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ARC 4102 AUGUST 29, 2023

Have you ever wondered on how our streets or communities and public spaces
are designed and planned? How do they come up with the idea? Sometimes, even
though we are just a student, there’s a passing thought about those things. The way we
see those design in our everyday lives have an effect to us also. This is what we called
the “urban design”. Urban Design is drawing up the masterplans and design guidelines
and what we see today is the effect of those plans. In addition, this guide large areas
through working up detailed designs for our public streets and communities. They help
to plan/design everything for the people at human scale. Furthermore, they tend to
help make peoples’ life better and also make attractive places that will transcends
through time and will remain valuable. Just by this information, we can say that urban
design can be regarded as something with importance.

The importance of urban design is we design a place for people. For the places
to be well used and loved, they must be safe comfortable, varied and attractive. It also
needs to be distinct and fun. In addition, new developments should enrich the qualities
of existing urban places. This means to encourage and complements its setting. The
places need to be easy to get to and be integrated physically and visually with the
surroundings and should utilize each site’s intrinsic resources such as landscapes and
ecology to maximize energy conservation and amenity. Moreover, urban design
addresses on the perception of the people and how they use their environment. In all
honesty, people care about the look/visual, feel and if it is livable to the communities.
On the other hand, urban design helps encourage the people in researching, art
aspect, technological advancement and the sustainability of the environment within
the community.

Urban design reduces people’s exposure to air pollutants through planting trees
and green spaces. This also increase the mobility of the people as the transportation
and connection can have urban design intervention like protected bikeways and
networks, etc. It also seeks to reduce the impact of economic disparities and resist
access to private spaces by constructing fences as part of urban designing. By these,
we know that urban design is a very important aspect of what we are seeing and living
as of now. That everything we have is carefully planned and thorough investigated and
research. Up until now, we are so blessed that these things transcend the time and is still
valuable in a sense that we benefitted a lot. Furthermore, urban design helps solves
some environmental issues and societal implication brought by the abusive people.

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