Chapter 28 Sct. 3

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1. Which event do you think was most beneficial to Latin America? Why?

- The Spanish-American War, in which America joined Spain in its conflict, was the
most significant development. The U.S.'s triumph terminated Spanish colonial
power even while it served to defend its own assets and security.

2. Why did the gap between rich and poor in Latin America grow after independence?

- Workers incurred debt because of their poor earnings and high cost of living.
From one generation to the next, their debt grew and was handed on. Workers
who were considered "free" were not much better than slaves under this peonage

- After independence, landowners simply became richer. The territories possessed

by indigenous peoples and the Catholic Church were seized by several new
states in Latin America. After that, they listed the lands for sale. The only
individuals who could afford to purchase them were wealthy landowners, and
they did so quickly.

3. What economic gains and setbacks did Latin American countries experience after

- Throughout their continuous fight for independence, several army commanders in

Latin America rose to prominence and achieved great authority.

- Latin America's economy remained reliant on exports. Similar to the colonial era,
each nation focused on one or two products. However, Latin America's exports
increased as technology advanced. The development of steamships.

- The 19th-century construction of railroads significantly expanded trade in Latin

America. The development of refrigeration helped boost Latin America's exports
at the century's close. Beef, fruits and vegetables, and other perishable
commodities saw a sharp increase in sales.

4. Why was the United States so interested in the security of Latin America?

- Primarily because the United States' security relied on Latin America’s security.

5. Why do you think upper-class Latin Americans favored governments run by caudillos?
- Due to the fact that they were against granting the lower class authority.
Furthermore, during the time of European colonial rule, Latin Americans had little
exposure to democracy. Therefore, they did not find it unusual that a caudillo was
in charge.

6. Do you think that U.S. imperialism was more beneficial or harmful to Latin American
people? Explain.

- Given that Latin America's economy grew more stable, there were more
inventions, and overall there was a greater quality of life, US imperialism was
more beneficial to Latin America than damaging. People were treated better once
military dictatorships ended.

7. How was the principle of the Roosevelt Corollary different from that of the Monroe

- The Monroe Doctrine, which was established at the beginning of the 19th
century, cautioned European countries that meddling in the Western Hemisphere
would have negative effects. The Monroe Doctrine was extended by the
Roosevelt Corollary, which stated that the United States intended to oversee
regional security.

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