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Cecilia Munoz Palma Corner Aj. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila

A Captivating 3D Journey through Universidad De Manila’s

Interactive Campus Map

A Capstone Project
Presented to the faculty of the
College of Engineering and Technology
Universidad De Manila

In Partial Fulfillment of the Course

Capstone Project leading to the degree
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology

Dalisay, Camille
Gabac, Ian Russel
Guevarra, Alvin
Maasin, Edilbert
Magnaye, Jayvee
Ubalde, Mery Joy
Vinluan, Archie

August 2023
Chapter 1

Project context

We intend to begin an exciting journey to reimagine campus

navigation and engagement. The project's goal is to build an immersive and

interactive 3D map of the Universidad De Manila campus in order to

improve the overall university experience. The main purpose is to provide

newcomers, students, faculty members, and visitors with an easy-to-use tool

that not only provides accurate navigation but also provides a visually

appealing tour of the campus's numerous facilities, landmarks, and

resources. The concept aims to develop a stronger sense of belonging and

connection to the campus environment while optimizing efficiency in

navigating the large university grounds by seamlessly combining

technology with a user-friendly design. Through this endeavor, the team

endeavors to revolutionize the way individuals interact with their academic

surroundings, promoting a dynamic and engaging journey within the

university’s vibrant ecosystem.

Our project is motivated by a set of strategic goals that work together

to offer an innovative and practical solution. To begin, the project intends

to create a thorough 2D and 3D map of the Universidad De Manila campus.

Buildings, walkways, and landmarks are intricately detailed. This map will
be user-friendly and available across several platforms, ensuring extensive

use by newcomers, students, professors, and visitors. Furthermore, the

initiative aims to incorporate interactive components such as points of

interest and supplemental information, promoting deeper involvement with

the campus environment. One critical goal is to improve orientation for

newcomers and streamline for regular users, reducing confusion and

optimizing time management. The project hopes to modernize campus

mapping technologies and set a new benchmark for smooth, compelling,

and efficient navigation inside the Universidad De Manila campus by

attaining these numerous goals.

The scope includes the creation of an easy-to-use user interface that

allows for smooth navigation and interaction with the map across numerous

platforms such as smartphones, tablets, and PCs. Testing, fine-tuning,

usability, and dependability. The final scope also involves the development

of user manuals and support systems to help users get the most out of the

interactive map. In essence, the project's scope includes the entire lifecycle

of developing a technologically advanced, visually appealing, user-centered

interactive campus map for Universidad De Manila.

Our project is organized around many key milestones that will

influence its progress and completion. The first phase entails extensive
study and data collection, which includes mapping out the campus's

physical qualities, architectural quirks, and landmarks. This is followed by

the critical step of 3D modeling, in which the campus layout is precisely

replicated in a digital environment. As a result, the incorporation of

interactive components such as GPS-based navigation and information

annotations represents an important turning point. Extensive testing and

refinement ensure accuracy, responsiveness, and seamlessness, setting the

way for user trials and feedback collecting, all of which contribute to future

improvements. The last milestones include the compilation of support

documentation, the deployment of a user-friendly interface that is accessible

across devices, and the ultimate launch of the interactive map. Each

milestone achieved signifies a step closer to realizing the project’s vision: a

captivating, comprehensive, and cutting-edge map that transforms the

campus navigation experience at Universidad De Manila.

Even though it takes an innovative and engaging approach to

campus navigation and exploration. While the initiative has enormous

potential to improve the user experience for students, professors, and

visitors, it also has significant risks and resource considerations. The

creation of a 3D interactive map necessitates the collaboration of a skilled

team of programmers, graphic designers, and UI/UX professionals, which

may pose problems in terms of skill acquisition and teamwork.

Furthermore, ensuring the map's accuracy and real-time updates

necessitates a consistent data input process, which may strain existing

administrative resources. The possibility of technological faults and

maintenance requirements emphasizes the importance of a dedicated

support system. However, the rewards are promising – a captivating and

user-friendly virtual campus tour that can significantly ease navigation,

showcase the institution’s technological prowess, and foster a strong sense

of belonging within the Universidad De Manila community.

Purposes and Description

The campus mapping is a solution to represent the university to

newcomers, students, visitors, parents, and professors informs volumes

about your university's technological and aesthetic capability. A 3D map

provides a realistic view of a location that can be utilized by students or

faculty. A 3D map is as useful as a blueprint is. It is very easy to visualize

floor plans on a 3D map and identify information and guide to the users that

provides a much more intuitive navigation experience with highly detailed

visualizations. Helping college freshmen feel at home prior to arrival

because when it comes to culture shock, the struggle is real for freshmen

Universidad de Manila is one of the public college schools in

Manila. Therefore, the majority of residents of Manila choose to study in

UDM because of tuition fee is free, so that is the reason why many students

enrolled in the university. Hence, the proponents want to make a system to

guide the freshmen students inside the campus. Thus, the proponents will

deliberate the layout of the system.

If you open the system the three buttons display it, the object consists menu

(start, about, exit).

Three buttons in Menu:

• Start- This is the button where you can begin to explore the campus


• About- This button tells you who is the developer and the objective

of the system. It also has the Terms and Conditions.

• Exit- This button is if you want to exit the application.

In case you click the start button, you can see on the interactive

campus map is the search bar that you can explore the location that you are

looking for including the departments, classrooms, administrative offices,

library, and other buildings inside the campus. Also, you can see the three

lines on the upper left button, including the first floor, second floor, third

and fourth floor and the other building. If you want to know the details of
every building you can click the landmark then, it can be shown to you the

information on the right side.

The interactive map is a noble tool to help freshmen students

familiarize themselves with campus and learn about the Universidad de


Problem Definition

1. Is it challenging for visitors and freshmen to navigate the campus

easily? Newcomers, such as visitors and freshmen, might not have

access to sufficient information about the campus. They may not be

familiar with the locations of various departments, classrooms,

administrative officers, library, recreational areas, and more.

2. What is the impact of the lack of information about the campus

facilities? The lack of information about campus facilities can lead to

missed opportunities for students and staff to engage in various

activities or take advantage of resources that could enhance their

learning or work experience.

3. What are the consequences of having insufficient points of interest

in Universidad De Manila? It highlights emergency response facilities

and evacuation routes, potentially endangering campus safety during

critical situations.
Objectives of the study

The general objective is to develop an application software for

Universidad De Manila that will allow the students, visitors, faculty

members, employees, and especially the newcomer to identify their current

location inside the campus and direct them toward their chosen destination.

Specially aims:

• To highlight key information of landmarks, and facilities, and to include

facility descriptions and key information.

• To enhance the campus signage and directional aids to provide clear

guidance for visitors and freshmen, making it easier for them to navigate

the campus.

• To identify areas on the campus that lack sufficient points of interest

and assess their importance in terms of student needs, safety and


Scope and limitations

This interactive map will be designed to benefit students and

newcomers by allowing them to easily highlight key information landmarks

and facilities. The project will also focus on enhancing campus signage and

directional aids to provide clear guidance for visitors and freshmen, thereby

facilitating seamless navigation on campus. Additionally, the interactive

map will include detailed facility descriptions and key information to enrich

the user experience. It will also identify areas on the campus that lack

sufficient points of interest and assess their importance in terms of student

needs, safety, and convenience, leading to potential improvements and


Despite the fact that its interactive nature, it will come with specific

limitations. The major limitation is that both administrators and students

will only have view-only access, which implies they won't be able to modify

or add additional information to the map. This decision is to ensure data

accuracy and maintain consistency in the provided information.

Significance of the Study

The significance of this study lies in its ability to save time when

locating specific departments within the university. The recipients of this

study are students who are unfamiliar with various university departments,

newly appointed faculty members, and newcomers to the university.

Through the execution of this research, the process of locating particular

departments and offices across the university can become more efficient and

effortless. This research has the potential to provide a valuable contribution

to the university as it aligns with innovative research endeavors This study

will be beneficial to the following:

To the Students/Newcomers. The system provides students, especially

freshmen, with visual and interactive tools for efficiently navigating

campus. They can easily locate classrooms, libraries, and other important

landmarks. This helps students save time and reduce stress when trying to

find their way around the campus.

To the Visitors. The system provides a detailed and interactive

representation of the campus and allows visitors to take virtual tours of

buildings, facilities, and sights. This helps visitors gain a thorough

understanding of the campus environment.

To the Future Researchers. This study will help future researchers as a

sample study guide if they ever conduct a study to develop a system related

to campus maps. This can serve as its reference they can use the data to

further studies in this project.

To the Developers. The proposed study will benefit and help the future

researcher as their guide. The study can also open in development of this


To the University/Institutions. This study will serve the university visitors

as their guide in locating their destination.

Definition of Terms

These definitions should help clarify the terminology associated

with the project titled, "A Captivating 3D Journey through Universidad De

Manila’s Interactive Campus Map."

Interactive Campus Map. A digital representation of a physical location,

in this case, Universidad De Manila’s campus, allows users to interact with

the map through various user interfaces. It provides features like zooming,

searching, and clicking on specific areas to retrieve information.

2D Modeling. The creation of two-dimensional digital representations or

graphical elements using software tools. Unity, in this case, was used for 2D

modeling to create the map interface and overlay it with 3D models.

3D Modeling. The process of creating of three-dimensional digital

representation of an object or environment using specialized software. In

this project, 3D modeling was employed to create a virtual replica of the

campus buildings, rooms, departments, and landmarks.

Wayfinding. The process of determining one's location within a space and

finding a path to a desired destination. The interactive campus map assists

users in effective wayfinding by providing visual cues, route suggestions,

and location-based information.

Navigation. The act of moving through space, either physically or virtually.

In the project, navigation refers to users' movement within the interactive

3D campus map to explore different areas, locate points of interest, and

reach specific destinations.

GIS Technology. Geographic Information System (GIS) technology

involves capturing, storing, analyzing, and presenting geographical and

spatial data. It's used to create accurate maps and facilitate data-driven

decision-making related to geographical information.

Augmented Reality (AR). A technology that superimposes digital

elements, such as images, information, or animations, onto the real-world

view, often through the use of devices like smartphones or AR glasses.

While not explicitly mentioned, AR could potentially enhance the

interactive campus map experience further.

Virtual Reality (VR). A technology that creates a fully immersive digital

environment that simulates a physical presence in a different location or

context. While not part of the project, VR could offer an even more

immersive 3D journey through the campus.

Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Technical Background

The “Captivating 3D Journey through Universidad De Manila’s

Interactive Campus Map” is a cutting-edge digital application designed to

provide an immersive and engaging experience for students, faculty

members, employees, visitors and newcomers.

The interactive campus map leverages advanced 3D modeling and

rendering techniques to create a realistic representation of the UDM

campus. Modern 3D modeling software like Unity3D and Sketch Up is used

to create detailed 3D models of buildings, rooms, landmarks, pathways, and

landscaping. These models are textured and optimized to ensure smooth

rendering and navigation within the application.

Review of Related Literature

“This study develops a 3D campus map for sustainable development

and infrastructure management at Universiti Pertahanan Nasional

Malaysia (UPNM). The reasoning behind the selection of the study area is

due to the data needed to produce a functional, informative 3-dimensional

web-based map that holds the entire topography, geographical and physical
features, and information about UPNM. People, especially visitors, have

difficulty getting information about UPNM. The explanation is that the

UPNM map that holds information about the campus is not available both

on the internet and on the official website of the UPNM. It will significantly

help raise knowledge of UPNM among students and staff by classifying

campus areas into other regions. It will also make zoning campus areas

easier for future planning and growth, maintenance, and restoration.”

Syafuan, W. M., Husin, R. M., & Azizi, M. I. F. (2022). 3D Campus Map

Towards Sustainable Development and Infrastructure Management In

UPNM. IOP Conference Series, 1019(1), 012035.

“One of the best benefits of 3D mapping is that it provides the latest

technical methods for visualization and gathering information. Knowledge

visualization and science mapping become easier when a 3D map is

available for the object/area under study. A 3D map provides a realistic

view of a location that can be utilized by local authorities and planners. For

the construction sector, a 3D map is as useful as a blueprint is. It is very

easy to visualize floor plans on a 3D map and identify possible obstructions

which may occur during construction.”

Geospatial. (2021, December 12). What is 3D Mapping - The Geospatial -

Medium. Medium.


“Being able to provide viewers an accurate 3D map helps them get

a sense for what a campus feels like. The ability to add in desired video and

pictures for different stops around campus also allows viewers to take a step

inside the buildings and learn about what goes on there,” they wrote. “It

helped our potential families and prospective employees learn more about

our campus when they couldn't come in-person.”

4 reasons your school needs campus map software.



“By using the proposed system, students that are not able to visit the

school campus in-person before admission will have a way to take a look in

their prospective schools. This will help them get to know the school campus

by having an interactive map that contains the different areas on the school

campus, with additional information, videos and even photographs about

each location. This system would bring the school campus to the students

with just a few clicks. Unlike the manual way of campus tours, adapting

virtual tours would lessen the hassle of both, the students and the school

personnel.” (2021, February 21). Interactive virtual tour of school



“The campus mapping solution you choose to represent your

university to visitors, students, parents, and faculty speaks volumes about

the technological and artistic prowess of your university. A best-in-breed

interactive campus mapping solution will include 3D artistic re-creations

of your campus that will amaze even the most casual viewer. One of the most

useful aspects of artistic renderings is that they allow you to highlight key

features of your campus buildings and facilities without cluttering them with

extraneous detail.”

Pickens, A. (2023). How Universities Are Utilizing 3D Mapping for

Campus-wide Solutions. Concept3D.


“The map of a university is an essential tool for students, not only

for navigation but also to promote the campus. When the map is outdated,

students don’t find it functional and it cannot compete its purpose.”

Maple, T. (2020, May 11). Designing a School: Creating a Map for Pace



“This study focuses on the development of the Interactive 3D

Directory for the University of La Salette. Computer Engineers, want to

showcase their skills and knowledge to the locality and to help the end-

users, i.e., visitors, new students, and transferees, to locate buildings and

departments in this University. We used Unity3d, c# programming, and

SketchUp to develop this project. This study used the survey method to

acquire related data. Questionnaires were floated before and after the

implementation of the system. The results found out that most of the time,

new students, transferees, visitors ask directions and feel the need for a

system that gives accurate directions. The results also found out that most

of the respondents agree that the developed system was effective and easy

to use.”
Orprecio, D. B. (2020, June 30). Interactive 3D Directory: University of

La Salette.

“The primary goals of this research are to understand the benefits

of fast and easy access through the interactive touch screen way-finder. The

Interactive Way-Finder and E-Notices on Display for University campus is

a collaborative map locator using a touch screen monitor with kiosk,

plotting schedule for the faculty and announcement display. the system is

running smoothly, it is ready to be implemented and can be used by the


Ganiron, T., Mantulac, K., Castro, M., & Jerusalem, C. (2019, May 11).

Development of User Guide on Interactive Way-Finder and E-Notices


“In this paper, we developed a web-based 2D view, bird’s eye view

and VR view campus map tool for the shortest path called path advisor,

which allows users to find and visualize the shortest path between two

rooms or buildings in the Hong Kong University of science and technology

(HKUST) campus.”
Wong, R. & Yan, Y. (2021). Path Advisor: A Multi-Functional Campus Map

Tool for Shortest Path.

“Virtual campus is the concrete application of virtual reality

technology in digital campus. Virtual campus can reproduce the real

campus scene, which can make the people who have no chance to visit the

site have the immersive experience. It can also build a 3D virtual university

on this basis and then provide corresponding online education, with high

application value.”

Yali, L & Huijie, Z. (2018, July 2). Three-Dimensional Campus 360-degree

video encoding VR technology based on OpenGL.

Review of Related Studies

“Our research represents our insights from applying the second step

of the DITP. The aim was to develop a digital prototype for indoor

navigation as a mobile application that can be utilized by different

universities for the same purpose. The results were verified based on user

opinions through a usability test. This research is relevant for IT experts

and UI designers, as well as enterprise architects, who are interested in

developing a mobile indoor navigation application for universities.”

Paetow, T., Wichmann, J., & Wibotzki, M. (2021, May 29). Campus

Navigation-System Design for Universities – A Method Approach for

Wismar Business School.


“Having our own, dynamic campus map that we’ve created gives us

a much better level of control, allows us to use many options, improves the

level of aesthetic, makes it more interactive.”

Smith, J. (2018, August 6). University rolls out new, real time, interactive

campus map - University of Alabama News. University of Alabama



“Wan Mohamed Syafuan et al (2022) conducted a study to develop

a 3D campus map for sustainable development and infrastructure

management at Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM). For the

reason that, holds the entire topography, geographical, physical features

and information about UPNM to those people especially the visitors have

difficulty getting information about UPNM.”

Syafuan, W. M., Husin, R. M., & Azizi, M. I. F. (2022). 3D Campus Map

Towards Sustainable Development and Infrastructure Management In

UPNM. IOP Conference Series, 1019(1), 012035.

“The 3D interactive map is a great tool to help prospective students

familiarize themselves with campus and learn about the University.”

New interactive map gives incoming and prospective families a sense of

place | University of Redlands. (n.d.).



“The new map and calendar will help improve user engagement

with a more realistic view of campus, wayfinding functionality and social

media components.”

New Map, Comet Calendar offer greater user experience, engagement.

(n.d.). News Center.

“DENVER (2019) A leader in creating immersive online

experiences with 3D modeling, interactive maps and virtual tour software,

announced that Louisiana State University (LSU) is the latest higher

education institution to launch on the Concept3D platform. “The 3D

interactive map integrates a wayfinding system that allows users to get

directions from their location or to enter a location, and find the best way

to any location on the campus. Also included is an interactive point-to-point

tour of LSU’s points of interest - which includes Mike the Tiger’s state of the

art habitat on campus.”

Concept3D platform launched by Louisiana State University for Immersive

Campus Map. (n.d.).

“In this study, they fill these research gaps by developing a playable and

interactive campus virtual tour where potential enrollees can visit and tour

the campuses remotely.”

Garcia, M., Mansul, D., Pempina, E., Perez, M.R., & Adao, R. (2023, July

7). A Playable 3D Virtual Tour for an Interactive Campus Visit Experience:

Showcasing School Facilities to Attract Potential Enrollees.
“The case study assessed the degree of seamlessness of the

wayfinding experience pertaining to routes that traverse both indoor and

outdoor spaces under different modalities of technology-aided pedestrian

travel. Specifically, an adult deafblind pedestrian traveler completed three

indoor/outdoor routes on an urban college campus using three

supplemental wayfinding support tools: a mobile application, written

directions, and a tactile map.”

Swobodzinski, M., Parker, A. T., Wright, J., Hansen, K., & Morton, B.

(2021). Seamless wayfinding by a deafblind adult on an urban college

campus: A case study on wayfinding performance, information preferences,

and technology requirements. Frontiers in Education, 6.

“This study, new interactive map gives incoming and prospective

families a sense of place. According to Jennifer Alvarado, director of

creative services believes the interactive map is an asset for the University.

“We have a gorgeous main campus and we want to highlight it in as many

ways as possible,” she says. “The 3D interactive map is a great tool to help

prospective students familiarize themselves with campus and learn about

the University.”
New interactive map gives incoming and prospective families a sense of

place | University of Redlands. (n.d.-b).



“This study focuses on developing a 3D interactive map for Queen’s

campus; this map brings campus to life and reflects the university’s

commitments to accessibility, inclusion, and sustainability. The new map

uses 3D models of the campus buildings to give users a sense of what it feels

like to experience campus in person. While exploring the map, users can

take advantage of the 360-degree functionality to see how buildings look

from different directions or help plan routes for a campus visit.”

A new way to navigate campus. (2021, November 11). Queen’s Gazette |

Queen’s University.


Chapter 3

Research Design and Methodology

Research design

The methods and designs that were used to build the system are

discussed in this chapter. The "Waterfall model" was proposed, which

entails splitting the project into phases and places an emphasis on ongoing

collaboration and improvement. This approach will fully take advantage of

how the application will continue to change as testing and development


The software development process is divided into distinct phases

using the Waterfall Model, a linear and sequential methodology. There is a

cascading "waterfall" effect because each phase must be finished before

moving on to the next. The model follows a structured approach to software

development, where requirements are gathered and analyzed upfront,

followed by design, implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance.

The major aspect of the Waterfall Model is its rigorous adherence to the

predetermined sequence of phases, making it well-suited for projects with

steady and well-defined needs.

Figure 1. Waterfall Model

Phase 1: Requirements Gathering and Analysis

In this phase, we identified and gathered all the necessary requirements for

our interactive campus map. This includes understanding the features,

functionalities, and user expectations.

1. Requirement elicitation: We were able to meet with the

stakeholders from Universidad De Manila (UDM) and potential

users to understand their needs and expectations for the interactive

campus map. Gathered requirements for features, user interface, 3D

elements, navigation, and user interactions.

2. Requirement Analysis: The proponents organized and documented

the gathered requirements. Defined the scope of our project,

including what features will be included, what will be excluded, and

what constitutes success for this project.

3. System Design: Based on the requirements, the proponents created

a functional system design that outlines the architecture,

components, and technologies that will be used. Determine the

technical feasibility of incorporating 3D elements and interactivity.

Phase 2: System Design

During this phase, the proponents created a detailed design of the interactive

campus map based on the requirements gathered in the previous phase.

1. User Interface Design: The proponents created wireframes and

mockups of the user interface for the interactive map. This includes

designing the 3D representation of the campus, navigation controls,

information pop-ups, and any interactive elements.

2. System Architecture Design: The proponents developed a detailed

technical architecture that outlines how different components of the

system will interact. The proponents used C# as the programming

language, and UNITY, Google SketchUp as our tools used for


Phase 3: Implementation

This is the phase where the actual coding and development of the interactive

campus map takes place.

1. Back-end Development: The proponents developed the user

interface according to the design specifications. Implement the 3D

rendering, interactive features, and navigation controls using

appropriate libraries or frameworks.

Phase 4: Testing

Thorough testing ensures that our interactive campus map functions as


1. Unit Testing: We've tested individual components, functions, and

modules to ensure they work correctly.

2. Integration Testing: The proponents verified that different

components of the system work harmoniously when integrated.

3. User Acceptance Testing (UAT): The proponents collaborated

with UDM stakeholders and potential users to conduct UAT.

Validated that the map meets their requirements and expectations.

Phase 5: Deployment

In this phase after successful testing, the interactive campus map is ready

for deployment.

1. Deployment: The proponents deployed the interactive map to a

server or hosting such as smartphones, and tablets accessible to


2. User Training: The proponents provided a user manual or

documentation on how to use the interactive map effectively.

Phase 6: Maintenance and Support

The final phase involves maintaining and supporting the deployed

interactive map.

1. Maintenance: To maintain the system, the admin of the system of

the main programmer needs to address any bugs, issues, or

improvements that arise post-deployment.

2. Support: The admin needs to provide ongoing user support and

updates as needed to ensure the map remains relevant and

Data Gathering Techniques

We approached our professor with a formal request to help us gather

data at UDM. Face-to-face interviews were the method we used since they

allowed us to connect directly with participants and delve into the depth of

their feedback. We used our mobile devices to capture crucial components

of the interviews, including pictures as well as audio recordings, to ensure

accuracy and comprehensive documentation. This multidimensional

strategy enabled us to collect an array of diverse data, which we feel will

considerably improve the quality and depth of our project.

We began the development part of our project by utilizing the

extensive information obtained through our face-to-face interviews and

rigorous documentation. In response to our participants' feedback, we

planned and built the system to be as near to their input as possible. We

concentrated on creating a 2D map view of the system using the C#

programming language within the UNITY framework, augmented with a

variety of extra functions. Concurrently, we used Google Sketchup to create

a visually appealing 3D map view of the system. This holistic approach to

development offers a dynamic and all-encompassing depiction of our

project, allowing us to meet the goals specified during our data collection

at UDM.
Software and Hardware Design

A. Hardware Requirements

CORE Requirements
Random Access Memory 8 GB RAM


Read Only Memory (ROM) 128GB ROM

Display 1080x2400 pixels

CPU Octa-core

Processor Snapdragon 680

Figure 2. Hardware Requirements to run the 3D map system.

B. Software Requirements

Software Minimum Recommended

Android Android 10 Android 10

Refresh Rate 90Hz 90Hz

Figure 3. Software Requirements to run the 3D map system.

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