Physical Sci-11-Q3-M-E

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#27 J.P. Rizal St. Balite, Rodriguez, Rizal

Government Recognition No. 08 s. 2006

Q3- Monthly Examination

Name: _________________________________________ Score:________________

Grade & Section: ______________________________ Date: _______________

Directions: Choose the best possible answer. Encircle the letter of the correct answer on your answer
1. The atomic number is equal to the number of ______.
A. Electrons and neutrons C. Protons and electrons
B. Protons and neutrons D. Mass number and electrons
2. The atomic number is based from the number of__________.
A. Protons and electrons in the atom’s nucleus.
B. Protons in the atom’s nucleus.
C. Electrons and neutrons in the atom’s nucleus.
D. Electrons in the atom’s nucleus.
3. The mass number of an element is determined by________.
A. The number of protons in the nucleus.
B. The number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus.
C. The number of electrons in the nucleus.
D. The number of protons and electrons in the nucleus.
4. The atomic number of lithium is 3, how many numbers of protons and electrons will the lithium have?
A. 3 protons and 6 electrons C. 2 protons and 1 electron
B. 1 proton and 2 electrons D. 3 protons and 3 electrons
5. The mass number of magnesium is 24, therefore, magnesium atom has______.
A. 12 protons and 12 electrons C. 12 protons and 12 neutrons
B. 12 electrons and 12 neutrons D. 24 protons and 0 neutrons
6. What is the element discovered by Edwin McMillan?
A. Technetium C. Neptunium
B. Plutonium D. Uranium
7. The particle accelerator is used to synthesize new elements, which of the following pairs is the correct
A. Linear particle accelerator to technetium
B. Fast moving alpha particle to plutonium
C. Cyclotron particle accelerator to uranium
D. Chemical particle accelerator to neptunium
8. Which of the following elements is belong to the family of transuranium elements?
A. Carbon C. Molybdenum
B. Technetium D. Plutonium
9. If a molecule has this symbol -, it means_______.
A. Negative C. Positive
B. Neutral D. Cancel out
10. If a molecule has this symbol +, it means_______.
A. Charge C. Negative
B. Positive D. Neutral
11. What theory proposes that stars form due to the collapse of the dense regions of a molecular cloud?
A. Evolution theory C. Star formation theory
B. Bigbang theory D. Creation theory
12. In what century that the discovery of the interstellar medium of gas and dust were provided as a crucial
evidence to support the star formation theory?
A.18th century C. 20th century
B.19th century D. 21st century
13. The following are TRUE when the mass of a star is enough EXCEPT;
A. carbon fusion can occur C. the star becomes multiple -shell red giant
B. temperature and pressure increases D. the star becomes white dwarf
14. It refers to the process by which elements are formed within stars.
A. Stellar nucleosynthesis C. Protostar
B. Star formation D. Main sequence star
15. In the Star formation theory, why the formed protostar contracts and the temperature increases?
A. Due to strong gravitational force C. Due to strong friction force
B. Due to strong magnetic force D. Due to explosion
16. When contraction stops as the evolution of stars occurs and gravitational equilibrium is reached, what
happens to the stellar core?
A. It becomes a protostar C. It becomes a planet
B. It becomes the main sequence star D. It becomes a red giant
17. When gravity squeezes the star to a point that helium and hydrogen is burning, Helium is converted to
what heavier element?
A. Oxygen C. Helium
B. Carbon D. Lithium
18. The following are light elements EXCEPT;
A. Helium C. Lithium
B. Hydrogen D. Iron
19. When fusion between hydrogen and helium stops, burning and then converted and pressure
decreases, the star becomes?
A. It becomes a protostar C. It becomes a planet
B. It becomes the main sequence star D. It becomes a red giant
20. What has the inner part of the star as it is evolved?
A. Inert carbon C. Fusion of Hydrogen
B. Inert hydrogen D. Fusion of Helium
21.When the majority of the helium in the core has been converted to carbon, then what happens to the
rate of fusion?
A. It increases C. It stabilized
B. It decreases D. It becomes faster
22. When the star’s fuel is depleted and the outer material is blown off into space then the star becomes?
A. It becomes a protostar C. It becomes a white dwarf
B. It becomes the main sequence star D. It becomes a red giant
23. Which statement is TRUE on how elements heavier than beryllium formed?
A. Elements heavier than beryllium are formed through evolution
B. Elements heavier than beryllium are formed through gravitational force
C. Elements heavier than beryllium are formed through bigbang nucleosynthesis
D. Elements heavier than beryllium are formed through stellar nucleosynthesis
24. The following occurs in a low-mass star EXCEPT;
A. carbon fusion can occur enough star fuel
B. no enough carbon fusion to occur D. outer material is blown off
25. The element Silicon is formed by the fusion of what element?
A. neon C. magnesium
B. oxygen D. Iron
26. The following occurs when the molecular cloud collapses during star formation EXCEPT;
A. The temperature increases C. It forms the protostar
B. The temperature decreases D. It forms a stellar core
27.Supernova occur when?
A. the core of the star can no longer produce energy to resist gravity
B. the star goes through a series of fusions
C. the majority of the helium is converted to carbon
D. the core temperature reaches about 10 million K
28. Which of the following elements is not formed during stellar formation?
A. gold C. carbon
B. oxygen D. iron
29. What kind of energy is detected from different stages of star formation?
A. Invisible (light) radiation C. electro magnetic
B. ultra violet radiation D. visible lights
30. In the core of a main sequence star, what light elements were fused via proton-proton chain?
A. Hydrogen and Oxygen C. Hydrogen and Helium
B. Hydrogen and Carbon D. Hydrogen and Lithium

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