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Sociology 20

Module I

Test I. Direction: Identify the following statements by placing the correct sociological term(s)
before each item.

________ 1. Abstract ideas of what is desirable, correct, and good that most members of
a society share.
________ 2. Non-conformity to the accepted norms of society.
________ 3. The objective aspect of a social problem.
________ 4. This refers to the organized pattern of human behavior in a society.
________ 5. A condition regarded by majority of the people as not morally right and needing
constructive reform.
________ 6. A social system that is learned, shared and transmissible.
________ 7. A culture within a culture.
________ 8. A cultural rule which prescribes and proscribes certain actions.
________ 9. General ideas of society considered as desirable and significant.
________10. A systematic explanation of how two or more phenomena are related.

Test II. Define the following sociological terms: (3 points each)

1. social problem 4. deviant behavior
2. culture 5. normlessness
3. social values

Test III. (3 points each)

1. What is the best way to reduce deviance?
2. How can labeling result in self-fulfilling prophecy?
3. What is the subjective aspect of social problems?

1. Values Education
2. When a person is so labeled, the person's character is shaped by the label. Eventually he
accepts the label and this acceptance may result in a self-fulfilling prophecy. Because he is
labeled as such he tends to behave as labeled. The label will shape the individual into the image
people have on him.
3. The belief of a substantial number of persons that the behavior is morally objectionable
deviance and should be changed.


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