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Natakhtari became the general sponsor of the Campaign dont drink and drive
A new direction was added to social responsibility of COMPANY NATAKHTARI On May 11, presentation of road safety campaign Be Sober When Driving was opened within the framework of Dont Worry, Be Healthy! program Initiated by the First Lady of Georgia. The project aimed to raise public awareness of issues related with being drunk when driving and reduce number of accidents caused by it. The campaign was conducted by the organization Georgian Alliance for Safe Roads. Efes Georgia, expressly for his campaign, ordered common logotype and slogan; in addition, a TV video was filmed and billboards were installed.
- How did the idea of implementing the campaign Be Sober when Driving originate? - Globally, every year, approximately 1.3 million people get killed in car accidents and 50 million get injured. If we do not take measures against this together it is expected that by 2030 this figure will reach 2.4 million. Therefore, the UN and WHO (World Health Organization) advise world countries to implement preventive projects in their countries and half mortality and traumatism figures related with car accidents during the next 10 years (2011-2020). There are many causes of car accidents, however, the leading factors are driving in a drunk state and at high speed. In addition, it is to be noted that majority of accidents falls to countries with low and medium income like Georgia. According to statistics, if European figure is 7-8 fatal cases per 100,000 people in Georgia this figure equals 17 18. Lately penalties for driving in drunken state got straitened. Primary penalty equals GEL 200, repeated case entails revocation of driving license. However, there are still many penalties being imposed for such violations: in 2009 number of administrative offences committed in drunken state equaled 41,124, in 2010 32,601 and during January February period of 2011, 1955 road cases were registered. In the US and Europe educational campaigns that aim to minimize the cases of driving in drunk state have been conducted for decades. Perhaps desired results will not be achieved only by penalties, as it is quite difficult to exercise permanent control and stop all cars. That is why an idea of holding campaign

EKA LALIASHVILI - Chairman of the Board of Georgian Alliance for Road Safety
Be Sober When Driving! appeared. - What is the scope and objective of this project? - May 11, 2011 got officially announced by the UN and WHO as the date of opening a global campaign for road safety. More than 70 countries joined this initiative. They are ready to prevent car accident cases in the next 10 years. This project started in Georgia on the date of official opening of the campaign and was being conducted within the framework of program Dont Worry, be Healthy! initiated by the First Lady. Objective f the campaign was to raise public awareness about threat of driving in a drunk state. All drivers (and not only they) should know that driving drunk significantly increases the likelihood of hit as well as of getting injuries. In addition, alcohol consumption reduces quick thinking and responsiveness, concentration of attention, causes vision duplication and all of these increase the risk of accidents and endanger lives of drivers as well as of their passengers and pedestrians. - Who are supporters of the campaign and how is expressed their assistance? - Campaign is conducted with support of Natakhtari Company, Insurance Company GPI Holding, Company TOYOTA CAUCASUS and US Embassy in Georgia. Natakhtari is the general sponsor of the campaign and within the social responsibility project is actively engaged with financial and human resources in popularization of the campaign. There is a foreign experience that many

well-known alcohol producing companies are engaged in social campaigns. Therefore, we were especially delighted by the fact that such organization appeared in Georgia as well. - Tell us something about organized events and achieved success. What activities are planned before the year-end? - As you know, campaign officially started on May 11, 2011 on a day of global celebration of road safety decade. The First Lady of Georgia, donor companies, Parliament, mass media, diplomats, representatives of road safety organizations attended the opening ceremony. Later on, we met students of Tbilisi State University, Anaklia Summer Camp students and students attending Bazaleti Summer School of Civil Initiatives. Young Lelos and Goodwill chain expressed their support to the campaign. Video and radio commercials were created, several TV programs were dedicated to this issue by TV Peak, some articles got published in

newspapers. Within the campaign framework meetings with drivers and students, radio and TV programs are planned, radio and video commercials with participation of Nika and Nutsa major personages of the Program Do Not Worry Be Healthy! initiated by the First Lady will be aired, conveying message to the public that driving in a drunk condition is not worth of life and health and even penalty. The campaign Be Sober When Driving! will visit Batumi and take part in events organized by support of Youth Affairs Department of the Municipality and Youth Summer Theater. In addition, a presentation of a new short feature film with participation of a new personage VAS-o (abbreviation in Georgian language stands for - Who does Not Drink). In a nutshell, many interesting and diverse events are planned within the program framework for the future. Hopefully major part of the public will actively take part in it.


Winners will Travel to a Rugby World Cup in New Zealand
Make your Wishes Come True with Natakhtari - a traditional summer drawing of Natakhtari Company ended. Holders of the special prize - two travel packages to the Rugby World Cup are already announced. Giorgi Shiukashvili and Avtandil Bukia, the winners will travel to City of Palmerstone where the final game of the World Cup will be held. Travel package, in addition to tickets, includes travel and hotel expenses, special tours and pocket money. It is remarkable that Natakhtari, as a supporter of Georgian sports and of rugby in particular, linked this years lottery with a Rugby World Cup held in New Zealand. This years drawing started on June 15 and went through September 15. Many prizes such as daily prize of GEL 1,000, weekly prize of GEL 5,000 and the grand prix of GEL 20,000 were awarded. Everyone, who purchased Natakhtari Karva, Extra and Kasri bottle of any size had the opportunity to win. And only Kasri consumers were able to win a special present 2 travel packages to the Rugby World Cup. In addition to these money prizes, 100 thousand glass bottles of Natakhtari Beer were awarded through drawing.

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