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My warmest greetings to the Class of 2023 for the successful

culmination of your academic endeavors.

This milestone attests to the hard work and perseverance you

have exemplified as you embark on another journey leading you to the
realization of your aspirations of a better life and a better future.

I join your families and academic communities in celebrating

this achievement. We recognize their valuable role in your growth and
development as well-rounded individuals preparing you to face the
demands of higher learning or navigate the complexity of life as
successful professionals, I am with you in forging a path toward
progress even as you continue to live by the tenets that have guided you
in your academic training and inspired you to pursue excellence as
young leaders.
May the knowledge and skills you have gained serve as your springboard for greater success and inspire you
to become catalysts of transformative social growth within your respective communities I hope you will realize the
depth of your potential and the power that you now possess as young educated Filipinos and use this not only to
achieve your dreams and change your lives for the better, but also help our fellow Filipinos and our country.
As future leaders and builders of our nation, may you become persistent, determined, and committed to the
fight for peace, security and stability, the ending of poverty, the campaign to give Filipino children access to basic
education, the protection of the environment, the promotion of health and nutrition, and many other challenges that
we are facing today.
Consistent with our vision in the MATATAG agenda, we will continue to promote programs and uphold
reforms that will nurture resilient mindsets so that we can hone young Filipinos who have the capacity and resiliency
to thrive in challenging circumstances.
The grit and resilience of Filipino learners amid the difficulties of everyday life will continue to inspire us and
empower us in building an education system that responds to the changes of our time.
Through an inclusive education that is forged by a positive learning environment, am optimistic that we can
continue to produce competent young citizens like you who will help steer our nation's path to sustainable
Let this milestone remind us of the indispensable role of education in charting the course of our youth's future
and in harnessing their potential to become outstanding individuals.

This year's graduates have done a great job of channeling their passions into endeavors that will enrich their pursuits
and advance their respective vocations and professions.
As you move into the next chapter of education and leave the halls of your alma mater, it is my hope that you
will unceasingly work hard to become active stakeholders in our nation-building efforts.
Together with our academic partners in all education levels, let us remain committed to promoting our
youth's strong sense of nationalism so they can be part of a productive and responsible citizenry that will help chart
the path of our nation's growth.
Again, congratulation to the Class of 2023! May you continue to pursue your ambitions with zeal, persistence,
and excellence and use it to create a better future for all.
Sama-sama tayong magsumikap abutin ang ating layunin: Bansang makabata, batang makabansaLahat- para
sa Diyos, bayan, at pamilyang Pilipino.

My warmest congratulations to the Junior High School
Completers of Batch 2023!
Today, we celebrate not only a joyful milestone but also
honor the incredible tenacity and courage of our Filipino learners
today. The theme "K to 12 Graduates: Molded through a Resilient
Educational Foundation' exemplifies our learners’ perseverance to
achieve a bright future through quality basic education.
This momentous occasion is not only the result of years of
hard work and dedication, but it is also a symbol of the indomitable
spirit of every Junior High School completer, embodying their
capacity to adapt, triumph, and thrive in the face strength developed
through a responsive and flexible Basic Education System.
Throughout your educational journey. you have
encountered numerous obstacles, both personal and academic. You
have faced moments of doubt, setbacks, and uncertainties.

You have, nevertheless, demonstrated unwavering determination and an uncompromising attitude in the face of
difficulty. Your tenacity and fortitude are demonstrated by your ability to persevere and triumph in the face of
any obstacles.

Today, as we celebrate your achievements, we also acknowledge the profound impact of the K to 12
curriculum that has constantly evolved to meet the changing needs of our time. The MATATAG Basic Education
Agenda is built upon the belief that every learner deserves an opportunity to thrive, grow, and excel. It is through
this responsive and adaptable education system that your achievements have been made possible.

All your accomplishments mirror the success of an education that thrives even in the face of adversity.
Your growth and progress embody the transformative power of a solid educational foundation. They
demonstrate the effectiveness of the K to 12 curriculum that empowers learners to navigate the complexities of
the world and emerge as confident and capable individuals.

To our resilient completers, I commend you for your remarkable achievements. Your moving up
ceremony today is not just a symbol of academic success, but a testament to your ability to overcome challenges
and embrace opportunities. As you stand on the threshold of a new chapter in your lives, carry with you the
lessons of resilience that have been instilled within you.

To our dedicated teachers, thank you for your unwavering commitment to providing our learners with
the knowledge, skills, and values they need to succeed. Your guidance, passion, and dedication have played a
vital role in shaping our graduates into the remarkable individuals they are today.

To the parents and guardians, your unwavering support and belief in your children's potential have been
the driving force behind their achievements. Your love, sacrifices, and encouragement have nurtured their
dreams and provided a solid foundation for their success.

Congratulations, dear completers, on this remarkable milestone. May this serve as a reminder of your
incredible potential and the limitless possibilities that lie ahead. Continue to embrace challenges, persevere
through difficulties, and let your resilience shine brightly in everything you do.

Mabuhay ang mga Mag-aaral ng K to 12!

My warmest and sincerest congratulations to the Graduating Class Batch 2023!
As DepEd celebrates hybrid graduation exercises in the previous years due to COVID-19
pandemic, this year's graduation will be more meaningful and memorable. The parents with the
graduating class will now proudly march together - a symbol of courage, determination and resilient
spirits. They are proud and happy of having successfully hurdled the challenges brought about by the
pandemic, the changing weather conditions coupled with personal setbacks. Together and side by side
with their teachers and other stakeholders, they rise to get the much-cherished fruit of their hard work,
their certificates or diplomas. this highlights their achievements amidst all difficulties.
This year's graduation theme "K to 12 Graduates; Molded through a Resilient Educational
Foundation." could not be more relevant as it considers the struggle of our learners to recover from
the learning poverty. They are the most affected of the pandemic and the changing weather conditions.
Yet, they emerge victorious. They manage to cope-up the learning losses just to reap and acquire the
required competencies for quality learning to happen.

My blessings and prayers for all of you to continue your journey to reach for
your dreams and make it come true. Mabuhay!
1. Anciano, Yuan Brian, Orais
2. Cañon, Khen Lorenz
3. Dalipe, Zeniff, Padasas
4. Orais, Mark Jarred, Casas
5. Pasco, Gio Randy, Oben

1. Acera, Loreana Virginia, Taguik
2. Albero, Lorelyn, Combate
3. Callora, Lindsey, Magallanes
4. Cañon, Ashley Jeanmary, Ybañez
5. Castro, Rayline, Amuncio
6. Diron, Alyssa, Ebra
7. Gaviola, Junalyn, Catubig
8. Gonzales, Arianne, Macalit
9. Guisando, Jillian, Tubigan
10. Jose, Jia, Misa
11. Laplana, Denise, Cadil
12. Lariba, Clarish Claire, Tereso
13. Lasquites, Lianne
14. Lozano, Cyrill Anne, Soriano
15. Macabuhay, Rona, Riufrer
16. Martinez, Yzabella Chelsea, Talisaysay
17. Mutia, Roxielle Alliah, Garces
18. Olvina, Mary Louise, Milla
19. Rafols, Princess Sharlene, Aviles
20. Rago, Marianne, Dumanhug
21. Ruiz, Yhannah Ysabelle, Baliling
22. Sala, Nescy, Cahapay
23. Solana, Bridget, Figura
24. Tenio, Rhian Virna, Quismundo
25. Tinapay, Maria Niña Lou, Cadayona
26. Valino, Leanne, Gala
27. Yenogacio, Chelsea Jane, Macalos


1. Abaya, John Ariel, Montederamos
2. Abejo, Nheil Jonathan, Balondro
3. Abenion, Laurence
4. Barikit, Adrian
5. Cabarrubias, John Louie, Sagaral
6. Duhaylungsod, Xymon Joseph, Cabel
7. Gomora, Kent, Misa
8. Laput, Nash Vincent, Bartolay
9. Laraga, Mark Joel, Cadayona
10. Macabata, Michael, Catigara
11. Macabuhay, Ernest, Olasiman
12. Mangutara, Mojahed, Castro
13. Nuyad, Renz, Junio
14. Payot, Nathaniel James
15. Ramos, Windel, Jr. Doña
16. Rio, Homer
17. Rosales, John Francis
18. Sumacot, Raenald, Bo
19. Tidalgo, Jake Oliver, Malaza
1. Abria,Gina, Engyo
2. Bacalla, Julian Lhusyn, Pelaez
3. Balasico, Izyll, Diola
4. Bayron, Liz, Salmorin
5. Catoctocanan, Cerlen Joy, Flores
6. Cortejos, Alaiza, Balasico
7. Cuano, Brilliana Jean, Cadayona
8. Dumandan, Angeline
9. Jusayan, Jullian, Ayop
10. Limbo, Nicole Anne, Ruiz
11. Morito, Jivy Lanzyhl, Ventic
12. Orais, Kimberly Kate, Diaz
13. Orais, Shania Faith, Poria
14. Quizam, Fionna Bella, Montero
15. Sala, Bea, Cruzada


1. Baldonado, Andrel, Calisang
2. Baldonado, Angelo, Mandani
3. Bantugan, Renz Alkien, Capilitan
4. Batas, King Emmanuel, Mollina
5. Batiao, Andrei, Sescon
6. Beringuel, Rey, Orais
7. Cuares, Glenn Alexis, Sescon
8. Combate, Joshua, Galano
9. Diaz, John Harvy, Marcellones
10. Junio, Jay-Vie, Misoles
11. Lozano, Jhun Jerich, Dalangin
12. Manligas, James, Musica
13. Manligas, Jasper, Makiling
14. Misa, Evanz Rey, Gabriel
15. Montajes, Kent, Lemoneras
16. Morales, Jambi, Yucot
17. Morales, James, Yucot
18. Segovia, Bryan
19. Sescon, Feb Ej, Verdida
20. Supino, Justin
21. Tacbobo, Andrei Rhyan, Marcellones
1. Cabarrubias, Princess, Mama
2. Cano, Ruffamae Ivy, Manatad
3. Dalipe, Jennie Mae, Martin
4. Derano, Rose Ann, Orais
5. Diola, Fatima Eunice, Cervantes
6. Go, Marjolin, Junio
7. Gubalane, Marion Phoebe, Orais
8. Isaga, Zhasmine Kate, Pilapil
9. Lampusan, Vicky, Mosqueda
10. Loreto, Rexa Marie, Carayo
11. Makiling, Rubei, Nartia

1. Batas, Tom Alexander, Diola
2. Bayhonan, France Edcel, Gaviola
3. Bolawin, Jonas Paul
4. Cabaong, Emelio, Dumanhug
5. Campilan, Junior Peter Constance Louis
6. Casas, John Allen, Dupay
7. Caturza, Jerome, Garrido
8. Cobales, Raymart, Zamora
9. Escartin, Jake, Cañon
10. Fabellar, Benedict, Meking
11. Gabriel, Clent, Garces
12. Garces, James, Bohol
13. Gertos, Nelven, Lucido
14. Mateo, Mark Isaiah, Damiago
15. Mongaya, Jake, Tidalgo
16. Mongaya, Martim, Balbon
17. Necessario, Vince Marwin, Gabriel
18. Patual, Raneil Emman, Servillejo
19. Quismundo, Lanz Joseph, Plando
20. Rañoa, Mark Lourince, Hermoso
21. Rocha, Rolly, Jr Radan
22. Salva, Neil Vincent, Garces
23. Tambis, Kurtleo
1. Amper, Maureen, Batiao
2. Basilisco, Ashly, Catoctocanan
3. Calinog, Sesarah
4. Cello, Jickaine Gracely, Valle
5. Conocido, Mary Elizabeth, Arsenio
6. Garces, Jackie Mae, Penafiel
7. Maceda, Fridelyn, Bernal
8. Namoc, Jill Juda, Tidalgo
9. Pandac, Mary Gindyfie, Gaviola
10. Pomento, Bea, Caturza


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