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The researcher would like to acknowledge and express his warmest appreciation and
gratitude to the personalities who, without any hesitation and with full pleasure, have
given their utmost support and encouragement for this research study. Indeed, such a
splendid manifestation on their part has given the researcher enough courage and
inspiration for this undertaking.

To my research adviser, Dr. Ritchie Macalanda, for his support, advice, guidance,
suggestions, and valuable comments that benefited him in the completion and success of
this study; without his help, this venture will not be possible.

To Dr. Feliza Arzadon-Sua, the Dean of the School of Professional Studies and the
chairman of the panel, for her encouragement and advice to pursue this study.

To Dr. Benmar Orteras, for accommodating the researcher and using his connections to
reach out to Grade 7 Science teachers in Bani District as subjects of his study.

To Ms. Shiela Lening, for having the patience to read his research carefully and check
its grammar.

To Ms. Dixie Caacbay and Mrs. Leila Mondido, his friends in Indonesia, who
constantly encouraged him day and night to finish this study.

To all the Grade 7 Science teachers of Bani District who are the respondents of this study
for their cooperation in answering the questionnaire carefully and honestly.

To his family, who served as his inspiration to work hard in striving towards his dreams
of achieving greater knowledge and a bright future.
And most especially to ALMIGHTY GOD, the creator of all, for giving him the
knowledge and wisdom he needed to accomplish this study, for guiding and inspiring him
in good and bad times, and whose love for him always assures strength to carry on
despite all the trials, hindrances, and challenges in conducting this study.


                                                                                                                       The Researcher

First of all, the fruit of this hard work is proudly dedicated to

our Almighty God, the author and finisher of our faith, who gave him strength and
wisdom in the pursuit of this study.

To his family for their unending love and support, both morally and financially.

To his loving nephews and nieces, my eternal love and gratitude. 

To his friends and students who inspired him to pursue greater heights.

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