Task 4 - Life Through The Metaphors

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Unit 2 - Task 4- Life through the metaphors

Yasira Rodriguez Cerpa




Johathan Alfonso Fandiño Larrota

Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras con Enfasis en Inglés.

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

April - 2023
Development of the Task 4- Life through the metaphors

Yasira Rodriguez Cerpa

3. Answer the following questions based on the video:

What is a metaphor?

A/ Metaphors are our beliefs, attitudes and actions that we do not realize what they are, where eta is used

to explain a situation in an abbreviated form, so sometimes they are difficult to dismantle or depend on the

situation you want to express.

How are metaphors created?

A/ They are created from everyday situations or beliefs that exist where you try to express emotions or

thoughts in an abbreviated or abstract way.

What is the influence of metaphors on culture and societies? 

A/ The words we choose affect how we perceive and deal with social problems and help decide what is

publicly accepted, the metaphors we choose not only matter for our beliefs but potentially for our laws, our

politics and our dealings with others.

Personally I consider that the metaphor, is a comparison that is made persuasively according to the reality

of each individual and its meaning can be abstract. Metaphors serve to indirectly communicate about reality,
show qualities, abilities or disadvantages that exist in a certain place that is why we can know and learn through

symbolic language.

4. Pick one of the following metaphors. Every member of the group should have a different


The chosen metaphor:

All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women are merely players. They have their exits and their entrances.

William Shakespeare

5. In a word document do the following steps with your metaphors:

According to the guide, step 4, I choose the metaphor (All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women

are merely players. They have their exits and their entrances. William Shakespeare).

In the mayoral elections of the year 2019 for the period corresponding to the years 2020-2023, I was a

newcomer to the public sector, I remember that I was 25 years old, I felt anxious to know and learn about the

public function, one of the qualities What one must have for the position of general secretary of the Municipal

Council is to be Impartial, which is why it was very easy for me to have 15 bosses and superior people who

demanded results from me at work. I remember that for the month of April of said year, there would be a walk led

by a candidate for mayor, the popular PIRRI "el del pueblo", this 36-year-old character, a lawyer by profession,

also had As cooking hobbies, for that day he invited me to lunch, so I didn't see any problem with him, once I was
in the house where he lived, I found that the event ended at his house, when there were people dressed carnival, t-

shirts with the motto and name of this candidate, there was a lot of fuss around this scene. Being a public official,

I could not be in that place and I did not feel comfortable being there either, because there were people who

belonged to other political teams, I quickly went to my friend PIRRI, I told him that I could not be there because

of my status as an official, he told me to stay and asked me to help him issue an administrative act to be able to

hold the parade on April 13, to which I told him that it was not within my competence, I remember that he got

super angry and did not speak to me again, The other day, my boss had been sent some photos of me appearing at

that event, it caught my attention, but he advised me not to be at that kind of event.

Approximately 6 months my friend PRRI spoke to me again and writes to me every day, could it be

because we are in electoral times?

This event made it clear to me that people live in constant changes of masks, that we use according to our

convenience and that in the end everyone acts in their own series as they see fit.

Link video with a review of your partner’s experience.


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