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pa a TABLE 17. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MINERALS WITH WHITE AND UNCOLOURI aKe —\ PROPERTIES TaLe@) | Grmum@ [cuore | syuvie@ |emomme@ | naute@ | voraxm lwoxcomen| 1. COLOUR White, sitvery | wnite, Colouriess, | Greenish dark ess or white| Colourless to white |Colourleas or white,|Colouriess or whive white, apple green, | grey. with shades | green yellowish | shades of blue, shades of often green or dark | brown, red, yellow | green, rarely yellow, red yellow, bli rey in soap stone. yellows, when in brown wien thick >. STREAK White,colourtess | Usually white | Greenish whiteto |Colourless or white| White or colourless |Colourless or white White Colores oF white ‘Pearly to greasy, | Vitreous, pearly, Vitreous, Vitreous to earthy, | Vitreous, glassy or | Vitreous to ‘| Vitreous tonilky a" LUSTER transparentto | transparentto | dull, ansparentto| resinous, tans- [pearly transparent, ‘translucent franslucent translucent | lucent to opaque | [Granular deavable| Usually in Cubicaystals, | Prismatic aystals, | Promatc aru, eee tae cepa | ey am [pte Pitin| nn a | Prams cube andocta- | and delicately | masues, massive material, tabular chin AND FORM hedron crystals | fibrous crusts compact. ieee ‘dleavagein twee | Seldom good Cubiedeavages | Perfect 010) ection p Pertect OO), 08 5. CLEAVAGE “agacane * (200%, perfect (010) | pinacsidal ‘angen cube perfect (O01), good 200) ‘Sub-conchoidal | Sub-conchoidalto | Uneven,sub- brie Conchoidal ‘conchoidal 6. FRACTURE Conchoidal, brite | Even, monty in thin fakes 20-25, scratched by | 20-25, xxathed by Tisaachaby | DoaSsaaichaby | 25, uratchoby 17. HARDNESS finger nal finger nal ‘baseplate ‘ws plans finger nal &. SPECIFIC ; Tigh, 232 TS. ghe 223, 17 ee 276 SD igh GRAVITY 7 = Unstacked by |, Soluble aa | Deempet oy [oT , ; 9. REACTION loin dd |aciingesne H1S0,| Solubleinninc | Solubleinadds | selubteinnitie | Solublein — | noe decompout WITH ACID — or lUnastacked by FiCt aad ‘saa hydrochloric sca | Not Secon 10. MAGNETISM Te Taste bier, sctable|satey uate scabte |” ouenuanan r 11, SPECIAL Gresyfet | Greayton | Susie sewaiee | cee | Suen and | easicand dente PROPERTIES ‘wansparent, ne taste URE TABLE 17, SOME PROPERTIES OF MINERALS WITH WHITE AND UNCOLO PROPER; mes] acm [oni @ | crore [ svwire@ | ersomire 6) |_HAU! Mg, Si,0,.(08,) CaS0,24,0 | Mg,Si0,) NaCl Sodium ESHEMICAL “AHydtous Tye (ORD, Mg, | KCL Potassium | Mg,$0,,7H,0 chloride magnesium [eatcium sulphate | OM, Hiydrous,| ‘Horde Hydrous silicate ‘magnesium ‘magnesium L aluminium sulphate Neate 2. CRYSTALLO- | Monoatinie | = Monoain ; = nic, GRAPHY Prismatic | Monoatinic, | Isometric, | Orthorhombie | _ Isometric, Lenn Lannie! a Prismatic. | hexoctahedal hexoctahedral Prismatic (Gaystals rare, Prismatic 7 Usually, tals, massi Usually in Usually granular | Usually im ‘Crystalline Tabular crystals, B.COMMON | masive foisted] grantee feasted] eopttine | soryotd_| ganar mas foliated, sealy, compact, |fot en may | ASE®: asses cube and |massesin custs| eubicerystals. nadiating. ce PS] aston || ite 7 Micaceoushabit,| Compact | Grenook + a ‘Granular Fibre oneset perfect | masciveor | mcen lout ous capillary Cubic deavage, Light colour, J-DisTINcUstanG | cleavage greasy | Sbrous sit, Joneseteavag,| ceca’ | S8eeBe- | saliytase tes | Readily scuble | highly perfect fee, Folated | "greasy foe," |Mexile batter | salute eniee | MIN. \biversotubein |" inwater | eave, thin PROPERTIES | massivesoft | solubility in cate I ter biter | water, fusible in |sweetsh alkaline| laminae, elastic with bitter taste. taste. i (aD. acids, aad ‘candle flame. taste. and flexible, | : easily separable (44) "FABLE 17, PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MINERALS WITH WHITE AND UNCOLOURED STREAKS \ CRYOLITE (9) |KAOLINITE (10)| BAUXITE G1) BORAX 12) BIOTITE (13)_| ANGLESITE (14)|LEPIDOLITE G5] SERPENTINE G@ \ [Esiousies to anon] “White, ahadss of Yalow brome ord Tink or violet | Varignind ight | ‘Shite "| vistous colour duel water waite ta prvian| aa Bes he ips we Tei oes yaowr ee ite [sire cious] Wane | Cacao on wi Witte =| Greenish white wear Views peay| Dal artym | Dat ean te Peary, warstucent| Gray. Wag ‘transparent to ‘massive variety, if it it to | massive and silky if| BEE ooo vances, (anslucent Mascive anally | Gaylinc pass, | Rounded pas | Pao i Primate aya | Pay ox airoaw ‘pesceee” | See mane, | Srapeerdayate z | mosaics Smnewkee” | "Saute ayaa” | San Sane : - ‘Guned™” | poco Porfoct paraiicl | Abscntin mamsive “Absent "Perfect one set ‘Gleavage not Eetemaie | Soren: promin petet seraldcpace | “bas incye as rong aes ec ‘gen never, bride | Trevor Treven Toased | Cmca Taher 25; ccriches ras | 20-25, cache | 10-8 scratches 25 a0, sqaiche | 25 scatchedby pine Sor agernan? | Meyrueee nat wows vamepine 3 SERGEANT BeseaougN [Zo-2esmeuam [20-2 29 ,ighe aig Table ineotabie Teabie Tshaein sca | Dosompooed Taree Tnviaie when | Gay ita appar a] Gives aaa waerin| "Fay, bron snuvarsed in ater [sack egiteecas ‘he dosed nie " ars TABLE 17. SOME PROPERTI CRYOLITEG) STREAKS IES OF MINERALS WITH WHITE AND UNCOLOURED INE GO) TES) | SERPENT! SACUNITE GO] BAUNTEGD | pORAKGD [ont 03) ANGLE wo] APOE. (OH), Na, ALE, Fluide 7 fcaiso,, | Mg,Si,0, OH), steoahamana | “HSh0.001n, "40,240 | na,0,0,10110 | xodg,F0, 1, Peoria LR DS Hydro amminium | stumintamsticas | 9 ad Hyde odin Cn OHDaFero! | mt Lfhium mica | magnesium Monoatini, Mon Monod fonocine, onocinte Monocinc, Prismatic Amorphous Monostinic es Orthozhombic, | Monodinic, mn Viner Prismatic = ‘dipyramidal prismatic prismatic Usually massive, | Usual ayoulsrae” ass Say te | elite earthy, “| Prismatic eystats, Sopaterare, | Ussaty massive, | Unuallyinsimal | Crystals rare, aystals ‘yllxemasscs | massive ceular, | ysutth regular |" grarwtarto ” \ ‘cregularshecs | usually slaty or srerestation "| iotated masses, | compact easy | BUSES ‘ates sealy agaregates | prismaticaystals | cyst ended sls 6 4. DISTINGUISH- Pseudo cubic | Clay like character, |Pisolitic or in round Parting white | plastic, insoluble, | concretionary colour, vitreous | dull earthy lustre, | grains, absence of lustre, invisible in | white colour cleavage good cleavage ‘seldom seen cleavage flakes elastic, dark colour | usually associated |“ prismatic ‘with galena’ (46) 1. AND UNCOLOUK) ama (06 23) | wiTERITE aa) ight green] igated shades of geen [Cotourtess or Colourless or white Vitreous, transpaz- 3 LUSTER | Vitreous tocar Craeparent io” ent fo translucent op greasy, slky STRUCTURE Granularmasses | Usually granular Crystals tabular, | Fibrous, platy ANDFORM and platy crystals | massive fibrous, laminated granular, erarular aggregates Jnassive, crystals rare] fibrous, granular } earthy S CLEAVAGE — [Cleavage threes, Geavagenot | Cleavagein three | Cleavagein three Perfect ane st livee directions not] prominent | prominent (110 directions basal stright angles 00d, (02 fair {001 at right angles toprismatic (1 aacoae Pinacoids good (210) @ FRACTURE Even Conchoidal | Concheidal,brtde | Uneven, splintery, | Sub-conchoidal, | Uneven, tle” | Concheidal brite FO HARDNES | aosauchabraw | S0saaichesbras | 50-35 scratches | 30-35scratches | 30-35, sratches | 30-35,scratches | __20-60 plate plate brass plate brass plate brass plate brass plate & SPEGC Trugn ) 6o-7akeavy | 65Sheavy | 28-90igh [395-397 medium | 45, heavy 22-33 GRAVITY @ REACTION | prarvescasn cota Polublein nitric acd|Eiferveseesin warm) Solublein HCL Insoluble wmHacb | HcLaad dil nic acd ho. MAGNETISM hi. SPECIAL occursin the |p,fervescesin warm| altered to gypsum properties | She: oxidation zone of | ditniticacid ae doublereiracion | jead-zine deposits (47) ‘TABLE 17, SOME PROPERTIES OF MINERALS WITH WIKITE AND UNCOLOUKED (TREAKS PROPERTIES | CALCITEG _[VANADINITE (| CERUSSITE a9) Nien GT os LET) LWTHHERITE Bp um | (Ca Me FeNa, 4D) eaCo, ban Caco, caldum |rCWOy,| A 5:0, stein ‘Op ex So elonde GisHyeets”| " exbete wi Gps | Cai SyOp tere | sarees Lae SOMPOSTION Sie Hyero = oe PASE | mace | metas aluminium sete \ 2 CRYSTALLOG Isomenic, Heagonal scale Te Trictinsc; Orthorhombic | Monociinic Orthethombic. maw peed penecsa ae poacoital | Heogrida | monoczte eicinie| Pama eoyaa a common | _Cecqrmts | Ussity meres | Unsaty errant | Bade appresmies | Heagenal pisns | Stow posmamatic | Prismatic cysts, | _ Cossilsres: foun Sache geiis | Heme | cyan Sse | bala pened agers” | Ss cecaty | lamellar, granular | prises sae eeulr yeas occurs massive, ‘Sbrous, lamellar iaelar . Cobiccysuais, ‘Khombohedral Greenish colouz. DISTINGUSH : re Bladed me |_cecose | Sorte [opeettots| BESTS | pang [homeo Stout pass | viseos topes De res | BSE eas cavaee, €9- 65, Baaaee ood ‘ewosets atright | prismaticcleavage | Iaste cleavage ‘YD, viteoss a i bom, poor | angles, crystalline, | ‘nearly 90"angles, /(110) at angies of S7"| eSepeeci ty | ocahedealtixe | partie length of | Geavagerhardnene ERIE | syetectoneada | cysts massive, |cystls 70atrght | GO violet ‘Paamswith |twosets insoluble in] and S6° pareng on coeeang reals massive | Tees nal “hapeie| tyarocnodeacts | "C00 potest digaptine lustre dizection | Geavage wo ses TABLE. 17 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MINERALS WITH WHITE AND UNCOLOURED STREAKS: PROPERTIES [INPERSTHENE GD] AMPHIBOLE G2 [HORNBLENDE(®) | ACTINOLITEW) | TREMOLITEUS) | MONAZTEW) | NErHELINEUN | ScArOUTE Ww T COLOUR [Dark brown brown] White, green, [Dark green to black| White tolight green White, grey, violet | Yellowishto | Colourtesn yey, | vine light to dark eyshback | geenishblack | greenish dark green reddish brown | greenish, reddish | een, ey brown _——— 2. STREAK Cassie | croashwhie, | Coloutes | Colouten Colourtess Colourless Colourtess Colours colourtess | Viveoss Vitreous sky, | Witcous silky |Vitrgous transparent] Vitreous tosilky | Resinous, rans- | Greasy, vitreous, | Vives, tanapar- ce ole eeeme’ | tansleeent fotanslucent | transparentto” |Iucentadamantine,| transparentio. | ent wptraralacors | ‘translucent vitureous translucent ica Paunsta massive) Rarely indisine | Prismatic ayaa, [Prismatic wanspar-| Prismatic, granular] Insmallrystals, | Usyally massive, | Prismatic yas, 4 a ae ene ral, funaa cr ‘columnar, fibrous, | ent to translucent | compact, fibrous granulat | |rarely in hexagonal erase ce sastve fibrous granular prisms 5. CLEA\ Perfect two sets at | Good cleavage, Perfect (110) [Perfect (110) atangle|__ Perf [Cleavage (100) poor) Poor prismatic | Prismatic deavage, 5. CLEAVAGE “5.8 | are to the ptompleavagestangaol] otser ime © [eeavageatan ang] paring(@OD to] imperect desvage 10), two sets at 55°| 56° and 124" two (10%) and (110) Four paring ~ | 45 anpes_| sewage restos deavage direction i raeven, trite | Uneven,britle | Uneven brite Fubconchoidal bite] Subconcholdal | Conchoidl, fa ee & FRACTURE | Uneven Frid plintery | uneven, britie | SHbconebldal une 50-60scatches | 50-60scratches | 50-60scratches |50-S3scratched by| 55-60 scratches | 50-S3scratched | 55. ¢0,cratches | 50-600 ratches 7. HARDNESS J 1 plate and iron|ion and glass plate iron and glass plate ee giassplate by knife guepite ‘pus plate plate oa Feaemedum | 30-23medium | S2medium | 30-28medium | 30-33medium | 50-5Sheavy | 255.r65uyh | 265-274light GRAVITY 9. REACTION Iaraceeors Troolublein adds | Insolublein acids | fnsolublein acids | Insolyblein acids ‘Decomposed by * WITH ACID |in hydrochloricadd hydrochloricacd | io. MAGNETIsM| 11, SPECIAL PROPERTIES | 1 (53) "TABLE 17. SOME PROPERTIES OF MINERALS WITH WHITE AND UNCLOURED STREAKS PROPERTIES [HVPERSTHENE Gn] AMPHIBOLE 2) [HORNGLENDE(@| ACTINOLITE@) [ TREMOLITE CS) | MONAzrTE (és) | NEPHELINE (7) | SCAPOLITE WH 1. CHEMICAL | og Fe)Si0,iron- | (Ca,NaMgFe | Ca Mere Ad, | Ca, Og Fe SiO, | Ca,Mg, 1,0.) | (Ce,La, TIPO, | s,KO (ALS OD | Na ALS 058A ameter opromnre| eravars | canny aa] saeetate, | ogee | scat e. churn | donee adi’: fero-magnesium silicate Calum arcearih [aluminium siieate | alariniin, sedan SKumsice | sllesteof Ca Na, magnesium siiate| "materiale feldspathold wed aca Mg Tiand Al” |: 2 CRYSTALLOG-| Orthorhombic, | Orthorhomic, ‘Monodiinic, Monediiic, ‘Monodinic, ‘Monodinic, ‘Hexagonal, ‘Teragoral. RAPHY ‘| Prismatic |monoclinic trinie] prismatic ‘prismatic ‘Prismatic ‘prismatic pyramidal Sippel 3 COMMON | Primate cmtle, Coystas prismatic | Stender,Sbrous | Prismatic, oystals rare, | Small prismatic | Prismatic, massive ws column, abou, coe as | graniar raees in| crystals, massive pais ‘granular sands. (compact embeded pane 4 pisTiNcuL PROPERTIES | Riismatic crystals, | Prismaticcryotals, | Prismatic, | Prismaticaystals, | Massiveform, | Prismatic cysts, ark colour, perfect perfect (110) deavage| Colamnas, fibrous, | in sands, resinous | greasy lustre, four cleavage SSS TD | a Searage at | tangles of 56vand |Pertect 0) deav-|lustre, hardness G0] hardness G.0-60) | direction at 45° se me 7 Sgeatanangle | -52)dissolvein |gelatinizingin acd | massive fibrous ‘of 56" nitricadd ea TABLE 17 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MINERALS WITH WHITE AND UNCOLOURED STREAKS. PROPERTIES | RHODONTTE(S) | _DIOPSIDEGO | SODALITE GI) ‘OPAL (2) LEUCITE 63) ‘SPHENE G0) | ORTHOCLASE GS) | MICROCUNE GH) 1. COLOUR Rovered, pink, |Whitetolight green) Blue, white, grey, | Colourl Grey, yellow, | Cotourless, white, \Cotouriess, greens 7 J tolight ie, white, grey, white , grey Bee wesupnk fresetgiomeen] Binnie gy, | casing wi, | wate FO Jyownpen dna] Haale” | vie risen incenreotiron | green, grey blue 7 STREAK Caloutiess cases copes ease a Talowies |Coloues orwhite| Coleus Vitreous, transpar-| Vitreous, ‘Vitreous, greasy, | Vitreous orresinous| Vitreous to dull ‘Rdamantine © | Vitreous aaa ee 3 LUSTER ‘cattotarsiucent | transparentto | transparentto | transparent to ‘translucent osenet ‘opaque ope ‘translucent opaque translucent franepaner i? cama transulcent Glewvable masses |Geavable masses ox T STRUCTURE | Tabularaystals, | Prismatic aystals, | Massiveorin |Massive, botryoidal, ‘Embeded ‘Wedge shaped a at aa spucnae | Tedwera, [rem cone] Mesos, (Mensa arene [oyreis nna? | rep ae imbedded grains | columnar, lamellar | rarely in crystals ‘aystals, edges, cmey meine | aypocyalire 3. CLEAVAGE ‘Two cleavag ‘Six deavs ‘Cleavage not ‘Cleavage not ‘Prismatic deavage | Two cleavage ior age Jacectosepaenat] dsecions™ prominent Bene, [rarely seen cleavage) directions at or Jusecons ato nas ‘at nearly 90° angles | dodecahedral (110), Gio) parting | nearly 90" angles | 90° angies (007) an or Conchoidat | Conchoidal, brite | parallelto @20)_ | (001) and (010) 10 FRACTURE ranma |neven conceal] S0-60cqatches | 55-60 earaiches | Conchoidal britde | Sub-concholtit Sub-conchadal. rte glass plate glass plate uneven, britle | uneven, britle PURINES | $5 advo | B0-GOscmtches | 55-6 Oecatches | 19-22ugnt | 245-250ug | 50°55 scratches Go Saaiches glass | 60 seratches glass gasspaee ‘lass plate ‘glass plate lass plate plate plate SEGRE | St S7metiam | 32-S3medium | 25-2aiighe | Tnsotuleinacids | Decomposed by, | 34-355 medium Dea asbige | 245-256ugK GRaviry hydrochloric acd @ REACTION |, Esolublein | Insolublein acids | Insoluble : fFased sphenedisso| Insoluble | Inaolublein aces WH ACID | Rydrochoncacid : Ived in sulphurie sei, inperteciy : soluble in dil HCL _ MAGNETEM ht. SPECIAL PROPERTIES (35) PROPERTIES | RuODONTE@” | DiorsiveGn | sopaumEGN | _ OPAL) 1. CHEMICAL MnGio) | CaMgGi,0) | Na,(AlSi),@ | SiO,nHOsillcon SHeOUSTTION| manganese sicate aldum-magnesium| sodium aluminium | dioxide, hydrated silicate silicate with slic alate 2. CRYSTALLOG | Tridinic, pinacoidal] Monoclinic, Isometric, ‘Amorphous | Pseudo isometric ‘RAPHY ‘prismatic hextetrahedral Monoclinic Monodinic | Trelinic, prraccadal prismatic 3. COMMON — | Tabularcrystals | Prismaticarystals, | Crystals rare, | Massive, botryoidal, | Usually FORM massive, compact, frassive, compact, in] usually dedecahe- | _stalactitic omnia i Wedge shaped | Prismatic crystals, | Crystals, deavabie inimbedded grains] imbedded grains | drone massivein it axystals with sharp| cleavable to masses Snpetded pains eiges, lamellar” | granular masses - —}__ ard Seersdedaraee See hed iratltemary Raremineral usually] Wedgeshaped | Flesh coloured, | Light greenin Properties | hardness 65-60) | aeyeion once lea) $95-| embeded ina fine | crystals, high lustre} hardness (600) two | colour, cleavable insoluble in GB" |ceavage directions, aoe, | eanedground | Cadamantne)_ | ses of deavagest | massorin cts hydrochloricadd Jdodecahedral (110) | of water Tati esta Peete nearly 90" angles. [two sets of cleavage 1.50, slighty solublein HC (56) TABLE. 17 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MINERALS WITH WHITE AND UNGOLOURED STREAKS PROPERTIES | PLAGIOCLASE G7) | TRIDIMITE G8) | CRISTOBALITE G3)| OLIVINE 60) EPIDOTE (61) | SILLIMANTTE CASSTTERITE (GS) |_SFODUMENE GH \ N or cal wens = Yellowish to | White, plae omen to black re) Whe, T coLoUR | Wieer eee Colousies oF whit [Olive green, browns |e een ‘brown ‘Gralow ors | nee be exeyish Talo jours orlight | Colourless | Ligh brown or Coloueas 2 STREAK less Colouriess: Colouriess or | Colo ies of Sa tous \ greenish white | _ oxen 1 ena : [Adamnantine to wub- | Vitreous, tranaparen 3, LUSTER Viscous tpealy [Viscous tansparent| Vitreous, Witreous, transparent] Vitrerns Rt metallic traralucent| to wanskacent y ‘transparent or to translucent translucent Totransiucent | ent to tranaluct to transparent ops me |S ame Sane auuler?| Sam ceas ea Tong velender | Praeratc ena, T SIRUCTURE | Cesvabiemasses [ Small aysals,or [ Small octahedral Masive granular in} © crystals eavable mare STRUCTURE orirregular grains |. irregular grains, | crystals, massive | imbedded grains Tarely massive, |” rarely massive, ayptocystaline | crytoaystalline | jeavage avageabsent | One cleavage 5. CLEAVAGE ‘Absent Cleavagesbsent | Cleavageabsent | One errs imperfect on (100) G FRACTURE | Subconchoidal [Concha never |Conehsdal uneven] Conddat | Unever bie | | ven ie } T HARDNESS | 6Decatches gs | 70 saatches glas | 70scratches glass | 65-70scrtches | 60-70scatehes | plate plate plate gas plate ass plate 8, SPECIC 254-256light | 228-233light Daolight | 327-325 medium | 335-345 medium GRAVITY albite (2.62) to anorthite 276) il 9. REACTION ‘Soluble in boiling | Insoluble in acids Slowly soluble in Insolubleto acids | sciatic acts Sema WITH ACID sodium carbonate hydrochloric acid ‘and hydrofluoric ‘add NAGhETSW al | 1. SPECIAL Spherical PROPERTIES aggregations x . {57] PROPERTIES | PLAGOCLASE GD | TR TESDIALTE SS] OLIVINE @)_| EPIDOTE (61)_[SILLIMANITE (2) cASTENTE | seDUNENE ALSiO,aluml- | Sn0,tin diode | LALO) Likum, cr Na (AIS, O)and BIO, silicon diode] S| silionn dioxide] San wee 7 ‘hum silicate aluminium silicate COMPOSITION) C2(ALSL0) sodiuin and catcum aluminium sicates r 1 2 CRYSTALLOG-[Tricinic pinacoidal] Orthorhombic, | Tetragonal or Oxthothombic, | Tetragonal, Monodinic, RAPHY pseudohexagonal | pseudoisometric ipyramidal Sate ‘prismatic litetragoral 3. COMMON Coystals tabular, | Crystals,small | Small octahedral | Massive, granular, Elongated crystals, | Longslender | Usually massive, | Cleavable misses, FORM elongated, massive coysala masive [inembelded gain | granu, rows ays requenty | ganar reniony, | psmat ests 4 al Waite colour two | Disieut toidentty| Pseudoisometsc, | Ove green colour, | Greencalour,one | Stendercryviais | (68-71) | Vertical prismatic eerie Nasefdeavage, | inkand specimen | smallocahedral | glassylusre, | pectectdeavage | pefect piesa! | hgh foraminera cleavage, Pinacsidal FRO! Sei blemee, | caabedisinguish | crystals massive | granularnature, | QOD transparent |" (O10)ceavage | withnon-metalic | parting ansle ‘under microscope | absence of ceavagel conchoidal fracture | variety shows dark tuste adamantine | formed by one absence of cleavage | greenin one Juste light streak | cleavage direction direction brown in and parting * a direction a right angles . | aa 1. Bt 158)

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