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Nama : Reza Pratama

No Bp : 18101155311189

 Example descriptive text about indonesia

Indonesia is the place where i can stand and live. It is a country in southeast asia and
oceania. Indonesia as i know it well. Is an archipelago compresing at around 17.000 islandd.
Its has 33 provinces with over 230 milions people. Including myself and is the fourth most
populous country.
I stand for years here. Wasting my time to work hard for itd beauty. This country is
too much perfect to live in. Especially the nations capital city. Jakarta, the city in which i fall
in love.

 Example of descriptive tex about EIFEEL tower

Eiffel tower is one of the famouse buildings in the world. Every day the are
hundreads of tourists visiting to enjoy all the beauty in every side of it. The tower was built
by an engineer named Gustave Eiffel and become an important monument to celebrate the
100th anniversary o french revolution.
The french goverment opened the tower on march 31, 1899 and since that time. The
eiffel tower become an icon for the city of paris and french.
Eiffel is also know as La Tour Eiffel or La Dame Fer which means as iron lady.
Know as the iron lady becouse the building that is so graceful and beautiful. The the
building is also strong becouse pf the legs bt iron.

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