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‘TABLE 17, SOME PROPERTIE 'AND UNCLOURED STREAKS = PROPERTIES GARNET (68) wASrER | QUARTZ CERT STAUROUTE (0) | TOURMALINE!) | ANDALUSITE 7D 1. CHEMICAL _ | (Ca. Fe, Mn. Mp), |5i0, silicon dioxide}5iO, silicon dioxide O, silicon dioxide | 5:0, Crypto ian COMPOSITION) Ay Fe, GO), cyualise quart ad shore ferromagnestan Saleen oie ssicates | 2 CRYSTALLOG | lkometric, Hexagonal Hexagonal Hexagonal, Heageral RAPH) hexoctahe om - v vedral ayptocpulline quan dodecahedrons or talline ly | a tal 3 common — | nperchadrure se Cryptocryw cnned ph, Mumive. banded, | Massive, cypo | Pracratic cyst Ps fore nnd aie Prmaid fate | ramsday © | cyutiegars | ouster. ry] ran 4 DISTINGUL | Isometnc cys, P y SING high hardness (65 prrumid cea PROPERTIES "| Samesive, granular, Miteow lie, | liste, concdatal | o conchosdalfracure| fracture, igh hantnes 7.) TABLE. 17 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MINERALS WITH COLOURED AND UNCLOURED STREAKS PROPERTIES | ZiRCONG® | FERILOS) Torazos | sMNeLo | concnpoman | DiaMoxDgm [moLveDeNTE | CeaPaTEcs | 1. COLOUR Grey brown 20, |i pen yell, Saw yell, pink] Red lack, pee, | Cie, white geen Caos, ye ead ey, nck 0 Steel rey to iree geen, Colustien | peer, pat, wine yellon | brown,lavender, | ruby red, sapphire | red, Bue, black | iron black to ste ‘lack loses blue blue ey 2. STREAK Unecloared Colsaties Coloittess | Coloutless or kite Colours Colouttes | Greyish black, Back / opaque, black - ‘Admnantine, | Vitreous, warspar| Viteous, tanspar| Viscous, eansla- al : ; 2 trarslucent to | enttotrarslucent| ent totranslucent| cent to transparent one ee Meal, trarapacent 4. STRUCTURE bab peepee | Corals ares | Unuallyin crytals) Usually octahedral | Teo Pay- | Odabedral Non] Laminae fexble | Hexagonal shaped ANDFORA [rolled grainsin sand Prismatic arysials.| arutar, aystts | Te cive deavable | butnot elastic, plates ihe secile foliated, gen massive 5. CLEAVAGE | Cleavagenot | Poor basaldeaveny Oneceavage | Cleavagenct [benceof cleavage! Perfect basal (0001) } Perfect basal prominent | smpetect O00) | Girton ana) | prominent, [Rhombohedral and ceavage 000 Pertect OOD basal paning 0601) and 011) 6. Conchcdal, brittle] Conchekdal, brit] Conchoidal Conchoidal, Conchotdat opaque,less | Conchoidal | Sub-conchoidal splintery brittle 7, WARDNESS | 75 scratches glass | 75-40 scratches | 8.0 scratches; 8.0 scratches glass | 90 scratches 100 10-15seratched | 19-15 scratched by ‘sss plate plate | plate plate - by Singer nail finger nail % AUB Wigh 27-2610 | 34-56Medium | 36-41high | 395-42 High 35Low | 462-473 high ae Insoluble in acids 9, REACTION | Involublein acids | Insolublein acids] Jrsatuble Insoluble Insoluble 4 wrist ACID oe ee 1 + flo. MAGNETISM ji). SPECIAL Greasy feel, mark Greasy foe ick PROPERTIES on paper ‘on paper (61) ‘TABLE 17. SOME PROPERTIES OFM MINERALS WITH COLOURED AND UNCLOURED STREAKS ZROON 7) TOPAZ GS) SPINEL (76) CORUNDUM 7) | DIAMOND 78) [MovyepenrrE| 73) ZnSO, sees 1, SiQ,alum | Mg ALO,magne | Al,0, aluminium c MoS, molybdenum ston shinmntcuwe | areeame, | “Osta carbon sulle Teeagocal He Orthorhombic, Isometric, Hexagonal, \_ Isometric, coma | Gees | Garena | SSS | Beet, [Bere eipyrasnal : Incystals in | Suong prismatic | Prismatic aystas, | Octahedral aystals,| Prismatic in habit, | Octahedral aystals | Hexagonal-shaped | Hexagonal plates, RON sresdlargrine [ast cyuatslage! gramsaceny | chad cyst | Pasmatic shapes Platesorshor, | ‘tabutsr crystal, slightly tapering | folialed, scaly Prisms, micacceous masses 1 4. DISTINGUI- | Prismatic erystals, | Hexagonal crystal | Prismatic crystals, | Octahedral qaystals,| Prismatichabit, | Hardestknown Cleavage perfect SING high hardness 75), form, greenish | high hardness (8) | high hardness (8) high hardness (9), | mineral (10), ‘basal (0001) PROPERTIES | greytobrown | white, yellow, high Vitreous lustre | adamantine lustre, | adamantine lustre, colour, adamantine | hardness (75 - 8.0) high specific gravity} four cleavage 2 fustre, high specific 5-41) directions ‘gravity rhombohedral parting [62] . : 7 "TABLE . 17 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MINERALS WITH WHITE AND COLOURED STREAKS \ \ PROPERTIES | COVELITE@) | REALGAR@ | ORPIMENT@S) | SULPHUR) | STIBNITE@S) | ARGENTITE(G) | PYROLUSTTE(GD | CINNABARGA 1. COLOUR Indigo blue, may | Red to or on} Ww i Meum nigenue ay | Ratmeregeor | Lenenysow Paleyello Lead grey Grey black Tronbia& | Red tovermilion K : ESS 2. STREAK Blckorlead grey | Orange yellow Pale: Paleyellow Grey black | Bladksh .ck shining Brightred ey ead grey | Bla B — 3. LUSTER Metallic Resinous to greasy | Resinous, pearly |Resinous, transpar- | Metallic, splendent Metallic Metallic ie a sees | Paina rety [Renan ever [Neat in ane transparent opaque = (ee eee cae ular, mass 4. STRUCTURE | Usually inplaty | Prismaticaystals | Usually foliated or tallised Bladed cystal [Usually massive or |Usually splintery or| Granslsr, mists AND FORM — [masses orin thin six| vertically striated ] columnar masses, pon catty, aggregates with ‘earthy, sectile, | in radiating fibrous dull earthy, compact sided platy aystals| granular, earthy | cystalssmall | massive,reniform | cross, striations, | tarely in cubic ageregates = tabular massive, granular | aystals = 7 + 5. CLEAVAGE | Perfect ony’ | Cleavage (010) Geavage pinaccidall Absence of good | Cleavage perfect [Poor deavage (01)| Cleavage (110) : eavage giving (O10), cleavage | cleavage imperfect ] pinacoidal (010) and @1)) pestect flexible plates laminae flexible, but not elastic L | 6 FRACTURE | Subconchoidal | Conchoidal secile | Concheidalto | Concheidal to Fabconcheial aud] Subconchoiaal, | Splintery opaque, | Sub-conchoidal . uneven | uneven brite sectile ‘conchoidal ee 7. HARDNESS —[l5-20scratched byh 5-: eral lk5-25scatched by| 20scratched by | 20-25scratched | 10-20scratched | 20-25 scratches ‘finger nail fingernail ‘by finger nail finger nail ‘by brass plat by finger nail ‘brass plate 8. SPECIFIC GRAVITY AGhigh 3.48 medium 3.49 medium 250-209 low 452-462 high ‘73 high 475 high 8.1 high 9, REACTION 4 WITH ACID f 10. MAGNETISM! o i. SPECIAL eens Ofeniorat Will mark paper | Leaveamarkon | Leaveamarkon | Leaveamarkon : ops paper, soils hand paper Massive or as a coating, crystals ‘octahedron cube [Bright steel grey on fresh surface, gravity 79) § "039 ANVA Hy) TABLE. 17 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MINERALS WITH COLOURED STREAKS \ PROPERTIES | GELENA() | CHALCOCTTE@®) | __ GOLD (1) COPPER (2) | PLATINUM(33) | _ SILVER (4) mores [owicorname co 1 1. COLOUR uel ‘Steel grey Gold yellow | Copper-red on fresh | White or steel grey | Silverwhitech | Brownish bronze | Brass-yellow ey surface fresh surface | onsresh surface, tarnishes grey to | tarnishes purple lack and blue bens thee’ Greybiack |Goldyetow, shiny | Copperrdshiny | Grey shiny | Siverwhiteshny | Blackor greyish | Blacker eeish black 3, LUSTER Metalic, bright Metalic Metalic Metallic ‘Metalic, bright Metalic Metallic Meallie Secure] nek 4. STRUCTURE | Massive, granular | Compact massive, | Granular, irregular'| Usually in irregular | Cubic crystals are [Usually in irregular) Usually massive, aan AND FORM granular ‘grains, nuggets, grains rae,imregular | grains or nuggets | rarely in cubic | sphenoidal crystals caystalsrare | leaves, regular ‘masses and caystals plates mugge’s 5. CLEAVAGE | Cleavage perfect | indistinct (110) | Indistine Indistinet Tnaistinet Indistinee | Indistinet in traces [Indistine, parallel to| cubic (100) three a oD ‘sets parallel to faces ofa cube tan al 6. FRACTURE ‘Sub-conchoidal, | Conchoidal, sectile | Very malleable and | Malleable, hackly | Malleable, ductile | Malleable, ductile ‘Conchoidal, ‘Uneven, brittle brite ductile ductile, opaque hacky uneven, brie 7. HARDNESS | 25scratchesbrass | 25-30 scratches | 250-30 25-30 40-45 scratches | 25-30scratches | 39 cratchesiron | 35-A0 scratches phate ‘brass plate iron plate iron plate plate iron plate %. SPEGIC 74-7.6high 57 high 150-193 very 89high 506-508high | 41-43high GRAVITY ‘heavy varies with, silver content 19.0 when native 3. REACTION Tnsolublein | Dissoives readily in |Soluble in hot aqua | Solublein nitric WITH ACID nitricadd nitricacd | regia, a mixture of add ‘hydrochloric and nitricacids —_— —— 0. MAGNETISM ' SPECIAL ‘Mala paper PROPERTIES (65) pe ‘TABLE 17, SOME PROPERTIES OF MINERALS WITH CLOURED STREAKS PROPERTIES | GELANA(G) | CHALCOCTE®) | GOLDG) coPPER@?) | PLATINUM) | _SILVERGH | BORNITEGS)_|CHALCOPYEITE Gs) 1. CHEMICAL Ps cus A ou rR ag CuFeS, COMPOSITION) Leadsulptide | Coppersulphide | Gold Copper Pasisum Silver Coppin sulphide — —- 2 CRYSTALLOG | Isometric Orthorhombic Isometric, Isometric Isometric, Isometric Isometric Tetragoral RAPHY poodheint | | itso, | _Remosio | Malic Viesiso | Mealic | Sbadaranine fieindear | ~~ wiseous | tansprento | adananne wan teasparetio cystalised translucent | parent to translucent} translucent | 4. STRUCTURE | Finegained | Raiathg fibrous, | Insmal cysts, | Ckavable granu, | Crystals bubs, | Ceavale mas, | Prismatic cysts Crystals rare, usual ANDFORM. | aggregates or ey aang ousted cys rate gue hombehedral_| sited vrtcally | massive, gana, massive, in crystals] massive crlamelar | cystasearhy, | radiating mases, platy earthy 5 CLEAVAGE | Indistincsam) | Indistinc Oo | Peter ton | Clavagepefect | Absent parting | Pefectthombohe-] Perfect (010) dodeahedral ,] present | ge atin deavage s age BV | ses at 1 § FRACTURE | Conchaidalto | Subconcidal to | Conchidl rite | Conchial brite | Uneven sub- ] Uneven bitte | Uneven sneverybitle | uneven conchidal bide 7. HARDNESS | 35-40scraiches | 35-A0scatches | 35-A0scatches |35-Ascratchesiron| AOscatchesiron | 35-40scratches | A0scratchesiron | 40 scratches iron teassphte | ironphte sronplate plate pte iron plate pate plate Se thigh —|31-A03medium | a77medinm | 39-41metinm | 453-46Shigh |383-388medium) —43high 58 deisel | ieee ene ee High 9. REACTION Solublein Solublein Solblein Disolvesinhot | Solublein WITH ACID hydrochloric eervescesincol | hydrochloric add Iyérodloicadd Dydrecloricadid withefervexence | acd |withthe evolution af with efewesence HS gs fo. MacNens Magoeic | Magnetic when ‘eae fu. SPECIAL ‘PROPERTIES (67) TABLE 17. SOME PROPERTIES OF MINERALS WITH CLOURED STREAKS |, PROPERTIES | _CUPRTE@D | MALACHTEGR | AZURTTEG | SPHALERTE GOD | PYRRHOTITE COD | SIDERTE GO) | MANGANTTEGG™ | _ziNcrrE GOD 1. amemcat 0 | caccop,corm, | ca (Cop, 01, 2s FeS,4 Fo, Moor Ze EONGSTTION| CoppefOuide | uae s| akeeesomede| zncsuipnide | SulphideStiron | tron carbinate | Hydrosnmangs: | ZincOade ca Corbin tnae Onde crystavtoc | _ trometic Monecin Monod Isometric Heagona, | Hexagonal | | onhorhombic, | Heagonat, Rare necocanedra | “yuma” Monod, | Jicashednt | dihoagonai | scalenchedron | Gipyramigat’ | Stnoctgpnat ‘ipyrisiiat | Rhombohedron pyamdal fanclar, earthy COMMON | Cube, octahedron | Stender, prismatic [Radiating Abrousin[Dodecahedron,cube| Crystals usually |Crystals shombohe-|Crystalin bundles|| Crystals rare, For ‘syste, ine | radiating Boro |" smalferysaia | cyotle devage, | tabular,messive, | dra, granclan, | radiating mamse, | unvally massive, srlnes aggregates |bouyeidal gransiza] “masse | Grosen gramcias, | granular amelar | massive, eartny, |“ -cotutnnar | “granny paty crows cori compet Souyoidal pouyoidal pobdar| eryproayetain Soncresenary DISTINGUL | Red colour with Bright green colour) Azure blue colour, | Resinous lustre, | Bronze colo SING |various shades, hig ac eto | slaves a . te ang, ci high|sdaiantne to [Light to dark brown) Prismatic crystals, | Red colour, Orange Vitreous lustre, | perfectsix sets | massive nature, Hustre, brownish red] Vitreous lustre, | effervescence in | cleavage at 120°, streak, high specific| silky infibrous | hydrochlonc add | ‘reddish brown ‘gravity variety, botryoidal streak forms, effervesces toda HCL Jcolour, high specific] hardness (4.0), || yellow streak, brown streak, black] "perfect basal magnetic ‘deavage TABLE. 17 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MINERALS WITH COLOURED STREAKS PROPERTIES [WouRRAWTE GS] coRATEG [| uvoNTEat) | _MNENTECDS TELANE (09 SAMARSATTE (10) 1. COLOUR Dark brown, Yalow-brownts | Iromblack Bick 8 Mask 2. STREAK Yalowbrown | Bhsktobrowmnsh [Dak browntblad] Reidish brgwn Dark brown vo Bins = i ‘3. LUSTER Sabmeallicto Wee Sab ReaIS Views | 7 resinous translucent ee opaque | resinous splenitent} 7 STRUCTURE | Taba eae oy Smpaa macive | Crystalline Massive, granular, ANDPORM | massive ganclat, Teen, [ast compen, in| CES | Coton, | Botryotdal crystals Tamelas, columnar salacite macs, | Finsorassad | SSSSgS ‘odtlar, concretionary, ‘earthy 5. GEAVAGE | Perfect pinacoidal | Pinacoidal 10) | Absenceaf [Absence ofdeavage[ Absent Imperfect 10) | Pe ‘Absent @10) deavage deavage cleavage parting present 6 FRACTURE ‘Coachaidal Conchaidaltosab | Conchoidalto | Conchoidal, brie | Uneven. brittle [ Uneven, britle Conchoidal ‘conchoidal ceca L 7. HARDNESS | 50-SSacatches | 50-SSscatched | 1oGannyy | 55-GOscrtches | 50-60scratched | 59 goscratched | SSscratched bya | 5S scratched by ‘gon plate bytnife — |scratched by finger |glassplateand knife byknufe | pyre and gis ‘knife ‘enife rail, 50-55 assets . Carystas) # 9.0-9:7 (crystal 65 Elem | roraio [cose [oetomam [came arena [seas | con [Pceuatdver hi 9. REACTION Disolved in a WITHACID | Insolublein acid HCL and chlorine - as evolved. 10. MAGNETISM | Magnetic when Magnetic | Strongly magnetic | Magnetic after ges fused whenheated | afterhesting heating 1. SPECIAL Radio activity PROPERTIES fe9y ‘TABLE, 17 SOME PROPERTIES OF MINERALS WITH COLOURED STREAKS, Se Bee Seen cere reecresen Serres PROPERTIES _| WOLFRAMITE (105) GOETHITE 106) | LMONTTE(IO7) } ILMENTTE 108) | PSILOMELANE (10m] SAMARSKITE (110) | CHMOMITE 111) 1. CHEMICAL | _eMnWO, | HFeO,Hydrous | FeOOHnHO | FeTiO,iron | BaMn”Mr',0, | RR (NDTa),O,, COMPOSITION) Tungslateofiron | ironoxde | Hydrousferic | titaniumoxide | (OHDhydrated | ReCerfum and | chromium oxide and manganese oxide onde of barium, | yetrium ‘manganese RAPHY Orthorhombic Amorphe ‘Hexagonal Amorphous Orthorhombic prismatic ‘dipyramidal ce rhombohedral Rarely in presmatic| Earthy, marunill- is : ‘Tabular cystals, : aystals, accicuar, | ary stalactitic, Massive, compact, | Crystalline, | radiating fibrous, | asi coneton Fone pet ‘earthy, colloform | massive, earthy massive foliated, ary, nodules earthy ts pinacoldal | streak, ack | Valvetblack | Small cystals,sub | Spec gravity streak, idal amorphous, | Blackto brownish ‘Amorphous, bl ee tet | Ged szeak chy | ek gh | colour impetect | meat hsre, hi ‘lack colour, pitchy 0} dark brown colour strongly magnetic | ™aenetic ‘irdness aber cleavage absent rm after heating, — cavity Jabsence of cleavage, Lae itreous lustre J] fe | sae. TABLE .17 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MINERALS WITH COLOURED STREAKS ALLANTIE GI) arsenoPrameciz] MAGNETTECI® | HEMATITE GIS) Brows topic blac] Sivercrtnwinte | Lon black — [Darkbrown to steel poy ace Cee Back mace Chery rere. ‘rows, Indian brown Scbeenlicwpic| Meaticomqe | tealic” [Menllicioearthy, | Metalic wed recat ull eanstucent Praca abla, | Unsally massive | Unaaly games, | Parey shombohe | Granularerin genias | puesto ontarhon| aassivecyals | dralaysuls, | ocahedral cystls wiceywals | “ecahadra | massive icaceous edlatingrenrern = CEnVNE Perea Peteatitn |Ocabedml paring | 001 and Gdn | __ Indistinct pirting with nearly cibicangi, exvage sent PEACE | Useun trian | Uneven, trite | Uneven, bite | Unevensbttle | Uneven, idle | Uneven, ub | Uneven, ub- | Uneven, brite conchoidal, | concholdal Gis | Sa-gsvnicted | o5-nnanated | 55-6Dvcaichea | 55-6Ducatches | 6Ducratchedby | 55-e5ucatches | 605 scratches glass scratches irom plate uy eile by kite pas plate gaas plate knife izon plate plate 75 Ghtign | Caatnizsin aida | 60-62hign | SBhigh 48-53high 5.15high Slowly slubletn | Slowly soluble in HeL | hydrochorteadd Stongly mappetic | Feebly magnetic | Slightly magnetic Magnetic | Stongly magnetic [Suongly magnetic conhesting heating (71) MEX. ‘TABLE ,17 SOME PROPERTIES OF MINERALS WITH COLOURED STREAKS PROPERTIES [sumisonr (113)]NICCOLITE (114) SMALTIE(IS) | ALLANTTE(I«) [ARSENOPYRTE IN| MAGNETITE(II6) | HEMATITE (Is) | FRANAutre cy 1 a ZnCO,zine | NiAsnickel | CO As,cabalt CaTisiO, titanate | Fe AsSiron sulph | Fe, O,iron oxide carbonate and silicate of arcenide caldum Fe,O, ferric ode Isometric Monodlinle, Monodinic Isometric Hexagonal omer piismatic prismatic | hexoctahedral | rhombohedral Octahedron cube [Usually massiveand| Prismatic rystals, massive Oahedm abt, | Tareas, | Ocabednl eps, lkhombdodecshedron| in inbedded pains, ae alhabit | UV inassive, [massive ganslar | Usually massive | prismatic yaa oat icaceous, | rounded gas gamular Saver white colour, gc,| Cherry ed steak, | Sight magnetic poeudo-orthorhom| ety strongly magnetic | dark brown streak, Bie fntek coeur neh, | onheatngin | impeiectdeavage aay restucng Name ark brown to steel rey toblack, slowly solublein hydrochloric add |= | E TABLE . 17 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF MINERALS WITH COLOURED STREAKS \ TERS [RANTES [ROR [OTT PROSSTSS Goa e] oe p cote | Bkestrewat | Svewtseceen | S Tmsyalow | Brownish black [Light yellow, tore] We, greenian = ere . Met, ak Dae mo Trownish back | Yelowishred ‘Biuish Meulsc sitet Meals ‘Metllictranspar | Sub-metallic Vitreous to Vitreous. sae lento ransulancent Resinous Feomt ee sunated cube Massive, isolated | Rbrous, columnar, Saave qyauls macive [Massive octahedral] grains radiating granular S GLEAVAGE | Feces: O70 god, Poxe (101) oF Indistinet indistinct, i & FRACTURE aol ‘Uneven. britue Conchoidal, ‘Uneven. brittle uneven, brite — 7 HARDNESS eo 6Sscuiches | 60-65ecatches | 60-65scratches, | 60-65and30 60-64 gssspuate pss plate sls plate & SSCRC 79 hgh ehh 418-425 high 49high S0high 506-5.08high | 3.1-32medium Gam Gelatinizes with acids MAGNETISM, 2) SPECAL Yields water when, “PROPERTIES heated in dosed tube (73] = TROT NENA WHT COLOURED TREN | TANTAUTE, 1 i ay | Dawe PROPERTIES | coutowameaay | COBALTIEGZ) | RUTILEQZ) | MARCASITE((24) | ° FYRITE((25) BRAUNTTE (126) | CHON acer | \ Mes S10), 080, AL, 1. CHEMICAL |eMn@pTa,0,| (CoFe) Ass | T10, tanium Fes, FeS,iron | MnO, manganese G0 0) COMPOSI. Knasdeat | mipbarenide dioxide iron disulphide | disulphide Mop Gj tert TION 2 CRYSTALLOG| Orthorhombic Isometric Tet Me stinchorta eS agonal Orthorhombic Tsometic “Tetragonal jonodinic, | Orbe ee dipyramidal dipyramidal ipyrumidal prismatic 4 Massive cystals | Rarelyindlstines 3. COMMON Usually |Commonly in cubes | + fsually in crystals [Commonly in cubes| Prismatic aystals, | Tabular erystals octahedral massive| FORM pasmaie fad pytohedrons| verily sited | usualy ating |gaateten ysl ‘solated grins Firousto massive massive forms globular, a columnar, radiating | reniform. +} Black colour, dark | Svercolour, | Adamantine lste, | Pale yellow colour, | Metalic plendent | Bronze colour | Light yellow tored| Fibrous habit, 4. DISTINGUI- SING redtoblak | Pefectonese | red colour lower | fibrous habit " PROPERTIES | colour, high cleavage specific gravity 7 yellow coe, poo aoe i specific gravity greenish | \ 7 ; orbrownish tL (74)

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