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Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Background


One of the hottest issues in today’s generation is about digital

devices. Broadly speaking, all cellular phones, laptops and computers
belong to the field of technologies. There’s no denying that these
technological devices had become a significant of part of the student’s
everyday lives. But the question is how are these devices affect the
student’s learning?

English speaking is often considered as one of the hardest skills a

student can learn. As a modern day learner, we always seek of a more
improvised and convenient way of learning, and digital tools are the
perfect example for that. But not all students are fast learners, for their
nature of speaking focuses on ‘tagalog’.

Speaking Is one of the skills that has to be mastered by students.

Speaking is an essential tool for communicating. In the classroom,
improving the abilities of the students in English verbal skills has always
been a concern. In the fast developing 21st century, various innovative
technologies are being introduced in the classrooms. More than the
process of communication, trade, and transactions, today technology is
widely used in educational sectors and have been regarded as ways of
helping student improve language skills such as English verbal ability.

This research’s objective is to assess the importance of having

technologies as the primary tool to enrich the English verbal skills of the
grade 10 students of Ebenezer Christian Academy Inc.
Background of the Study

Since technology has been introduced in 20 th century, it is just the

right time to use it as we cope up with the modernization of our

One of the issues inside the school is the difficulties in English

verbal skills. There is no doubt that enhancing Filipino students are
engaged from their mother tongue, it would be a complete challenge to
learn a new kind of language.

Here in Ebenezer Christian Academy, the digitals tools were

introduced not so long ago, it is still a new way when it comes to learning
and we all know that this would be a perfect time to improve what need
to be enhance.

The researchers chose the grade 10 students as the main subject in

this research, why? Because believe it or not, in a span of more than 10
years in learning, there are still a few students whose skill in English
speaking is not that concrete and fluent.

The research is created to evaluate grade 10 students and to help

them become senior high school ready in terms of preparing them to a
more complex and difficult way of learning English weather verbal or not.

Significance of the Study

This study talks about the importance of using technologies to

improve the English speaking skills of the grade ten students in our
school. The researchers aim to evaluate the result of using digital tools to
broaden the knowledge of the students.
The findings of this study will redound to the benefit of the said
students considering that modern devices place an important role in
solving this matter because assessing this kind of problem will not just
benefit the students of grade ten but also their fellow school mates and
future researcher.
This will benefit it terms of:
Future Researchers: This will serve as their basis in their future
research paper.
Students: With the help of modern technologies, students can now
broaden and improve their English verbal skills and will make them
confident as they express their perspective in English language.
Teachers: This will help them explain and analyze the lessons in English
subject more fluently and will strengthen their knowledge in the field of

Scope and Delimitation

The respondents of the research are selected only among the
students of grade 10 in Jr. high school level and is only exclusive for the
five section of the said grade level. We do not include other year levels to
this study for we know that they still have several years to enhance their
ability. The researchers do not intend to include negative factors that may
affect ‘students’ class performance and perspective but it only focused on
the significance of the main topic.


This research aims to determine the significance of using technologies in

enhancing the English verbal skills of the 10 th grade students of Ebenezer
Christian Academy Inc. Specific questions that the researchers wish to
answer are the following:

1.Do students of grade 10 find speaking English hard?

2.Will they understand the statements or questions written or spoken in
English with the help of digital tools ( computers and laptops) ?
3. Are digital tools beneficial when it comes to helping them cope up with
the lesson that involves English communication?
4.Will it help them in the future?


Review of Related Literatures and Studies


Of all key language skills, speaking is deemed to be the most

important in learning a second or foreign language. Good speaking skills

are the act of generating words that can be understood by listeners.

However, today’s world requires the goal of improving students’ English

communicative skills. Because only in that way, students, can express

themselves and learn how to follow the social and culture rules

appropriate in each communicative circumstance. In the preliminary

stage, used tape recorders as a technological device to instruct the

students which later evolved as the communication laboratory. And by the

year of 1960’s and 1970’s the integration of technology into language

enhancing was introduced and later used as the primary tool for

improving English verbal skills.

The information below are the foreign literature gathered by the
According to Tuan (2015) Learners’ speaking performance are
influenced by factors like performance conditions, affective factors,
listening skill, and feedback during speaking tasks. As stated by Potter
(2015) technology pervades so many aspects of modern life that the
division between face-to-face and technologically mediated learning
environments is becoming blurred. Formal, institutional learning spaces
now exist in a variety of hybrid forms such as blended or flipped
classrooms which combine face-to-face and online instruction Tablet
devices are co-present with human actors in wider culture and require
sensitive pedagogical intervention which is cognizant of their potential for
all learners to engage productively with new and wider definitions of what
it means to be literate. This intervention must recognize human agency
itself as a determinant of success, above and beyond what may be
claimed for the devices themselves.
Baruah (2016) claimed that social media like Facebook, twitter,
Skype etc., are used extensively for the purpose of communication. One
of the most important advantages of the use of social media is the online
sharing of knowledge and information among the different groups of
people. This online sharing of information also promotes the increase in
the communication skills among the people especially among the
learners/students of educational institutions. Online tools and technology
has not only mediated communication in countless ways, but that the
very ways we communicate and even the ways we talk and think about
communication are changing as a result. Social media have the potential
to fundamentally change the character of our social lives, both on an
interpersonal and a community level.

The information below are the foreign studies gathered by the
It was observed by Prasanna Bharti (2016) that communication
skill is an indispensable skill to become successful in 21st century and a
good communication skill is a quality of a well- educated person. It is
normally assumed that communication is identified with speaking but
communication is in fact, verbal and non- verbal transmission of
knowledge.This is what Bunglowala (2015) said.
According to Patterson (2017), emphasizing communication
regarding personal and professional topics to build bonds between
professionals not only benefits professional communication within that
team to meet desired outcomes, but it also benefits the surrounding
environment, such as a school setting. Fauziati (2010:15) points out
that “mastering the art of speaking is the single most important aspect of
learning a second or foreign language and success is measure in term of
ability to carry out a conversation in the language” It has been observed
that Learners do not get any chance either in the class room or outside to
speak English. There is also lack of exposure to authentic English
language environments that allow them to use English for communication
and expression. Learning to speak also demands a lot of practice and
attention. They often stammer when speaking English. Furthermore,
learners are not exposed to the cultures of the native English speakers.
As a result, second language learners at higher secondary level are poor
in speaking skill.
According to Pourhosein Gilakjani (2017), technology integration
is defined in terms of how teachers use technology to perform familiar
activities more effectively and how this usage can re-shape these
activities.Technological tools have been regarded as ways of helping
students improve language skills such as speaking skills, internet podcast
video, conferencing videos, and speech are considered recognition
software the best tools for teaching speaking skill.

The information below are the local literature gathered by the
Just like what Ermercado (2015) stated, “Technologically
supported learning, which includes the use of electronic media such as the
internet, personal computers, phone bridging, audio and videotape, video
teleconferencing, satellite broadcast, mobile phones, personal digital
assistance, and other technologies to enhance teaching and learning.”
Since the start of rapid advances in technology, the need to integrate
technological knowledge in education and industry has been recognized.
In order to address this need, concept of e- learning has been
E-learning stands for electronic learning that is, associating the
utilization of electronic materials to learning. Today, the term e-learning
has captured a voider scope from the use of personal computer and the
internet to the utilization of more advanced applications, as well as
devices and tools for more effective teaching and learning. Currently, the
local academe and industry have incorporated e-learning but most of
them are confined to the internet web based, there is only small number
of Filipinos who have internet connection and can avail of its services.
The advanced science technology institute is the research and
development organization of the Philippine government under the
department of science and technology (DOST) that is mandated to pursue
R&D in the advanced fields of microelectronics and information and
communication technologies (ICT). The mobile systems & applications
group (MSAG) is one of the technical teams in ASTI whose mission is to
acquire, promote, and transfer knowledge and skills pertaining to wireless
mobile technologies. The MSAG aims the contribute to the field of e-
learning by supporting the concept of integrating e-learning in education
and industry. Part of its plan is to encourage collaborative efforts in
developing strategies and distributing e-learning tools for enhancing
English skills whether it is for verbal or non verbal activities.

The information below are the local study gathered by the researchers:
A Study on E-learning for the Philippines
According to Ermercado (2015) Filipino culture places a high value
on education. For the majority of the Filipinos ,the only best thing for a
child to acquire and secure a better future is through education. So they
want more effective education system. E-learning is still an emerging
market in the Philippines. Its use still sporadic ang most users represent
only a small segment of the Philippines’ education and business
commonities the study wants to correct analysis and right direction
presentation for Philippine remote education environment .
Philippine Journal of Third World Studies
Any attempt of institutionalize e-learning will prove futile without first
attaining its vital requisites. An initial assessment of the Philippine’ e-
learning stature both depicts a glooming and changing scenario. The
crucial domains need further reinvigoration: technology and educational
standards and literacy, and government-private sector teamwork. Access
to phone lines computers and the internet help assess different skills –
English skills to be exact. E-learning requires higher and analytical
The apparent performance of the Department of Education (Deped) in
providing the basic needs of secondary high schools and low standards of
education seems to be steps backward to this end. Emphasis should be
given on raising students’ English language proficiency and digital fluency.
The public sector cannot carry the burden of forming an e-learning society
alone. The government /s collaboration with the private sector in
programs such as PREGINET , Fit-Ed programs and the ASTI- and – PLDT-
sponsored project testified to this truth.

Factors Frequency Percentage

Students who
answered Yes 13 65%

Students who
answered No 2 10%

Students who
answered Sometimes 5 25%

Chapter 4
Presentations, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

Tables below show the results of the survey questionnaires

distributed by the researchers. The answers were analyzed and assessed
according to the given questions. The researchers did not include any
additional information other than what the respondents stated.

Table 1: Are you experiencing difficulties in speaking English?

The table shows that sixty- five percent (65%) of the grade 10 students
are experiencing difficulties in speaking English which is the highest
percentage in this specific matter. Ten percent (10%) of the students said
that they do not experience difficulties in speaking English. Lastly, twenty
five percent (25%) stated that they experience difficulties in speaking
English but not all the time.
Table 2: How do technology helps you in enhancing your English verbal

Factors Frequency Percentage

I can search meanings 4 20%

and terms for other
English words
I gain access in 2 10%
different learning
Helps me find 5 25%
tutorials, movies, etc.
By reading e-books, 3 15%
articles, news and etc.
Helps me understand 6 30%
terms and enhance my

Table 2 shows that majority of the grade 10 students- the thirty

percent (30%) of them- stated that digital tools help them understands
terms and also enhance their skills. The 25% of the students helped them
by providing tutorials, movies etc. The 20% of the grade ten participants
stated that it helps them by being able to search meaning and terms for
other English words. The 15% of the students stated that technologies
help them by providing E- books, articles, news etc. Lastly, the 10
percent stated that they are able to gain access in different learning

Table 3: Are the digital tools beneficial in terms of being the tools for a
better and efficient learning?

Factors Frequency Percentage

Students who 16 80%

answered Yes
Students who 1 5%
answered No
Students who 2 10%
answered Sometimes
Students whose 1 5%

The 80% of the grade 10 students stated that digital tools are beneficial
for them. The 10% answered that technologies are not beneficial. The 5%
answered sometimes while the other 5% are undecided.
Table 4: Will you be more eager to enhance your English verbal ability
with the accompaniment of technologies?

Factors Frequency Percentage

Students who 16 80%

answered Yes
Students who 0 0%
answered No
Students who 4 20%
answered Sometimes
Students whose 0 0%
As stated on the table 4, the 80% of the Grade ten participants
answered yes while the other 20% of the students answered sometimes.

Table 5.1: The researchers would like to introduce technologies as our

companion in enhancing our English verbal ability, do you agree with this

Factors Frequency Percentage

Students who 18 90%

answered Yes
Students who 0 0%
answered No
Students who 0 0%
answered Sometimes
Students whose 2 10%
According to table 5.1, 90% of the students agree that technologies
should be introduced as our study partner while the 10% disagree with
this matter.

Table 5.2: The researchers would like to introduce technologies as our

companion in enhancing our English verbal ability, do you agree with this
matter, why?

Factors Frequency Percentage

It makes everything 8 40%

It helps learners 2 10%
It is useful 3 15%
It enhances our 2 10%
English verbal ability
Helps me understand 1 5%
lessons and terms
Because everybody 3 15%
uses technology
undecided 1 5%

The students agree with this matter because of the following benefits:
most of the students said that digital tools make everything easy
(40%).Some of the students stated that technologies are useful
(15%).The 10% stated that it helps learner. The other 10% said that it
enhances their verbal ability. The survey participants also stated that they
just use technologies because everyone does (15%). The 5% stated that
digital tools help them understand the lessons and terms while the other
5% were undecided.

Table 6: Do digital tools help all students think, learn, and enhance their
English skills more deeply?

Factors Frequency Percentage

Students who 18 90%

answered Yes
Students who 1 5%
answered No
Students who 1 5%
answered Maybe

As stated in the table 6, the majority of the survey participant (90%)

answered that technology helps them think, learn, and enhance their
skills more deeply. The 5% said that digital tools don’t help them while
the other 5% answered maybe.

Table 7: With the use of technology, do you think you’ll be more fluent in
speaking English in the future?

Factors Frequency Percentage

Students who 16 80%

answered Yes
Students who 1 5%
answered No
Students who 3 15%
answered Maybe

80% of the students stated that with the use of technology they will
be more fluent in English in the future. The 15% were somewhat
undecided while the 5% answered no.
Table 8: On the scale of 1 to 10, how dependent are you in terms of using
digital tools as your study partner?

Factors Frequency Percentage

1 0 0%
2 0 0%
3 0 0%
4 0 0%
5 3 15%
6 1 5%
7 7 35%
8 5 25%
9 3 15%
10 1 5%

In the table 8 the researchers assess the dependence of the students

of grade when it comes in making digital tools as their study companion
and allow them to rate themselves from 10 being the highest and the 1
being the lowest. Most of the students rate themselves 7 (35%) followed
by 8 (25%), by 5 (15%) and 9 (15%).The lowest rate for the grade 10
is 5 (5%) with the same percentage by 10 (10%).

Chapter 5
Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

This study was conducted for the purpose of evaluating the importance
of using digital tools in enhancing the English verbal ability of the grade
10 students of Ebenezer Christian Academy Inc. The methods and design
of this research helped researchers assess and evaluate the results for the
given topics. The questionnaires served as an instrument for collecting
data. The research was conducted during the school year 2018-2019. To
sum it all up, this research may suggest possible answers to assess the
importance of this matter.


The researchers would like you to invest time and effort when it comes
to improving your English speaking skill. It has been tested that the more
we focus on improving our English speaking skill, the more we become
professional in this field. Using technologies or digital tools are also
effective in terms of being a partner in learning. Lastly, it is advice to take
this matter seriously for you to become fluent when speaking in English in
the future.


Using digitals tools are not only for fun and entertainment but also for
improving the English verbal skills of the Grade 10 students of Ebenezer
Christian Academy Inc. Most of the respondents are in favor in our
advocacy. Education is about improving one’s intellectual ability for them
to be confident to express themselves in every aspects of their future
profession and to enhance and discover their full potential in English
speaking with the accompaniment of this generation’s masterpiece, the
digital tools. Based on findings of this study, the following conclusions
we’re drawn:
1. Most of the grade 10 students are still experiencing difficulties in
speaking English.
2. It is proven that using digital tools are effective in terms of helping
them understand their lessons that were explained in English.

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