Techy Membership Plan

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Techy Membership Plan

Techy Save Signup Flow

Pitch the plan

Employees will pitch the plan by searching for SKUs

Popup Alert if not pitched by employee

This popup alert will be shown when the employee does not pitch the plan.

It will be shown when he clicks checkout.

Techy Membership Plan 1

Prompt Display on Equinox

A prompt should be displayed on equinox so that the customer can accept if they
want to sign up.

Terms and Conditions on Prompt

Terms and conditions to be set up from RD Pay

Techy Membership Plan 2

Customer Management (active subscription
and plan)
A new column will be added to give an overview of the current plan of the customer.

The heading of new column should be “Membership Plan”.

In the notes section on POS, the popup below will be shown against the customer

Techy Membership Plan 3

Membership plan should be shown on POS as shown below for the visibility of our

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Blockchyp Payment
1. Blockchyp payment will be associated with techy headquarters.

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Miscellaneous Item and Recurring Billing
Use case
New plan to be added as a miscellaneous item.

Plan will be shown as a line item as shown below

1st time transaction, plan price will he applied on discount so there should be no
charge in regular invoice. However, in subscription, plan price will be applied.

Subscriptions will be created with "Trial" status first and after 30 days an invoice
should be created against a subscription. Once an invoice is paid, then subscription
status will be "Active”.


Techy Membership Plan 6

A detailed report for the headquarter of all the locations.

Store Location: Covers all stores

Total Subscriptions: Covers all subscriptions.

Total Invoices: Total number of invoices

Membership Plan: Membership plan breakdown

Total Sales: Total number of revenue generated by the invoices

Subscription status: status breakdown

Top subscriptions of the stores

Subscription renewal rate: (Number of Renewed Subscriptions / Total Number of

Subscriptions) * 100

Average Subscription Duration = (Total Duration of Subscriptions / Total Number of


Regular reporting will also be done where plan will be added as a miscellaneous

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