 nm (Fig. 3b) and the Fig. S1 (supple­
The BG-11medium was used for growing freshwater microalgae mentary information) represents the EDAX mapping and elemental
(Scenedesmus sp) with conditions: temperature-20 ◦ C; under white light composition of Bio-Pd/Fe NPs. Previous reports also showed that the
illumination (TLD Super 80 Linear fluorescent tube, Philips, India) of size of microbial mediated NPs were approximately in range of 100–150
intensity 3000 lx; day/night rhythm of 12/12 h. The culture was nm (Ahiwale et al., 2017; Srivastava and Mukhopadhyay, 2013). A
centrifuged at 7000 rpm for 10 min during exponential growth phase previous study reported that the size of the NPs become even lesser after
and the pellet was rinsed thoroughly with sterile fresh water and the OD
was adjusted to 0.5 (5 or 105 cells/mL). The pellet was then allowed to
interact with MO and Bio-Pd/Fe NPs treated MO for 72 h under visible
irradiation condition. The algal toxicity assessment was performed as
per the method reported previously (Roy et al., 2018). Number of intact
cells without any damage were counted using haemocytometer under
optical microscope. The viability percentage was calculated by keeping
control as reference. Culture without any treatment is kept as control
and they are taken as 100% viable.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Characterization of bimetallic Pd/Fe nanoparticle

The obtained XRD results (Fig. 1) for Bio-Pd/Fe NPs showed Pd0
peaks at 2θ value of 40◦ and 68◦ which relates to cubic crystal planes
(1 1 1) (2 2 0) of metallic Pd [ICDD/JCPDS, PDF-# 65-2867] and Fe0
peak at 2θ value of 46.6◦ which relates to (2 0 0) reflective planes of
cubic phase of BCC iron [JCPDS no: 00-006-0696] (Khaghani et al.,
2017; Ravikumar et al., 2019; Suja et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2012).

Fig. 1. XRD analysis of Bio-Pd/Fe NPs. Fig. 2. FT-IR spectra of a) D. desulfuricans b) Bio-Pd/Fe NPs.

H. Kubendiran et al. Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management 16 (2021) 100561

Fig. 3. SEM image of a) D. desulfuricans b) Bio-Pd/Fe NPs.

addition of second metal (i.e., size of bimetallic NPs is lesser than the
Table 2
monometallic NPs) (Valiyeva et al., 2019). The implication of the
The analysis of variance (ANOVA) results for MO removal using Bio-Pd/Fe NPs.
smaller size of bimetallic NPs would result in increased specific surface
area and hence more reactivity. Source Sum of Squares df Mean Square F-value p-value

Model 2517.25 9 279.69 34.17 <0.0001

A-MO 904.61 1 904.61 110.52 <0.0001
3.2. Optimization of experimental conditions for MO removal by RSM B-NP 1112.40 1 1112.40 135.91 <0.0001
C-pH 43.23 1 43.23 5.28 0.0444
The 20 experimental runs for MO removal are given in Table 1 and AB 95.23 1 95.23 11.64 0.0066
AC 3.86 1 3.86 0.4719 0.5077
analysed using CCD. The MO removal efficiency by Bio-Pd/Fe NPs was BC 4.65 1 4.65 0.5685 0.4682
evaluated using ANOVA by Design expert (Version 11) and results are A2 192.24 1 192.24 23.49 0.0007
represented in Table 2. Based on analyses of experimental results, the B2 88.87 1 88.87 10.86 0.0081
following quadratic polynomial equation can be proposed: C2 37.30 1 37.30 4.56 0.0586
Residual 81.85 10 8.18
R1 = +29.68401–1.19356 MO + 0.118800 NP + 13.15354 pH-
Lack of Fit 68.51 5 13.70
0.000690 MO*NP + 0.034743 MO*pH + 0.003051 NP*pH + Pure Error 13.33 5 2.67
0.009131 MO2–0.000040 NP2–1.60877 pH2 Cor Total 2599.10 19
Where, MO is the methyl orange initial concentration (mg/L); NP is Std. Dev. 2.86 R2 0.9685
Bio-Pd/Fe NPs concentration (mg/L) and pH is the pH of the solution.
Mean 73.58 Adjusted R2 0.9402
The p-value (˃0.001) in Table 2 reveals the significance of the model
C.V.% 3.89 Predicted R2 0.7778
at a confidence level of 95%. The Predicted R2 of 0.7778 is in reasonable Adeq Precision 22.8478
agreement with the Adjusted R2 of 0.9402 (i.e. the difference is less than
0.2) and R2 value of 0.9685, this showed the excellent fit of the model.
Fig. S2 (supplementary information) shows the three-dimensional that the maximum removal of MO can be obtained at initial MO con­
(3D) surface contours of the predicted outcomes for MO removal. It centration of 40 mg/L, pH of 5 and nanoparticle concentration of 1000
was found that the removal percentage decreases when MO concentra­ mg/L. With the help of desirability score (0.985), the maximum removal
tion increases and removal percentage increases with increase in the of MO at optimized condition was calculated to be 95.76%. And
sorbent (Bio-Pd/Fe NPs) concentration and higher removal percentage experimentally, maximum MO removal at optimized condition was
at lower pH and these findings are in accordance with previous studies found to be 96.16%. Fig. S3 (Supplementary information) shows the
(Luo et al., 2016; Ravikumar et al., 2019). From these plots, it was found predicted Vs actual MO removal.

Table 1
3.3. Batch study- MO removal by Bio-Pd/Fe NPs
RSM experimental design and results for MO removal using Bio-Pd/Fe NPs.
3.3.1. Effect of Bio-Pd/Fe NPs concentration
Experimental Initial MO Bio-Pd/Fe NPs pH of the Results
runs conc. (mg/L) conc. (mg/L) solution
Adsorbent concentration is a significant factor which determines the
removal efficiency. The effects of various Bio-Pd/Fe concentration from
1 40 500 5 65.7
500 to 1000 mg/L on MO removal was evaluated by keeping initial MO,
2 60 750 6 68.84
3 60 750 4.31 70.14 pH and reaction time constant at 40 mg/L, pH 5 and 30 min respectively.
4 60 750 7.68 69.66 The results are depicted in Fig. S4A (Supplementary information). The
5 60 750 6 70.84 removal percentage was found to be 74.97 ± 1 0.7% for 500 mg/L;
6 60 329.55 6 50.64 81.92 ± 1.3% for 750 mg/L and 96.16 ± 1.6% for 1000 mg/L. It was
7 80 1000 5 71.07
8 60 1170.45 6 91.03
observed that the removal percentage increased with increase in Bio-Pd/
9 93.63 750 6 56.88 Fe concentration. The maximum removal percentage was obtained at
10 80 500 7 46.6 Bio-Pd/Fe NPs concentration of 1000 mg/L and hence the same is fixed
11 26.36 750 6 72.97 for further batch removal experiments. The percent of MO eliminated
12 40 1000 7 79.1
increased when the amount of Bio-Pd/Fe was raised, which can be
13 60 750 6 70.84
14 60 750 6 70.84 explained by the increased number of active sites available on the Bio-
15 60 750 6 70.84 Pd/Fe surface. As a result, the number of active connection sites
16 80 1000 7 74.97 participating in the adsorption process improved. These outcomes were
17 60 750 6 70.84 in accordance with previous studies (Ravikumar et al., 2016; Ravikumar
18 40 500 7 64.64
19 40 1000 5 98.24
et al., 2018).
20 80 500 5 45.5

H. Kubendiran et al. Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management 16 (2021) 100561

3.3.2. Effect of MO initial concentration because majority of the weight will be biomass weight in 1000 mg/L
The effect of three different MO initial concentration (40–80 mg/L) Bio-Pd/Fe NPs concentration.
was evaluated under Bio-Pd/Fe NPs concentration, pH and reaction time At the above optimized condition, a control experiment was con­
constant at 1000 mg/L, pH 5 and 30 min respectively. From the results ducted using SRB alone (without Pd/Fe) under anaerobic condition to
(Fig. S4B (Supplementary information)), it is clear that the removal ef­ determine the role of SRB alone in MO removal process. The removal
ficacy decreased with increase in MO initial concentration. The removal percentage was observed to be 36.8 ± 1.4% under optimized conditions.
percentage was found to be 96.16 ± 1.7% for 40 mg/L, and with further The initial MO removal by SRB would be through biosorption resulting
increase in MO initial concentration, the removal percentage decreased in dye removal, but later through the reductive cleavage of adsorbed MO
to 82.40 ± 1.5% for 60 mg/L and 71.07 ± 1.8% for 80 mg/L. The MO dye. Also, decoloration of azo dyes could happen through bio-mediated
initial concentration of 40 mg/L was chosen for further testing since it chemical reduction of the azo dye by sulfide (H2S, HS–, S2–), an end
resulted in higher removal. The decrease in the removal percentage with product of sulfate reduction by SRB. These outcomes are in accordance
increase in MO initial concentration is due the fact that the amount of with few previous studies (Rasool et al., 2016; Yadav et al., 2012). This
MO increased (40–80 mg/L) while the amount of absorbent remained indicates that SRB plays crucial role in MO removal process by Bio-Pd/
constant (1000 mg/L), thereby limiting the number of active adsorption Fe NPs.
sites on the Bio-Pd/Fe surface. This can also be owing to competitive To know the importance of Pd catalyst, control experiment was
adsorption among MO molecules on Bio-Pd/Fe NPs surface. Also due to conducted using Pd NPs supported SRB (Bio-Pd) under anaerobic con­
increased MO concentration, the active sites will be saturated faster and dition and at the optimized conditions. The removal percentage was
thus there won’t be enough active sites on Bio-Pd/Fe NPs surface for MO observed to be 45.19 ± 1.7% under optimized conditions. As compared
molecules to react with. These findings are similar to that of previous to removal percentage of SRB alone, Bio-Pd shows more removal effi­
studies (Murugesan et al., 2011; Yadav et al., 2012). cacy. This indicates that the removal efficacy of SRB was enhanced by
addition of Pd catalyst. Similar observations were reported in an earlier
3.3.3. Effect of pH study (Martins et al., 2017).
The pH of the dye solution has a considerable effect on removal ef­ However, the removal efficacy of Bio-Pd can be further enhanced by
ficacy because it has influence on both the degree of ionisation of the dye addition of Nanoscale zerovalent iron (Fe0–NPs) to this system. This is
and the surface properties of the adsorbent (Van et al., 2018). The effect because Fe0–NPs has gained prominence in environmental remediation,
of different pH (5–9) was evaluated by keeping Bio-Pd/Fe NPs concen­ particularly in the remediation of contaminants susceptible to reduced
tration, MO initial concentration and reaction time constant at 1000 transformation such as azo dyes (Tara et al., 2020; Zhao et al., 2020).
mg/L, 40 mg/L and 30 min respectively. The results are depicted in Their smaller particle size, larger specific surface area, higher density of
Fig. S4C (Supplementary information). The removal percentage was reactive surface sites and higher intrinsic reactivity of surface sites adds
96.16 ± 1.6% at pH-5; 92.56 ± 1.9% at pH-7 and 90.98 ± 0.6% at pH-9. its prominence in environmental remediation (Fan et al., 2019; Zhao
This removal process was slightly pH dependant because there was no et al., 2020). Compared to conventional methods, nZVI can split the azo
substantial variation in removal efficacy. Optimum pH for MO removal bond and reduce dye molecules into products such as sulfanic acid, N, N-
was found to be pH-5 and the removal efficiency slightly decreased with dimethyl p-phenylene-diamine and Nethyl-p-phenylene-ediamine
increase in pH. The mechanism can be explained as, due to adsorption of (Cheng et al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2011). However, the decline in nZVI
anionic dye MO on positively charged Bio-Pd/Fe, formation of iron reactivity over time is probably due to the formation of oxide layers onto
oxides (i.e., corrosion) will be favoured and thereby release of more H + the particle surface during most of the reaction or when the nZVI par­
will also occur at pH 5. The results suggested that electrostatic attraction ticles come into contact with air (Wang et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2013).
played a significant role in the adsorption mechanism of MO onto Bio- To solve this problem, surface deposition of a second metal like Pd, Pt or
Pd/Fe NPs. An earlier study shows that pH remained in the range of Ni can significantly increase the generation of available electrons to
5.8–6.2 at SRB and copper doped iron scrap enriched constructed reduce contaminants (Wang et al., 2012). Thus, in this study bimetallic
wetland microcosm at which maximum removal was observed (Yadav Pd/Fe NPs were synthesized on the surface of SRB to develop an efficient
et al., 2012). Another study revealed pH 5.3 is favourable for bio-nZVI/ sorbent material. From the MO removal results, it is confirmed that Bio-
Pd system to remove BDE-47 (Jia et al., 2019). Pd/Fe NPs are efficient sorbent material than SRB alone and Bio-Pd.
Table S1 (supplementary information) summarizes the other avail­
3.4. Comparative studies able nZVI nanocomposites, bacterial and yeast mediated removal of azo
dyes. As compared to removal by other nZVI nanocomposites, Biogenic
At the above optimized conditions (sorbent weight-1000 mg/L; MO Pd/Fe NP from the current study has effectively removed higher con­
initial concentration-40 mg/L; pH-5), 96.16 ± 1.6% MO removal was centration of MO and bacterial mediated removal takes longer reaction
observed for Bio-Pd/Fe NPs. The major crucial role was played by SRB in time. The current removal study is a combination of both bacteria and
MO removal process. SRB has the capability of oxidizing organic sub­ nZVI nanocomposites and hence can remove higher concentration of
stances by using sulfate as an electron acceptor and as a result, biogenic MO in lesser reaction time (30 min).
sulfide will be formed, which in turn can help the decolorization of azo
dye (Aullo et al., 2013; Yadav et al., 2012; Zhou et al., 2013). But the 3.5. Possible MO removal mechanism by biogenic-Pd/Fe nanoparticles
limitation with SRB alone is delayed reaction time. Some studies show
that SRB can be supported with Fe0 NPs alone/bimetallic NPs for the 3.5.1. Changes in the MO solution during interaction
development of faster and more efficient sorbent (Guha and Bhargava, The chromophore group of MO dye exhibits the maximum visible
2005; Zhou et al., 2013). A previous study witnessed that the cop­ absorption wavelength at 464 nm (visible range), which is responsible
per–iron bimetallic particles have positive influences on SRB activity for the visible color of the dye. The presence of azo bond (N–
– N) is the
and also improves the removal of heavy metals (Zhou et al., 2013). Thus, main cause for the visible colour of dye. During MO removal, changes in
bimetallic Pd/Fe NPs were synthesized with SRB system in this study to absorption maxima of samples were observed (Fig. S5 (supplementary
obtain enhanced MO removal. Other important advantage of using SRB information)). The absorption peak at 464 nm was found to be
as a supporting material is, it prevents aggregation of Pd/Fe thereby completely decreased after 30 min of reaction time. This shows that the
improves the stability and hence reactivity of Pd/Fe NPs will be more. dye has become colorless, thereby indicating that azo bond has been
These are the reasons for excellent removal efficiency of Bio-Pd/Fe NPs. cleaved by Bio-Pd/Fe NPs. Similar observations were obtained in earlier
Also, other advantage of using biologically synthesized bimetallic Pd/Fe studies (Chen et al., 2011; Han et al., 2015). Thus, MO removal mainly
nanoparticles is that only lesser concentration of NPs will be utilized, occurs by degradation process.

H. Kubendiran et al. Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management 16 (2021) 100561

During the 30 min interaction time of MO with Bio-Pd/Fe NPs, ORP and reduction using Bio-nZVI (Ravikumar et al., 2018); similar way, acid
values were found to reduce from 315 to 169 mV (Fig. S6 (supplemen­ violet red B removal occurred by Fe NPs (Lin et al., 2014).
tary information)). This is a confirmation of a strong reducing envi­ FT-IR results of MO and MO interacted Bio-Pd/Fe NPs are repre­
ronment in the reaction mixture. The decrease in the ORP can be due to sented in Fig. 5a & 5b. The FT-IR spectra of MO dye exhibited peaks at
the oxidation of Pd/Fe nanoparticles during interaction and thus indi­ 3420 (OH stretch vibration), 1600 (–N– – N– stretching of azo group),
cating that MO has been reduced. Previous studies show that during AB 1520 (–C– – C– stretching vibration), 1363 (confirms the sulphonic
113 dye removal by NZVI–resin, ORP values dropped indicating that AB nature of MO dye), 1201 (stretching vibrations of S– – O), 1118
113 dye has reduced (Shu et al., 2010). Similarly, drop in ORP value was (stretching vibration of C–O band), 955 (confirms Ring vibration) and
observed during MO removal by HJ/nZVI indicating the prompt 827 (stretching of distributed benzene rings) cm− 1 (Akansha et al.,
oxidation of nZVI and reduction of dye (Li et al., 2017). For further 2019; Ayed et al., 2010; Chen et al., 2008; Uddin and Baig, 2019). After
confirmation of oxidation of Bio-Pd/Fe NPs and reduction of MO, interaction with MO, Bio-Pd/Fe NPs exhibited additional peaks at 3420,
detailed characterization was performed using XRD and FTIR. 1375, 1235, 1118, 955, 827 cm− 1, which represents the O–H bending,
C–O stretching, C–N stretching, C–H stretching vibrations of benzene
3.5.2. Changes in Bio-Pd/Fe NPs after interaction ring (Shen et al., 2015) of MO. The presence of these additional peaks
XRD spectra of Bio-Pd/Fe NPs before and after interaction with MO clearly indicate that MO had been adsorbed over the Bio-Pd/Fe NPs.
are represented in Fig. 4. It was observed that after interaction with MO, Similar results has been reported in previous study (Uddin and Baig,
iron (II) oxide peaks at 2θ value of 34.68◦ and 37.62◦ and methyl orange 2019). But, there was no 1600 cm− 1 peak (–N– – N– stretching of azo
peaks at 2θ value of 21.78◦ and 43.58◦ were obtained as observed in group) found and this clearly indicates that azo bond of MO has been
earlier study (Yahia et al., 2012). The presence of iron (II) oxide clearly cleaved by Bio-Pd/Fe NPs as in accordance with earlier study (Rasool
reveals that the Pd/Fe nanoparticles had been oxidized during interac­ et al., 2013). From these outcomes, it can be concluded that MO removal
tion, indicating that MO has been reduced. The presence of methyl or­ found to occur by combination of both adsorption and reduction.
ange peaks shows that MO has been absorbed by Bio-Pd/Fe NPs. By this,
it is deduced that MO removal was found to occur by combination of 3.6. Removal of methyl orange in real water samples
both adsorption and reduction. This outcome is supported by prior in­
vestigations, where MO removal occurred by combination of adsorption Table S2 (supplementary information) represents the trace elements
present in the real water samples as determined by ICP-OES. The pH of
lake water, tap water and ground water was found to be 7.2, 6.2 and 6.8
respectively and the conductivity was found to be 3.98 ± 0.5 mS cm− 1,
0.837 ± 0.5 mS cm− 1 and 0.977 ± 0.5 mS cm− 1 respectively. At opti­
mized condition, MO removal percentage for lake, tap and ground water
was found to be 74 ± 1.95%, 81 ± 2.57% and 87 ± 1.36% respectively

Fig. 4. XRD analysis of a) Bio-Pd/Fe NPs (Before interaction) b) Bio-Pd/Fe NPs

(After interaction). Fig. 5. FT-IR spectra of a) Methyl orange b) Bio-Pd/Fe NPs (After interaction).

H. Kubendiran et al. Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management 16 (2021) 100561

Fig. 6. MO removal studies in real water samples.

Fig. 7. Cell viability assessment to check the toxic level of MO.

(Fig. 6). These results suggested that the Bio-Pd/Fe NPs can be used for
the removal of MO in various environmental water matrices. But the
CRediT authorship contribution statement
removal percentage for real water samples was found to be lower than
the removal efficiency of Bio-Pd/Fe NPs for deionized distilled water.
Hemamalathi Kubendiran: Investigation, Methodology, Visuali­
The possible reason would be presence of colloidal particles and trace
zation, Formal analysis, Writing – original draft. Dayal Hui: Method­
elements in the natural water samples (Table S2 (Supplementary in­
ology, Visualization. Mrudula Pulimi: Methodology, Formal analysis.
formation)). This same tendency was documented in few previous re­
N. Chandrasekaran: Formal analysis, Writing – review & editing. P.
ports where removal efficiency decreased due to interference of
Sriyutha Murthy: Writing – review & editing. Amitava Mukherjee:
impurities in the real water matrices (Ravikumar et al., 2020b; Zhang
Conceptualization, Methodology, Supervision, Project administration,
et al., 2017).
Writing – review & editing.

3.7. Cell viability assessment

Declaration of Competing Interest
The cell viability of both E. coli and Pseudomonas sp. was represented
in Fig. 7. It can be observed that E. coli is much more sensitive than the The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
Pseudomonas sp. For both treatment groups, a significant difference in interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
cell viability was observed for both species with respect to control. The the work reported in this paper.
cell viability percentage for untreated MO was found to be 37 ± 2% for
E. coli and 40 ± 3% for Pseudomonas sp. In case of Bio-Pd/Fe NPs treated
Appendix A. Supplementary data
MO, cell viability percentage was 73 ± 4.5% for E. coli and 84 ± 2.8% for
Pseudomonas sp. It was observed that the cell viability for Bio-Pd/Fe NPs
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
treated MO was more as compared to that of untreated MO.
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