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9A GRAMMAR countable / uncountable nouns; a / an, some / any

a Look at what’s in the fridge. Write the questions and short answers with Is there / Are there + a, an,
or any.

1 sushi? Is there any sushi? Yes, there is.

2 butter?
3 carrots?
4 cheese?
5 fish?
6 chicken?
7 eggs?
8 orange juice?

b Write + or − sentences with a / an, some, or any.

1 onions There aren’t any onions.

2 tomato juice
3 pineapple
4 strawberries
5 peppers
6 milk
7 mushrooms
8 ice cream

Test your memory. Work with a partner. A (picture face up) asks B (picture face down)
five questions about what’s in the fridge. Then change roles.

English File fourth edition Teacher’s Guide Elementary Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
© Copyright Oxford University Press

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