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1. Understand the question

- Read the instructions carefully. Underline the key words and phrases.
- Figure out what the task is, whether it requires you to write an opinion, discursive or
argument essay.
- Find the Content Requirement in the question (usually three CRs)

2. Plan what to write for your answer

- Draft an appropriate introduction
- Decide whether to write in Past Tense or Present Tense
- Plan your writing – Introduction, Body, Closure
- *Brainstorm the related vocabularies

3. Organise your content

- If the CR is in the form of a question, answer it as usual.
- If the CR is only written as part of a sentence, then build sentences using it as object or
- Include elaboration

** Use different word to start every sentence in a paragraph. (using the same word is
boring) OR
** Use a transition word or words. For example, using in addition links the sentence you
are writing now and the sentence before it. It avoids he use of ‘I’ to start two sentences
in a row.

I think working for extra pocket money will give me a sense of achievement. In addition,
I believe that working will help me develop new skills.

4. Write your essay

- Read your writing again and check if there is grammar error.
- Make sure you used the correct CR for your writing.

Your class has been discussing how to earn extra pocket money and your teacher has asked you to
write an essay about what you would do to earn extra pocket money.

In your essay, you should write about:

- what you would do to earn extra pocket money

- Reasons for your choice

- what you would do with the extra money you earn

Write your essay using all the notes and giving reasons for your point of view.


1. Understand the question

From the question, identify the content requirements to be included in the essay.

Content 1:

Content 2:

Content 3:

2. Plan what to write for your answer

Content 1

Elaboration 1

Content 2

Elaboration 2

Content 3

Elaboration 3


3. Organise your content

4. Write your essay

Sometimes, the amount of pocket money we get is not enough for something we
want. I think we should not just ask our parents to give us more. In my opinion, we should
earn the extra money ourselves.

One way to earn extra pocket money is to be a private tutor. As a fifth-former, I have
adequate knowledge of school subjects to help younger students. The hours are flexible
since I can schedule classes to suit myself. In addition, coaching others also enhances my
own knowledge.

I would use the money I earn to buy a motorcycle. Soon, I will be going to college and
having my own transport is a necessity. With the extra money from tutoring, I will not have
to burden my family.

To conclude, private tutoring is a good way to earn extra money. It is not only easy to
do but also beneficial to me.

(150 words)

The amount of pocket money we receive can occasionally fall short of our needs. We
shouldn't just rely on our parents to provide us more, in my opinion. I believe we ought to
work to earn the additional funds.

As a private tutor, you could be earning extra pocket money. I am sufficiently adept in
academic subjects as a fifth-form student to assist younger children. I can arrange my classes
whenever it's convenient, thus the hours are flexible. Additionally, mentoring others helps
me grow as a coach.

The money I earned would be used to purchase a motorbike. As I prepare for

attending college, having a personal vehicle is essential. With the additional income from
teaching, I won't have to put a financial strain on my family.

In conclusion, private tutoring is a reliable source of additional income. Not only is it

simple to pull off, but it additionally beneficial to me.
(152 words)

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