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How globalization affects the global economy?

As a student, how will you balance the impact of globalization in your daily lives?

How will you bring pride in your own identity/culture to another country?

Globalization has had both beneficial and bad consequences on economic growth. New markets,
increased commerce and investment, and promoted cross-border technology and knowledge exchanges
have all been made possible by globalization. In several locations around the world, these advancements
have helped to increase economic growth, boost productivity, and create jobs. Globalization has,
however, also led to increased competitiveness, income inequality, and environmental harm in some
areas. In addition to the positive effects of globalization on economic growth, it has also had a number of
unfavorable effects, such as the loss of jobs and declines in certain industries in some regions, the
widening of income inequality, the homogenization of cultures, the degradation of the environment,
reliance on foreign markets and investors, and vulnerability to global economic downturns.

As a student, the impact of globalization in our daily lives is inevitable as technology develops further.
We accessed, learned and adopt certain things from another country. We educate ourselves through
continuous exchange of information. We used the advancement of technology to do our works and
activities. Some spend their leisure time by listening to foreign songs and watching foreign dramas and
we actually learned their culture through it. To balance the impact of globalization in our daily lives, we
should spend less time on that novel things and starts to wonder what our country can really offer. And
how it can be patronized.

Identity/culture is something that makes the country unique. It is your trademark wherever fate brings
you. By taking a pride in your own identity/culture to another country is a bit of trouble but it is what we
grow up with. Show and follow your usual practice and patterns/routine, don’t change just because you
want to be “in”. Moreover, embrace your cultural traditions, like how we celebrate our holidays, we have
our own tradition on what to do on that occasion. Even though your in another country, just act like your
usual self but also remain respectful towards their own culture. R,

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