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Leadership and Health Care Employee Engagement

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Employee engagement is crucial to any organization's performance, especially in

Healthcare, where employee and patient well-being is at risk. The 12-question framework

provides a complete assessment of employee engagement and its impact on performance. This

paper examines these questions' efficacy, prospective enhancements, and how healthcare

administrators might use them.

The first question, "Do you consider yourself an engaged employee?" raises self-

awareness, which is crucial in an organization. The question prompts employees to consider their

dedication to work. This reflection sets the stage for the engagement-related inquiries that

follow. These questions cover involvement characteristics, including company goals,

recognition, and progress. Asking employees if they feel appreciated and recognized recognizes

the relevance of appreciation in engagement (Voyer, 2022). The personal growth inquiry reveals

engagement and development opportunities. Answering these questions can reveal ways to boost

engagement and performance. Realizing employees want more open communication may inspire

firms to organize frequent feedback sessions. Recognizing work-life balance may motivate

flexible scheduling.

Questions about teamwork and leadership styles may be added to the list. Asking about

teamwork may reveal how peer relationships affect involvement. Leadership effectiveness can

also be assessed by asking employees if their supervisors support their career goals (Gupta et al.,

2021). These questions can help healthcare managers to devise effective strategies for mitigating

organizational challenges. Including them in performance evaluations can shape engagement

assessments. For candid comments, they can conduct anonymous questionnaires. The answers to

these questions help make decisions that make work more exciting. These questions help

managers adjust strategy to their sector to improve operational efficiency. Addressing patient
care issues can highlight the link between employee engagement and patient outcomes. Changes

based on feedback can create a more supportive and patient-focused workplace.

The 12 questions measure employee engagement and encourage progress by covering

several engagement and performance criteria. These questions help employees and organizations

find growth areas by boosting self-awareness and critical thinking. Questions about teamwork

and leadership could improve the assessment. Given their potential impact on patient care, these

topics are especially relevant in Healthcare. Managers can use them in assessments and decision-

making to foster employee engagement and patient outcomes.


Gupta, P., Hudnurkar, M., & Ambekar, S. (2021). Effectiveness of blockchain to solve the

interoperability challenges in Healthcare. CARDIOMETRY, (20), 80–88.

Voyer, B. G. (2022). What can healthcare managers learn from marketing managers? Marketing

theory concepts with implications for Healthcare. British Journal of Healthcare

Management, 28(7), 185–189.

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