English Grammartins-15-18

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1. Before the meeting

2. Canceling a Meeting
3. During the Meeting
4. After the Meeting
5. General Statements

Phone Calls

1. Phone Call
2. Telling person you will call them back
3. Redirecting
4. Leaving Messages
5. Sending and receiving information
6. Phone Call - Interactive Practice

Talking to Coworkers

1. Talking to Co-Workers
2. Asking for help or offering help
3. Complaining about another co-worker to a co-worker
4. Complaining about the company
5. Talking about work experience
6. Talking to Coworkers - Interactive Practice

Talking to the Boss

1. Talking to the Boss

2. Asking for more work
3. Complaining and Showing Frustration
4. Talking to your boss about another boss
5. Talking to Boss - Interactive Practice

Talking to Subordinates

1. Talking to your Subordinate or Direct

2. Project Change
3. Deadline
4. Subordinate asking you Questions
5. Encouraging
6. Reprimanding
7. Talking to Direct - Interactive Practice
Business Trips

1. Business Trips
2. First time business trip Q's
3. Talking to people
4. Eating during the Business Trip
5. Business Trip - Interactive Practice

Offices and Cubicles

1. Office and Cubicles

2. Cubicles
3. Office
4. Office and Cubicle - Interactive Practice

Review Process

1. Performance Review Period

2. Achievements
3. Self Improvement
4. Compensation
5. Performance Review - Interactive Practice

Quitting or Leaving Work

1. Quitting or Leaving Work

2. Negotiating before Leaving
3. General Statements
4. Quitting or Leaving Work - Interactive Practice

Travel English Lessons


1. Confirming your Flight

2. Departing Date
3. At the Counter
4. Finding the Gate
5. Airport - Interactive Practice

Car Rental

1. Car Availability
2. Duration and General Questions
3. Insurance and Driver License
4. Price and Rules
5. Making a Reservation
6. Car Rental - Interactive Practice


1. Making a Reservation I
2. Making a Reservation II
3. Making a Reservation III
4. Checking In and Checking Out
5. General Things
6. Hotel - Interactive Practice


1. Asking for Directions

2. Left Right and Around the Corner
3. Across Blocks and Miles
4. Light and'Y'
5. Dead end and'T'
6. Freeway Explanation
7. Regular Practice


1. Fast Food
2. Regular Restaurant Ordering
3. Regular Restaurant Eating and Requesting Bill
4. Fine Dining
5. Restaurant - Interactive Practice

Store and More

1. Department Store
2. Grocery Store
3. Bank - Currency Exchange
4. Post Office
5. Store and More - Interactive Practice

Talking to Strangers

1. Talking to Strangers
2. Starting a Conversation
3. Talking to Strangers - Interactive Practice

Interview English Lessons

Basic Interview Questions I

1. Tell me a little about yourself.

2. What are your strengths?
3. What are your weaknesses?
4. What are your short term goals?
5. What are your long term goals?
6. What do you want to be doing five years from now?
7. If you could change one thing about your personality, what would it be and
8. What does success mean to you?
9. What does failure mean to you?
10. Are you an organized person?
11. In what ways are you organized and disorganized?
12. Do you manage your time well?
13. How do you handle change?
14. How do you make important decisions?
15. Do you work well under pressure?

Basic Interview Questions II

1. Are you better at anticipating or reacting to problems

2. Are you a risk taker or do you like to stay away from risks?
3. Why should I hire you?
4. Tell me about Q's... / Tell me about a time you made a mistake.
5. Tell me about a time you made a good decision.
6. Tell me about a time you made a poor decision.
7. Tell me about a time you fired someone.
8. Tell me about a time you hired someone.
9. Tell me about a time you failed to complete an assignment on time.
10. Tell me about a time you found a solution to save the company money.
11. Tell me about a time you aimed too high.
12. Tell me about a time you aimed too low.
13. Tell me about a time you made a great sale.
14. Tell me about a time you went over budget.

School Related Interview Questions

1. What extracurricular activities were you involved in?

2. Why did you choose your major?
3. If you redo college again, what would you major in?
4. What course did you like the most?
5. What course did you like the least?
6. How will your performance in your worst class affect your performance on
this job?
7. How would your best friend describe you?

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