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Units of competency

This assessment contributes to the overall assessment of the following units of

- HLTAHA001 Assist with an Allied health program
- CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health and community services
- CHCCOM002 Use communication to build relationships
- CHCDIV001 Work with diverse people

CareShore offers short training sessions to other health professionals in the area. As
part of her role as an Allied Health Assistant at the practice, Ellin often assists in setting
these sessions up and is sometimes utilized in the delivery. These are tasks that can
regularly form part of the role of an Allied Health Assistant working under the
supervision of an Allied Health Professional.

There is another session in the diary but the topic is undecided. During a team meeting,
the team discusses how happy they are with Ellin so it is decided that the next session
will be a presentation on the role of an Allied Health Assistant and how they can benefit
a department. Ellin is away on the day of the session so they have asked you to
develop and deliver the presentation on her behalf.

Important points for consideration when completing this assessment:

● One of your colleagues is from China and English is her second language
● Another colleague is blind in one eye and has difficulty seeing long distances and
fine print

For this assessment, you will be demonstrating your ability to communicate with others.
We will be assessing both your verbal and non-verbal communication skills (i.e. body
language). You will demonstrate cultural awareness and how you might adapt your
communication style for different people from diverse backgrounds.

You will also show an understanding of the role of an allied health assistant, their scope
of practice and the benefits they can offer a department.

This assessment is split into two parts – Part A and Part B.

Part A: is the presentation planning which should be 3-5 minutes in length (no longer
than 5 minutes) and developed for a mixed group of individuals including those who are
from culturally diverse backgrounds.
Part B: This is the practical delivery of the presentation (i.e. video of you doing the
presentation), your reflection on your presentation and how you might adapt it for
different groups of people giving two examples of how you might adapt it and for which

In your reflection, identify what went well and what you think you could improve giving at
least two examples.

For this assessment, you are required to complete two (2) parts – Part A (Presentation
Outline) and Part B (Video Presentation).
Use the information provided in the Assessment Background/Overview and Brief (on
Page 1 of this assessment) to guide your presentation.

Part A - Presentation Outline

Complete and submit your Presentation Outline (similar to the example below – or you
can use your own template) which outlines your preparation and approach to your

Example -

Time Topic

Here you write the time you plan to start each List the topics next to the proposed start time.
section of the presentation
If you do not run exactly to time, this can be
something you can add to your reflective
piece below.

Resources/ equipment

List the resources you used in your presentation


Here you would list any references you used as per the Referencing Guide that is provided to
you in your student handbook

Your presentation is to be between 3 and 5 minutes in length.

Your presentation must include the following:
1. How does an Allied Health Assistant fit in with the allied health team and how does the
role differ from that of a qualified Allied Health Professional (for example, a
Physiotherapist, Dietician, etc.)?

2. Identify the roles and responsibilities of an Allied Health Assistant.

3. Outline the knowledge required to be an Allied Health Assistant.

4. Identify the limitations of the Allied Health Assistant role.

5. Explain the benefit of having an Allied Health Assistant as a member of the Allied Health

As identified in the Assessment Background/Overview on Page 1, the needs of the group you
are presenting to are quite diverse and you will need to tailor your presentation to meet the
needs of your audience.

The areas you will be assessed on are your communication skills and choice of appropriate
language and knowledge of the Allied Health Assistant role, as well as how you will adapt your
presentation to meet the needs of the group.

Part B - Video Presentation

Record your presentation (submit as a video file) and complete the reflection questions
(provided on the next page).

Important note on recording your video presentation:

In order for us to assess a number of the performance evidence requirements of the units of
competency within this module, we need to be able to see you giving your presentation (it
cannot just be a voice recording over a slide presentation).
So you will need to be visible in your video recording so that we are able to see how you would
give this presentation to the group described in the brief in order for us to assess the
performance evidence requirements of this module (e.g. verbal and non-verbal communication
skills, including body language).

Reflection questions
a) The positive and negative aspects to your presentation
b) What you learnt from the process of preparing and presenting your video
c) What would you do differently if you had done this again?
d) Discuss how you specifically altered/adapted your presentation to take into
account the diverse needs of this group. (Provide at least two examples)

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