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This twentieth century has brought an advanced health care to our community. The
medical advancements and information technologies of the twentieth century have not only
change the environment of nursing but they have become part of the elements in the field. We
can say that technology has invaded the nursing field. Technologies are responsible for this
big transformation and they do bring benefits to the health care provider. There are several
technologies that changed nursing.
First is the video conferencing. Video conferencing enable nursing professionals to
share their ongoing researches and experiences with other nurses all over the world. Nurses
or even the other health care provider from Malaysia does not need to travel all the way to the
United States of America to get the knowledge or information from other professionals. They
can know it through video conferencing. They can also discuss how to care for a patient with
a certain disease through this technology. Furthermore, video conferencing also help in terms
of a patient’s care. For example, if a patient is stuck in a rural place and the nearest hospital is
3 hours away, and the patient needs urgent treatment the doctor can assist by using video call
to help the nurses to aid the urgent patient's need. Thus, it gives benefits and opening for the
nursing profession to develop and improve the patient care outcomes.
Second is the sphygmomanometer. A sphygmomanometer is an instrument to check
blood pressure and also count the heartbeat rate automatically. Both blood pressure and heart
rate are important vital signs to determine the condition of a patient. For a manual, mercury
device, nurses need to wrap the cuff just above the elbow in the arm and place a
stethoscope against the patient’s skin over an artery. Then, the air is released, observing
systolic pressure with the first sound and diastolic pressure as the vein emits a dribbling
sound. Imagine if there are so many patients in the ward, nurses need to pump for many
times. Now, the nurses in this hospital are no longer need to measure blood pressure
manually. They have a new all-in-one machine which includes sphygmomanometer,
oximeter, and thermometer. It measures blood pressure, oxygen saturation, and body
temperature. It measures and records the readings automatically. It even calculates the score
for each patient which can determine the patient’s condition. The nurses here agreed that this
technological change makes the biggest daily difference.
The third is information management. Nowadays, computer technologies become a
means of managing patient information. Here, we use ARCUS, PYXIS and IMPACT system
to manage the patient information. This ARCUS technology help to coordinates cares and
minimized treatment delays. It helps in the admission, discharge, and transfer of patient, in
bed management and inventory management. It also helps to trace the results from the
radiology department. It will show both pictures and report. Whereas the IMPACT system
helps the nurses to trace the lab results such as blood test, urine test, and swab test. If the
nurse is required to print out the results, they do not need to go to the specific department as
everything can be accessed online. Whereas, PYXIS system help to record and trace the type
of medication and the time for the last withdrawal of medication. This will help to reduce
medication error.
Fourth is the portable defibrillator. One of the portable defibrillators is the Automated
Electronic Defibrillator (AED). It is a computerized device that can analyze the heart
rhythms. It provides shock which is needed for defibrillation. It has electrodes which are
placed on the patient’s chest which help the processor inside the AED to analyze the victim’s
heart. The machine will only shock if it is necessary. For example, when it detects a
Ventricular Fibrillation (VF), a common cause of cardiac arrest. This shock will interrupt the
chaotic rhythm of the heart and returns it to normal. It is proven that by combining CPR and
use of AED within the first minutes, increases the chance of survival. With manual CPR
alone, the chance of survival is less.
The fifth is sturdy, portable IT devices. Penang Adventist Hospital is currently using
the Early Warning Sign (EWS) machine to take vitals sign such as temperature, pulse,
respiration, and blood pressure. The thermometer, oximeter and blood pressure are connected
in one machine and it will automatically record the readings. First, the patient ID needs to be
entered or it can be scanned from the ID band. Then, the BP cuff, thermometer, and oximeter
are used to automatically record the readings. However, the nurse still needs to enter the
respiration rate, the consciousness of the patient, whether the patient is on oxygen or not, and
whether the patient is a COPD patient. After the readings are all keyed in, it will calculate the
EWS score which indicates the condition of the patient. The readings are validated and it will
be shown in the monitor near the nursing station. The patient information is updated
continuously soon after the checking is done.
Sixth is the sonogram or ultrasound. Sonography or ultrasound is the type of scanning
method used to get the live images of the internal organs of the body. It uses the high-
frequency waves to attain these images. One of the major advantages of using this technique
is that the patient does not get affected by any kind of radiation. Ultrasound devices enable
the nurses and the pregnant patient to see inside the womb. It also allows the doctor and
nurses to identify the health of the baby throughout pregnancy. Other than pregnancy
monitoring, this technology also able to easily identify cancer tumors in the bladder, and to
tell whether the liver is enlarged.
Seventh is the local wireless telephone networks. This system enables nurses to
communicate within a wide range. If the nurse needs to answer or make a phone call, she
does not need to go to a specific place to do it so. It significantly reduces communication
delays. The nurse can inform the doctor or other health care provider on the spot as long as
she has the phone with her. Besides that, a patient that making a phone call does not have to
wait for so long for the nurse to pick up. This change the dynamics of the relationship
between patients and their nurses.
Eighth is the Patient remote monitoring. This technology enable a precise data
transmission efficiently and analyzes real-time data which help to identify abnormal readings
faster and more accurately. In this hospital, it apply on the telemetry machine which is
usually wore by patient with cardiac problem. This machine has electrodes that are patched
on the patient’s body. It sends signals to the processor which is then analyzed to check for
any abnormality. If the heart rhythm is bradycardia or tachycardia, it will gives an alarm. The
waveform from the processor can be monitored in the nursing station and also from the
Intensive Unit Care (ICU) department. This ensure the nurse in the ICU to monitor and be
prepared for the patient’s condition even though they are at other department.
Ninth is the RFID technologies. In this hospital, each patient have their own locker in
the room. Whenever patient is going for surgery or procedure, they can keep their valuable
things in the special drawer which can only be opened with the patient’s ID band. Each
patient has their own ID band. This enhance security and reduce the number of missing
The tenth is the compact, portable medical devices. A nurse can use their skills
everywhere with the help of this device. For example, a hemoglucose test device and portable
sphygmomanometer. This device is small and easier to carry. Hemoglucose test device helps
to monitor blood glucose level, especially in a diabetic patient, whereas sphygmomanometer
measures the blood pressure. It also useful when a nurse needs to go for community service
and give a health screening outside of the hospital. With these compact, portable device, the
nurse can even travel to a patient’s house to provide care.
As a conclusion, Information Technology has been very beneficial towards the health
care in this country. It provides a solution for the problems faced by the nurses and doctor
before. Now, the job of health care providers was much easier. We should appreciate
technology more.
Proof of Concept: Virtual Reality Simulation of a Pyxis Machine for Medication Administration
Vottero, Beth A.
Clinical Simulation In Nursing, Volume 10, Issue 6, e325 - e331

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