History Edited

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American Society Founded in Slavery

The discussion will form the foundation around the races in America regarding the

different mirrors of the origins of slavery. The essay will discuss broadly how the author-

accurately creates the grounds of multicultural American society. The topic describes how

slavery, no matter how inhumane it appeared, developed the pride of America as a multicultural

society with diverse cultural beliefs and different skin colors. Similarly, the mutual

understanding that we are all humans with liberty and justice must be a coherent factor.

My thesis states that American society founded on slavery formed long-term benefits

rather than diminutions. In pursuit of certifying their short-term interests in social class, the elites

made magnificent consequences in the current American society than the then disasters (76).

Similarly, the view from Cabins shows blacks and whites together in the development of robust

American Agricultural productivity (65). Later during the Bacon rebellion, the Negros entry into

escape yielded more success than when it was whites alone (74). The contribution of American

revolutionists against forced labor and injustice to non-natives Americans led to the maturity of

current America (84). In the essay, I will discuss how different races were mistreated and valued

for their skin color. The essay will find a match in the various mirrors of the multicultural

American community with different races.


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