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2nd Summative Test


Date: _______________________________________Score: ____________________________

I. Direction: Choose and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Who went out to scatter the seeds?
A. Teacher B. Sower C. Fisherman
2. What happened to the seeds that fell on good soil?
A. The seeds grew and bear fruit.
B. The seeds grew and were destroyed.
C. The seeds grew and dried up.
3. What do the seeds represent?
A. the growing fruits
B. the stones and thorns
C. the Word of God
4. What does Jesus want to teach His Disciples?
A. to make the Word of God alive in them
B. to plant the seeds on good soil
C. to become seeds and bear fruit
5. What does Jesus want tell you about seeds?
A. to plant good seeds on good soil
B. to put into practice the Word of God
C. to teach the disciples how to be good
II. Direction: Put check ( ✓) on the space if you agree the statement.

1. Do you always follow your parents?

_____ yes ____ no ____ sometimes
2. How important are the words of your parents?
_____ very important ______ important _____ not important
3. Do not throw your trash in the waste can.
______ yes _____ no _____ sometimes
4. Cheat During your quizzes and examinations.
_____ yes _____no ______ sometimes
5. Participate actively in class.
_____yes _____ no _____ sometimes
6. Remember to do your assignments
_____ yes _____ no _____ sometimes
7. Value honesty. Don’t cheat during examinations.
____yes _____ no _____ sometimes
8. Be well behaved inside the classroom.
____ yes _____ no _____ sometimes
9. Do not open the door to the strangers.
____ yes _____ no _____ sometimes
10. Study your lessons every day.
____ yes _____ no _____ sometimes

III. Direction: Answer the question. (3points each)

How can you put God’ word into practice in your neighborhood?
1. _________________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________________

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