Anatomy Remedial Class Qa

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ANATOMY REMEDIAL CLASS (8) The area between the pubic bone and urinary

bladder is called the prevesical space of

Final Exam: _______.
- 100 items ANS: Retzius
- 5 choices
- NO Radiology (9) Which portion of the urinary bladder is
responsible for its anti-reflux mechanism?
(1) Which injury will cause? ANS: Trigone

(10) How can a urologist directly visualize the

mucosa (lumen) of the urinary bladder?
ANS: cystoscope

(11) Which overlying structure can be

distorted by a nonfunctional pituitary

(12) A male patient presenting with a prominen

ANS: Brachial plexus injury forehead, large lower jaw, large hands, and feet
is most likely due to excessive production of what
(2) Which structure if destroyed causes diabetes hormone?
insipidus? ANS: GH / Growth Hormone
ANS: Supraoptic nuclei
(13) Which neuropeptide carried by the
(3) Because of its location, a pituitary tumor may hypothalamic hypophyseal portal system
produce problem in which sensory perception? inhibits the release of thyrotrophs?
ANS: Hemianopsia
(14) Which of the following hormones temporarily
(4) What disease is secondary to Adrenal medulla accumulate in the neurosecretory bodies?
dysfunction? ANS: ADH & Oxytocin
ANS: Pheochromocytoma
(15) The hormone which acts on the distal tubule
(5) A 67 y/o female with jaundice consulted at the of the kidney to increase sodium reabsorption
clinic. A CT scan was requested which revealed and decrease potassium reabsorption is produce
a tumor of the pancreas obstructing bile duct thus by the cells present in the__________________.
impeding the flow of bile. Which specific part of ANS: Aldosterone
the pancreas did the tumor grow into?
ANS: Head (16) The kidney can be removed without
damaging the adrenal gland during renal
(6) What is the primary secretory product of the transplantation because of a weak structure
pineal gland? seperating the kidney from the adrenal gland.
ANS: Melatonin What is this structure?
ANS: Septum of Renal Fascia

(17) What hormone is insufficently produced in a

patient diagnosed with Addison’s Disease?
ANS: Cortisol and sometimes Aldosterone

(18) Pheochromocytoma produces excessive

amounts of cathecolamines. This tumor s derived
from the cells that are present in the __________.
(7) What is that avascular dotted line which will ANS: Adrenal medulla
cause relativel minimal bleeding if incised?
ANS: Brodel’s line (19) The hormone the promotes carbohydrate
metabolism, provides resistance to stress, and
supress inflammatory response is produced by Posterior – Neurogenic tumor
the cells in what part of the adrenal gland?
ANS: Zona fasiculata (30) A patient with ruptured esophagus due to
forceful vomiting will also manifest with _______.
(20) A patient present with truncal obesity, moon ANS: Hydropneumothorax (combination of air
facies, and buffalo hump. What hormone is and fluid)
produced in excess in this scenario? Air – PNEUMOthorax
ANS: Cortisol ~ Cushing syndrome Blood – HEMOthorax
Abscess – Empyema thoracis
(21) What is the primar secretory prodcut of the
pineal gland? (31) Which is not located in the superior
ANS: Melatonin mediastinum?
(22) What are the calcarous deposits that A. Aortic arch
accumulate in the extracellular matrix of the B. Superior Vena Cava
pineal gland during the second decade? C. Brachiocephalic artery and vein
ANS: Brain Sand D. Heart
ANS: Heart
(23) Textin while driving is punishable worldwide
due to the possibility of vehicular accidents which (32) In which mediastinum will a neurogenic
can lead to rib fracture resulting to injury of what tumor be located?
organ? ANS: Posterior mediastinum
ANS: Spleen ~ most common injured abdominal
organ (33) The imaginary line which divides the
mediastinum passes thru ______ anteriorly and
(24) A benign tumor in the left atrium would affect lower border of 4th thoracic vertebra posteriorly.
blood flow coming from which vessels? ANS: Sternal angle / Angle of Louis
ANS: Pulmonary vein
(34) What is the loose fold which allows
(25) The left to right shunting of blood in the movement of pulmonary vessels and large
interatrial septum could be due to an incomplete bronchi during respiration?
closure of what embryonic structure? ANS: Pulmonary ligament
ANS: Foramen ovale
(35) Which statement pertains to the superficial
(26) An enlarged and thickened left ventricle on lymphatic plexus of the lungs and pleura?
echocardiogram could be due to stenosis of ANS: Drain into hilar lymph nodes
which heart valve?
ANS: Aortic valve (36) Collapse of a previously inflated lung which
If left atrium ang lumalaki, Mitral valve ang sagot is commonly encountered among patients who
underwent major surgery is called?
(27) Hemorrhoids are actually enlarged buldging ANS: Atelectasis
_______ in and around the anus and lower
rectum. (37) Which condition will NOT cause
ANS: Veins compression of the trachea?
(28) Sudden occulsion of coronary artery by an A. Dilatation of the arch of the aorta
embolus may lead to myocardial infarction. Which B. Thyroid enlargement
of the following arteries is the most common site C. Enlarged tracheobronchial lymph node
of coronary artery occlusion? D. Pleural effusion
ANS: Left Anterior Descending Artery (LAD) ANS: Pleural effusion
Blood extraction – Median cubital vein
Hemodialysis – IJV (38) Which carries well oxygenated blood?
***ANS: arteries / pulmonary vein
(29) What is the most common anterior
mediastinal mass? (39) Which level of division does the lobar bronchi
ANS: Thymoma coresspond to?
Choices: (46) Which imaging is used to determine the
A. Tertiary patency of the fallopian tubes speciall as part of
B. Secondary the fertility work up?
C. Quaternary
D. Primary
ANS: Secondary

(40) Which lobe is commonly affected in PTB?

ANS: Upper lobe

(41) The reason why an aspirated foreign body

will lodge at the right main bronchus is because
anatomically the right main bronchus is _______
compared to the left main bronchus.
ANS: wider, more vertical
ANS: Hysterosaplpingogram (HSG)
(42) Which is a bronchopulmonary segment
common for both lungs? (47) Which of the following structures does the
ANS: Lateral basal *double check the choices* testeis attach to prevent this from happening?
(43) What is the action of sympathimimetic drug
like salbutamol on the airways?
ANS: bronchodilation

(44) At that segment bearing tumor (black spot

was resected in this segmentectomy, what are
the two remaining BPS of the upper lobe?

ANS: Tunica vaginalis

(48) In this case of a 24 y/o male, a popping or

cracking sound, significant pain, swelling,
immediate loss of erection leading to flaccidity,
and skin hematoma occurred after a sexual
intercourse. What structure that ruptured is
responsible for this appearance?

ANS: Anterior and Posterior


(45) What is this screening imaging for breast

ANS: Mammogram – best imaging for breast
Common location of breast cancer – Upper Outer
Vasectomy – sterilization procedure for male
ANS: Buck’s fascia (ductus deferens/vas deferens)
Penile fracture – “eggplant” penis Bilateral Tubal Ligation – sterilization for female
(fallopian tube)
(49) Two (2) anatomical reasons why women are
prone to UTI: *PICK TWO ASNWERS (56) Which cranial nerve is affected?
ANS: Shorter urethra & the opening of urethra is
closer to anus

(50) While moonlighting as a residen doctor in a

provincial hospital, a 27 y/o female consulted for
sudden severe abdominal pain, weakness and
dizziness. She has missed menses for two
months. Your impression is a possible ruptured
ectoic pregnancy and you plan to do
culdocentesis. What anatomic structure is being
acessed in doing this procedure and where is the
most common location of the ectopic fetus?
ANS: Recto-uterine puch : ampullar

(51) Among the 4 types of episiotomy, which type ANS: Cranial Nerve 3
may cause anal incontinence especially for a
large fetus? (57) Which of the following is NOT a correct
A. Spehnoethmoidal recess: sphenoidal sinus
B. Superior meatus: Posterior ethmoidal sinus
C. Inferior meatus: Anterior ethmoidal sinus
D. Middle meatus: Frontal sinus
E. Middle meatus: Maxillary sinus

(58) A 14 y/o male had upper respiratory tract

infection for about a week. He was then brought
to the OPD clinic by his mother who noted
ANS: Median impaired hearing especially when she call his
Safest and most common - Mediolateral name. On ottoscopy, you noted amber colored
fluid which was foul smelling and the tympanic
(52) What pelvic lymph nodes should be sampled membrance appears reddish and bulges. What is
for proper staging of ovarian malignancy? your consideration?
ANS: Para-aortic ANS: Otitis media

(53) These large strong and numberous fibrous (59) In Sensorineural hearing loss, the resulting
processes to the posterior surface of the skin of defects in the hearing pathway may include any
the breast causes the peau d’ orange appearance of the following except:
among breast cancer patients. What is this ANS: Vestibule (balance)
structure called?
ANS: Cooper’s ligament (60) A 40 y/o female, a singer at hotel lobby,
underwent thyroidectomy for a large goier. After
(54) This where epistaxis or nosebleeding occurs a month, she noted that her voice is monotonous
frequently in character. She can not use a wide range of
ANS: Kiesselbach’s / Little’s area tones when singing especially high pitched tones.
She was seen again by her surgeon who
(55) What sturctures are ligated in the male and admitted that he injured a nerve that paralyzed
female reprodcutive organs for sterilization the circothyroid muscle thus she is unable to bary
respectively? the length and tension of the vocal fold. What
ANS: Ductus deferens : Fallopian tube nerve was the surgeon referring to?
ANS: External branch of the Superior larnygeal (65) The difference in eye color is due to
nerve interracial differences in which part of the eye?
ANS: Iris
(61) Mel Blanc was the voice behind Bugs Bunny, Caucasians – blue, green
Porky Pig, Daffy Duck, Granny, Barey and others.
Which TWO (2) in the list would be the most (66) Palsy of this cranial nerve results in esotropia
commonly used laryngeal muscles of voice alents on primary gaze due to weakness of the abductor
like Mel Blanc in cartoon animation movies? muscle.
Choose 2.
ANS: Vocalis & Cricothyroud (tenses the vocal

(62) This is a reflex that controls the diameter of ANS: Cranial Nerve 6 / Abducens
the ______, in response to the intesity of light that Esotropia – weak lateral rectus muscle (LR 6)
falls on the ganglion cells in the back of the eye,
thereby assisting in adaptation of vision to various (67) If this patient is looking straight at you, what
levels of the lightness/darkness. Fill in the blank. is his eye problem?
ANS: Pupil

(63) What part of the eye is affected in this elderly


ANS: Exotropia
Exotropia – defective medial rectus; CN 3)


ANS: Lens
Cataract – Lens mostly affected

(64) In emergency situations like trauma, which

structure may be stabbed or pierced to establish

ANS: Nasopharynx

(69) Series of feminization procedures were

performed on this 30 y/o male including a portion
of which structure was shaved so he would look
more female?

ANS: Cricothyroid membrane

of lymph vessels is called subareolar plexus of
ANS: Sappey

(77) Breast cancer occurs in the _________

quadrant in approximately 60% of cases.
ANS: Upper Outer Quadrant

(78) A 65 y/o female comes to your clinic with a

relatively large breast and upon reviewing her
history she had an implant inserted 35 years ago.
Where are breast implants usually placed?
ANS: Retromammary space
ANS: Laryngeal prominence (Thyroid cartilage) (79) What is the dilated portion of the breast
where milk accumulates during lactation?
(70) Which is that mobile portion of the large ANS: Lactiferous sinus
intestine that can twist and cause obstruction
especially among elder patients? (80)
ANS: Sigmoid colon
Most mobile parts of the colon – transverse and
sigmoid colon

(71) What electrolyte abnormality will result in a

patient whose parathyroid gland were removed?
ANS: Low serum calcium

(72) What do you call the area of the kidneys

where all the blood vessels, lymphatics, and
nerve innervation enters/exits?
ANS: Renal hilum Choices:
A. Inferior mesenteric artery
(73) Which of the following tracts carries pain and B. Celiac artery – blood supply of the stomach
temperature sensation from the trunk and C. Sigmoidal artery
extremities? D. Superior mesenteric artery
ANS: Lateral spinothalamic E. Gastroduodenal artery

(74) Which of the following is a correct match of

the mediastinum and its pathologic content?
Anterior: Thymoma
Middle: Pleuropericardial cyst
Posterior: Neurogenic tumor

(75) To relieve a patient of cardiac tamponade,

pericardiocentesis is preferably done at what
***ANS: Parietal and Visceral Layer of the

(76) While assisting in a procedure called

Sentinel Node Biopsy, the surgeon injects dye
under the areola. He explains that there is a
collection of lymph vessels that will drain the dye
to the first eschelon lymph node. This collection
(83) A blood clot that develops in a deep
peripheral vein and breaks free into the venous
system will lodge in the vascular bed of which
A. Brain
B. Heart
C. Lungs
D. Kidneys
E. Liver
ANS: Lungs

(84) Which is a correct match of the lobes and

ONE of its bronchopulmonary segments of the
RIGHT LUNG? Remember the mnemonics we
taught you.
A. Upper lobe: Apical / Middle lobe: Lingular /
Lower lobe: Posterior basal
B. Upper lobe: Posterior / Middle lobe: Medial /
Lower lobe: Anteromedial basal
C. Upper lobe: Apical / Middle lobe: Medial /
Lower lobe: Superior lingular
D. Upper lobe: Apicoposterior / Middle lobe:
Medial / Lower lobe: Lateral basal
E. Di masyado kita HIHIHIHI

(81) A 78 y/o male was seen by a physician for

nocturia (need to void during the night), dysuria
(difficulty and pain during urination), and urgency
(sudden desire to void). The patient also has
urinary bladder infection. A digital rectal
examination was done where an enlarged
prostate was palpated. What is your impression
and which portion of the prostate is most readily
palpable during digital exam?
A. Malignancy of the prostate: posterior
B. Benign hypertrophy of the prostate: anterior (85) What is the vein of FIRST choice of medical
C. Malignancy of the prostate: anterior technologies for blood extraction?
D. Benign hypertrophy of the prostate: posterior
E. Prostatitis: posterior
***ANS: D or E

Benign prostatic enlargement – clinical diagnosis

Benign prostatic hyperplasia – cells in transition
zone of prostate multiply excessively
Benign prostatic obstruction – prostate has
enlarged to the point of obstructing urine outflow
ANS: Median cubital vein
(82) A child aspirated a round pellet which lodged
in the right main bronchus. Why do foreign bodies (86) During anatomy lab dissection, the strap
tend to lodge in the right main bronchus? muscles may be retracted/deflected to gain
ANS: More vertical exposure to the thyroid gland. Which muscle is
not encountered during our dissection of the C. Esophagus
thyroid gland? Not sure kung may iba pang choices
Choices: ****ANS: Ileum
A. Sternohyoid
B. Sternothyroid (90) Which is found in a normal spine?
C. Thyrohyoid Choices:
D. Stylohyoid A. Sacral lordosis
ANS: Stylohyoid B. Lumbar kyphosis
C. Cervical lordosis
(87) In the normal male, which is the widest D. Thoracic lordosis
segment of the urethra? ANS: Lumbar kyphosis
A. Bulbous urethra (91) In cases of acute pancreatitis caused by
B. Prostatic urethra gallstones, the gallstones migrate from the
C. Pendulous urethra gallbladder into the common bile duct and block
ANS: Prostatic urethra the flow of bile and pancreatic juices. Which other
structure is blocked by the gallstones thereby
(88) A 63 y/o female had esophageal carcinoma impeding the flow of pancreatic juices?
of the upper third. What group of nodes are most Choices:
likely affected? A. Common bile duct
Choices: B. Cystic duct
A. Superior mediastinal nodes C. Duct of Wirsung
B. Superficial cervical nodes D. Duct of Santorini
C. Deep cervical nodes E. Right hepatic duct
D. Nodes along the left gastric artery ANS: Duct of Wirsung

(92) A 45 year old female came to you with an

anterior neck mass for consult. After doing
your history taking, what would you ask the
patient to do next as part of your physical
examination if you are entertaining a thyroid
A. Ask the patient to extend her neck
B. Ask the patient to undergo ultrasound since it
is sensitive in detecting neck masses
C. Ask the patient to protrude her tongue while
inspecting the mouth
Di ko rin sure kung may iba pang choices

(89) Where will a feeding tube be placed in a 75

y/o female patient with a terminal case of
obstructing cancer at the antrum of the stomach?
A. Ileum
B. Colon

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