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TVBI: Quarter 1-Week 1

TLE-Housekeeping 10
Activity Sheet
Learning Competency:
1.1 Discuss implementing hotel codes, rules and regulations
1.2 Explain different skills of good housekeeper needs such as inter and intrapersonal skill

Name:_________________________________________________ Score:_______________
School: ________________________________________________ Date:________________

Key Concept:
1.1. Hotel House Rules

Hotel house rules are designed to instill discipline among hotel staff, thereby ensuring guest
satisfaction in terms of comfort, safety, and security. Well-mannered staff is an asset of the hotel as they can
help build hotel guests’ contentment and trust.

Because of the COVID 19 pandemic, additional house rules are implemented in hotels today in
accordance with the directives of health commission worldwide. For examples, monitoring of temperature
before entering the hotel premise and even asking for rapid test result in some cases.

1. Standard operating procedures in entering a guest room: “3 knocks-3 announcement”

You knock 3 times and then say “housekeeping”

2. Lost and Found Items – are items of guests that are lost and found by hotel staff.

(Classification of Lost and Found Item)

a. Perishable Items – lost and found items under food category such as chocolates and other
consumable goods. After 3 days, if owner will not claim, item will be given to the
housekeeper who finds the item. This is what they call “Finders Keepers Rule”
b. Non-perishable – are lost and found item under non-food category like umbrella, shoes, bags,
clothes, etc. Owner will be given one month to claim. If left unclaimed, the item will
be given to the employee who found it.
c. Valuables – are lost and found items such as cash, gadgets and jewelry. Owner will be given 1 year
to claim. If left unclaimed, the hotel management will decide on what to do with the
unclaimed valuable item.

1. 2 Professionalism

Professionalism are traits needed in the workplace which includes specialized skills, good judgment,
and polite behavior of a person who is trained to perform one’s job well.

Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Skills of a Good Housekeeper

Interpersonal Skills – also called as “people skills” are the life skills we use in communicating and interacting
with people.
a. Ability to manage conflict
b. Ability to solve problems
c. Ability to communicate clearly
d. Ability to listen
e. Demonstrate responsibility
f. Being accountable of your action
g. Showing appreciation
h. Flexibility
Intrapersonal Skills – also called as “personal skills” are the abilities and talents that exist within an individual,
which aids him or her in problem solving.
a. adaptability
b. Self-awareness
c. Self-management
d. Relationship Management
e. Social Awareness


I. Essay (20points each)

Rubric for Scoring: 1=not present, 2=needs extensive revision, 3=satisfactory, 4=strong, 5=

Criteria 1 2 3 4 5
Insights and Ideas
Organization of Ideas
Neatness of writing

1. What is hotel house rule? Why should it be enforced?


2. Explain what trait/traits of a good housekeeper do you posses.


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