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Here is fraction all assessment you for course this :

Components Score Group/ Individual Deadline _ Submission

Assessment Assignment
Group Assignment 40% Group Sketch date will announced
by the lecturer you and
sketch will held current class
Portfolio Project 30% Group July 5 , 2023
Examination Mid 30% Individuals 14 Jun 2023

Documents this will explain your assignment _ need do for course this , that is Group Assignments
and Portfolio Projects . For both assignment this , you be required for working in group respectively .

1. Each group should consists of of 8-10 members . You are wanted for fill up Excel form in CN
with name member group you _
2. You are wanted discuss fellow own for appointed a person leader group . Chief group will
run role important in make sure assignment walk follow planning . Please select a person
leader responsible group . _
Assignment (40%)

Objective Assignment : Presenting concept ethics and civilization in diversity civilization .

Concept ethics and civilization is important component _ for stability and prosperity one civilization .
Decline and extinction one civilization can due to shortages concept proper ethics and civilization . _

For assignment this , you be required make sketch as a station current news _ report one news about
the situation that occurs in the indicating country lack consciousness ethics or deficiency mentality
civilization . Each member group can play different roles _ as presenter news , reporter news , victims
and offenders event . Delivery news this should done current class and not can more than 15 minutes .

After the end sketch you , you need show news clippings for situation said and explained why?
selected sketches and news _ can considered caused from deficiency concept ethics and civilization .
You too need answered the question posed in session question answer that will involves lecturer you
and other students .

You will assessed as one group based on elements sealed on the rubric the following :
Marking rubric :
Elements 0 1 2 3 4 5
Clarity sketch no Communicatio Communicatio Communicatio Communicatio Communicatio
communicatio done n orally shown n orally shown n orally shown n orally shown n orally shown
n oral _ current _ current _ current _ current _ current
sketch is no sketch is less sketch is quite sketch is clear sketch is very
clear clear clear clear
Suitability sketch no Communicatio Communicatio Communicatio Communicatio Communicatio
communicatio done n not orally n not orally n not orally n not orally n not orally
n not verbal shown _ shown _ shown _ shown _ shown _
( Expressions current sketch current sketch current sketch current sketch current sketch
and body no suitable by is less suitable is quite is suitable by is very
language ) situation by situation suitable by situation suitable by
described _ described _ situation described _ situation
described _ described _
Trustworthine sketch no The role The role The role The role The role
ss role shown done played by all played by played by played by played by all
_ current member most member some member most member member
sketch . group less can group less can group can group can group can
trusted trusted trusted trusted trusted
Level sketch no Student show Student show Student show Student show Student show
preparations done efforts that do less effort _ quite an effort satisfactory great effort _
and efforts for not satisfying satisfying in satisfying in effort _ in satisfying in
succeeded in preparation preparation preparation preparation preparation
sketch ( Use and and and and and
of props, implementati implementati implementati implementati implementati
songs , etc. ) on sketch on sketch on sketch on sketch on sketch

Elements 0 1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10

Ability for None attempt Student show Student show Student show Student show Student show
answered for answered that them no that them that them that them that them
question question able give only able give able give quite able give able give very
current satisfactory less answers _ an answer satisfactory good answer
session answer _ satisfying satisfying answer _ satisfying
Justification None Justification Justification Justification Justification Justification
selection justification given _ no given _ less given _ quite given _ given _ very
news / issue given suitable and suitable and appropriate appropriate appropriate
for not related by less related by and quite and relevant and relevant
assignment concept ethics concept ethics related by by concept close by
from side and and concept ethics ethics and concept ethics
concept ethics civilization civilization and civilization and
and civilization civilization
civilization .
Project (30%)

Objective Assignment : Suggest positive attitude _ against issues and challenges contemporary from
perspective ethics .

For assignment portfolio project , you be required prepare a portfolio that contains things below in
PDF format:

1. Essay Opinion (10%)

2. Rukun Students (10%)
3. Writing Reflection (10%)

Only leader group only necessary _ send this portfolio on CN.

Essay Opinion (10%)

You are wanted write a essay opinion about matter following : The Sustainable Development Goals
(SDG) are a collection of 17 goals each other related proposed by the Organization's General Assembly
United Nations for purpose building a sustainable future _ for people , earth and prosperity .

As Malaysians , vote two SDGs that you think are necessary to be national focus , especially for build
ethical and civilized society . _ Then , discuss issue ethics and civilization for justify each choice you
and suggest ONE (1) action ( for each goal ) that can you take as a person student to direction achieve
goal said .

Essay you should have 500-1000 fractures words

Marking rubric :
Elements 0 1 2 3 4
Selection of None SDG Only one SDG is Two SDGs are proposed
SDGs options proposed

Discussion None Discussion about Discussion about issue Discussion Discussion about
issue ethics discussion issue ethics and ethics and civilization about issue issue ethics and
and given civilization already made for selection ethics and civilization that
civilization already made for both SDGs, however civilization justify selection
that justify only one SDG discussion issue ethics and already made both SDGs are
SDG options and discussion civilization for both SDGs for selection satisfactory .
the said less are lacking satisfactory both SDGs,
satisfying or however only
Discussion about issue discussion issue
ethics and civilization ethics and
already made for only one civilization for a
SDG and discussion the said satisfactory
satisfying SDG .
Proposal None Proposal already Proposal already given for Proposal Both
action for proposal given for only both SDGs, however both already given recommendations
achieve the action given one SDG and a recommendations given _ for both SDGs, given _ is
SDGs recommendation less satisfying however only appropriate and
the said less or one proposal satisfying
satisfying Proposal already given for only what fits
only one SDG and a and satisfies
recommendation the said
Rukun Students (10%)

Rukun Negara was created after the event of May 13, 1969, aims for to be one philosophy possible
basis _ followed by all the people of Malaysia direction nurture unity among _ race in this country .
Based on issue ethics and civilization that have you describe in an essay opinion you , you be
required create get along student you own have _ principles that can made one the pledge that
should followed by each students , in order to overcome issue ethics and civilization said , in the
process of building an ethical and civilized Malaysia . You should too give explanation for each the
principle that you suggest .

Marking rubric :
Elements 0 1 2 3 4 5
Suitability None Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed Proposed
proposed proposal pillars and pillars and pillars and pillars and pillars and
principles and principles and principles _ no principles _ principles _ principles _ principles _
principles _ by principles suitable for less suitable quite suitable suitable for very suitable
the issue the issue for the issue for the issue the issue for the issue
described described described described described described
Explanation None Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation Explanation
given _ for explanation given _ for given _ for provided _ for provided _ for provided _ for
each given every every every every every
proposed principle No in principle not principle principle in principle very
principles _ accordance enough in rather in accordance in accordance
accordance accordance
Writing Reflection (10%)

In group you , you be required write reflection you about consciousness ethics student university in
action a whole day them and relate them by what has been you learn in course this . Writing
reflection this should have 500-1500 fractures words . You can using the questions below for guide
reflection you :

1) What is the action no usually ethical _ done by someone student university ?

2) Why? occur action said among _ student university ?
3) Why? it is important for deal with issue this ?
4) What can _ me do for reduce action no ethical said among _ friends university me ?

Elements 0 1 2 3 4 5
Reflection Writing Reflection no Reflection less Reflection Reflection Reflection
show reflection no show show show show show
consciousness done consciousness consciousness consciousness consciousness consciousness
ethics ethics student ethics quite ethical _ good ethics _ profound
good ethics _
Relevance Writing Relevance Relevance Relevance Relevance Relevance
reflection by reflection no reflection by reflection by reflection by reflection by reflection by
content done content content content content content
course course no course less course quite course good course very
good good good good

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