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David Bowie

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David Bowie is a successful entrepreneur in the music business. He was a musician ahead

of his time, and as an entrepreneur, nothing changed. In the late 1990s, David founded a

technology business and an internet service provider. He was among the first musicians to truly

grasp the potential of the web, thanks to this strategy (Burrows, 2022). David Bowie founded his

recording firm in the early 2000s to escape the hierarchical structure of his previous label. He

also maintains a website where art school students can sell their creations without dealing with

the hassles of a conventional art gallery.

David Bowie is a good example of an entrepreneur in the music industry since he allowed

artists to explore their musical styles, who they were and reflect on what they have to offer to the

world. He did this through his music and innovative use of fashion and imagery, as represented

by his different personas.

David Bowie saw music as a narrative, and the intentions of personas became part of his

style. Bowie’s idea that one person could have multiple creative identities was revolutionary. He

did not just want to be a singer on stage. He combined music and theatre, creating a captivating

atmosphere during his shows (Glynn, 2022). Not only did Bowie’s music have a massive

influence on the music industry since the early 1970s, but he also influenced the society as a

whole through his various personas, inspiring personal artist and non-conformity in the modern


After spending many years as somebody else on stage, Bowie appeared on stage as

himself. He made sure that he kept observing the world around him, using his music as a social

commentary. Music helped him make sense of the world around him and inspire change;

something modern artists aspire to achieve. David Bowie embraced a unique fashion style and

fluid sexuality, bending gender norms(Glynn, 2022).


David Bowie transformed everything he touched into art, from music to style. His unique

vision and legendary voice made him one of the most influential and famous artists, leaving a

distinctive mark on the modern music industry. Not only that but Bowie made the world a more

diverse and accepting place.

David Bowie's personality was unfathomable. Everything from his career made him a

true artist. There was something about Bowie, an undefinable quality. Something that captured

audience and continues to enthrall listeners to present day. The chameleon-like approach made

David Bowie one of the most influential artists ever and inspired modern-day musicians (Glynn,

2022). Bowie was not afraid of experimenting and kept reinventing himself through his music.

His style constantly shifted but it was always recognizable as Bowie.



Burrows, M. (2022). The London Boys: David Bowie, Marc Bolan and the 60s Teenage

Dream. The London Boys, pp. 1–216.

Glynn, S. (2022). Bowie Goes Genre-Hopping—Comedian, Chameleon, Corinthian and

Caricature. In David Bowie and Film: Hooked to the Silver Screen (pp. 147–167). Cham:

Springer International Publishing.

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