LCIF Lcif-Ann Merged 1

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The LCIF Emergency grant program supports GUIDELINES

Lions-led service activities that provide immediate • The maximum grant available is US$10,000.
needs and relief aid to victims of natural disasters.
• At least 100 people must be displaced
Grants, up to US$10,000, may be requested in the or impacted by the disaster.
wake of natural disasters such as earthquakes,
• The current District Governor must submit
tornadoes, monsoon, typhoons, cyclones, wildfires,
the request to LCIF providing details on the
hurricanes, flooding, tsunamis, and similar events. disaster situation within their district.
Emergency grants are not eligible for famine, drought, Individual clubs may not apply.

infestations, man-made disasters, political strife, random • The request should be emailed to
acts of violence, pandemics, or random unfortunate
within 30 days of the disaster’s occurrence.
events. LCIF is not a primary relief agency and these
situations are more appropriately addressed by other • A district may have one Emergency grant at a time.

agencies that exist principally to address those special • Grant funds or relief supplies may not be handed
needs. In some circumstances, support may be available over or donated to another organization or the
local government to carry out the relief effort.
through designated funds or where eligible, the District
and Club Community Impact grant program. • LCIF will not consider reimbursing Lions for relief
activities that take place prior to LCIF approval.

• Outstanding final reports for previously awarded

Emergency or Community Recovery grants will delay
the application process for new requests.

The LCIF Chairperson of the LCIF Board of

Trustees has approval authority for Emergency
grant requests that meet the grant criteria.

Eligible Expenses Non-Eligible Expenses

Relief kits: disaster, hygiene/toiletries Cash/voucher/gift cards distribution Repairs to infrastructure (ex:
Infant needs: diapers, Individual cash assistance public buildings, roads, bridges,
formula/milk, wipes, etc. utility and power sources, etc.)
Replacement of personal property
Food (to purchase, Supplies and services for animals (ex:
lost or damaged in the disaster
distribute and/or cook and pets, service animals and those that
Home repairs/construction
serve meals) are domesticated and/or raised in an
Providing temporary/permanent agricultural setting, natural habitat or
Water and small purification units
housing (ex: hotel accommodations, shelter)
First aid supplies
lodging, rent and similar expenses) Support for operational expenses or
Transportation/relocation expenses reserve funding for any organization
Blankets or program experiencing a loss of
Medical expenses (ex: treatment,
Clothing/footwear screenings, vaccinations, personal revenue due to the disaster
Cleaning supplies medical equipment, etc.)
Small cooking supplies and eating
utensils Flashlights/lanterns/solar lights
1. Grant requests will be considered for situations evidenced by an urgent need for water, food, clothing, medical supplies,
blankets and cleaning supplies not available from other agencies. The District Governor will provide a plan of action for a
Lions-led relief effort that involves local Lions in distributing the LCIF-funded relief supplies.
2. An Emergency Grant request from any executive officer of Lions Clubs International shall be given priority based upon
his/her personal witness to a natural disaster. Such grants shall be subject to all other Emergency grant criteria.
3. An Emergency grant recipient shall be obligated, as soon as reasonably possible, to supply all information required under
the usual grant application process as a condition of acceptance of an Emergency grant.
4. LCIF shall not be a primary relief agency nor shall it seek to duplicate the work of such agencies in their efforts to meet
immediate disaster needs, nor attempt to assume responsibilities of governments, insurance carriers or private efforts,
except where flagrant and otherwise irremediable omission occur.
5. Emergency grants shall not be given or used to provide direct cash assistance, vouchers, or gift cards to disaster victims. Numerous other
agencies exist principally for that purpose and, in most cases, an Emergency grant is not sufficient to effectively provide for victim’s needs.
6. Receipt of an Emergency grant will not necessarily preclude further application being made for matching under the
Matching Grant Program for disaster reconstruction projects.
7. Emergency grant recipients are obligated to use grants funds for their original intended purpose within 30 days of receipt of the grants
unless given an extension by LCIF. The grant must be used within this time period, immediately after which the district receiving the grant
shall send LCIF any unused funds and a detailed grant report of how the funds were expended, along with appropriate receipts and
supporting documentation. Outstanding final reports may delay the application process of subsequent requests.


The District Governor should answer the following questions in detail. A delay in providing this information will delay
processing of the Emergency grant request.

District : 321C1 Country : INDIA

Type of Disaster : NATURAL CALAMITY Amount Requested (In US$ not to exceed US$10,000) : 10,000 USD
1. When and where did the disaster occur within your district? Specify which counties, cities, villages, etc. “As per Annexure”
2. What is the extent of local damages, including the number of reported injuries and deaths? “As per Annexure”
3. How many people are directly affected by the disaster? How many of those people have been relocated from their
homes? “As per Annexure”
4. Explain the current relief efforts being implemented by the community, the government, relief agencies and local Lions? “As per Annexure”
5. What type of relief project is planned? Explain what will be done, how the beneficiaries will be identified, the role of any
partners and the number of Lions clubs involved in this relief effort? “As per Annexure”
6. Please provide a preliminary budget that indicates the number of beneficiaries to be helped, the type of relief goods to be
purchased, and the estimated cost. Also, explain the distribution plan for these items. “As per Annexure”
7. How will this LCIF funded project be promoted? “As per Annexure”

LCIF staff will follow up with the District Governor if further information or clarification is needed. Eligible requests will be presented
to the LCIF Chairperson for consideration. The district will be notified by email of the decision.
Certification by District Governor
This is to certify that I have reviewed the LCIF Emergency grant criteria. I endorse the need for an Emergency grant and will do
everything in my power to assure proper and efficient administration of the Emergency grant funds to purchase and distribute only
those immediate needs deemed eligible by LCIF through a Lions-led relief program. In signing below, the District Governor
acknowledges that the District will refrain from unlawfully discriminating on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, national origin,
ancestry, gender, marital status, age, disability, veteran status or any other legally protected status.
District Governor (print name) : MJF LION RAJNEESH GOEL

District Governor Signature

Telephone Number : +919412059653
Email Address :

Emergency grant applications must be submitted directly to the LCIF Humanitarian Initiatives Department at

Applications submitted through other departments may cause a delay in the review process. Please submit only one request.

Lions Clubs International Foundation | Humanitarian Initiatives Department LCIF47A_EN 5/21

300 W. 22nd St. | Oak Brook, IL 60523-8842 USA | +1.630.203.3819 | LCI and LCIF are equal opportunity providers.

1. When and where did the disaster occur within your district? Specify which counties, cities, villages, etc.
The disaster began on 2nd January”23 when sudden cracks developed in the earth and were visible on
road and in houses, the cracks started widening on 7th January’2023 onwards. The place is city of
Joshimath District Chamoli, Uttrakhand which falls in district boundaries of Our district 321C1

2. What is the extent of local damages, including the number of reported injuries and deaths?
The extent of damages are quite wide and the whole of Joshimath is affected, cracks are visible in almost
all houses, people are forced to live on streets without food and shelter in harsh winters, deaths are not
yet reported but conditions are very bad.

3. How many people are directly affected by the disaster? How many of those people have been relocated from their homes?
The total number of affected people are 63,627 spread in 98 villages and 12,358 homes as almost all houses have developed
cracks which are widening with each passing day. Government has asked all residents to vacate immediately.

4. Explain the current relief efforts being implemented by the community, the government, relief agencies and local Lions?
Government has asked residents to move to safer places but due to lack of facilities in nearby areas,
people are undecided and living in open.
We don’t have a Lions club in that city but we have a club at Srinagar Garhwal which is approx at 4 hrs
drive away, Members of that club have been asked to carry 100 blankets, water bottles, food packets and
medicines for people and assess the situation.

5. What type of relief project is planned? Explain what will be done, how the beneficiaries will be identified,
the role of any partners and the number of Lions clubs involved in this relief effort?
We want to help people of that area by providing them blankets , water bottles , Tarpaulin, packed food ,
Solar lanterns and some medicines

6. Please provide a preliminary budget that indicates the number of beneficiaries to be helped, the type of
relief goods to be purchased, and the estimated cost. Also, explain the distribution plan for these items.
The budget is approx $ 10,000 (approx Rs 8,30,000) initially as we wish to purchase the following items :
(a) Blankets 800@700= 5,60,000
(b) Tarpaulin 200@800=1,60,000
(c) Packed water and food 1 ltr 1000 bottles@ 15= 15,000
(d) Bread/Biscuit/Rusks 1000 packets @ 180=1,80,000
(e) Solar lanterns 50 @ 775= 38,750
(f) Medicines approx Rs 35,000
(g) Transportation Rs 20,000

Total amount is Rs 10,08,750

The difference of amount shall be funded by district 321C1 funds. Almost 6-10 clubs of Dehradun 2-3 clubs of
Rishikesh and 1 club of Srinagar will be involved in moving logistics, storage, distribution and all necessary help.

7. How will this LCIF funded project be promoted?

It will promote the goodwill of Lions and thereby LCIF.

(Rajneesh Goel): District Governor (Distt 321C1)

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