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Ventures fortsr role-playing games MARCH/APRIL 1991 ISSUE m
COVER: A damaged
naulilold ship heads for a
crash landing in Paul
Jaquays's cover painting.
Are there mind flayers
aboard, or something
more sinister? You'll have
to read "Visitors from

Don’t Turn to Page 20 Yet.

Ah, you peeked! Well, I'll pretend you didn't, The Readers LETTERS .4
I want to thank everyone who sent in an entry for the “Name

This Feature” contest announced in issue #26. We received over Kristofer Wade THE PIPES OF DOOM
70 entries with more than 400 titles for our mini-module fea- (AD&D® game adventure, levels
ture, with more still coming in every day (you can all stop now).
6-10) The forces of evil are ready to
Many of the entries played on the idea of quickness. We had
attack. But first, a musical
Instant Episodes, Dungeon Quickies, and Brief Encounters
(followed by a One Night Stand). Even more entries made use interlude. ............. . .8 . .

of the idea of shortness or smallness: Mini-Mission, Pocket

Adventure, Dinky Dungeon, Minuscule Module, Tiny Thles, Allen Varney MANDEN'S MEATHOOKS
Little Layovers, and even Melfs Minute Module.
(D&D® game mini-adventure, levels
The most curious group of suggestions all seemed to have
something to do with food (is this because munchies play such 4-6)As a bandit gang, they weren't
an important part in our gaming sessions?). Some of these much. Then they found this magic
culinary titles include Appetizers, Dungeon Morsels, Short lantern , . . , 20
Rations, Dungeon Nibbles, Adventures on the Half Shell, Short
Order s, and (for those of you who have consumed too much
Michael Shel SLEEPLESS
already} Dungeon Lite or Low-Cal Encounters. We even had
Dungeon Droppings, to complete the theme. (AD&D game adventure, levels 9-12)
The “Tbo Long to Use But Most Honest Title” award goes to A went wrong, the wizard was
Sean Holland of Oregon City, Oregon for his suggestion: Ad- burned up, and now all sorts of
ventures for Unprepared DMs on That Late Friday Night unwanted guests are arriving to
When the Players Finished the Other Adventure Early. celebrate 22
In the end, we didn't choose a title that meant “short” or
“quick.” We didn’t use any of the ones that mentioned food. In
fact, we didn’t choose one winner at all! Three people sent in Mark Lucas NIGHT OF FEAR
almost the same idea, which we modified just a bit. The official (D&D game adventure for any
title for our short module feature is “Side Treks” (as those of ist-level character) Most country
you who peeked already know). inns are noted for their charm,
Congratulations (and a set of four useful mugs each) go to
Miranda Crawford of Kansas City, Missouri; Aaron Sotak of peacefulness, and security. But not
Glen Flora, Wisconsin; and Tbdd A. Eiehmann of Maple Grove, this one ..... 40
This issue's quote (which we kept for over three years) seems Shonn Everett VISITORS FROM ABOVE
to perfectly describe “The Pipes of Doom” (page 8). The quote
was sent in by Michael McCausland of Virginia, Illinois.
adventure, levels 4-8) A star falls
from the heavens, and terror follows
in its wake . ... 50

And a strange music went with him,

VoL V, No. 4 Loud and yet strangely far;
The wild pipes of the western land,
Tbo keen for the ear to understand,
EDITOR: Barbara G. Young Larry W. Smith
Sang high and deathly on each hand
Roger E. Moore TYPESETTING: TSR, When the dead man went to war.
Dale A. Donovan SUBSCRIPTIONS: The Ballad of the White Horse, G. K. Chesterton
Janet L. Winters
Have No Fear foranother game system than a dull, former adventurers who have taken
second-rate AD&D
module. Both are cover identities because they are
Fve just started reading DUNGEON® equally unusable for my campaign, but wanted for several illegal activities.
Magazine, and it's very helpful for my an interesting plot line can at least give They are not molested by the thieves 3

role-playing. me ideas. guild because one of the club's Founders

I do have one problem, however. It's
Having said that, Fm embarrassed to is the head of the guild. These former
about Rathmund the druid in “A Rose make a complaint of my own, but it’s adventurers once cheated an ally out of
for Tblakara” (issue #25, page 43), In addressed to your contributors: Tbo his share of a treasure.
the spell description, Rathmund has a many module writers use the shopworn From here, everything goes pretty
remove fear spell. I play a druid, and in and unimaginative opening of an NPC much according to the script, with
the AD&D® 2nd Edition Player’s Hand- hiring the party Every single module in “Emma the White” taking care that her
book, page 34, it states that a druid can issue #27 begins this way (though in real identity (she's a mage) remains
have access to only the following one case there is no offered payment)* secret.
spheres: all, animal, elemental, healing, Please, can we have more creative Should you really print this letter,
plant, weather, and divination. So how beginnings? please be sure to include by address so
is it possible for Rathmund to have a
Alan Clark that you have proof that you have for-
remove fear spell w hen the sphere is

Kingston, Rhode Island eign readers as well.

charm? Mike Janszen
Are druids allowed more spheres than Schoenbornring 5
it states in the Player’s Handbook?
Super Heroes to
6078 Neu-Isenburg 2
Being a druid, I’ll be waiting for a re- Fantasy Heroes Federal Republic of Germany
sponse very patiently. Having enjoyed your magazine im-
PS, Please print my address; thank mensely been able to run my
so far (and Praise for a Rose
you. own AD&D campaign through a lot of
Steve Stolph !

hassles thanks to y all), I have no other As an editor myself, lean attest to

317 Forest Meadows Dr. choice than to write to you. how nice it is when someone writes me
Medina, Ohio 44256 There are people complaining that with a word of encouragement rather
While player-character druids are there was a non-D&D adventure in than a gripe. So, let me commend yon
on your fine product.
limited to the spheres listed above; NPC issue #25 [“Hellfire Hostages”]* Would
Two months ago, I had never seen
druids can (at the discretion of the DM) all these people please stand forward

have more latitude. If allowing and tell this to my AD&D group? Be- your magazine. But after playing “The
cause it was one of the most exciting Inheritance” (issue #26), I was immedi-
Rathmund a remove fear spell seems
close shaves that my group has had— ately hooked, I have since subscribed,
unfair you can replace this with a differ-

ent spell of the same level. and I have sent them to some strange bought all the back issues that I could
places, including H. P. Lo veer aft's find, and sent for a catalog of back

Dreamlands. issues.
Prevent Unimagination While Fm handing out praise, let me
So, we had Mastermind— a brilliant
Not only are subscribers too quick to illusionist bent on revenge against a thank Steve Kurtz and Wolfgang Baur
complain about features of DUNGEON classy institution. Isn’t that a perfect for “A Rose for Thlakara" (issue #25).
Adventures that they don’t like, the plot for a D&D
adventure? Keep the Although I couldn't find enough warm
degree to which they exaggerate the maps, keep the general order of events; bodies to DM it with, it was a lot of fun
importance of these things makes their just substitute demi-magery for the to read.
complaints more than a little silly. MARVEL-typical items. The terrorists' Alan Lehmann
Words such as “appalled, “disgusted ” 3 ’
weapons become automatic reloading Brenham, Tfexas
“betrayed," and “horrible” smack of crossbows and swords blazing with
hyperbole. Come on, folks. Do a few magical power. The NPCs become coun- Krynn in Belgium
pages of ads or an occasional module cil members, merchants, and whatever.
As one of your European readers, I
that you don’t use ruin the magazine? And the Hellfire Club with its secret?
I don't play any RPG other than the
can only praise you for the excellence of
Well, in my campaign there is a club for
AD&D your magazine. From the very begin-
game. However, I would rather wealthy people. Its name is not the
ning of its publication, we (Belgian
see an interesting and well-written item Hellfire Club, but its founders are

DUNGEON* (ISSN 0890-7102) is published bimonthly by TSR, Inc. 201 Sheridan Springs Kd., Lake Geneva, WI 53147. The mailing address for all material except subscription orders is
DUNGEON P.O. Box 111, Lake Geneva W[ 53147; telephone (414) 243 3625.
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Back issues: Limited back issues of this magazine are available from the TSR Mail Order Bobby Shop. PO. Box 756, Lake Geneva WI 53147. For ft copy of the current mail-order catalog, write
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Submissions: All material published in DUNGEON
becomes the exclusive property of the publisher, unless special arrangements to the contrary are made prior to publication. DUNGEON
welcome* unsolicited Bubmiasion* of written material and artwork; however, no responsibility for such submission* can lie assumed by the publisher in any event. Any submission accompanied
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4 Issue No. 28

DMs) threw ourselves on each issue we upset to stop subscribing to your excel-
Fixing Flesh to Air
could lay our hands on as voracious lent magazine.
sharks upon prey. Since its birth, I’ve been a subscriber since Day One. Thank you for listening to my point of
DUNGEON Adventures has never You have a great magazine. I have only view. must compliment you on a truly

stopped improving, much to our great one important suggestion after recently wonderful magazine. Keep up the good
delight. reading issue #27. The spell flesh to air work,
Itdoesn't matter whether it contains (“The School of Nekros," page 56) is P.S, At what age are you eligible to
D&D or AD&D
adventures. After all, okay only if you give the object of the design adventures to be published by
any self-respecting DM
should be able spell a saving throw to avoid its effects. your magazine?
to make the transition between the two Otherwise, this spell is too low level, Joseph Macahiso
systems without too much difficulty !
even with the long casting time. Eimont, New York
Of late, two adventures have espe- Frank Carradine
Sharpsville, Pennsylvania As Tve said before we have no current
ciallycaught my eye by their genuine ,

plans to publish D UN GE ON Advent u res
quality: “Unchained, by Bruce Nor- ’

monthly. In addition to the very real

man (issue #22) and “A Rose for Tala- Word from Desert Shield concern about subscription cost monthly ,
kara” by Wolfgang Baur and Steven
Hi! Corporal Peterson again,
It's I publication would require additional
Kurtz (issue #25). Congratulations to
haven't yet received the January/ staff and increased costs in other areas
these three for their inventiveness (and
to John Blumen for his incredible cover
February issue of DUNGEON Maga- For now, Vm happy with DUNGEON
zine, but I have been swamped with Magazine the way it is, and it seems the
painting). I’m a DM whose favorite replies to the letter of mine you printed readers are, too.
adventuring world is Krynn, and both
in it, There is no minimum age for submit-
adventures were more than attractive.
The first adventure gave one of my Iwas surprised by the number of ting modules to DUNGEON Adventures.
gamers who wrote. I thank them all for If you are under legal age, your parent
player characters (a gnomish tinker) a
their support, time, and effort. I'm sorry or guardian will need to sign certain
chance to adventure in his homeland
that could not write them all back.
I legal forms. We do not discriminate
(much to the dismay of his compan-
ions!). The second adventure was the
My buddies and I are set. We've got among our contributors on the basis of
the sun, the sand, the wind, and more age; indeed, we won't know how old you
perfect setting for a confrontation be-
than one game going. We’re motivated, are unless you tell us.
tween my PCs and their archenemy, the
highly dedicated, and our morale is
Lord of Black Roses Lord Soth him-
, , .

self (in my story, Soth had been tempo-

outstanding. Bridging the Gap
Please thank all the gamers out in the
rarily enslaved by Talakara).
world who responded to our cry for help. I just received DUNGEON Adven-
Could you please get information from tures #27 and absolutely loved it! Roger
the TSR staff about the exact dating (in
We thank you for printing my letter.
May gaming never die! Semper FL Moore's module was great. I can hardly
the Cormyrian calendar) of the Time of wait to see the expressions on my play-
Troubles (described in the Avatar
P.S. A
couple of gamers asked what
ers’ faces when I run this! Smed man’s
“Semper Fi” meant. It is short for the 1

Marine Corps motto, “Semper Fidelis," module [“The School of Nekros’ was ]

Do you have an address in the U.K., very impressive. The Hall of Skulls was
as does DRAGON* Magazine? which means “Always Faithful.’'
Don Peterson/USMC
Corporal a great idea, along with the dragon,
If you print this letter, please include Flagros, and the air to flesh spell.
Somewhere in the Middle East
my full address. Thanks. Zuvich’s “Courier Service" was well
Patrick Schweicher thought out. However, I do have one
81 Avenue de la Liber te Bimonthly is Okay minor quibble: Just how long is the Isig
1080 Bruxelles I must disagree with Mike Kino! Chasm Bridge? I couldn’t seem to find
Belgium much about its length or appearance.
[“Letters," issue #27] on the issue of
Jim Lowder of TSR s Book Depart-
DUNGEON Magazine being published All in all, an excellent magazine.
ment me
that the Time of Troubles
tells monthly. I think that the magazine Keep up the good work,
occurred in 1358 DR
(Dale Reckoning), should stay bimonthly for two reasons. Bruno Lombardi
the Year of the Shadows. First of all, I feel that with bimonthly Montreal, Quebec
The U.K address. for DUNGEON publication, the adventures published
We figurethat the Isig Chasm Bridge
Adventures is the same as that for will be of a higher quality than if the
is about as long a football field (maybe a
DRAGON Magazine: TSR Limited, 120 magazine were to be published monthly. bit shorter L Let's say 200**300*. That
Church End Cherry Hinton, Cambridge
It will be easier to pick the best adven-
looks like the length implied in the illus-
CB1 3 LB, United Kingdom. European tures sent in to the magazine.
tration on page 34 of issue 27. It Q
readers should feel free to use this ad- Second, I find it difficult to scrape up
dress if you want to save on postage, but enough money to afford a subscription
if you want a more speedy reply mate- ,
at $18.00 a year, especially since 1 am The Oops File
rial sent to us directly In either is faster. only 14 years old. It would be impos-
The map of Water deep and the North
case, please remember to include a self- sible for me to afford a rate of $36.00.
on page 8 of issue #26 contains an
addressed envelope and International However, I find your magazine invalu-
error. The scale of miles as shown is
Reply Coupons able to my campaign. I would be truly
wrong. Instead, use 1" =48 miles as
a scale for this map.

6 issue No, 28
Kristofer writes; 7 am a 29-year-old father

of two / can hardly wait for my boys to be


old enough to go on their first adventure in

the Forgotten Realms. I only wish that 1
had been exposed to role-playing when I
was a child / was 18 when I bought the

1st Edition Players Handbook and taught

myself the rules and I was 20 and mar-

ried before 1 got to actually play in an

established campaign”

“The Pipes of Doom” is an AD&D®

adventure for 5-7 characters of 6th- 10th
level of experience (about 48 total
levels). The PCs should all be of good
alignments, although they may be law-
ful, neutral, or chaotic as desired. The
group should consist of a good balance
of characters, including a ranger or a
bard if at all possible. The adventure
was written for use with the AD&D 2nd
Edition BATTLESYSTEM™ miniatures
rules, but the central portion will stand
alone as a challenging wilderness ad-
venture with very little modification.
All events take place in the AD&D
FORGOTTEN REALMS™ fantasy set-
ting, in theSavage Frontier near the
small city of Loudwater and in the
South Woods (see FR5 The Savage
Frontier for details on this area). This
adventure alters the balance of pow er p

detailed in FR5, and DMs should note

these changes. For other campaigns, the
important terrain features are a moun-
tain range, a mysterious forest, and two

THE PIPES OF small cities or trading towns.

For the Dungeon Master

A powerful and evil fiend by the name

DOOM of Grintharke (see “Further Adven-

tures”) has been exiled from his home
plane because he failed his superior in
his assigned duties. He has taken over
Hell gate Keep and gathered together
hordes of ores to act as his armies. Grin-
tharke found an entrance to Deepearth
and the drow city of Menzoberranzan.
He has also made allies of giants and
ogres from the Greypeak Mountains.

V-l-C-T-O-R-Y— that’s the Grintharke is now ready to make his

first major foray toward conquering the
humans of the north. He gathered evil
lich’s battle cry. heroes to lead his orcish armies through
the Underdark, pouring out near the
trading city of Llorkh, which was over-
run without much trouble at ail. One
unit of human sw ordsmen and one unit
Artwork by Jeff Menges of dwarves led by Lord Geildarr escaped
the destruction and have fled to Loud-
water, where they are assisting in pre-
paring that city's defense.

8 Issue No. 28

The ruler of Loudwater, Nanathlor So it's into the woods, where the PCs For the Player Characters
Greys word, has had some warning of must deal with the chaotic korred and
trouble, as he has a half-ore spy in the
Tb start the adventure, read or para-
their well-protected and well-hidden
lower echelons of the He 11 gate Keep phrase the following to the players:
village. Then they must face the evil
forces* Nanathlor warned Lord Geildarr band of heroes, made up of a lich, a fire You have come to Loudwater for
of the impending invasion, but Geildarr giant, a drow priestess, and two human

reasons of your own. You are going

refused to believe that there was any thieves— and some summoned monsters about your business on a clear fall
danger. Now, the horde of ores— along to boot. morning when you notice a tall, slim
with two units of ogres, one unit of hill Whether the PCs succeed or not, the man with gray hair and lined fea-
giants, and one unit of drow — are ap-
final battle willhappen the next day. tures approaching you* He walks
proaching Loud water* The forces of Loudwater w ill be rein-
with royal bearing, and when he
The armies of Loud water are rein- forced by some travel -weary units from comes near enough he hails the
forced by halflings from Shining Falls, Water deep. If the Hell gate Keep forces leader of your group by name. “I am
dwarves from the Greypeak Mountains, have the pipes of doom, the Loudwater Nanathlor Grey sword, the lord of
two demoralized units from Llorkh, and forces don’t really stand a chance. Loudwater. I have urgent business
a small force from Secomber led by
Traskar Selarn and an iron golem*
The leaders of Loud water don't hold
out much hope of victory, because the The Pipes of Doom
evil forces have a weapon of might and
fear* Some of the escapees from Llorkh
These bagpipes are a minor artifact of or 10 HD subtracts one from the sav-
evil created by Grintharke's former ing throws of affected individuals
have heard the pipes of doom (see side-
bar)* “They tear your soul from your
master. Anyone proficient in the use of when used to cause mass insanity. In
body and send you fleeing in terror,” bagpipes or who has innate musical addition, at 16th level and above, the
’said one survivor of the rout. ability will be able to use these pipes pipes can be made to destroy non-
It was these pipes, played by some
in two different ways. First, the pipes living structures by increasing the
sort of skeletal creature (a lich), that enhance musical abilities or skills, entropy in each structure so that it
routed the forces of Llorkh before they such as a bard’s ability to influence simply falls apart into its component
could even attempt to repulse the reactions or the korred ability to make pieces. Thus, a wall or a building—or
invaders. people dance* This function of the even a person’s clothing or weapons—
Into this morass come the PC heroes. pipes results in doubled areas of effect could be brought to ruin, but a living
They should be famous in their own and a -2 penalty to any applicable creature, a plant, or a natural stone
right by this time, and Nanathlor Grey- saving throws. But there is a second hill would not be affected. Magical

sw ord himself approaches them to ask

r and much more destructive use for the items receive a normal saving throw
their aid* He asks fighter types to lead pipes.When the pipes of doom are vs. disintegration.

his army units and spell-casters to ride

played properly (the musician will The Final power of this artifact is to
with hiscommand forces. know instinctively what tones and control weather, as the seventh-level
There is not much chance of the First
tempo are necessary), they cause the priest spell. The pipes give this ability
battle going well for the forces of listener to suffer severe mental an- at full power, so it is possible to adjust
Loud water* They should have no de- guish and terror. the weather by two steps as indicated
fense against the pipes of doom. The For normal gaming purposes, the by the spell description.
ores and drow will not be adversely pipes' area of effect is a 360 ’-long cone If any good- or neutral- aligned per-

affected by the daylight because the lich that widens from 10' to 180 (Forr

. son who is not a bard or a creature

will use the pipes to summon ominous BATTLES YSTEM game purposes, the w ith innate musical abilities (such as

pipes’ area of effect is a cone 12" long a satyr or korred) attempts to use the
clouds to fill the skies*
A reprieve is offered after dark, while and 6" wide at the end.) All creatures pipes of doom, his or her alignment
the ores are resting* Nanathlor’s spy in this area of effect must save vs. will begin to shift toward evil. Each
arrives to tell him that a miraculous spells or suffer insanity so severe as to shift takes one week to complete, so it
chance for survival has occurred. The permanently incapacitate them, caus- will take two weeks for a good charac-
command tent for the He 11 gate forces ing them to collapse and mumble ter or creature to become irrevocably
incoherently, unable to attack or de- evil. The strength and evilness of this
has been set near the South Woods*
fend. The bearer of the pipes rolls 5dl2 artifact can be determined by any
Shortly after supper, a raid was made
by a band of strange forest creatures* attack dice (against which armor has appropriate divination spell, and the
The description of the creatures seems no effect), and all surviving enemy casting of such a spell should also
units in the area of effect must make a instill a strong desire to destroy the
to indicate they are korred. They stole
away the pipes of doom and fled into the morale check or rout* Units that suc- pipes*
forest before the lich knew what had
cumb to the effects of the pipes may be The pipes of doom may be destroyed
occurred. Now the lich is sending a force
easily slain. by dropping them into molten rock of
of evil heroes into the forest to recover
The pipes become more powerful any kind, by subjecting them to red
the pipes. If the PCs can find the pipes when the user of the pipes becomes dragon flame doing a minimum of 90
first, the Loudwater forces may stand a
more proficient or powerful* Each level hp damage, or by sending them to the
or hit die of the user above 10th level elemental plane of Fire*
chance of winning tomorrow*



V =30 miles

Battle site
Loubwaten .


Keep. Clearly he has a spy in their summon thick, foreboding clouds. The
with you” He motions to a nearby midst. The DM
should act as Nanathlor mass invisi-
lich also casts his scroll spell,
inn. and other NPC leaders given below to bility on the drow unit, which will at-

Once you are he explains:

engage the PCs in a round-table discus- tempt to make a surprise attack on the
"You may have seen two bedraggled sion of possible defenses, special forma- Loud water command post.
army units from Llorkh enter town tions, etc. Determine specific duties for The armies of Hell gate Keep should
yesterday They are refugees from the each NPC and his forces. Once the bat- set up first. Nanathlor knows their
destruction of that town by the ores of let the PCs run all the forces
tle starts, basic strategy thanks to his spy Pomer-
Hell gate Keep. Those ores are now of Loudw ater. Do not intervene unless a
ian the lich takes the center with the
proceeding here for the same purpose. stated action is clearly against a specific two ogre units as guards. He plays the
I need doughty fighters to lead my NPC’s personality pipes of doom until a large part of the
forces and potent spell-casters to help
The DM should make your battle plan Loud water forces collapse or rout. Then
protect our forces from their evil ma- for the Hell gate Keep forces before the lich falls back while the ogres
gicks. The ores are rumored to have an conducting this discussion with the PCs. charge forward to rout the few who
item of immense power that routs men Keep in mind that Nanathlor’s spy has withstood the pipes. Meanwhile, the
in fear before they can fight their
most of the information possessed by giants try to force an opening to the
enemies. Will you aid us?” the evil leaders. The only restriction on bridge over the River Shining, the ores
the PCs’ actions is that they should not try to kill everything in sight, and the
If the PCs agree to aid the lord of be allowed to have forces attack from drow attempt to destroy the leaders of
Loud water, those with fighting skills the South Woods, Nanathlor will over- the Loud water forces, including the
will be put in charge of appropriate rule any suggestion of ambush or attack player characters.
units. There are two dwarven units, one from this direction, as the woods are The PCs should be allowed to set up
halfling unit, three halfrelf units, and impassable for a force of any size and their forces however they wish within
four human units. Two of the human dangerous for single individuals or their designated area (see the
units are cavalry Spell -casters are small skirmish units. BATTLESYSTEM Set Up map). They
asked to join Nanathlor's command should keep in mind all of the informa-
post. There will be one day and one The Armies Clash tion they have received from Nanath-
night to prepare for battle. lor ’s spy
The morning of the battle dawns bright
Surprisingly, Nanathlor has a detailed The clear areas on either side of the
and clear, but the fair weather lasts only
description of the forces of He 11 gate road are brush and scrub. The South
until Pomerian uses the pipes of doom to

10 Issue No. 28

Woods are impassable to all but individ-

uals or skirmishers. The River Shining Loudwater Forces
is impassable without boats or rafts Unit rosters AD AR Hits ML/CD MV
except at the bridge. Nanathlor Grey sword 10 4 6 11 9
Victory conditions for the armies of (army commander)
He ligate Keep are as follows: Calahar Twohands 10 5 3 12 9
(lieutenant commander)
—All enemy units must be routed
Harazos The brim 1 8 5 3 5 6
from the board or destroyed. (lieutenant commander)
—Thebridge over the River Shining 12 Swords #1 8 6 12
1 6
must be taken. 24 Swords #2 6 7 1 11 9
If these conditions occur, the forces of 24 Swords #3 (shield wall) 8 6 12
1 6

evil will not invade Loudwater today. 12 Slings (halflings) 6*6 8 1 11 9

Instead, they set up camp and the sce- 16 Cavalry #1 8 8 2 12 24
nario moves to the wilderness adven- 16 Cavalry #2 8 8 2 12 24

ture phase (see “Into the Forest”). 20 Archers 6*6 9 1 12 12

Lord Geildarr 6 8 3 7 12
Victory conditions for the forces of
(unit commander)
Loudwater require that they have units 10 Lord’s men 8 6 1 10 6
remaining unrouted on the board at the 12 Llorkh Axes (dwarves)' 6 7 1 12 6
end of 20 turns. 26 Greypeak Axes (dwarves)' 8 6 2 14 6
If the Loudwater forces succeed in Traskar Selara 10 5 6 11 12
routing the Hellgate army (unlikely at (unit commander)
best), Nanathlor will not allow pursuit Iron golem (hero) 12+6 2 9 6 6

as he does not want to leave his city 16 Secomber Spears 6 9 1 10 <12 f 12

undefended. Pomerian will rally his 24 Waterdeep Cavalry* 8 8 2 12 24
troops just off the edge of the board, and 1* Range 5/10/20 ( + 3 penalty to opponents' AR); favored terrain: woods, brush/scrub (invisible
the scenario moves on to the wilderness unless base to base).
adventure. 2. Range 7/14/21,
Favored terrain: rongh/rocky ground; hated foes: goblins, ores, hobgoblins ( + 1 penalty
The DM
should try to avoid having
nents AR, discipline check required); — 2 bonus to AR vs. giants, ogres, and trolls,
to oppo-

the PCs capture the pipes from the lich; 4. Irregular formation only.
Pomerian will go to any length to retain 5. Normal morale is 10. If led by IVaakar and the iron golem, morale goes up to 12.
the pipes, as they are his most trea- 6. This unit does not arrive until the second day of battle.
sured possession. If the PCs do manage
to capture the pipes, Pomerian and his
allies will attack the PCs with all the Hellgate Keep Forces
powers at their command, sparing no Unit rosters AD AR Hits ML/CD MV
one. The DM
must be prepared to Pomerian the lich 10 5 9 15 6
“wing” the rest of the adventure in this (army commander)
event, as PomeriaiTs control over his Dammek (hero) 10 6 4 9 12
armies will disintegrate in the bright
Dammon (hero) 10 6 4 9 12
14 One Eyes (ores)

6 8 1 11 9
sunlight. Contact with the korred would 30 White Hands (ores)

6 8 1 11 9
not then be necessary to resolve the 12 Leg Breakers (ores)
6 8 1 11 9
adventure. 24 Stinking Claw (ores with pikes) 6 8 1 11 9
If the PCs find themselves being
12 Night Lords (ores) 1

6*6 8 1 11 9
2 1
forced to flee back to the city of Loudwa- 24 Red Skulls (ores) 6*6 8 1 11 9
ter, they may decide to destroy the 14 Severed Hands (ores) 1

8 8 2 12 18
3 1

bridge behind them. This will lead to a 15 Bloody Eyes (ores) 8 8 2 12 18

draw of the BATTLESYSTEM scenario 6 Ogre #1 10 7 2 12 9
12 Ogre 10 7 2 12 9
and make for an easy transition to the 11

Slag the fire giant 12*12 4 8 15 15

wilderness scenario as the lich sets up
(unit commander)
camp while his armies start to build 12 Hill giants
12*12 6 4 13 12
huge rafts. L Uliana the drow 10 5 5 10 12
(unit commander)
info the Forest 18 Drow elite troops 6*8 7 2 14 12

If the DM decides to skip the 1- Hated foes: dwarves, elves; vulnerable in direct sunlight (-1 penalty to morale, - 1 bonus to
opponents’ AR).
BATTLESYSTEM part of the module
2. Range 5/10/15.
and jump right into the wilderness 3. Orcish cavalry on worgs,
adventure, read the following as is. If 4, Irregular only; hated foes: elves, dwarves, halflings.
you have played out the battle and the 5, George the gorgon is kept out of this battle.
results were different from those men- 6, Irregular only; chaotic; range 5/15/20 with thrown boulders; favored terrain: Rough/rocky
tioned here, change the first few sen- ground.
7. Chaotic; range 7/14/21; vulnerable in direct sunlight (“1 bonus to opponent AR).
tences of the boxed text as necessary.


Major NPCs + 2, bracers of defense AC

2, spells: this,they are close friends. Harazos
Nanathlor Grey sword: AL NG; AC cure light wounds, protection from evil, can rally any of the humans and Cala-
- 1; MV 9; Fll (cavalier, as per The flame blade f x 2). har any of the nonhumans in the
Complete Fighters Handbook): hp 88; Traskar is the ruler of nearby Secom- Loudwater forces.
THACO 10; AT 3/2; Dmg by weapon
tf ber. He has brought half his military
Pomerian the lich: Int supra
type; S 16, D 18, C 16, 1 17, 14, Ch W force here to aid Loudwater because he
genius; AL LE; AC 0; MV 6; HD 11+7;
12; ML 16; long sword +1, mace +2, knows that if Loudwater falls, Secom-
hp 81; THACO 10; MAT 1; Dmg 1-10;
lance +2, bronze plate mail + 2. ber doesn't stand a chance. Traskar is
SA fear aura, paralysis touch, all non-
Nanathlor has ruled Loudwater for a short, wiry man who is always laugh-
necromancers save at - 1 vs. lich’s
45 years. He is a generous and kindly ing, perhaps in an attempt to overcome
necromantic spells; SD + 1 or better
man whose bravery is his outstanding the frightening appearance of his
weapon to hit, + 1 to all saves vs. nec-
characteristic as a fighter. Nanathlor is battle-scarred face. He never appears
romantic spells, immune to the follow-
also intelligent enough to realize that to take anything seriously, and though
ing: charm, sleep, enfeeble, polymorph,
some things can't be defeated by force his men admire him, he is a little slack
cold, electricity insanity, and death
alone. He has established a spy net- on discipline. The iron golem he brings
work throughout the north that has with him was made by Amelior Amani-
spells; SZ M; ML
7,000; MC;
17; XP
pipes of doom (see sidebar), dust of
benefited him and his people many tas, a scatterbrained mage and alche-
disappearance (two uses), scroll with
times. He will treat the PCs with re- mist who is constantly wandering off to
mass invisibility.
spect, but he will not allow himself or other parts of the Realms (he is cur-
Fomerian's spell books contain the
Loudwater to be exploited. Nanathlor rently lost somewhere in Anauroch,
following spells: armor, burning
has the complete loyalty of his people the Great Desert). The golem will obey
hands*, chill touch*, color spray*,
and the friendship of most leaders from only Traskar or Amelior.
detect undead, enlarge*, hold portal,
the surrounding area. He can rally any Traskar suggests an immediate
identify, magic missile*, protection
of the units. charge on the forces of evil. His per- r

from good*, darkness 25 radius, detect

sonal combat method is unique: He
Lord Geildarr: AL LE; AC 7; MV summons two flaming scimitars using
good, detect invisibility*, ESP*, flam-
12; M7; hp 35; THACO 18; tf AT 1;
his flame blade spells (a special grant
ing sphere, knock, levitate*, locate ob-
Dmg by spell or weapon type; S 6, D from his deity, Silvanus, for a ranger
ject * shatter, spectral hand*, strength,
14, C 16, 1 18, W
14, Ch 15; 15; ML who would not normally be able to cast
web*, blink dispel magic*, feign death,

staff +2, ring of protection +3, spell fireball*, fly*, haste*, hold undead,
an elemental spell). He fights two-
book with the following spells: alarm, lightning bolt, monster summoning I*,
handed with these until the spells
change self*, detect magic*, erase iden- , slow, vampiric touch * contagion*,
expire, then he switches to his magical
tify, light, magic missile t read magic dig * dimension door, enervation*,
scimitars. Traskar can rally the Secom-
shield*, wizard mark, blindness, con- extension I*, ice storm*, massmorph,
ber troops.
tinual light, ESP * stinking cloud*, Iron golem: Int non; AL N; AC 3;
polymorph other*, curse, wizard eye
web*, blink, dispel magic*, slow*, animate dead*, cloudkill*, conjure air
tongues stones k in, wall of fire* For
MV 6; HD 18; hp 80; THACO 3; MAT 1;
elemental*, dismissal, magic jar,

the upcoming battle. Lord Geildarr has

Dmg 4-40; SA gas cloud every seven
passwall*, summon shadow *, telekine-
rounds fills a 10' cube (save vs. poison
memorized one each of those spells sis*, chain lightning * death spell*,
or die); SD +3 weapon to hit, electrical
marked with an asterisk. disintegrate reincarnation, flesh to
attack slows it for three rounds, magi-
Lord Geildarr is an agent of the stone true seeing*, control undead*,
cal fire heals damage at the rate of 1

Zhentarim. He is evil, but he is also delayed blast fireball *, finger of death *

hp per HD damage normally done by
the ruler of Llorkh. The other leaders power word stun*, Bigby’s clenched
the spell, immune to all other spells
don't trust him much, but they do treat fist*, clone, prismatic wall*, trap the
him courteously. Geildarr is motivated
and effects except rust; SZ L; 19;ML soul, energy drain *, power word kill*,
XP 15,000; MC.
prismatic sphere At the start of this
by the need to recoup his failure. The *

Zhentarim, who are the major human Harazos Thelbrim: AL LN; AC 1; adventure, Pomerian has memorized
alliance for evil in the Realms, will not MV 6; F5; hp 50; THACO 16; #AT 1; the spells marked with asterisks.
be pleased when they find Llorkh has Dmg by weapon type; S 16, D 16, C 18, When he was alive, Pomerian was an
been destroyed. Geildarr will not lead 1 10, W 11, C 18, Ch 12; ML 14; long 18th-level necromancer who resided in
his forces, but he will accompany the sword + 2 splint mail, shield. Thay. After a near-fatal attempt to
command post. He can rally his own Calahar Two hands: AL CG; AC 1; gain further power, he left Thay and
forces if necessary. Geildarr will coop- MV 9; F6 (half-elf); hp 42; THACO 15; journeyed for a while, finally allying
erate with the PCs during this adven- #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; S 17, D himself with the Cult of the Dragon.
ture, so no experience-point award is 18, C 15, 1 11, W 12, Ch 17; ML 14; Pomerian used the cult to find knowl-
offered for capturing or slaying him. two-handed sword +2, chain mail, edge on how to prolong his own life.
bow, sheaf arrows. Once he had all the information that
Traskar Selarn: AL CG; AC - 1; The above two NPCs are Nanathlor’s he needed, he moved on into the sav-
MV 12; Rll; hp 99; THACO 10; #AT 4;
lieutenants. Harazos is the pessimist age northern lands.
Dmg by weapon type; S 13, D 17, C 18, and Calahar the optimist. In spite of Pomerian allied himself with Grin-
1 17, W 15, Ch ML 15; two scimitars

12 Issue No. 28

tharke and attempted to use that being he rescued from a party of human necklace of missiles (8d6 x 2, 6d6 x 2,
as he had used the Dragon Cult, but adventurers who had prepared them- 4d6 x 4), ring of blinking, bag of hold-
Pomerian made an error. Grintharke selves with potions of stone to flesh . ing with 20,000 gp in miscellaneous
somehow discovered what Pomerian They were not, however, prepared for gems, cloak of protection +3, long
was up to and decided to feed him the Slag and his skill with boulders. sword.
final bits ofinformation he required to George the gorgon: Int animal; AL Dammon: AL CN; AC 3; MV 12;
carry out the process of becoming a N; AC 2; MV
12; HD 8; hp 56; THACO T10; hp 60; THACO 16; #AT 2; Dmg by
lich. Grintharke also set spies to watch 13; #AT 1; Dmg 2-12; SA breath weapon type; S 14, D 18, C 17, 1 15, W
Pomerian. When the necromancer weapon turns victim to stone; SZ L; 7, Ch 13; PP 95%, OL 75%, FRT 30%,
slipped off to a hidden cave he had ML 9; XP 1,400; MC. MS 95%, HS 95%, DN 20%, CW 95%,
prepared for the ritual of transforma- RL 20%; SA backstab at + 4 to hit for
tion, Grintharke followed. At the cru-
Lilliana the drow: AL CE; AC - 1;
MV 12; C14; hp 84; THACO 12; #AT 1;
quadruple damage; ML 14; XP 3,000;
cial instant when Pomerian’s life force
Dmg by spell or weapon type; S 17, D two short swords +3, wings of flying,
entered the phylactery, Grintharke
was there to steal it and teleport it 17, C 15, 1 15, W 18, Ch 15; SA danc -
bracers of defense AC 7.
ing lights, faerie fire, darkness, detect Dammek and Dammon are the twin
away to a specially prepared and magi- sons of the King of Semphar. They
cally protected hiding place. Grin- magic, know alignment, levitate, clair-
voyance, detect lie, suggestion, dispel were banished from their father's king-
tharke soon returned to explain that dom when they failed in their plot to
Pomerian was now in his service magic once each per day; SD + 2 on all
until assassinate him. Their mother sacri-
Grintharke chose to return the phylac- saving throws vs, magic; 78%; SZMR ficed her life by drinking the poisoned
tery and free the lich. Pomerian grudg- M; ML 14; XP 11,000; MC; rod of smit-
ing (41 charges), mace +1, elven chain drink they had prepared for their fa-
ingly agreed and has now become a ther, thus exposing the plot. The broth-
fanatical and desperate servant of +3, globe of continual darkness Lil- .

liana’s current spells are: fear ( x 4), ers have spent the past 11 years
Grintharke. Pomerian will fight all adventuring to gain the riches and
combats until he is victorious or until darkness ( x 4), heat metal ( x 3), hold
person ( x 3), silence I5 radius ( x 2),
f power to return home and assassinate
his body is destroyed, as he knows that
their hated father Dammek is a
dispel magic ( x 3), locate object, bestow
Grintharke will simply get him a new thinker and planner; Dammon is a
curse ( x 3), cure serious wounds ( x 4\
spell immunity C X 2), flame strike ( x 3),
man of action. They know themselves
Slag the fire giant: AL LE; AC - 1; to be dangerous adversaries, and the
conjure fire elemental heal, gate
MV 15; HD 15 + 5; hp 125; THACO 5;
, .

Lilliana is the second most powerful only thing they really fear is each
#AT 1; Dmg 1-8 or by weapon type 2-20 priestess of Lolth in the drow city of
other. Perhaps because of this they
f + 10); SA hurling rocks for 2-20 hp
Menzoberranzan, Her main desire, of have developed a telepathic rapport
damage; SD immune to non magical course, is to be the most powerful. The
between themselves, and they always
fire and red dragon breath, resistant to fight as a team. When they fight to-
drow city formed an alliance with
magical fire (-1 hp per HD of dam- Grintharke for two reasons: seif protec- gether against an opponent, each
age); SZ H; ML 16; XP 8,000; MC; tion and the promise of many elven
brother fights as a lOth-level fighter,
potion of cloud giant control, ring of sacrifices for their altars to Lolth.
with THACO 11 and an additional
spell turning Lilliana believes she was sent as the attack every other round.
Slag is among the largest and strong- leader of the drow forces as a punish-
est of his kind and has bullied his way ment and a warning to curtail her
to leadership over all the giant clans in aggressive striving for power. Her
the Greypeak Mountains. When Slag power at home has certainly been
was young he tried to bully a cloud weakened. She has been unable to
giant youngster. The cloud giant's make the usual ritual sacrifices,
parents came along and literally and she has not been present to guard
kicked Slag out of the area. Slag pon- her interests in the chaotic politics of
dered this embarrassment for a while her city. Lilliana is worried. Thus far,
and finally came up with what he her drow have fought only pitiful hu-
considered a brilliant solution. He mans. She will ruthlessly attack to
coerced an alchemist into making a subdue any elves she encounters, and
potion of cloud giant control, but by the will use such captives for a ritual sacri-
time Slag returned for his revenge, the fice to Lolth.
family of cloud giants had moved on.
Slag has kept the potion in case he Dammek: AL LE; AC 3; MV 12; T10;
ever meets another cloud giant. Slag hp 40;THACO 16; #AT 1; Dmg by
got the ring of spell turning from the
weapon type; S 14, D 18, C 7, 1 15, W
hoard of a very young red dragon that 17, Ch 13; PP 45%, OL 35%, FRT 95%,

he singlehandedly slew. MS 45%, HS 30%, DN 95%, CW 85%,

Slag has a pet gorgon, George, that RL 95%; S A back stab at +4 to hit for
quadruple damage; ML 14; XP 3,000;

BATTLESYSTEM™ MAP 1" = 120 yards

1 1 River Shining


gS# South Wood

The battle is over for the day. You near the South Woods, Some crea- says, “I agree, but we shall have to
have taken staggering losses, and tures crept out of the woods while he hurry. Pomerian, the lich, has even
tomorrow your armies will probably plotted tomorrow's strategy, and they now sent a party led by that fire
be destroyed. You have forced food took the pipes of doom from his tent. giant into the woods to destroy the
down and try to appear confident to The creatures were the size of korred and retrieve the pipes.” He
bolster morale among the troops. A gnomes, with long, wild hair and looks at you. “Can we count on your
messenger arrives requesting your beards. Their bodies were hairy, and group to undertake this task?
presence at the command tent. When they had the legs of goats, much like Traskar can advise you on korred,
you arrive, you see Nanathlor, satyrs.They smelled of pine needles and Barnabas will give you the infor-
Geildarr, Traskar, Harazos, and Cala- and fresh earth, and all but one bore mation you need on the evil crea-
har. With them is an ore— a prisoner rude dubs of wood. That one, appar- tures sent to retrieve their tool of
you assume, until you notice he is ently the leader, used a pair of large destruction”
not bound and is being treated as an silver shears to slice through the
equal. canvas. They attacked no one, but
The floor is then opened for a quick
Nanathlor greets you and bids you simply took the pipes and were gone.
discussion. None of the N PC heroes will
join them, introducing the “ore” as I heard later they had removed the
accompany the PCs; they all have obli-
“Barnabas, my friend and trusted guards by tossing them bodily into
gations to their men. Nanathlor will not
agent. He brings news that may lead the forest.”
allow any of his low- level fighters to go
us to victory.” In a more cultured and At this point Traskar interrupts along as cannon fodder. Traskar can
educated voice than you expect, excitedly, “That sounds like korred.
advise the PCs in general about korred.
Barnabas relates the following story: They might be immune to the effects He also strongly recommends that the
“I serve as one of the lich's minor of the pipes, but they must have
PCs attempt to bargain with the korred,
staff officers. The lich is powerful heard the eerie music and wanted not attack them. He suggests warning
enough that he doesn't think about the pipes for themselves. They’re
the korred of the danger they have
making any mistakes. He doesn’t completely chaotic, but if we could
brought on themselves and offering to
believe he can lose this battle even if convince them to give the pipes to us,
help the korred defeat the giant, Slag,
he tries to. Tbnight, however, he may we'd have victory in our grasp.”
and his allies.
have made a fatal mistake, Nodding his head and speaking
Nanathlor backs Traskar up on this.
“He had his command tent set up with slow deliberation, Nanathlor
He also requests that the PCs attempt

14 Issue No. 28

to destroy the pipes of doom rather than Pomerian led his armies to the surface. is a 7thdevel shaman (priest);SD regen-
bring their evil back to his city. How- The lich decided to gi ve Barnabas just eration; SZ L; ML 14; XP 1,400 each
ever, the PCs may not be able to destroy enough nformation so that he could be
j (2,000 for shaman); MC.
an artifact without access to a volcano used to create a diversion when Two-headed average; AL
troll: Int
or some other great destructive force of needed. However, the lich did not in- CE; AC 4; MV 12; HD 10; hp 79; THACO
nature. If they do come up with a rea- tend for his enemies to find out about 11; 0AT4; Dmg 5-8/5-8/1-12/1-12; SA
sonable method of destroying the arti- the theft of the pipes. When Barnabas attacks multiple opponents; SD regener-
fact, give them a reasonable chance for returns to the lich’s camp, he is quickly ation; SZ L; ML 16; XP 3,000; MC.
success. The only other assistance that captured and, through use of an ESP The normal troll with the most hit
Nanathlor can provide is potions of spell, he is forced to reveal all that points is a female shaman. Her wisdom
extra healing, one per PC, Barnabas can happened at Nanathlor’s camp, Pomer- is only 9, so she has a 20% chance of
describe in detail the evil NPCs, and he ian therefore decides he will give the spell failure for each spell she casts.
recommends ambushing them and slay- PCs an unpleasant surprise by backing However, she a canny fighter and
ing them without compunction if at all up his minions who are searching the will cast spells from cover while her
possible. woods. The lich slays Barnabas, as he companions charge to the attack. She
Soon it is time to go. Point out to the is of no further use. has the following spells memorized:
PCs that they have not had time to cause fear ( x 3), hold person ( x 3), con-
recover any spells used in the battle Not-So-Random Encounters tinual darkness x 2), free action. Upon

today. Remember also to check off any sighting the PCs, the shaman casts her
These encounters occur in the order
spells that the evil NPCs used in battle* cause fear spells. The continual dark-
listed until either the wild elves or the
This should keep the situation bah ness spells she saves to cover an escape
korred are found as described previ-
anced. Traskar is able to give the PCs a if necessary. These trolls are another
ously. An encounter check is made
general idea of where to find the korred, hunting party looking for food. Finding
every half hour, with a 1-3 on ld6 indi-
as this is his territory. Any ranger in adventurers is a pleasant surprise for
cating the next encounter takes place
the party, or any PC with the direction them. They are unlikely to flee, even if
(roll ld6 to determine which group is
sense proficiency who makes his profi- confronted with fire.
met). Once either the elves or the
ciency check, can follow Traskar *s direc- 3. Manticores (3): Int low; AL LE; AC

korred are encountered, no further

tions without any trouble. 4; MV 12, fly 18 (E); HD 6 +3; hp 48, 42,
encounter checks are required. In any
If the PCs are able to follow Traskar’s 41; THACO 13; 0AT 3; Dmg I-3/1-3/1-8;
case, the encounter with the elves
directions, they find the korred in about SA tail spikes; SZ H; ML 14; XP 1,400
should be run after five hours of game
three hours. If they are unable to follow
time have elapsed. If the PC heroes
each; MC.
the directions, they have a 70% chance The PCs have had the misfortune of
find the korred in three hours, they
of getting hopelessly lost. Roll for get- wandering near the nesting area of a
arrive before the evil heroes. If it takes
ting lost every half hour. If the PCs manticore family. The manticores have
the PCs more than three hours to find
never roll below 70%, the PCs have had
recently gorged themselves on a giant
the korred, then Slag and his compan-
the incredible luck that sometimes constrictor snake, so they wouldn't have
ions arrive before the PCs. No treasure
comes to adventurers and they should bothered the adventurers if they hadn’t
is listed for any of the encounters as
offer thanks to Tymora, goddess of luck. come so close to the nest. The manti-
the PCs do not have time to search for
If the PCs do get lost, they wander in cores leap from the treetops and attack
the woods until they meet the wild elves from the air with their tail spikes. They
(see “Noc-So-Random Encounters”). The
1, Werewolves (8): Int average; AL will not land until they have accumu-
adventurers must them convince the
CE; AC 5; MV 15; HD 4 + 3; hp 32, 30,
lated so much damage that they can’t
elves to guide them to the korred. In
20, 18 ( x 2) t 15, 14, 12; THACO 15; #AT
fly. When forced to land, they direct

this case, it will take the PCs about six

1; Dmg 2-8; SA surprise, lycanthropy;
their attacks on spell-casters first. As
hours to reach their goal.
SD by only silver or magical weap-
the last manticore is slain, Chloris the
ons; SZ M; ML 12; XP 420 each; MC.
Barnabas AL LN; AC 6;
(half-ore): green dragon (see next encounter) at-
These werewolves are a family hunt-
MV 12; T6; hp 24; THACO 17; #AT 1; ing pack preparing to make a raid on
tacks without giving the PCs a chance
Dmg by weapon type; D IG, 18, W 15; I
the edge of an army encampment for
to rest.
ML 18; leather armor, dagger + 1
some quick food. They feel that the PCs
4, Green dragon: Int very; AL LE;
Barnabas and Nanathlor have been
will do for an appetizer, although they
AC -2; MV 9, fly 30 (C), swim 9; HD
friends for a long time, Nanathlor hired
will change their minds very quickly if
15; hp 120; THACO 5 (with +6 to hit as
Barnabas when he first became the well); #AT 3 plus special; Dmg ldB + 6/
either the mother or father is slain. If
ruler of Loud water. Barnabas proved his ld8 + 6/2dl0 + 6; SA breath w eapon for r

the young are attacked, all of the moth-

w orth many times, and when Grin-
12d6 +6 hp damage, snatch kick, wing
er’s following attacks are at + 3 to hit
tharke moved into Hellgate Keep, it buffet, tail slap, w'ater breathing, sug-
and do full damage. If ail the cubs are
was Barnabas who suggested he at- gestion once per day, fear; spells: charm
slain before the adults, the parents fight
tempt to infiltrate the armies of evil. person, detect magic protection from,
to the death in hope of revenge.
Barnabas has worked his way up in
2. Trolls (4): Int low; AL CE; AC 4;
good; SD all
saves at +2, detect invisi-
those armies by using his high intelli-
MV 12; HD 6 + 6; hp 48, 42, 38, 37;
ble clair audience;
, MR
20% SZ G; ML ;

gence and an inborn acting ability. 16; XP 9,000; MC.

Unfortunately for Barnabas, his
THACO 13; #AT 3; Dmg 5-8/5-8/5-12; SA The she-dragon Chloris shared this
attacks multiple opponents, one (48 hp)
duplicity was discovered shortly before area of the wmods with the three manti-


Li Uji

- ---7W# ft
PI I, i 1

- Y®.- ii

cores.They weren't friends, but each 5. Owlbears (4): Int low; AL N; AC 5; eerie music as they approach. They
leftthe other in peace. The battle with MV 12; HD 5+2; hp 42, 41, 40, 39; recognize the sounds of the pipes of
the manticores got Chloris's attention. THACO 15; #AT 3; Dmg 1-6/1-6/2-12; SA doom but do not feel the dread they felt
She casts protection from good on her- bear hug; SZ L; ML 12; XP 420 each; when the lich played them. The PCs
self, then glides up on the party with a MC. These owlbears are devouring the may approach as near as they like. If
90% chance to surprise those still in corpse of a wild elf (see the next encoun- one of them decides he doesn't want to
combat and a 50% chance to surprise ter). They will fight to the death as they get any closer, he must make a saving
those not in combat. Chloris breathes on are too stupid to know better. throw to resist the charm of the korred
the PCs, attempts to snatch a spell- 6. Grugach (61: Int avg; AL CN; AC 6; dance which has been amplified by the
caster and fly off with him to drop him MV 15; HD 1 + 1; hp 9, 8 ( x 2), 6 x 2), 5;
( pipes. Read the following to the players.
from a height. THACO 19; # AT 1 or 2 (bows); Dmg by
After she has destroyed the spell- weapon SA + 1 to hit with bow
type; or
caster, the dragon returns for another spear; SD 90% resistant to sleep or You suddenly realize you are nearing
attack w ith normal chances for surprise.
charm spells; ML 13; MM2/63. your goal. You hear the pipes of doom
These wild elves are searching for the being played, not for destruction but
This time, she breathes, then tries to
snatch another spell -caster. Chloris owlbears previously encountered and for the wild dance.As you get closer
comes back one more time to breathe their slain comrade. They know where you see acircular clearing ahead. It

and make one more snatch attempt. If the korred are. If they are dealt with appears to be about 250' in diameter,
the party is not destroyed by this time courteously, the elves will act as guides, with a huge boulder about 30' x 60'
and she is still in good shape, she at- especially if the PCs have killed the in its center. The clearing is sur-

tempts to land on a weak party member owlbears and retrieved the body of the rounded by statues of korred, each

while engaging the others in melee. dead grugach. Once the elves have about 9 tall. Inside the ring of
Don’t forget about the fear aura of a guided the party to the korred, they will statues you see gnome-sized shadows
dancing chaotically to eerie sounds
dragon. If Chloris takes enough damage take the body of their friend and depart.
in the air to force her to land, she glides It will not be possible to hire or per-
from the pipes. You feel an urgent
as far as she can to safety. If pursued, suade them to stay. need to join the dancing.
she uses her suggestion and charm abili-
ties to turn aside attacks. Unlike earlier The Korred at Last The korred leader is playing the pipes
encounters, Chloris should be a serious for his dancers.Once the party can see
If the PC heroes arrive at the dance
challenge for the party. the dancers, each PC must save vs.
circle before the evil heroes, they hear

16 Issue No. 26

spells (at “4 due to the magic of the rock, transmute rock to mud, stone tell; friends,he notices many large boulders
pipes) or join the dance until the music MR 25%; SZ S; ML 14; MC; cudgel,
r r

placed 20 -30 apart that almost seem to

stops or the PC is dead or unconscious. korred pouch, form trails. The korred use these
Anyone caught up in the dance loses 1-4 Korred lieutenants (2): AC 4; HD “trails” to travel between their lairs
hp per round of dancing. 8+ hp 61, 57; THACO 13; Dmg by
1; and the clearing by means of their stone
The DM should try to emphasize the weapon type +4; other statistics and door ability, effectively entering and
eerie atmosphere of the next few min- equipment as for korred, above; MC teleporting from one stone to another to
utes. The korred leader continues to (variation). escape from intruders. If the PCs follow'
play the pipes throughout the encoun- Korred chief: AC 3; HD 10 + 1; hp 77; one of these “trails,” roll ld8 to see if
ter. The PCs can feel the music in their THACO Dmg by weapon type +5;
1 1; they choose the frail that will lead to
bones, and even those who have made other statistics as for korred lieuten- the chiefs lair. If a 1 is rolled, they
their saving throws must continually ants; MC
(variation); silver shears +2 } guessed right and arrive at the chiefs
Tight the urge to dance, especially as +4 vs. lawful creatures (treat as a dag- lair just at the end of the “Prisoners”
some of their friends will continue danc- ger for damage), korred pouch. encounter that follows. Otherwise, these
ing until they drop. As the shadows Animated korred statues (24): Int PCs must wait for the korred to contact
move, the korred disappear into the non; AL N; AC 5; 9; MV HD
6; hp 36 them once the captured PCs have
stone, and the statues come to life, even each; THACO 15; #AT 2; Dmg 2-12/2-12; reached an agreement with them.
jaded heroes who have just survived an SA capture any man-sized or smaller
encounter with a green dragon should opponent; SZ L; ML special; XP 420; Prisoners
become disoriented and perhaps even new monster.
frightened. What have they gotten These statues w ere created by the
Thelast thing you remember is danc-
themselves into? korred using their stone shape abilities ing uncontrollably to wildly beauti-
As the PCs struggle to maintain con- and are animated by the use of the ful music while watching your
trol ofthemselves, the korred become kor red's animate rock abilities. The friends sink into mud or be grabbed
aware of them and begin turning the statues have been instructed to capture by huge stone statues. Then your
20' wide circle of stone on which the anyone doing battle with the korred; a head exploded in pain and you felt
PCs stand to mud (see Korred Circle capture occurs on any normally success- strong arms catch you as you col-
map). Once a PC sinks partially into the ful roll to hit. Any PC with a strength of lapsed. Now you are in semidark-
mud, the korred change the walkway 18/76 or greater may attempt to break ness, You look around and see
back to stone. If any PCs are still free, free by rolling less than half his strength several of your companions laying
the korred animate the statues to cap- on ld20. Spells that do not require mate- roped and gagged like you. You hear
ture those adventurers. If a PC man* rial or somatic components can be cast, raucous laughter approaching and
ages to elude all the statues and move and magical items, excluding weapons, see a small group of korred. They lift
directly to attack the korred, he will that are already in hand can be used. In you all and take you to a large ca-
find himself bombarded by boulders and battle with the evil heroes, the statues vern with a huge fire pit. You are set
laughter. All non- korred hearing the will be commanded to kill. dowm, and some of your party are
laughter must make a charisma check Each statue can be animated for six un gagged (but only those who are not
or he stunned for 1-4 rounds. rounds at a time by a single command spell -casters). The largest korred
While the combat is occurring, eight from one korred. After six rounds have speaks to you in a musical voice.
of the female korred lead the young elapsed, a korred must spend one round “Why did you disturb our dance?”
ones to their separate lairs using their reanimating and instructing the statue. Your chance to bargain has come.
stone door ability and strategically However, this is an innate ability, so the
placed boulders in the nearby forest. korred can do other things during the Just because they are chaotic doesn't
This leaves 14 male and 10 female same round. mean the korred aren’t intelligent.
korred to deal with the PCs, The korred Read the next, paragraph to any PCs Their leader and his lieutenants all
avoid physical combat as much as possi- left standing in the clearing. speak Common. If the PCs explain the
ble. As soon as a single PC attacks a situation in such a way as to make the
korred with a w eapon or spell, the

The clearing empty and korred realize how deadly an enemy

is silent. The r

leader stops playing the pipes and all they have made, the korred will accept
korred are gone. Your companions
the korred depart, taking anyone cap* are gone. The stone statues of the the PCs’ offer to help defeat Slag and
tured by the dancing, the mud, the korred are scattered in random posi- his companions. The korred say they
statues, or the laughter. PCs who are tions about the clearing. You notice w ill discuss the disposition of the pipes
still free will be unable to follow as the
amid this chaos a jarring note of of doom after the evil heroes are de-
korred use their stone door ability to symmetry. From a large boulder in stroyed, Furthermore, the korred leader
escape. the center of the clearing, spaced like suggest that the dance clearing would
Korred (24): Int very; AL CN; AC 5; spokes on a wagon wheel, are aisles be the best place to bait a trap for the
MV 9; HD 6 + i; hp 49, 45 x 5), 44 ( x 2),
of stone that run out to the circle of fire giant and the others.
41 ( x 3), 39, 38 ( x 6), 34 ( x 4), 33, 29; stone that became mud and ensnared
THACO 15; #AT 1; Dmg
+4) or 5-6 Qd2 your companions. Late Again
by weapon type +4; SA/SD hurl rocks
Ifthe PCs arrive at the dance circle
(2-16 hp), cause dancing, laugh stone ,
If any uncaptured PC searches after the evil heroes, they see the
shape, animate rock stone door, shatter
through the nearby forest for his following:


tectable with the dust of disappearance ,

while at the same time his detection

spells make him aware of all of his
enemies. Finally, the lich is perfectly
willing to Fight to the death, as he
knows that Grintharke can always
make him a new body as needed.
Slag and the others spread out and
enter the circle from different direc-
tions, with the exception of Lilliana who
stays in the woods and casts spells until
she is discovered or her spells run out
Before the evil NPCs even reach the
korred circle, she casts spell immunity
to lightning bolt and fireball spell eF
fects. She then levitates herself through
the treetops with very little noise or
effort. As the battle starts, she gates in
a chasme named Ylf (see the Monster
Manual II, page 381 This chasme will
obey Lilliana’s orders, as it owes a serv-
ice to her goddess Lolth. Lilliana casts
flame strike once, creating a huge blaze
among her foes, then casts conjure fire
elemental and orders the elemental to
attack the most powerful warrior in the
party of PC heroes* She Finishes after
the fire elemental has been dispatched
by casting her more powerful spells,
such as more flame strikes .

The DM should not forget Lilliana s

innate abilities, either. Once her combat
self. Next he cast detect invisibility ,
spells are used up, she darts forward to
Before you a small battle is raging. A protection from good, and ESP on him- heal Slag and then enters into battle
Fire giant is trying to pull himself self. By this time the evil heroes with her rod of smiting in one hand and
free from a mud pit while two stone reached the korred circle. her globe of continual darkness in the
statues move to attack him. A gorgon The lich now
casts a haste spell on other. Lilliana fights as if she had the
is breathing on a group of korred. A everyone in his party. Then he has Slag blind Fighting non weapon proFiciency
Fire elemental is locked in combat lead the attack, while summoning six due to her drow heritage.
with more statues. A man in black hobgoblins with his monster summon- Slag stops at the edge of the circle to
throws a bead that bursts into flame, ing I spell and six shadows with his throw his two boulders, then he and the
while another man in black swoops summon shadow spell. These creatures gorgon charge to attack any large
through the air to dive on a larger follow Slag and the others in their groups, Dammek blinks here and there
korred who is playing the pipes of attack on the korred. Finally, Pomer- using his ring and tosses fireball mis-
doom. ian casts a conjure air elemental spell siles from his necklace where they will
and sends the elemental to attack the do the most good. Dammon flits above
Regardless of who arrives at the dance korred leader or a PC spell -caster as with his wings of flying, looking for
heroes will follow
circle first, the evil appropriate. When the air elemental is opportune situations for a backstab.
the same general plan outlined below. destroyed, the lich casts spectral hand Due to the thieves’ outfits and their
After extracting all relevant informa- and true seeing spells, then attacks his abilities to hide in shadows, any PC
tion from the spy Barnabas, Pomerian most powerful adversary with uampiric who looks for either of them must roll
caught up with his fellows and warned touch and burning hands spells cast 55 or less on IdlOO to spot each one.
them of the altered situation. While through the spectral hand. If the battle Also because of this, Dammon doubles
Slag carried him, the lich prepared still rages at this time, the lich lets his chance to surprise and backstab any
himself for battle. loose with his most powerful area- PC who has not specifically noted his
Pomerian covered himself carefully effect spells, no longer caring about his whereabouts.
with dust of disappearance which own allies. If necessary, Pomerian then If a PC decides to go into the woods to

gives him automatic surprise and an uses his most powerful individual find the nasty spell-caster who is har-
effective AC -4. He then cast fly and spells, such as energy drain and power assing the party's attempts to slaughter
levitate on himself (the levitate spell is word stun. the giant and his allies, he w ill have to

for protection in case the fly spell is Two things to keep in mind through- do some searching. Each PC has a cu-
dispelled). The lich then enlarged him- out this: The lich practically unde-
is mulative 5% chance per round to locate

18 Issue No. 28

Lilliana unless she casts a charm spell, The Magister It will soothe rage and done so. The forces of good fight a hold-
in which case the PCs can locate her drive away hopelessness, and de-
fear, ing battle on the walls of the city until
immediately. The lich is even harder to spair, whether natural or magical. The evacuation is complete. The unit from
find, as he is invisible In fact, it should
, range is 8. It also temporarily blocks all Waterdeep is greeted with the sight of a
be a few rounds before the PCs even charms while it is played. The strings battle mostly lost. They join Nanathlor
realize that he must be present. Once glow with a bine light when they are in his valiant defense of the fleeing
they start hunting for Pomerian, the being played. The korred have no use innocents, but it is unlikely that the
PCs have a cumulative 1% chance per for this item, as it dampens the fervor of forces of Loudwater and their allies will
round to locate him. However, once they their chaotic dance* be able to save the city itself.
have engaged in melee with the lich, When the PC heroes return to their
they can maintain contact with him armies, it is near daybreak and time to Further Adventures
unless he can still fly or levitate away prepare for the final battle* If the PCs
from a grounded opponent. Once things have returned to normal
have been victorious in the forest, they
The DM should make this battle as and all the surviving PCs have recov-
must still return and help the Loudwa-
ered, there are still things that need to
fast-paced and chaotic
as possible. ter forces defeat the forces of evil. The
be done. The destruction of the pipes of
Don't take time to deliberate on what Loud water forces will be reinforced by a
spells the spell-casters will use. Make a unit of light cavalry from Waterdeep.
doom would make an interesting adven-
snap decision and stick with it. Re- This unit was sent by the lords of
ture for theDM to create and run. The

member the special abilities of all the

PC heroes might be asked to assist in
Waterdeep because they want to halt
an attempt to conquer Hell gate Keep,
NPCs, especially the two thieves. Force this evil menace now, not when it has
as an elite strike force to invade and
the players to make snap decisions come own city*
to the gates of their
distract Grintharke while the forces of
themselves. A further Loud water force
aid to the
good gather their armies, or as leaders
Hobgoblins (6): Int ave.; AL LE; AC is the weather. The day dawns bright
of those same armies in another
5; MY 9; HD I + 1; hp 5; THACO 19; #AT and sunny, so the ores and drow will
1; Dmg by weapon type; SZ M; ML spe- delay the battle until evening. Nanath-
BATTLESYSTEM adventure. The DM
should detail the statistics and powers
cial; XP 35; MC. lor allows his forces to rest, especially
of Grintharke as per the notes on him in
Shadows (6): Int low; AL CE; AC 7; the PCs, who will also be able to regain
MV HD 3 + 3; hp 16; THACO FR5 The Savage Frontier, page 8*
12; 17; #AT spells*Nanathlor makes provisions for
Exploration of the South Woods and a
1; Dmg + special; SA strength
2-5 torchbearers so his forces will not be at
rematch with an angry Chloris may
drain; SD + 1 or better weapon to hit; a disadvantage in the dark.
give the PCs a chance to loot the green
SZ M; ML special; XP 650; MC. The PCs will not be able to make use
dragon’s horde. Another option sends
Air elemental: Int low; AL N; AC 2; of the pipes of doom; there is not enough
the party of heroes into the realms of
MV FI 36 (A); HD 8; hp 40; #AT 1; Dmg time for its workings to be divined.
Deepearth and the treacherous city of
2-20; SA bonuses in aerial combat, Furthermore, see the sidebar descrip-
Menzoberranzan. FR5 has a number of
whirlwind form; SD +2 or better tion of the item for the effects on any
other adventuring possibilities in this
weapon to hit; SZ L; ML 15; XP 3,000. nonevil, non -bard character who at-
area, any of which may be connected
Chasme: int average; AL CE; AC - 1; tempts to use the pipes.
MV 6, fly 21 (D); HD 7 +2; hp 45; If the PCs are defeated in the forest,
with this scenario. Q
THACO 13; #AT 3; Dmg 2-8/2-8/1-4; SA the l ich returns with the pipes of doom
fear touch, sleep buzz, gate another and summons another batch of dark and
chasme (15% success); SD infravision, foreboding doud*s. Meanwhile, Nanath-
darkness (5' radius), teleport without lor orders the evacuation of all civilians
error, detectgood, detect invisible, teleki- from Loudwater and orders his forces to
nese (150 lbs.) at will once per round; fall back across the river and destroy
half damage from fire, cold, electricity, the bridge, if they have not already
and gas; immune to poison; MR 40%; SZ
M; ML 16; XP 8,000; MM2/38*
Fire elemental: Int low; AL N; AC 2;
MV 12; HD 8; hp 40; #AT 1; Dmg 3-24; your own FUI I FIGURE
SA burn objects; SD + 2 or better CHARACTER
weapon to hit; SZ L; ML 15; XP 2,000. ILLUSTRATED BY OUR
The End . . . Twice? 9X12 JUST % 10.^
Ifthe PC heroes win this battle, the A$5.^CHaR3E FOR COLOR
korred can easily be convinced to give
up the pipes of doom. The leader will F<anTasY,ROLE PLaYins
also give the adventurers a reward of SCIENCE FICTION, HERO’S
his own. The chieftain at one time ac- SEND CH3RaCTER
quired one of the famed harps of Myth D ESCRIPT ION TO
Dr an nor. This instrument, called Az- Visions -UN IlMITED
laers harp, is described in detail in FR4 95foi ORO AVE

frontiers of Glantri. The ground around
the shelter is barren and choppy, sug-
gesting heavy traffic, but now the shel-
ter is vacant.
Try to avoid rousing the players' sus-
picions about the shelter. Describe it as
a typical campsite, and stop there. Let
the PCs make camp. Then, as night
falls, casually mention that there are
two shuttered lamps, neither lighted, on
pillars in front of the shelter, one lamp
to either side.
Presumably the PCs light the lamps.
(If they don't, see “Trouble shooting.”)
The first one they light is an ordinary
lamp. The second is the brigands hurri-
cane lamp. Its assault should take the
PCs by surprise: Sudden gusts blow out
the other lamp and the PCs’ campfire,
jets of water sting like needles, and a
whirlwind of elemental proportions
throws everyone within 3G' to the
ground. Squinting against sheets of
dust and mud, the heroes realize why
the dirt here looks so barren and
Optional hurricane effects: In addi-
tion to those listed in the Companion
rules, the PCs may also experience the
A rest stop that’s anything but following effects. Even those who suc-
cessfully Save vs. Spells are dizzy and
partly deafened by the lamp’s wind.
BY ALLEN VARNEY Reduce THACO and Dexterity checks by
4 for three rounds.
On each of the three rounds after the
hurricane ends, each character’s Dexter-
For this D&D® game mini-scenario, you need the Basic, Expert, and Companion ity is reduced by 4. Also, characters who
rules sets. It works best for 3-6 player characters of levels 4-6. This lighthearted,
want to act that round must make a
low-threat encounter can fill out a play session or lend color to an overland journey.
successful Dexterity check (that is, roll
Though set on the border between Glantri and the Broken Lands in the D&D their adjusted Dexterity scores or less
Known World, it fits easily into any campaign. on ld20). Failure means the victims fall
For the Dungeon Master down and can do nothing that round.

Manden's Meathooks, a small band of 20 brigands Expert Rule book, page 53),
The Theft
scrounges a precarious existence preying on goblins and human travelers at the
edges of the Broken Lands. Statistics for the brigands appear in the sidebar on the Three brigands wait in the bushes a
opposite page. hundred yards from the rest stop. When
Recently, Jask Manden and his fellow lowdifes happened to waylay a small band they hear the hurricane, they rush to
of low-level adventurers. The brigands killed the party and stole their loot, then the clearing’s edge and crouch low until
saw an opportunity in one of their new treasures: a hurricane lamp (Dungeon Mas- the wind stops. Then, while the victims
ters Companion page 53). For the last several days, they have worked an ambush
are disoriented as described above, the

at rest stops along the Wizards' Road between Glantri City and the Broken Lands.
brigands scoop up whatever supplies
One evening, the PCs run afoul of that ambush. they can find in the darkness, along
with the hurricane lamp They make a

Surprise and Theft lot of noise, kick a few downed PCs in

the ribs, then run for it, laughing.
The PCs are traveling overland. As evening draws on, they encounter a stone shel-
Each brigand, a Ist-level fighter,
ter in a clearing beside the road, an ordinary rest stop like many others on the

20 Issue No, 28
wears leather armor and carries a short
Wrapping It Up All told, the brigand's treasure is
sword a short bow, a quiver of 16 ar-
, hardly worth the trouble, right? Man-
rows, and a shield. Each also carries a
By interrogating the brigands or follow-
den’s real stash is well-buried half a
ing them by stealth, the PCs should find
small iron hook, the emblem of their mile down the gorge (Treasure Type A;
their way to the small Meathook en-
company (1 hp damage). They fight determine its contents, if necessary,
when cornered but prefer to run from campment, a few miles away in a dry
gorge clumsily concealed with dead using the standard charts). Only he and
superior opposition. The brigands lead his lieutenant, Tbbias, know where the
foliage. Here a family of giant weasels
pursuers through the forest into an treasure is buried. However, an ESP
once hollowed out a lair in the side of
ambush. spell or other magic can't get the loca-
the gorge. Adventurers long ago sought
Troubleshooting: If the PCs don't tion from Manden right now; he's too
out and slaughtered the weasels, leav-
open the lamps, the brigands have a drunk to remember! It takes him 12
ing the cavernous tunnel unoccupied
second plan of (for them) remarkable hours to sober up.
until Jask Manden arrived.
subtlety. One unarmed brigand ven-
tures out from the woods, calling, “Hey
Manden, a vain and insecure man, is
currently hiding out in the cave due to a Manden*s Meathooks
there! I think I left somethin' hidden in
that shelter? Mind if I check?” The thug
mishap with another of the treasures Brigands (20-35): AC 6 (7 for bow-
his band recently found. Manden tried a
develops this idea as necessary to either
creamy salve on his body, only to dis-
men not using shields); FI; 5 hp; MT
get near the shelter and open the lamp, 1; Dmg by weapon type; MV
cover that it turned him bright orange
or fool the PCs into doing it for him. If
all over! (It was an ointment of tanning;
120140'}; Save FI; ML
8; AL C; XP
this fails, the brigand turns and runs, 10; leather armor, shield, iron hook;
see the Dungeon Masters Companion each has either a short sword and a
hoping to lure the PCs into the ambush
page 54.) Tb avoid public ridicule, he short bow with 16 arrows (50%) or a
intends to remain in the weasel lair a broad sword (50%).
month or more. He's been drinking
Pursuit into Ambush heavily; being orange will do that to a
Tbo slovenly for the Glantrian
army, too cowardly for the Broken
In the trees, under excellent cover, wait man. Lands, these brawny, unwashed men
the Meathook brigands: two lst-level There are 20 brigands in the encamp- prowl the borders between the two
fighters for each PC, plus the three that ment, plus any w ho escaped the PCs
lands looking for rich people to rob
the PCs are following and one 2nd-level after their ambush. Horses equal in and poor folk to beat up. They crave
lieutenant named Tobias. The hidden number to the original number of ban- the illusion of power and superiority
brigands attack from surprise, using dits are tied to posts and tree branches that Manden gives them.
short bows. Because of their conceal- in the area. When they spot the PCs, Hiding horses (one per brigand):
ment, treat them as AC 2. Spell -casters half of the bandits charge at once with AC 7; HD 2; hp 9 each; #AT 2 hooves;
must succeed in an Intelligence check to short bows or short swords, while the
spot targets for their magic.
Dmg 14/1-4; MV
240780'; Save FI;
others scramble onto their horses to ML 7; AL N; XP 20; ER/51 (horse);
Tbbias is a warty lout with bad breath attack with broad swords. All fight at each has normal tack and 1-2 empty
and a worse attitude, but he's not dumb. first to subdue, then (as the PCs mop
sacks tied to the back of the saddle.
When he sees that the PCs will handily them up) to kill, and finally just to get Jask Manden: AC 3; F4; 18 hp;
defeat the brigands, he orders a retreat: out alive, Manden shouts drunken or- #AT Dmg by weapon type; MV
“Hey, you guys! These bums is too ders from the lair, but he soon retreats 120740'); Save F4; ML 9; AL C; XP
tough! Rabbit hutch!” via a rear exit tunnel some distance
75; plate mail, broad sword, two
At this code signal, the brigands flee aw ay. His horse waits there. If he can

daggers, ring of life protection. Re-

in all directions, to rendezvous later at get a five-round lead on the PCs, or get duce Manden 's to-hit chances by 3 for
their encampment (see below). PCs w ho T
a quarter mile ahead, he loses any the duration of his drunkenness.
follow them can spend half an hour in
pursuit, While working as a plowboy, Jask
pursuit before their quarry leads them A well-dressed snob, Manden wears Manden dreamed of joining the elite
to the next encounter, or impatient PCs one item that clashes with his outfit: a of Glantrian society. While working
can run one thug down and coerce him ring of life protection (Dungeon Masters as a stableboy (after a petty theft got
to leadthe party there at once. Companion page 52) with four charges.
, him fired from plowing), Manden
Ifthe PCs don't handily defeat the When fleeing, he carries a small strong- decided that good clothes and classy
brigands, the vicious thugs soon aban- box with 21 gp, 150 sp, and three infe- speech were the keys to prosperity.
don their short bows and engage the rior, yellowish pearls worth perhaps 200 While in the Glantrian army (he
PCs hand to hand, fighting to subdue. gp apiece. The ointment of tan ning is enlisted after the stable fired him for
They loot fallen PCs but leave them used up, though its attractive walnut
alive— so the brigands can rob them box might bring 10 gp.
Continued on page 69
again later.

Michael has a B. A, in psychology and
has been involved in counseling for the
past four and a half years. He is origi-
nally from Detroit but has lived in south-
ern Illinois, Atlanta, and now Louisville,
Michael would like to credit his friend
Torn McNeil for brainstorming and
troubleshooting help with this adven-
ture, which took over three years to put

“Sleepless” is an AD&D® adventure

for 4-7 good-aligned characters of levels
9-12 (about 55 total levels). A broad
range of character classes is required
to meet the challenges that lie with-
in, though spell ability is especially
The action takes place in the odd
castle- keep of Draskilion the Areh-
Mage. The castle -keep should be placed
in a thinly inhabited hilly region of the
DM’s campaign world. The adventure
should occur as the party journeys from
one point to another, perhaps seeking
employment or information in some
distant city. Place names and locations
may be easily changed to fit any partic-
ular campaign world.
While this adventure in general fol-
lows AD&D 2nd Edition rules, the DM
may find it helpful to have access to the
1st edition Dungeon Masters Guide ,

Players Handbook and Monster Manual


II. The wizard spell run herein comes

from Unearthed Arcana.

SLEEPLESS Adventure Background

Draskilion the Arch- Mage had dreams.
Big dreams. And though he had
achieved great power in his long study
BY MICHAEL SHEL of sorcery,he had been unable to con-
vert more than a few eccentric types to
his strange philosophy. He had also
experienced numerous setbacks, the
most prominent of which occurred 12
years ago: Due to ess -thandl altering

How many times can a propaganda spread by shortsighted

colleagues who raised petty questions
regarding the “moral repercussions” of
wizard sell his soul? his arcane researches, he was forced to
flee his native land in the distant east.
Yes, he had run from that ugly mob of
ignorant peasants gripping scythes and
pitchforks and calling out hungr ily for
his blood. The fools! Draskilion and his
Artwork Toy Terry Pavlaf few devoted servants and apprentices
were successful in evading the deter-
mined patrols, surviving to build a
small keep atop a remote, desolate hill

22 Issue No. 28

far to the west.Here his evil reputation they are walking into a dreadful mess. where); and three servants (twin brothers
was not yet known, and this enabled Draskilion was aware that just such an Fadimon, the major-domo, and Coeulmon,
him to carry on his forbidden studies accident might befall him, and he wisely the wizard’s chief spy and assassin; and
freefrom the scrutiny of myopic priests took certain precautions* First, he modi- Macro the guard). These individuals do
and magicians, along with their silly fied an amulet of life protection. Hidden not know theamulet’s specific location,
ethical considerations. in one of the castle chambers, the device though they are aware that it is secreted

However, Draskilion did not feel en- could absorb his life force (regardless of somewhere in the castle, and all (with the
tirely secure. After much
meditation, he the wizard’s location on the Prime Mate- exception of Miro) wish to see their mas-
decided that he would search for a plane rial plane) in the event of his body’s ter made whole again.
where he would have fewer worries destruction. All he now requires is some
When the party approaches the castle,
about outside interference. The task dupe to don the amulet and thereby Fadimon, knowing the dangers of
would be a monumental one, for after allow Draskilion to take control of a new searching the upper chambers of the
finding a suitable place he would have body* (See sidebar for a description of keep, concocts a story to encourage the
to construct a portal between the planes Draskilion ’s amulet of life.) party to find the amulet for him.
and have sufficient strength to gain a At this point, only five other people At the same time, further complica-
foothold in this new place. Its current know about the amulet: two of Dr ask i- tions brew Remember those “costly

denizens might be less than cooperative lion’s apprentices (cowardly Miro, who services” the wizard engaged from cer-
wdth foreigners emigrating to their hides in the library, and Cabet, who is off tain powerful beings? Well, the majority
world. And finally, he would have to conducting business for his master else- of these contracts w ere payable upon his

mold the place to his use*

Soon enough, Draskilion found that
even his great wealth and considerable Draskilion’s Amulet of Life
abilities were not adequate to complete
Though only one of these devices is known to exist, it stands to reason that others
so colossal a task. Thus, he sought aid
from several beings mightier than he* may be created if its secrets are discovered. Originally an amulet of life protection,
this powerful item functions as follows:
These malignant powers were more
After construction of the amulet is completed, the first living creature with a soul
than willing to offer their assistance,
but their services would cost Draskilion
who touches the item is then attuned to it. When this being’s body is destroyed, the
soul is immediately absorbed into the amulet* The being whose soul is contained
dearly in ways most mortals wouldn’t
therein is fully cognizant of what is going on in his/her/its environment. The occupant
consider wise— or even sane. But after
must then wait for the amulet to be placed about the neck of another creature. At
so many setbacks and disappointments,
this point, the occupant may attempt to invade and control this new body.
he was finally making significant prog-
There is a base 25% chance of a successful possession. For every point of intelli-
ress toward his goals, and only the
gence above or below that of the intended host, 10% is added or subtracted from the
simple minded fretted over such things*
chance. For every point of wisdom above or below that of the intended host, 8% is
Unfortunately for the learned Draski-
added or subtracted from the chance. For example, if the occupant’s statistics are 1 17
things must come to an end.
lion, all
Perhaps he had become reckless, impa- and W16 and the victim's are 1 13 and W 15, the chance for successful possession is

tient, or simply fatigued* For as he

73% (base chance of 25% plus 40% for superior intelligence plus 8% for superior wis-
summoned further aid, performing the dom = 73%). This struggle for control is totally internal and has no outward signs,
nor is the victim alerted. After an unsuccessful possession attempt, the victim will
staggeringly complex “Unspeakable
feel suddenly fatigued. Attempts can be made to possess the body every six turns*
Incantation of the Jezulein ,” the mage
made a minor error in the 138th gestic- As soon as possession is successful, the possessor is in full control of the body and
possesses all the host’s abilities (e*g., spells, combat skills, etc,). The host’s soul is
ulation, wiggling the ring finger on his
transferred into the amulet. Strength, dexterity, constitution, and charisma are that
right hand rather than the pinky on his
of the victim, but intelligence and wisdom are that of the possessor. If the possessor
left. Pity, As a result, his entire body
continues to wear the amulet, the victim may try to regain possession of the body
was enveloped by a million tiny green
with a base 25% chance plus or minus modifiers for intelligence and wisdom.
and black tongues of hungry, licking
This particular amulet is ensorcelled with a powerful suggestion spell, so that
fire. In a matter of seconds his material
anyone touching the thing must save vs. spells at — 5 to keep from putting the
form was consumed, and the career of
device about his neck* Such a save is required for every round a person is in con-
Draskilion the Arch-Mage came to an
tact with the amulet.
abrupt, if fitting, end.
moment that the
It is at this fateful
When in control of a body, Draskilion removes the amulet (to prevent the host from
attempting to reinhabit his own body) but under no circumstances relinquishes it* If
party happens by Draskilion ’s little cas-
the party believes the false story of the day’s events given by Fadimon, the arch-
tle, traveling on an ill -kept back road
mage’s gnomish major-domo (see “For the Player Characters”), Draskilion reports
nearby. Night is quickly falling, and
that the arch-mage is communicating to him through the amulet and that the foes
unpleasant weather approaches from the
they seek lie in the cellars* If they no longer believe the false tale, then Draskilion
north. The eerie flash from the arch-
reports that the amulet is a guide to the arch-mage’s treasure vault. At any rate, the
mage’s grisly demise, his swiftly stifled
evil wizard will attempt to lead the party down to the specially prepared body (area
cries of agony, and the sight of a man’s
16C), where he will switch places and try to destroy the lot of them. If the truth of the
body dangling from a tower window
situation is discovered, he will rush to the crypt without the PCs and, when restored,
should serve as sufficient bait to lure the
will hunt them down.
party toward the wizard’s keep. However,


death and involved the surrendering of stained glass panes of greens, reds, and humans inside, with a padded bench on
his souL News of Draskilion's material blues are set in each window except as top in the front for the coachman.
destruction quickly reached the notice of noted. If a window is opened, a person There are many items of worth in the
these various beings, but his immortal outside the keep looking in will see only castle. However, rather than catalog and
essence failed to show up to make good a muddy blur. Vision from inside the give the gold-piece value of every single
his promises. castle, however, is unobstructed. The bit of furniture, art w ork, silverware, lab
Suffice it to say that there are now walls are 5’ thick all around the struc- equipment, and book, the DM
several powerfully evil beings who are ture and lack arrow slits. design the treasure should the party
very disappointed with Draskilion, In the Anyone familiar with architecture will wish to clean out the entire domicile.
next several hours, the castle residents be astounded that the thing hasn't col- This will be an enormous task and in-
can expect to meet representatives from lapsed, as there are no buttresses or volve a great deal of time and work. It
the Accounts Receivable departments of pilasters to support the high walls. It is should not be made easy. There may
these perturbed entities. Obviously, no obvious that the place was built and is even be some interference by those listed
one at the arch-mage's keep will be get- maintained by magic. The walls of the under “Unearthly Visitors” perhaps
ting much sleep this night. keep are reinforced by strong ant i ma- former castle residents (namely the ap-
gic ks so that they may not be penetrated prentices), or others of the DM's creation.
For the Dungeon Master by sorcerous means (such as teleport , When speaking of apprentices, one
pass wall, or stone shape) from either usually refers to persons of little real
Draskilion the Arch-Mage built this
inside or out. Similarly, any attempts to magical ability who act as lab assistants
keep some 12 years ago, after fleeing
use gate or any type of creature- to a sorcerer in hopes of learning the
justice in his distant eastern homeland.
summoning spell while inside the castle tricks of the trade. In this adventure,
During the past several months, he and
(with the exception of room 50, the sum- however, Draskil ion’s apprentices are
his servants, apprentices, and supernat-
moning chamber, wT here all such spells magicians of considerable skill. As the
ural associates have been working on
function normally) will meet with fail- arch-mage is an unnaturally powerful
the construction of a gateway to a small
ure, the spell being wr asted. Only a wish wizard, the apprentice wizards are walling
demiplane where he has secured some
can overcome these strictures. (A wish to take on this subordinate position in
choice real estate. It is there that
will allowr no more than 18 HD/levels of order to grow more powerful themselves.
Draskilion hopes to carry on his re-
beings to pass through the walls.) All All possess magical keys that function
search and expansion of power, uninhib-
other magical effects within the keep can normally unless otherwise noted.
ited by the strictures of the Prime
be dispelled as against a 23rd-level Each apprentices' spell book contains
Material plane and its inhabitants.
caster unless otherwise noted. all the spells memorized by that partic-
As news of the wizard's ‘Meath” spreads
All doors within are made of sturdy ular wdzard. Additional contents, if any,
through the castle like a fire, chaos de- f

oak bound with iron, 8' tall and 4 wide. should be determined by the DM.
scends. Draskilion’s leadership was the
Hallw ays are about 9 V2 high and of
x '

force that held this diverse community

together, and just as suddenly as he is
differing width. All rooms are also 9V2

NPC Encounters in the Castle

high and are illuminated by continual
gone, many of these individuals fall into The party wall encounter several NPCs
light spells cast on protruding squares of
their own courses of action. And soon to while exploring the castle. Rather than
stone in the ceilings. These lights may
arrive are representatives of the beings draw up a complicated layout of each
be turned on and off by use of the com-
whose aid the mage received, seeking an NPCs whereabouts from turn to turn
mand w ord “favorite.” Consider a light

explanation for the delay in payment. (this would be nothing but sheer tedium
to be off unless the room is occupied or it
When they discover that they have been for the DM), a “wandering monster ”-
is otherwise noted.
double-crossed by the wizard, there will type table has been provided (see side-
The black iron spiral staircases leading
be serious repercussions. bar), Incidental encounters with castle
up through the castle all have trapdoors
personalities take place on a 1 on ld8
between levels. The trapdoors leading to
Standard Castle Features (check every turn). See each NPC’s keyed
the restricted levels (floor four and
encounter to get an idea of his traits and
The keep is made of a strange pale gray above) are locked and can be unlocked
likely actions. Treat rolls for NPCs previ-
stone and is covered by a thick, snaky only by use of a magical key. Those strik-
ously encountered and slain, driven off,
blanket of ivy. It is composed of tw o T
ing the doors with weapons feel as
or otherwise incapacitated as no encoun-
though they are hammering away at

towers, each 60 square, six stories high,

ter. Do not roll for random encounters on
and crowned by rooftop battlements. The iron. All spells prove ineffective except
the crypt/cellar level. The should use
towers are connected at all levels by a disintegrate (which w ill obliterate a

common sense if it seems that an

building 40 wide and 50' long. The first portal), wish, or dispel magic (against a

encounter would be unlikely.

three stories are devoid of windows; 23rd-level caster). The main entry door is
windows on all other floors are gothic in of the same nature.
Unearthly Visitors
style, 3' wide at the base and coming to a Behind the castle is a w ooden stable

point T above. They are all sorcerously that houses 10 horses and appropriate Though there are numerous beings with
treated so that no matter but breathable, equipment for these beasts. Parked whom Draskilion has drawn up con-
nonsentient air may enter and only behind this stable is an elegant covered tracts and agreements, there are but
nonliving (not unliving) matter may exit. carriage that requires a team of four four who will respond w ith speed. How-

This is also true for the openings in the horses. The carriage is luxuriously ever, the DM lias the option to use crea-
courtyard and the balconies. Beautiful outfitted and comfortably seats four tivity in developing other creatures to

24 Issue No, 28

collect debts. If a being’s first collection

attempt proves unsuccessful, it is up to Incidental Encounters with Castle Denizens
the DM to come up with that creature’s
Chance of
next likely response, though it will not Chance of
Roll Chance of being Keyed
be immediate. (ld20) NPC fleeing parlaying driven off encounter
Collection agents A and B approach

1 Alaeda 95% 100% 3

the castle via the front doors, most likely 45%
2-3 Bueli 85% 85% 46
being greeted by Fadimon, The major- 4 Coeulmon
35% 15% 2
10% 26
domo will tell them that, earlier in the 5 Eieni

60% 98% 100% 27B

evening, a nasty group of ruffians (de- 6 Fadimon 1 3 a
o%- 100% 5% Start
scribing the party) broke into the keep, 1
7-8 Gallic 25% 5% 15% 53
slew the arch-mage, and are now ran- 1
9 Jake 60% 85% 95% 53
sacking the place. The agents will then 10 Junius 50% 90% 75% 20A
set out to find these intruders. Agents C 11-12 Lebaddin 50% 40% 30% 22
and D have other means of entry, though 13 Maego 1
75% 75% 100% 27B
they will doubtless be fed the same story Max 3

40% 30%
14-15 25% 53
if they run into the deceitful Fadimon.
16 Pandarus 20% 5% 80% 33
17-18 Tipia 50% 70% 20% 44
A. Minions of Chalol (arrive 9th 19 Yae Jura 30% 4
I0G% 85% 33
game turn): For much assistance in his 20 Zubo

30% 50% 40% 2

researches and a number of forbidden
secrets, Draskilion signed over his soul 1* Treat as no encounter if party is above the third floor, as servants are forbidden
to the powerful alien wizard Chalol. (for good reason) to enter the upper levels and will not take the risk,

Upon discovering that Draskilion *s body 2 Will not be driven off unless brother (Fadimon/Coeulmon) is dead,

had been destroyed but that his soul 3. Chance of fleeing is 20% and parlaying 40% if the party has discovered that

had not turned up, Chalol could hardly Padimon has lied to them,
be described as pleased. 4. Parlaying will take place in some polymorphed form.

Deciding to act initially with restraint, Chance of fleeing indicates the likelihood an NPC will try to escape to his keyed
this unearthly sorcerer has sent Gundun
encounter area rather than face the party directly.
and Tbugal, two minor officers from the Chance of being driven off indicates the likelihood that the NPC will attempt to
demiplane over which he rules. Should gather up personal belongings and leave the castle (if it is within his power to do
Fadimon be unable to answer their knock so) if reduced to one-quarter normal hit points.
(due to his death or incapacitation), they Chance of parlaying indicates the likelihood an NPC will talk rather than en-
use a ring of wishes and arrive in the gage in combat with the party if he does not flee. Some NPCs will offer assistance,
entry chamber (area 1), The envoys then some will attempt to mislead or deceive, some will surrender or try to strike a
set out to search the castle, running into bargain. In handling the NPCs, much is left to the DM’s discretion to determine
the party in 24 turns. what would be most appropriate and interesting for each individual scenario.
When they meet the party, Chalofs Note that each NPC carries on his person the key{s) that unlock his belongings
minions present the contract (on leath- and room.
ery black parchment with glowing red
letters) and demand the arch-mage’s
soul. They are naturally distrustful and
in the castle when attempting to use an underground complex
lich, lives in
treacherous. If forced to do so, they will this power; hit only by magical weap- about 70 miles to the northeast. She
fight to the death, as Chalol does not
ons; take half damage from cold, fire, and Draskilion have been exchanging
reward failure kindly.
electricity, and gas; S 18/80 ( + 2 to hit, certain damnable tomes and codices
Gundun and Tbugal (two extraordi- +4 to damage), 1 17, other statistics from their sorcerous libraries (one of
nary minotaurs): Int exceptional; AL CE; unremarkable; MR ML
20%; SZ L; 20; which contained “The Unspeakable
AC 6 (2 with the armor they wear); MV XP 9,000 each; MC (greatly modified). Incantation of the Jezulein”). The lich
18; HD 8 + 10; hp 50, 46; THACO 11; #AT
The minotaurs wear splint mail + 2 and has been attempting to contact the arch-
1; Dmg 2 8 or 14 or by weapon type; SA
wield huge battle axes +2 that do 2-8/ mage for the past hour via one of the
breath weapons (Gundun: save or be 2-12 hp damage plus strength and mirrors in the divination chamber (area
paralyzed for 7-10 rounds; Tbugal: save
magic bonuses. Gundun also wears a 44) and has received no answer.
or be turned to stone; both can use this
ring of wishes with one wish remaining; Suspecting that Draskilion has
attack form three times per day in a
he will use this to return himself and planned some betrayal or has run into
cone-shaped cloud 10' long and 5' wide at his companion to full fighting strength some trouble, Quioskala (using a unique
the end); once per day each may cause if he is near death. Should the mino- personal spell) teleports a gang of ser-
darkness 10 radiusf fly levitate or use

, ,
taurs be killed, their bodies and all vants to retrieve some books she re-
suggestion (all as a lOth-level wizard);
belongings instantly return to their cently lent the wizard. Her gruesome
telekinese 2,000 gp weight; SD save as
home demiplane. crew (composed of Ulgardi, a 9th-level
lOth-level clerics; detect magic at will; wizard acting as leader, and several un-
gate in24 normal minotaurs once per B. Minions of Quioskala (arrive dead creatures including a spectre) ap-
day, 30% chance—note effect of location
14th game turn): Quioskala, a powerful proaches the keep much as did Gundun


and Tbugal. Fadimon gives them the some servants to retrieve the arch- Siragle enters the castle from the roof
same story he gave the minotaurs, add- mage’s soul and bring it to his realm on (while the soldiers atop the keep (area
ing that the party also stole Quiosk ala’s the plane of elemental Earth to answer 53) cower in their barracks) and waits for
books. a few pressing questions. the party on this top floor.
While the other minions wait in the Rather than knock on the front doors,
For the Player Characters
first-floorlounge area, the spectre is sent this group passes through the earth,
forth to search for the party, finding them surfaces in the cellar storage chamber The following boxed text is the only
in 1-3 turns. It then returns to its cohorts, (area 12), and moves upward through information the PCs should receive as
and they mount an assault. IF the party the library. Doubtless Fadimon (if he is they venture toward the castle. If you
somehow prevents the spectre from re- still alive and about) will feed them the need to adjust some of the text to fit
turning to his gang, the rest set out look- same story he fed to groups A and B. your own campaign, feel free to do so,
ing for him and find the party within two Unguliustuk’s minions find the PCs in but do not add specific information
turns. 1-3 turns. about the adventure. Read or para-
no one answers the front door when
If This party is led by a renegade dao phrase the following to the party as the
this gang arrives, the spectre ascends to named Maspero. He is accompanied by game begins:
the rooftop and threatens Macro in two chaggrin grues and an earth (black)
order to get one of the magical keys that bear. Maspero holds something that Obviously you’ve made a mistake. At
unlock the castle doors. appears to be a rough piece of slate. the advice of a spice merchant whom
Incidentally, all of Quioskaia’s bor- This is the contract between Draskilion you met at Tzenke’s Tavern, you
rowed tomes were with Draskilion in and Unguliustuk, and it will be drawn have taken a detour from the main
the summoning chamber and were to the location of Draskilion ’s soul if the highway in order to avoid an exorbi-
completely destroyed when he had his amulet has been removed from its hid- tant toll booth.
little accident. Quioskala will be less ing place. “No better than cutpurses!” the
than happy with this development. Maspero (dao): Int very; AL NE; AC merchant had shouted, slamming his
AL NE; AC 4; MY 12; W9;
Ulgardii 3; MV 9, fly 15 (B);HD 8 + 3; hp 39; mug of ale on the dark oak table.
hp 27; THACO 18; 0AT 1; Dmg by spell THACO 11; #AT 1; Dmg 3-18; SA spell “Best take another route”
or weapon type; S 8, D 17, C 12, 1 15, W use; SD immune to earth -affecting So you had.
11, Ch 7; ML 16; XP 3,000; cloak of spells; SZ L; ML 15; XP 4,000; MC. The lot of you are frustrated, as
protection + 3 wand of steam and vapor
Grues (chaggrin) (2): Int low; AL NE; this supposed “shortcut” has already
(three charges remaining; command AC 4; MV 12, burrow 3; HD 5 +5; hp 31, cost you 10 times the journey the
word “tegra”), dagger +2, scroll of 24; THACO 15; #AT 2; Dmg 3-673-6 merchant claimed it would. The
Bigby’s interposing hand Spells: magic , (touch causes 1-4); SA clinging; SD + terrain is dull. Ragged hills with
missile phantasmal force, run, shocking
or better weapon to hit, immune to (and dozens of anemic trees clinging half-
grasp, mirror image, stinking cloud dispels) earth-based spells; SZ S; ML 13; heartedly to the earth surround the
web, fireball ( * 2), protection from nor- XP 975; MM2/72. ill -kept path. As the sun sets imper-
mal missiles, fire shield, shoutt teleport). Earth bear: Int semi; AL N; AC 5; MV ceptibly behind the pall of clouds
Mummies: Int low; AL
3; HD 3 + 3; hp 22; THACO 17;
12; 3;MT blanketing the weary sky, a hungry
6; HD 6 + 3; hp 35, 29; THACO 13; #AT Dmg 1-3/1 -3/1 -6; SA hug for 2-8 hp dam- autumn wind blows down from the
1; Dmg S A fear, paralyzation,
1-12; age; SD immune to earth-affecting spells; north. With it comes the unmistak-
disease;SD + 1 or better weapon to hit, SZ M; ML 8; XP 270; MC (bear, black), able scent of an approaching thun-
some spell immunity; SZ M; ML 15; XP derstorm. No suitable campsite has
3,000; MC. D* Siragle (arrives 26th game turn): been found.
Spectre: Int high; AL LE; AC 2; MY This dangerous Abyssal denizen has But as the conversation begins to
15, fly 30 (B); HD 7 +3; hp 27; THACO been growing in power and influence for degenerate into petty bickering, a
13; 0 AT 1; Dmg 1-8; SA energy drain; the past few centuries. He now holds sudden, violent flash of greenish light
SD asmummy; MR special; SZ M; ML sway over the 493rd layer of the Abyss, a erupts across the path. It is quickly
15; XP 3,000; MC. small, loathsome place with few inhabit- Followed by a horrid, blood-curdling
Zombies: Int non; AL N; AC 8; MV 6; ants or resources. Thus, the contract he scream that penetrates even the howl-
HD 2; hp 10 each; THACO 19; AT 1; drew up with Draskilion is of considera- ing of the wind. Looking about for its
Dmg 1-8; MR special; SD some spell im- ble importance to him, and he has de- source, you spot a small castle crown-
munity; SZ M; ML special; XP 65 each; cided to deal with the matter personally ing a hill east of the road. Through the
MC. (see the sidebar for his full statistics and meager spread of trees you see sickly
abilities). green light pouring forth from a pair of
C. Minions of Unguliustuk (arrive Siragle ’s agreement is for Draskilion ’s high tower windows, along with a
19th game turn): This evil earth arch- soul and services. When he discovers strange, multicolored smoke, twisting
elemental, a peer of Ogremoch, has that other beings have also been prom- in a bizarre, unnatural corkscrew into
been instrumental in finding an appro- he will not be
ised the wizard’s soul, the evening sky, oblivious to the wail-
priate plane to suit Draskilion ’s needs pleased. However, as he has learned to ing winds.
and has helped with initial construction be flexible, Siragle will be happy to It is then that you spy a cloaked
of the planar gateway. In exchange, claim the souls of two or three less- figure hanging precariously from the
Draskilion has promised his own serv- willing persons, “who should have kept ledge of a tall gothic window and
ices upon death, Unguliustuk sends their noses out of this business anyway.”

26 Issue No. 28

swaying back and forth like the staring blankly at the darkening sky, Sounds of scuffling feet and rattling
pendulum of a clock. If you respond a thin river of blood trickling from come from behind the large wooden
quickly, you may be able to save this the corner of his mouth. His face is a doors. With an eerie creak the right
man and whoever else is in distress homely one, his head is crowned with portal opens, and a rather rotund
in this isolated keep! a furious mop of sandy blond hair, gnome, bedecked in colorful clothing,
and his black cloak is bloody and emerges. Seeing the black-cloaked
As the party trudges up the steep hill, torn. If only you had arrived sooner! widen and he dashes to
body, his eyes
they lose sight of the man (Ruiz, one of it.

Dr ask i l ion’s apprentices) hanging from A search body uncovers a

of the “Oh, Ruiz, dear Ruiz! Not you,
the window. In reality, Ruiz was in- wooden wand (snapped in two), a torn too!" cries thegnome, weeping great
stantly killed by the same powers that scroll (useless), a 50-gp garnet, 6 gp, and tears and wringing his hands. “Oh,
destroyed his master. Ruiz's body (note a ring of protection +i. The DM should gods, what a tragedy!” Turning to
that only nonliving matter may pass watch the player's actions closely at this the party, he holds out his hands and
through the windows) was flung out of time. Characters of good alignment pleads:
the opening. His long cloak caught on a should insist on seeing to the man's “Oh, my friends! Your help, your
protrusion, giving the appearance (at burial, or at least notify the denizens in help! My master has been ambushed,
least when viewed from the hillside the keep of the man's unfortunate fate. and they've killed Ruiz! You must
path) that he is clinging to the ledge. Ifthe party seems reluctant to approach rescue my master!"
Soon after the party sets forth from the the castle, the DM
may wish to nudge
road, the cloak tears and Ruiz's corpse them with this information. (Ruiz's soul The gnome introduces himself as Fadi
plummets to the earth. The approaching was totally destroyed in the accident. mon, the arch-mage's major-domo. He
party is greeted by the following sight: Therefore, spells such as speak with goes on to explain that his master, a
dead, raise dead, or the like will meet great mage, was doing some work for a
As you break through the sparse with failure.) church to the west when some evil crea-
trees and reach the crest of the hill, The strange smoke and green light tures attacked while he was vulnerable.
you see the castle before you. All continues to pour forth from the south This is all, of course, hogwash, but the
eyes fall upon the black heap lying at (right) tower windows, but these phe- gnome wears a ring of mind shielding to
the base of the east tower. The man nomena grow weaker and disappear prevent detection of falsehood and is a
you saw holding on has obviously within 10 rounds. Whether the party convincing actor.
fallen to his death, his lifeless eyes then approaches the door or decides to
leave, read the following:


Fadimon continues to say that some of Should the party seem reluctant to the party to enter the keep, you might
these horrid creatures are still about. The help, Fadimon states: as well hang it up^nothing will.
gnome then tells them that they must When in the entry chamber (area 1),

find his master's captors and liberate him. “My master is a very wealthy man. Fadimon will answer simple questions
He also explains that there is a magical Should you liberate him, I am cer- that do not betray the truth of his desires:
amulet hidden in the castle, which will tain that you will earn his eternal He wishes the party to find the hidden
prove useful in accomplishing this goal. gratitude, and he will surely reward amulet, which will most likely allow his
He knows only that it lies somewhere on you richly. Please, I beg you!” master to take possession of a new body.
the upper levels. Unfortunately, he and When this occurs, Draskilion will then
the other servants are forbidden to go lead the party (though it will be thought
If the PCs are still reluctant or show of as the urging of the amulet) to the
above the third floor (for their own protec-
any sign of leaving, Fadimon drops to crypt in the cellar (area 160 where a
tion, of course) and thus he cannot guide
his knees and tearfully beseeches them more suitable body lies in wait for him.
them. If asked how he knows of what
to carry out his request, even going so Fadimon tells the PCs that castle gossip
happened to his master if he wasn't any-
far as to take out his own meager purse suggests the amulet is a powerful magical
where near the place (the room from
and pathetically offer its contents. Fi- item that the arch-mage uses only in
which the smoke is pouring, area 50), he
nally,he shuffles about on his hands special circumstances, and that it must be
states that he heard his master’s voice tell
and knees and, clutching at various worn to function (no, Fadimon has never
him all this inside his head as soon as the
PCs, begs still further. If this doesn't get
explosion happened. actually seen it).
After giving a brief and incomplete
description of the castle layout (“Magic
lies above the third floor.” “The castle is
CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Abyss THACO: 5 six stories high and has a cellar” etc.)
FREQUENCY: Unique (very rare) NO. OF ATTACKS: 4 F adimon states that he must attend to
ORGANIZATION: Solitary DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2d4 + 7/2d4 + 7/2d2/3 several related matters of importance.
ACTIVITY CYCLE: Any (see below) Dashing up the hall toward area 7 and
DIET: Carnivore SPECIAL ATTACKS: Magic use, stinger turning the corner, he whispers the com-
INTELLIGENCE: Genius (see below) mand word that teleports him into the
TREASURE: S, U, Y SPECIAL DEFENSES: +2 or better secret observation cubicle (see area 9), at
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil weapon to hit; half damage from cold, which point the party is on its own. Fadi-
NO. APPEARING: 1 electricity, fire, and gas mon will leave this chamber upon noting
ARMOR CLASS: “3 MAGIC RESISTANCE: 50% the arrival of other visitors (groups A, B,
MOVEMENT: 12 SIZE: L (BW tall) C, and D, noted in “Unearthly Visitors”).
HIT DICE: 85 hp (18 HD) MORALE: 19 Fadimon (gnome): AL NE; AC 5; MV
XP VALUE: 21,000 12; T9; hp 40; THACO 16; AT 1; Dmg byti

weapon type (back-stabbing damage x 4);

Siragle a major Abyssal fiend whose form is an unsettling humanoid/reptile
blend. He

BW tall and has the head of a crocodile crowned with sharp black
S 12, D 15, C 10, 1 14, W
15, Ch 15; thiev-
J ing abilities: PP 60%, OL 55%, F/RT 55%,
antlers. His body is that of a huge, muscular human, a full 3 wide. His eyes are a
solid blood-red, his numerous teeth are black as soot, and his '-long tail trails behind
MS 65%, HS 50%, HN 60%, CW 85%, RL
35%; SZ S; ML 18; XP 1,000; bracers of
him, ending in a daggerlike yellowed ivory stinger. His feet and hands sport vicious
daws, and his leathery, muscled body is a blackish-green.
defense AC6; buckle knife +2; ring of
mind shielding (on left hand); ring of spell
Skilled at magic, Siragle can perform the following spell-like abilities as a 20th-
storing (on right hand) contains fire
level caster.At will: detect magic detect invisible, darkness 10 radius, inframsion,

polymorph self shout shield, Bigby’s interposing hand, stone-

know alignment f fly, dispel magic/ three timea/day: invisibility , ,

skin; potion of fire breath; magical key;

suggestion, plane shift teleport; once/day: chaos, gate 24 chasmes (45% chance); once/
small purse with 3 gp, 18 ep, and 16
week: mass charm forcecage. He is also able to utilize wizard scrolls and frequently

has some in his possession, but not this time.

Castle Encounter Key
Siragle has a strength of 19 ( +3 to hit, + 7 to damage). If he hits with both claw
attacks (243/2-8 hp damage plus strength bonus), his bite (2-12 hp damage) and tail First Floor
stinger (3 hp damage) hit automatically. Under such circumstances, the stinger has a
Entry Chamber This lush chamber
45% chance of draining one life level from the victim and transferring a correspond-
isalmost entirely covered by thick rugs
ing number of hit points to Siragle (dice type determined by the vict im’s character
woven with deep reds and greens. Ornate
class),though Siragle can never receive more than his original number of hit points.
cloth tapestries hang on the walls flank-
He capable of wielding a weapon rather than using his claw attacks, but has not
ing the corridor that leads to the court-
brought a weapon with him.
yard (area 8), and six full suits of
Siragle saves as a 16th-level fighter or wizard, whichever is better. If a battle goes
ornamental plate armor stand along the
poorly for him and he is reduced to one-quarter his original hit points, he will try to
west walls, three on each side of the en-
use Ids plane shift spell to escape or use whatever other means are available to get
trance doors. Two doors lead off to the
him to safety. If Siragle is driven off by the adventurers, he will definitely hold a
north and one to the south. The room is
grudge. If slain, he wilt re-form on his home plane in one year, whereupon he will do
well lit, and a half dozen plush chairs and
all he can to make life unpleasant for his slayers.
sofas are scattered about. It is here that

28 Issue No, 28

visitors to the castle are first received. she knows nothing of real value beyond the scrying. Now half mad with fear,
(Recently, many beings have been coming identifying mundane rooms on the Miro is aware of the nature of Draski-
to the keep as Draskilion is in search of lower levels, she will cooperate with a lion’s accident,having viewed it
allies.) A spiral staircase of black iron is party that promises to help her escape through his crystal ball. He also knows
in the southeast corner. and not harm her. that the castle will soon be playing host
Alaeda: AL N, AC 10; MV
12; level 0; to unwanted visitors.
2* Kitchen. All meals for castle resi- hp 4; THACO 20; #AT 1; Dmg by Chances are, this foolish sorcerer will
dents and guests are prepared by servants weapon type; ML 7. assume the party is one of the afore-
in this room. A long preparation table mentioned “unearthly visitors” come to
runs up the center of the chamber, and 4. Freezer Perishables, including vari- seek payment. If the PCs come upon
above it hang numerous pots, pans, la- ous meats and delicacies, are kept in this him, he will attack and attempt to es-
dles, and other cooking implements. Cabi- cold room. Permanent walls of ice line the cape to his living quarters (area 20C)
nets and other tables with drawers line east and west walls, keeping this room at where he has some items that will prove
the south, east, and west walls. Spices, a constant low temperature. Nothing of helpful against the various intruders.
canned foods, and other edible nonperish- real interest lies within. For now he waits, hoping that no one
ables are in the cabinets along with will find him. If the party manages to
dishes. Utensils and linens are in the 5, Refectory, It is here that most castle convince him that they have no hostile
drawers. There is a trapdoor in the floor denizens eat their meals, the wizards and intent, he may accompany them. But he
near the west wall. On the east wall, a guests of the keep first, followed by the will prove little help, claiming
he is
fire bums under a large black kettle in servants after they’ve finished their own “new and knows little ”
to this place
the fireplace, cooking a tasty beef stew. tasks, A long oak table with 10 matching while waiting for an opportunity to
Hiding behind the long table is Zubo, chairs and a regal 11th chair at its head escape or take advantage of the party.
the head cook. He is a retired fighter dominates the room. Three large land- Should the party encounter another of
whose adventuring gear is stored in the scape paintings of Draskilion ’s native Draskilion’s apprentices in the castle,
cellar (area 13), though some is in a land lie on the west and south walls. Miro will take his cohort’s side, either
locked chest at the foot of his bed (area These paintings show tall, needlelike backing up a deception (should the
27A). His daughter, Alaeda, hides in the deep-blue trees with jagged, white-capped encountered individual parlay) or assist-
pantry (area 3) and he stays here to mountains of a strange purple hue in the ing in an attack. The PCs should keep a
protect her background. On the east wall is a life- careful eye on this devious fellow.
Zubo is a gruff, quiet man in his late sized, full-length portrait of the arch- Miro: AL CN
(evil tendencies); AC 5;
50s. He will not allow anyone to enter mage in a voluminous black robe, holding MV 12; 29; THACO 17 #AT 1;
W10; hp ;

the pantry, though he won’t explain a crystal ball in one hand and touching it Dmg by spell or weapon type; S 7, D 13,
why. He holds a long kitchen knife with a brass wand held in the other. His C 10, 1 17, W 8, Ch 11; ML 12; XP
(treat as a dagger) and will make no face has angular, hawklike features, and 4,000; bracers of defence AC
7; crystal
move, keeping his presence hidden if his hair is all gray and cut close to his ball with clairaudience; wand of ice
possible, until the PCs discover him or scalp. His eyes, emerald green, stare out storms (15 charges; command word
try to enter the pantry at the viewer commandingly. The floor is “sheik”); boots of speed; scarab of protec-
Opening the trapdoor reveals a set of richly carpeted. tion +2; dagger; burned-out ioun stone;
rickety wooden stairs descending to the blue velvet bag containing a magical
wine cellar (area 18). 6* Library, The main castle library is key (slightly bent so that it won’t fit the
Zubo: AL CN; AC 9; MV hp
12; F4; a pleasant, well-appointed chamber. front door but works in all other locks),
21; THACO 17; 0AT 1; Dmg by weapon Several expertly woven rugs line the a 500-gp aquamarine, a 750-gp oriental
type; S 13, D 9, C 10, 1 12, W 12, Ch 11; aisles between fine oak bookcases, and topaz, 26 pp, 18 gp, 6 ep, and 8 sp.
ML 13; kitchen knife, ring of protection similar wood panelling covers the walls. Spells: burning hands ( x 2), protection
+ 1, periapt of health. About 400 tomes are kept in this room, from good run, bind irritation mirror
, , r

though they are in no recognizable image stinking cloud, fly lightning bolt
, , ,

Pantry* This 15' x 15' storage room is order. Almost every topic imaginable is sepia snake sigil Evard’s black tenta-

lined with shelves and packed full of covered by these books. Many are ex- cles, fire shield conjure elemental (air),

various foodstuffs that do not require tremely old and valuable, but no sorcer- Mordenkainen's faithful hound),
refrigeration. Dried meats and fruits, ous tomes are located here. The six
vegetables, wheat, and other supplies fill study cubicles along the outside walls 6B. Secret Ladder* Beneath the desk
this closet. Behind a barrel of pickles in are carpeted. Each holds a small oak and carpeting in this cubicle is a trap-
the northwest comer is Zubo’s daughter, desk and chair, and atop each desk lies door that hides a ladder descending to
Alaeda, hiding here at her father’s in- ink, a writing quill, parchment, and a area 11. The trapdoor is locked and has
struction. She holds a steak knife (1-2 hp tiny oil lamp. a poisoned needle set in it (save vs.
damage) and will use it to defend herself poison at -1 or be paralyzed for 2-4
if necessary. If her father is slain, she will 6A. Miro’s Cubicle* Hiding in this hours).
try to flee the castle, but as Fadimon has locked cubicle is the apprentice Miro.
locked the only real exit she will go to the For the past few months he has been 7* Corridor This corridor is about 12'
servant’s dormitory (area 27B)* using a crystal ball to observe what his wide and surrounds the courtyard (area
Alaeda is a timid woman, used to master has been doing, Draskilion, 8). The pillars lining it are deep-blue
following the orders of others. Though caught up in his work, failed to notice marble flecked with white* The windows


in this hallway are filled with intricately

DRASKILION’S KEEP worked stained glass that cannot be

opened and cannot be peered through
due to the darkness of the colors. The
1 square = 5'
doors to the courtyard are made of this
same stained glass within a wood frame
and are locked. The glass can be shat-
tered, or the doors can be opened with a
magical key

8* Courtyard, Two small fruit trees,

along with a number of other bushes and
flowers, grow in this well-kept courtyard
garden. The small shed at the west end of
the garden actually shelters stairs to the
First Floor
cellar level (area 15). Should some means
other than a magical key be used to open
the shed's double doors, two invisible
stalkers will come up from area 15 and
deal with the intruders.
Invisible stalkers: Int high; AL N;
AC 3; MV
12, fly 12 (A); HD
8; hp 45
each; THACO 13; #AT 1; Dmg4-16; SA
surprise; SD invisibility; MR 30%; SZ L;
ML 13; XP 5,000; MC.
B. Secret Observation Cubicle, The
only way to enter or exit this small room
is to touchone of its walls (except the one
it shares with the kitchen) and speak the
command word “ether/' When this is

done, the speaker is teleported in or out.

The room is bare stone except for a simple
wooden table at its center, upon which
sits a large brass bowl brimming with
water. Anyone touching the bowl and
thinking of any room in the keep (except
Draskilion's personal chambers or the
laboratories on the upper levels) will be
able to see that chamber in the still wa-
ter, though no sound is conveyed via the
bowl. It must be filled with a transparent
liquid to function, and the viewer must be
personally familiar with the targeted
chamber (having been in it on at least one
previous occasion) in order to spy upon it.
A continual light spell illuminates the
room, and numerous air holes are drilled
where the ceiling meets the walls.
Fadimon, the gnomish major-domo,
will be present here unless greeting the
“collection agents'’ described in “Un-

earthly Visitors/ For his statistics, see

“For the Player Characters/'

Prison, Anyone standing within 10'

of this room who touches another bei ng
and speaks the command word “ spook
will teleport the other being into the cubi-
cle if the victim fails to make a save vs.
wands. Only someone standing outside
the cubicle, within 10' of one of its walls,

30 Issue No, 28

can release the victim. This is done by cold iron) weapons; immune to poison charged with preventing violation of the
speaking the command word three times and tocharm hold sleep slow spells;
* , , crypts (area 16). Anyone entering here
rapidly. Permanent silence and continual takes half damage from fire, cold, elec- unaccompanied by either an apprentice
darkness spells have been cast on the tricity, and gas; SZ M; ML 16; XP 5,000; or Draskilion will be attacked*
prison, making spells with verbal compo- MM2/19* The double doors leading to the crypts
nents impossible to cast while so trapped. After dealing with the bodak, the have two locks, both of which must be
The room is bare save for a ceramic cham- party may take the time to examine the picked in order to open either one. The
ber pot and hay scattered about the floor. numerous trunks and boxes that are second lock is armed with a trap that
Air holes line the wall where the ceiling stored here. Consult the “Container releases a stinking cloud if not properly
meets it* Size and Searching Time” sidebar and disarmed. The stairs lead to the court-
make percentile rolls to determine the yard shed (area 8),
Cellar Level contents of containers in this area: Invisible stalker: hp 45; statistics at
area 8.
None of the rooms on this level are lit. IdlOO Contents
1-50 Mundane items (clothing,
16* Crypt. Certain devoted servants
Entry Room. This 10 x 10' stone

11. worthless personal

and apprentices who have died at the
room is empty save for the ladder af- belongings)
keep are buried here. This mausoleum
fixed to the east walland the plain oak 51-60 Armor (non magi cal, deter-
is made up of 12 niches, each 10 x 15',

door (locked) on the west wall. mine type randomly)

all but one of which hold pale stone
61-70 Weapon (nonmagical, deter-
sarcophagi. The niches are connected by
12* FirstStorage Room* Numerous mine type randomly)
two parallel corridors, and unlit torches
chests and boxes lie in this chamber 71-80 100-600 gp
lie inbrass sconces flanking each niche.
along with sheet-covered furniture not 81-90 A 50-gp gem Those sarcophagi marked A are occu-
presently being used* The assorted 91-96 A 500-gp gem
pied, while the others are empty (niche
boxes and chests contain various per- 97-00 A magical item (determine C is another matter)* The stone lids on
sonal belongings of castle denizens but randomly)
these coffins are heavy and require a
are of little relative value (e.g., winter
The more valuable items (rolls 51-00) combined strength of 40 to lift. None of
clothing, old mementoes, etc.)* All
are mixed in with worthless items and the lids are marked in any way.
chests are locked. If the PCs indicates
will not necessarily reveal their true
that they wish to search through these
value. 16A, Stone Sarcophagus* This stone
containers, refer to the “Container Size
The secret door in the west wall is Beneath the body (or
coffin is occupied*
and Searching Time" sidebar and con-
blocked by chests and boxes that must beneath where the corpse would lie) is a
sult pages 218-219 in the 1st edition
be moved before it can be found and secret compartment 5' x 5' x 2' (discov-
DMG for ideas to flesh out container
opened (it opens into area 13). ered by normal searching). In the com-
contents* The center 10' section of the
partment are 10-100 gp. There is also a
west wall is illusory and may be easily
14* Secret Passage* This unlit pas- 40% chance that the sarcophagus is
passed through to area 13, where items
sageway leads to and from the crypt occupied by a wraith rather than a
of greater value are stored.
(area 16B). It is dusty due to the fact it corpse (this will occur no more than
is seldom used. three times, however). The wraith at-
13, Second Storage Room, A contin-
tacks when the lid of the sarcophagus is
ual darkness spell within the illusory
15. Ceremonial Chamber, Strange removed. (Note that those characters
wall will extinguish a continual light
symbols and runes are painted over the removing the lid will have had to
spell or the like, and a gust of wind
surfaces of the walls, ceiling, and floor sheath their weapons or put them aside
spell w ill do the same to torches and

of this chamber, intertwining about one and will make easy targets for the
lanterns. Lights (magical or otherwise)
another in stunning alien colors* The wraith. Simply letting go of the lid may
may be rekindled when the chamber is entire chamber radiates a strong magic, harm the others holding on to it.)
entered, but at the same time the atten-
tion of the chamber's guardian is
and characters who enter and are
all Wraiths: Int very; AL LE; AC 4; MV
unfamiliar with the room (have spent 12, fly24 (B); HD 5 + 3; hp 32; THAC0
less than one hour here) must save vs. 15; #AT 1; Dmg 1-6; SA energy drain;
Fyodor the bodak lies in wait in the
spells or make all rolls at - 2 (or “10%) SD hit only by silver or magical weap-
shadows of the southeast corner. He
while in this area. In addition, all spell- ons; immune to poison, paralysis, sleep ,
wields a halberd + J, though generally
casters are 30% likely to botch each charm hold, or cold-based spells; SZ M;
he uses his gaze attack. He was sorce-

rously summoned by Draskilion some

casting, wasting the spell. This is due to ML 15; 3,000; MC.
the disorienting nature of the sorcery
10 years ago and has been unable to
employed in this chamber. I6B. Secret Door* This niche is the
escape. His only duty is to guard the
This room was used by Draskilion as a only one that does not hold a sarcopha-
cellar level from nonresidents of the
place for burial and covenant rituals, as gus. The entire south wall is a secret
castle and he will fight to the death*
well as other strange ceremonies. A door (detectable by normal means) that
Bodak* Int low but cunning; AL CE;
single invisible stalker stands guard opens into area 14*
AC 5; MV 6; HD 9+9; hp 70; THAC0 11;
here (the two described in encounter 8
#AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA death
are with him if they weren't encoun- 16C. New Body. The body housed in
gaze (30

); SDstruck by +1 or better (or

tered and destroyed earlier) and is this particular sarcophagus is not that

, ,, ,


of a departed servant, but a receptacle effect asa contagion spell unless appro- high, 12 wide, 100 gp value each).
fashioned to receive Draakilion’s life priate saving throws are made every Two chasmes lie in temporal stasis
essence via his amulet of life. It is a round that a PC is in the niche. If the here and are released when the door is
younger version of the man in the refec- wall is destroyed, the gas will dissipate opened. They will fight to the death. If
tory painting (area 5), The arch-mage in ld6 +4 rounds. they are slain, a series of disturbing
used the arcane instructions in an an- The secret door to area 17 is especially audible g lamer spells will be activated.
cient sorcerous tome (similar to a clone (two chances in eight for
difficult to find While the treasure is being sorted, the
spell) to create this soulless body; the an elf, one chance in eight for everyone party will hear the following random
tome has since been destroyed in the else) and swings away from the niche. noises coming from the screens, the
blast. Draski lion's amulet of life must be crypt, the walls, and even from inside
A wall of force below the
lies just present for the door to open at all. their own heads: a woman’s laughter,
sarcophagus lid. can be destroyed by
It Draskilion in new body: AL CE; AC metal scraping stone, labored breath-
normal means or by touching the amu- 3; MV 12; W23; hp 82; THACO 13; #AT ing, clawed feet walking across a stone
let to its surface. Around the body's 1; Dmg by spell or weapon type; S 14, D floor, a child whimpering, a man crying,

neck a magical locket. If Draskilion,

is 16, C 15, 1 18, W 17, Ch 14; ML 19; XP distressing whispers (“You're dead,
possessing the body of another, trades 17,000; robe of the archmagi; ring of dead, dead.” “He’s coming, he’s coming
the amulet for the locket, his life force spell storing (contains vampiric touch here now” “Oh, how the mighty have
will go into the prepared body and the phantasmal killer, mislead); three po- fallen. “They're coming through the
possessed individual will regain control tions of extra healing; potion of poly- walls,” etc. Use your imagination).
of his own body In this new body morph with power word
self; scroll Should any treasure be taken from
Draskilion will escape the party as soon blind, incendiary cloud and symbol the vault, an invisible babau, likewise
as possible and then plot the PCs de-
(insanity); scroll with spider climb and in temporal stasis, becomes visible and
struction. Much is left to the in DM haste; a wand of frost (10 charges; com- animate. The fiend attacks those who
running Dr askil ion’s actions in light of mand word “elharo”); three beads of hold vault items (ignoring all others)
whatever circumstances exist at the force; buckle knife +2; velvet draw- until those items are returned. Duty
time of his restoration. string pouch containing 20 pp, a 500-gp fulfilled, it returns to the vault and the

One way that the restored wizard may peridot, and a 1,000-gp sapphire. two spells are reactivated by a prepro-
escape is by encouraging the party to Spells (these were still in Draskilion's grammed sequence. The babau will be
open the secret compartment in the memory when the accident occurred): released from this service upon its
stone coffin, then slipping away as they burning hands, hold portal stinking ,
death or after performing the service a
turn their attention to it. Opening this cloud, web, wizard lock lightning bolt ,
total of four times (each new intrusion
compartment causes a wall of force to Leomund’s tiny hut contagion , wall of
qualifies as a separate occurrence).
appear at the niche's entrance and re- ice feeblemind, Bigby’s forceful hand
Chasmes (2): Int average; AL CE; AC
leases a toxic gas that has the same project image Mordenkainen’s sword,
-1; MV 6, fly 21 (D); HD
7 + 2; hp 39,
Bigby’s crushing hand, shape change . 32; THACO 13; #AT 3; Dmg 2-8/2-S/1-4;
Container Size and Searching SA fear touch, sleep buzz, gate another
Hidden Treasure chasme (15% success); SD infravision,
Time— Areas 12 & 13 17, Vault. Stored

radius), teleport without

in the center of this large chamber are darkness (5
Container Rounds error, detect good detect invisible, teleki-
the following items: 6,000 gp in six ,
ldl2 found to search Trapped*
separate clay urns (1,000 gp in each, nese (150 lbs.) at will once per round;
1-2 Small box ld4 r. 1 in 12
3-5 Medium Box Id8 r. 1 in 10 lids sealed with wax); an ebony and half damage from fire, cold, electricity,
6 Large Box ldlO r. 1 in 6 ivory box (double locked, 950 gp value) and gas; immune to poison; 40%; SZ MR
7-8Small Chest Id4 + 1 r. I in 10 containing a 5,000-gp jacinth, two M; ML 16; XP 8,000; MM2/3S.
941 Med. Chest Id8 + 1 r. 1 in 6
1,000-gp fire opals, two dozen 100-gp Babau: Int very; AL CE; AC -3; MV
12 Large Chest ldlO + 2 r. 1 in 4 15; HD 7 + 14; hp 51; THACO 13; #AT 1
tourmalines, and four 100-gp pieces of
* Area 12: Trapped boxes are coated coral; gloves of missile snaring, splint or 3; Dmg by weapon type +7 (a mili-
with a contact poison that does 2-16 mail of fear (as plate mail; eight charges tary fork + 1) or 2-5/2-5/2-S; SA ray of
hp damage (save for half damage). remaining; command word “yikes” is enfeeblement gaze, fear touch, can cast
Trapped chests are locked and have printed inside the chest plate); five one spell per melee round of the follow-
contact poison as do boxes (25%) or arrows of slaying (two giant, two ele- ing: levitate, fly, dispel magic, poly-
poisoned needle traps (75%) in their mental, one priest) in a Finely carved morph self heat metal, gate another
locks (save vs. poison or die). The mahogany box (350 gp value); quiver of babau (25% success), darkness (5' ra-
contents are not very valuable, but two dozen arrows; three long bows; dius), abilities of 9th-level thief (use
these people are not the trusting short sword of quickness; two mundane statistics forFadimon, in “For the
sort. Area 13: Trapped boxes are short swords; two long swords, seven Player Characters”); SD half damage
coated with a contact poison that spears (two of which are spears + 3); six from fire, cold, electricity, gas; edged
does 2-24 hp damage (save for half burlap sacks filled with coal (an illusion weapons do half damage; 50% SZ MR ;

damage). Trapped chests are locked gives the coal the appearance of hun- M; ML 16; XP 9,000; MM2/36.
and have contact poison as do boxes dreds of citrine and jasper stones); two
(36%) or poisoned needle traps (65%) cloth sacks of dirt (an illusion gives this 18. Wine Cellar. This cellar room
in their locks (save vs. poison or die). the appearance of gold dust); six stained contains two large racks holding bottles
oak and blue silk divider screens (7' of wine. Two kegs of beer also lie in the

32 Issue No. 28

chamber along with a reusable spigot

and rawhide mallet. The room is quite

Second Floor
19, Hall. This large chamber is similar
to area 1 below and is also well furnished
with sofas, chairs and tables. The floor is

richly carpeted, and tapestries of expert

manufacture hang on the walls.

20. Apprentices* Dormitory. It is

here that five of Dr ask i lion’s appren-
tices sleep. The large room affords little
privacy, but this is one of the prices paid
to study under a man such as the arch-
mage. The dormitory is divided into
individual cubicles by thin wooden
screens with murals painted on them.
Each cubicle contains a bed, a small
nightstand with an oil lamp, and a
chest at the foot of the bed. Any appren-
tices who fled from previous encounters
will be found here. They will work in
unison if more than one is present.
Any apprentice found here will have
taken all useful items from his chest or
nightstand to wield against the party.
Also note that spell books are a wizard's
most important possession. None of the
apprentices will allow the PCs to take
spell books without a terrific fight. Since
pillow on the bed is a 1,000-gp star alignment blink, Melfs minute meteors
, ,
the value of each spell book is great, the
sapphire. On top of the nightstand are wind wall fumble, ice storm, cone of
DM should consider how he might pre-
ink and a quill pen along with several cold).

vent the party from simply taking them

pages of notes scribbled in a foreign
all from the castle. script on sheets of parchment. com- A 20B, Tipia’s Quarters. A needle trap
prehend languages spell will reveal the guards the lock of the chest (the poison
20A. Junius's Quarters. The chest notes are on the subject of possession, causes fear as the spell, lasting 4-9
has a poison needle trap in the lock (20 but they are not otherwise significant. rounds). The chest is also fire trapped
hp damage, save for half damage). It Unless already encountered and for (Id4 + 11 hp damage). In addition to
contains several changes of clothing, some reason prevented from coming Tipia's clothing, the container holds her
two caps, a set of knee-high leather here, Junius will he found in his quar- spell book (an explosive runes spell pro-
boots, a dagger in a cowhide sheath, and He has an easygoing, likable air
ters. tects it), a 5,000-gp diamond, and a
a small locked strongbox containing 37 about him and will most likely try to 1,000-gp oriental amethyst. On top of
gp. The chest has a false bottom hiding parlay with the group (if no cohorts are the nightstand lies a book from the
two scrolls in an ivory tube (protection here). However, if the party previously library (area 6) about extrapianar
from petrification and massmorph on fought him, or if the PCs expresses travel. In the drawer are a few scattered
one, Rary’s mnemonic enhancer on the doubt in his lies of friendship, his tem- coins of little value (2 gp, 8 ep, and 3
other) as well as Junius’s spell book. A
per will flare up. Junius will fight to the cp). See area 44 E for Tipia's statistics.
wand of fireballs (command phrase “cah death to protect his spell book.
borne ” eight charges) also lies here,
Junius: AL CE; AC 5; 12; W9; hpMV 20C. Miro’s Quarters. The chest's
although it is damaged. A hairline
30; THACO 18; #AT 1; Dmg by spell or lock spews out poison gas ( - 1 to save,
crack runs about 5" along the pine weapon type; S 10, D 9, C 9, 1 16, W
12, cloud fills a 2" x 2" x 2" area and takes
wand's length. Rather than rendering it Ch ML XP 3,000; bracers of 2-4 turns to dissipate normally) unless
14; 17;
useless, the crack causes the device to
defense A C 5; scroll of cloudkill, wall of properly disarmed. It contains three
malfunction so that there is a 50% stonef and zephyr; scroll of protection expensive sets of silken bed linens; a
chance at each use that all remaining from magical edged weapons; wand of smaller triple-locked chest holding five
charges detonate at once, causing enor- command (IS
metal charges; command gold ingots (75 gp value each), four
mous damage (6d6 hp times the number word “crow**); two beads of force. Spells: watery gold chunks of amber (100 gp
of charges left). charm person X 2), run, shacking grasp value each), and a gold ring inset with
Hidden within the stuffing of the detect good invisibility, unknowable an emerald (2,200 gp value); and a


small cloth bag containing 123 pp. releases a mihstu that is imprisoned Ruiz's belongings. He will not have
A false bottom in the chest hides within the chest (currently subject to a responded to any sounds of a battle
Miro's spell book and four scrolls each in,
reduce spell that is negated when the coming from area 20, but he will be
a bone tube- The first scroll contains two chest is improperly opened). ready to face the adventurers, having
protection from demons spells. The sec- The chest contains several changes of heard them unlocking the door. He has
ond scroll is of protection from electricity. clothing; three pairs of shoes (one pair is cast a web spell at the door and a grease
The third scroll contains two neutralize actually a set of slippers of varied tracks spell on the floor in front of it.
poison spells, and the fourth holds the (as boots); four drawstring pouches (each Lebaddin, a cruel, selfish elf, will
spellsduo-dimension and volley. contains 25 pieces of quartz, worth 10 fight to the death if cornered. But if the
The drawer of the nightstand holds gp apiece); a gem-studded gold necklace battle goes badly and an avenue of
two flawed scrolls that appear to be (6,650 gp value); two identical blankets escape is open, he will take it. There is
normal unless carefully examined. The (one acts as a cloak of poisonousness); a a 60% chance that he has already been
first scroll contains a spell of protection bejeweled dagger made of silver (1,100 through Ruiz's chest (having bypassed
from (dragon) breath weapons, and the gp value); three plain caps; and a case of the traps) and will thus have the items
second scroll contains shout and eyebite writing tools (275 gp value). within it to utilize.
(sicken) spells. If read, the first scroll The false bottom in the chest is fire The dresser in this bedchamber is
has the opposite of its intended effect, trapped (ld4 + 14 hp damage), and an filledwith clothes and bed linens. The
and a dragon’s breath attack is made at illusion has been cast on this compart- bottom drawer holds a pair of gloves of
+ 3 with maximum damage. The spells ment to make it appear empty. In reality, thievery that look like simple winter
on the second scroll harm the reader two scrolls lie here. The first scroll has gloves and lie with a scarf and a pair of
rather than the intended victim. A Mordenhainen’s magnificent mansion and earmuffs. A couple of wool blankets are
normal dagger also lies in this drawer. reverse gravity spells. The second has also kept here.
See area 6A for Miro's statistics. mind blank and symbol (discord) spells. The lock on the chest is inscribed with
Normally, BueLis spell book would be a symbol (death). If the chest is success-
20D. Lebaddin’ s Quarters. There is here also, but it is elsewhere (area 46} at fully opened in spite of this, a stinking
a standard needle trap (save vs. poison this time. Several letters from Bueli’s cloud is released (unless this trap is
or die) in the lock of the chest. Opening illusionist friend, Colhure, written in a disarmed). The chest holds seven ingots
the lid triggers a phantasmal force com- foreign language, lie in the nightstand of gold (75 gp value each); a drawstring
bined with an audible glamer} giving drawer If the party takes the time to use pouch with a thirteen pinkish pearls (a
the illusion that the chest is home for a a comprehend languages spell and read dozen are normal pearls worth 100 gp
half-dozen hissing vipers. If not disbe- the letters, they will find talk of people each; the 13th identical pearl is a pearl
lieved, the vipers score real damage on they don't know, some personal jokes, and of the sirines, but Lebaddin doesn't
the party (THACO 15; Drag 4 plus save hints about Drastrilions work and plans. know this); a crescent-shaped dagger; a
vs. poison or collapse unconscious for Mihstu: Int high; AL NE; AC -2; MV bag of tricks (type 2); and a wand of
1-6 turns; it requires 10 hp damage to 6, fly 6 (B); HD 8+2; hp48; THACO 13; paralyzation (11 charges, command
‘‘destroy” each viper, and attackers hit 0AT 4; Dmg 2-7 (x 4); SA constitution word “flop”). His spell book, normally
automatically). drain; SD immune to electrical and kept here, was in room 50 and was
When the snakes are destroyed, disbe- missile attacks, cold-based spells only destroyed when he was killed.
lieved, or dispelled, the PCs can see stun for 2-12 rounds, + 2 or better The nightstand contains little of
eight ingots of platinum (worth 60 pp weapon to hit; MR 10%; SZ M; ML 15; value, just some letters and various
each); a gold bracelet (250 gp value); XP 5,000; MM2/84. items of junk that have accumulated
four sets of clothing; a pair of leather over
riding boots; a scroll of mass invisibility; 21. Cabet’s Bedchamber Cabet, one Lebaddin (elf): AL CE; AC 4 (first
a wand of magic detection (no charges); of Draskilion's more accomplished ap- attack against him will miss); MV 12;
and Lebaddin’s spell book, guarded with prentices, normally sleeps here. How- WIG; hp 42; THACO 17; #AT 1; Dmg by
explosive runes ever, he is currently away from the spell or weapon type; S 7, D 15, C 16, 1 17,

The nightstand drawer holds a jumble castle conducting business for his mas- 9, Ch 8; ML
14; XP 4,000; cloak of

of junk andtrinkets: fine brass chains, a ter The door to this room is wizard displacement ring ofprotection +3, rod of

rubber ball, scraps of paper, dried locked (16th-level) ability) in Cabet's cancellation, scroll of feeblemind ( x 2),

flowers, dozens of colorful marbles, old absence. scroll of repulsionf dagger, 17 gp, 100-gp

quills, etc.— all mundane and of little This small room is outfitted much as spinel, 50-gp citrine. Spells: erase grease , ,

value. However, a Nystufs magic aura the others, with a bed, dresser, chest, protection from good, shocking grasp
spell has been cast over the contents of and nightstand. However, the dresser invisibility, mirror image web, wizard f

this drawer to mislead snoopers. Much holds only winter clothing, and the rest lock, fireball, slow, suggestion, fire shield,

time can be wasted searching through of the room is bare. All of Cabet's valu- wall of ice Leomund’s lamentable bela-

this mess. Lebaddin’s statistics can be ables are with him on his journey, bourment ,
teleport .

found at area 22.

22, Ruiz’s Bedchamber Ruiz, & 24. Locked Rooms. The doors
20E. Bueli’s Quarters. The lock on Draskilion's chief apprentice, called this to theserooms are locked but the in-
the chest has no poison needle trap. place his home when he was among the rooms are bare, containing
sides of the
However, unless the command word living. When the PCs enter this cham- nothing. They are reserved for future
(“mihstu”) is spoken, opening the lid ber, they find Lebaddin going through use.

34 Issue No. 26

1 square = 5' N

Third Floor

25. Linen Room. The shelves that who enters the room. nightstand holds nothing but junk.
room hold bed
line the walls of this The two dressers contain only gnome- Coeulmon (gnome): AL CE; AC 2;
linens and blankets for the guest rooms sized clothing. Atop Coeulmon ’s dresser MV 12; T8; hp 56; THACO 17; #AT 1;
and those residents who don't have (north wall) are a stiletto and six vials Drug by weapon type (back-stabbing
their own. of poison (two vials of type D ingestive, damage x 3); S 13, D 17, C 16, 1 12, 9, W
one vial of type E ingestive, and three Ch 7; thieving abilities: PP 60%, OL
26. Fadimon and Coeulmon’s vials of type B insinuative). The chests 72%, F/RT 55%, MS 57%, HS 47%, HN
Room. This room (always locked) is each have poison needle traps (20 hp 30%, CW 77%, RL 30%; SZ S; ML 16;
plainly appointed: two small beds with damage, save for half damage). Fadi- XP 1,000; leather armor + 3; ring of
medium-sized chests at the foot of each, mon 's chest (south wall) contains three protection + 1; slippers of spider climb-
a pair of oak dressers, and a shared pieces of jewelry (1,800 gp value total); ing; horn of evilness; short sword nine

nightstand. Coeulmon will be found two wool blankets; a crystal sphere lives stealer +2 (three charges remain-
here (unless previously killed or inca- (with Nystul s magic aura cast on it); ing); pouch with 22 gp and a 50-gp car-
pacitated) and will attack any stran- and a short sword + 1 Coeulmon’s chest
. nal i an; two vials of poison (type C
gers entering the room. When he hears (north wall) contains a box with 750 gp insinuative); extra-sharp stiletto (used
the PCs unlocking the door, he uses his and eight 100-gp chrysoberyls all mixed as an assassin’s tool, treat as a dagger
slippers of spider climbing to climb the together, a pair of gauntlets of fumbling, with + 1 to damage).
wall above the door. Here he waits, a short sword, a wool blanket, and a Fadimon’s statistics are found in the
dropping down to kill the first person pair of gnome-sized riding boots. The section “For the Player Characters"



Servants' Dormitory, Alt ser- humanoids and fiendlike creatures are to assure the party that he was merely
vants of the castle sleep in this room. A represented on the canvases. Unlit staying at the keep and knows nothing
curtain runs down its center to provide torches
30. in wall sconces are placed every of the evening's events or any of Draski-
some privacy for the men and women, few yards around the room. lion's plans. If told that “fiends" have
invaded the castle and attacked the
27 A. Men's Quarters. Gallio, Jake, Pandaxus's Bedchamber: This arch-mage, Aulus will offer his help in
Max, and Zubo have pallets and chests opulently appointed chamber is a guest dispelling these supposed intruders. If
here. Each chest is locked and contains room currently occupied by Pandarus, a his aid is accepted, he will seek to take
10-40 gp, with a 30% chance of contain- mind flayer serving as an ambassador advantage of the party, turning on them
ing a 50-gp gem. The chests also hold from an evil underground kingdom (he when he will benefit from it the most.
each individual's clothes, armor and wishes to know if Draskilion would The locked chest at the foot of Aulus's
weapons (all mundane) that are not make a reliable ally). A huge canopied canopied bed contains several changes
personally carried or in the storage bed dominates the room, a large chest of clothing and an extra pair of shoes.
rooms (areas 12 and 13). Such items sits at the foot of the bed, and an intri- Beneath the clothing is a double-locked
should he determined randomly or by cately carved mahogany nightstand strongbox containing a jar of Keogh-
the DM. stands to the right. Three great por- tom’s ointment a 100-gp garnet, and 48

traits oftwo humans and a dwarf hang ep. In the wardrobe hang three ceremo-
27B. Women's Quarters. Alaeda (the on the walls; their wood frames are nial robes (all oversized to fit while
cook’s daughter) and Eleni and Mae go ornately carved and finished (55 gp wearing plate mail). One robe is dark
(the chambermaids) have separate pal- value each). Thick carpeting covers the red, another is forest green, and the
lets but share a single storage chest. entire floor, and there are two empty third is deep black flecked with yellow.
The chest is locked and contains three dressers against the west wall. A great This third vestment is a specially conse-
drawstring pouches, each holding 3-12 mahogany wardrobe along the south crated priestly vestment that gives the
wall holds several expensive robes and cleric wearing it a + 25% chance of
gp (ldlO +2). Each pouch also has a 30%
chance of holding 1-4 10-gp gems. The a ceremonial toga. contacting Sheth by spell if he is a devo-
chest also holds the women's clothing An iron tube sits in the pocket of one tee of this lesser power. Any person of
and three wool blankets. Eleni (a hu- of these robes. A
lock of especially inge- lawful alignment wearing this vestment
man) and Maego (a both be
half-elf) will nious manufacture (“20% to a thief's will take 1-4 hp damage per round until
here unless previously encountered and pick-locks roll; Pandarus has the key) the robe is removed. Any person of good
killed or incapacitated. Each frightened prevents easy access to the tube’s con- alignment takes 2-7 hp damage, and a
woman holds a dagger and will use it to tents. The tube is also trapped. Unless lawful-good person takes both amounts
defend herself if necessary. They know first disarmed, the tube and its contents of damage and is rendered unconscious
nothing that will help the party, though will be destroyed in a 2d8-hp explosion. after a single round of wearing this
talking with them at length may reveal Inside the tube are several documents robe. Any cleric not of Sheth who wears
Draskilion to be less of a swell guy than (written in the illithid ambassador's the vestment will have an added 15%
Fadimon has indicated (e.g., tales of native language) detailing mind flayer chance of spell failure regardless of
torture, evil visitors, etc.), plans to invade an elven fishing village alignment.
Maego (half-elf): 31. Saer Illel in the north. Leaders of The dressers are empty, but on the
Eleni (human) and called
AL CN; AC 10; MV 12; level 0; hp 4, 3; this village would be grateful for these nightstand sits a portable altar: two
THAC0 20; AT 1; Dmg by weapon manuscripts, and the villagers would hinged slats of reddish wood 8" high, 5"
type; ML 8. warmly welcome the adventurers to its wide, and half an inch thick. On the left
Alaeda's statistics are found at area 3. settlement should they choose to deliver side an image of Sheth is painted— he
them. (This will, of course, raise the ire looks like a slavering gnoll, mouth full
28. Walkway and Balcony. This of the mind flayer community.) of fangs and beams of foul light pouring
walkway lies directly above area 7 and All of Pandarus's other belongings are from behind his head. Two black pearls,
forms a balcony that looks out over the kept on his person. If previously encoun- worth 500 gp apiece, represent his eyes.
courtyard (area 8) below. The area tered with the ogre mage in area 33 (see The right-hand panel has a black opal
above is open to the sky, and though area 33 for Pandarus’s statistics) and (1,000 gp value) at its center, around
from here a person can be boosted to driven off, the mind flayer will flee which are strange scratches and marks.
area 34, exit from the castle here is here. A silver medallion (30 gp value) sits
impossible (see “Standard Castle beside the altar. The device is a special
Features"). Aulus's Bedchamber. This bed- devotion piece that, when worn during
chamber is furnished like area 30 and is meditation by a priest of Sheth, enables
Third Floor currently occupied by Aulus, a priest the cleric to gain an extra first- and
who has been working out an alliance second-level spell (once per day). It radi-
29. Lounge. This large room is fur- ates evil and magic, and is cold to the
with the arch-mage. He is a cleric of
nished much like areas 1 and 19. Thick Sheth, a chaotic-evil lesser power wor- touch. Aulus will close up the altar and
rugs cover the floor, and various pieces of shiped in Draskilion's distant eastern put it with his belongings without al-
lounge furniture are scattered about. homeland. Aware of Draskilion's acci- lowing the party to see it if he goes with
Sixteen large paintings of unknown per- dent, Aulus has remained in his room them, avoiding questions about it.
sonages Line the pale stone walls. Not all while pondering his options. He is a Aulus: AL CE; AC I; MV 12; C13; hp
are human, or even demihuman—some serious, stem man who at first will try 75; THAC0 12; #AT 1 (3/2 with the

36 Issue No. 28

mace); Dmg by spell or weapon type; S in all the mayhem. The mind flayer ual to be teleported into one of these
12, D 9, C 15, 1 13, W 17, Ch 8; ML 17; replies that Yae Jura is actually an evil exitless cubicles.Straw is strewn about
XP 8,000; plate mail +2 (always worn); shape changer who polymorphed Pan- the floors, and each room has a small
mace of speed + (as a scimitar of darus into his present false form. If the wooden stool and a ceramic chamber
speed!);brooch of shielding; iron bands of PCs accept the ogre mage's story, he pot. Both small rooms have continual
Bilarro scroll with four heal spells; red will fight with them to slay Pandarus darkness and permanent silence spells
velvet drawstring pouch holding seven and then accompany the adventurers, cast on them. Only a person standing at
pieces of chalcedony (50 gp value each), waiting for the right moment to escape point A or B, touching the wall of the
a violet garnet (500 gp value), 21 pp, 12 or betray them. If they believe Pan- occupied cubicle, and speaking the com-
gp, and a thin glass vial of contact poi- darus, he will assist in dispatching Yae mand word (“nervi”) can release some-
son (can be thrown as a missile and has Jura (who immediately assumes his real one so imprisoned. These prisons do not
a 60% chance to shatter; if it comes in form). After the fight, however, Pan- function like area 10. Only certain
contact with exposed flesh, will cause a darus resists offers to return him to his actions on the upper levels (see areas 39
comatose slumber for 7-10 days unless a “real" form, stating that perhaps this and 40 for examples) will cause a person
save is made or it is neutralized). present form will help to frighten other to be trapped, not the speaking of a
Spells: curse, cure light wounds ( x 3), evil beings the party might come across. command word by another person. All
cause fear ( x 2), protection from good He, too, will seek an opportunity to apprentices as well as Aulus, Fadimon,
sanctuary heat metal, hold person ( x 3),
escape or betray the party. If the PCs Coeulmon, and Macro are aware of how
know alignment, spiritual hammer ( x 2), indicate they would like to test both of these rooms function.
wyvern watch, animate dead, cause the creatures' stories, the two evil be-
blindness, dispel magic (x 2), meld into ings turn on the party, deciding to deal Fourth Floor
stone, bestow curse, cause paralysis, with one another's treachery after the
Sorcerous traps set on this level and
cloak of fear, cure serious wounds, cause threat of the adventurers is gone.
above—with the exception of Draski-
serious wounds protection from good 10' The dresser holds the ogre mage's lion ’s own private chambers, areas
radius, flame strike, cure critical clothes, and in the wardrobe hangs a
39-41— can be temporarily disarmed if a
wounds, blade barrier, heal. heavy coat and two robes. The night- magical key is waved in front of the
stand is empty, though a book dealing
activating rune or sigil.
32. Guest Bedroom. Like the other with the history of Draskilion *s home-
bedchambers on this level, this room is land lies on top of it. The chest is un-
37, Audience Chamber, Important
comfortably and finely appointed, domi- locked and contains two thick blankets
were often brought to this
nated by a canopied bed and a large folded atop a large locked strongbox
chamber to meet personally with
wardrobe. At this time, however, the containing 44 gp, a 100-gp alexandrite,
Draskilion. Like the other lounges, it is
room is unoccupied. and a 1,000-gp opal. A jade ring (80 gp comfortably furnished with rugs, sofas,
value) with Nystul’s magic aura cast on
chairs, and tables. In addition, a wine
33. Yae Jura’s Bedchamber. The it also lies in this box.
rack stands against the center of the
door to this room (furnished like the Yae Jura (ogre mage): Int excep-
west wall. Next to it is a table upon
other guest rooms) is locked. It is cur- tional;AL LE; AC 4; MV 9, fly 15 (B); which are seven crystal goblets (50 gp
rently occupied by Yae Jura, an ogre HD 5 + 2; hp 34; THACO 15; #AT 1; Dmg value each). Crossed axes, swords, and
mage. If a previous encounter has not 1-12; SA magic spells; SZ L; ML 13; XP
shields hang on the walls.
made it unlikely, both he and Pandarus, 420; MC; long sword +1;48 gp in
the mind flayer, will be here. These two pouch.
38. Anteroom. Only the most impor-
have recently decided that aligning Pandarus (mind flayer); Int genius;
tant guests met with Draskilion in this
themselves and their tribes with AL LE; AC 5; MV 12; HD 8 + 4; hp 50; room. Three couches, light green and
Draskilion is not a good idea, and they THACO 11; #AT 4; Dmg special; SA filled with goose down, are designed for
were planning on leaving tomorrow. mind blast; MR 90%; SZ M; ML 15; XP reclining. A thick burgundy rug covers
However, they have discovered that 8,000; MC; white marble rod flecked A
most of the floor. brass brazier Filled
their own philosophies are quite com- with deep green indicating his ambassa-
with glowing red coals hangs from the
patible, and the pair had been enjoying dorial post, dagger, silk purse contain-
ceiling, and sitting on a long mahogany
a pleasant conversation about dominat- ing 31 pp and a 50-gp bloodstone.
table is a large fish tank. The seven fish
ing the inferior races when the arch- within look harmless enough, and a
mage’s accident occurred. Yae Jura and 34. Balcony. A half dozen lawn chairs gold ring inset with an opal (1,250 gp
Pandarus, though unaware of the un- of bamboo sit on this platform The
value) lies at the bottom on blackish

earthly visitors who have already ar- balcony overlooks the courtyard (area 8)
sand. But if anyone is so foolish as to
rived or on their way, have been and the walkway (area 28). However, put a hand in the tank, 1-4 of these
considering taking over the castle. neither can be accessed due to the sor-
“szeuko fish" (pets from Draski lion’s
Their camaraderie, however, is short cery that prevents unwanted matter
homeland) will strike (as 7-HD mon-
lived. When Yae Jura hears anyone from passing through to the outside, sters). A successful hit must be saved
trying to open the lock, he polymorphs much like the windows of the keep (see against at -2 due to the toxicity of the
to elf form. When the party enters the “Standard Castle Features”). szeuko venom (the saving throw penalty
room, he acts as though he is holding is cumulative for multiple bites). Fail-
Pandarus at bay with his sword and 35. & 36, Prisons, Various actions on
ure to save indicates the venom enters
states that the mind flayer is involved the upper levels will cause an individ-


the bloodstream* paralyzing the victim notes on a plethora of topics, atop which spellson them. There are also six cheval
completely for 8-15 turns (times the sit a quill and ink bottle. Anyone touch- glasseson wheels (framed full-length
number of successful bites). A neutralize ing the desk or any item on it without mirrors swung between two uprights), all
poison spell is necessary to cancel the first speaking the command word (“le- of which radiate a somewhat stronger
venom’s effects. lusa ” which is carved in the wood be- magic. These are detailed below,
Szeuko fish (7): Int animal; AL N; neath the cushion of the desk chair) will A large circle (14 J
in diameter) of
AC 5 (due to speed); MV
swim 20; 1 HD be instantly teleported to area 35, Ob- strange glyphs and sigils that also radi-
hp each; THACO 13; ^AT 1; Dmg 1; SA servers see this person shrink to noth- ate magic, drawn in red and purple
poison; SZ S; ML
18; XP 35 each; new ingness unless the illusion is success- chalk, occupies the center of the room.
monster. fully disbelieved. When a cheval glass is wheeled into
In one drawer of the desk is a set of this area, no one outside of the circle
39* DraskilioiTs Bedchamber. No Nohur’s marvelous pigments complete , can be harmed in any way by accidents
one has ever been in-this room other with brush, A second drawer, though that occur within the circle.
than the arch-mage himself* The door is empty, is fire trapped and does ld4 +23 Some of these mirrors explode when
wizard locked and the portal is in-
, hp damage when opened. A secret com- destroyed. Such mirrors have a 40%
scribed with a symbol (pain). This room partment hidden by the papers atop the chance of detonating or destroying adja-
is similar to other bedchambers. A large desk contains a book of infinite spells cent cheval glasses, which have a 40%
canopied bed, dresser, wardrobe, large (25 pages). A small, poisonous spider chance of doing the same to their neigh-
chest, small writing desk, and chair fill has made its home within the binding of boring mirrors, and so on. Gems inset
the room. The floor is thickly carpeted, this text. It attacks with a THACO of 11 into the mirrors will not be damaged in
and three portraits (one of a dwarf in against a bare hand, and its poison is the explosion but will be flung about
colorful silks, a second of a drew mother saved against at -2. If the save is the room, requiring a search.
and her child, and a third of six fomor- failed, the bitten hand, arm, and shoul- A* It is through this mirror that Draski-
ian giants sitting at a table playing a der quickly swell up to double normal lion communicates with two vampire
game with cards and bones) hang on the size. Armor and restrictive clothing will brothers who home-
live in his distant
walls. Each of the portraits has NystuVs have to be removed. The victim will be land. Tbuching any one of the four deep
magic aura cast on it, and a trick of the unable to use this appendage and will blue spinels (500 gp value each) set in the
artist makes a card in the hand of one suffer considerable pain and discomfort frame will summon Chelcias and Esaul to
giant and a bone in the hand of another for 2-3 weeks or until the poison is neu- their own mirror, thousands of miles
appear to glow. tralized by magical means. The spider away, within 2-4 rounds. They cannot
The dresser holds winter clothing, and may be slain by any strike against it harm or be harmed through the mirror,
among the items in the wardrobe are (AC 10), though someone using bare though they can use their gaze attacks to
four finely woven ceremonial robes. skin risks being bitten. affect anyone looking into the glass. Indi-
Unfortunately, whoever opens the ward- viduals charmed in this way will be given
robe is instantly teleported to area 36 41* Walk-In Closet* Dozens of expen-
directions by the vampires to the cell
unless a save vs. spells is made at - 3 or sive coats and robes of expert manufac-
room (area 49) where they should go “for
the command word “dorium carved on ture hang on racks in this room. Var-
safety” and will be told to turn them-

the inside of the right-hand door, is ious pieces of footwear and a few hats
selves over to the guards there. Prying
spoken. Those watching will see this lie scattered on the floor. Tbuching a
out a stone or smashing the glass will
person turn to dust and blow away garment sets off a powerful audible
cause an explosion, doing 4d6 hp damage
unless they disbelieve the illusion. glamer of a growling beast, and an addi-
to those within a 10' radius.
The chest is locked and the person who tional audible glamer will be set off
B. By using this cheval glass, Bueli
opens it will set off a sepia snake sigii every time an item is touched. If items
contacts his illusionist friend Colhure.
Within are four heavy blankets and a are removed from the closet, the sounds
Tbuching one of the three jasper pieces
large locked strongbox holding a silver seem to follow at a distance, always
(50 gp value each) has a 60% chance of
ring inset with two small rubies {2,150 gp coming from around a corner or from
summoning the illusionist to his own
value), a platinum scepter (8,000 gp the shadows. This will persist until
mirror in his home 350 miles to the
value), 12 peridots (500 gp value each), dispelled or the items are removed from
southwest in 1-3 rounds. Colhure is a
and a cube of frost resistance. the castle.
12th -level specialist wizard, but only
There are no other items of interest in the following of his spells can affect
42. Bare Room. Though the arch-
this room. The arch- mage brought his those viewing him through the mirror:
mage had plans for this chamber, it is
most important possessions with him to color spray 02), hypnotism, blindness
currently not in use and is completely
area 50, where they were obliterated in {x 2). No other magic can be transmit-
bare. The door is locked.
the recent accident. ted through this cheval glass. He will
43. Divination Chamber: It is in this employ these spells if it is obvious that
40* Study* This room has a great oak chamber that Draskilion and his appren- the party is a group of intruders. This
desk and a small bookcase. Most of the tices cast divination-type spells and com- evil man will most assuredly be found
books are on subjects related to sorcery municated with various allies and with Bueli some time in the party’s
and mathematics. However, a vacuous supernatural beings. The room is filled future if Bueli escapes from the castle.
gri moire and a libram of ineffable dam- with dozens of mirrors of all shapes and Prying out a stone or smashing the
nation also lie among these tomes. The sizes. All radiate magic faintly, but this is glass causes a 3d6-hp explosion in a 7 f

desk is littered with indecipherable due to residue from repeated casting of radius.

38 Issue No. 28

Fourth Floor Fifth Floor Sixth Floor

C. This cheval glass is covered with a single turn (Quioskala teleports them). If explosion will result. However, the
paint-spattered cloth and is actually a her first group has not yet been sent, she person doing so will be instantly tele-
mirror of opposition. If destroyed, it will sends them immediately with a descrip- ported to area 35, gem in hand.
not explode. If uncovered, it functions as tion of those she viewed in the mirror, and F. This cheval glass is covered with
is stated in the 2nd Edition DMG > page
they also arrive (as described in “Un- another paint-spattered cloth. It is a
175. earthly Visitors”) in but one turn. The mirror of life trapping. Inscribed around
D. This oval cheval glass contacts lich will not rest until the party has been the frame of the mirror, over and over, is
Quioskala the lich if two of the six inset hunted down and killed if she views them the name “Kizkahn.” Anyone speaking
pieces of amber (rich gold, 100 gp value in this mirror Quioskala is a 24th-level a number between 1 and 14 along with
each) are touched simultaneously. Anx- wizard. Prying out a stone or smashing this word will release the creature in
ious about her loaned texts, she will an- the glass sets off a 4d6-hp explosion in a the corresponding cell in the mirror (if

swer the mirror's summons immediately. 10 radius. the cell is occupied). If this mirror is in
Seeing these strangers at the other end, E. This mirror is used by Draskilion the chalked circle, those released from
Quioskala will begin screaming at the when casting contact other plane spells, the mirror will not be able to move out
party about her tomes and what unpleas- as he often does, without fear of induc- of the circle unless a portion of the cir-
ant things she will do if they don’t return ing insanity It can be thus used by cle is washed away with a wet cloth.
them. If the lich has already dispatched anyone casting that spell while touch- Five of the fourteen cells are occupied:
her minions (see “Unearthly Visitors”), ing the peridot (500 gp value) set in the
she now sends an additional group of five top of the frame. Prying out the stone
shadows who arrive at the castle in a will destroy this mirror’s magic but no Continued on page 46

Mark Lucas is a reporter for a daily
newspaper, where he tilts at windmills
and champions the hopeless on a regular
basis He is circulating three short sto-

ries and a screenplay for a high-action

military movie He is also researching a

horror novel set in a modern New En-

gland mill town. Mark dedicates this
f/yrV .mI module to the heroic stand by the Slay-
IA 7/ ers of Darkness against the bully wug
army at the Battle ofCrellar’s Trading

“Night of Fear” is a D&D^ adventure

designed for one player and one DM to
play in a single session. The adventurer
may be a lstlevel character of any
class. The player can chose to play one
of the prerolled guests at the inn (see
the Master Character List) or substitute
any Ist-level character of his own.
This module is a cross between the
murder mystery and horror genres. The
situation emphasizes logic, observation,
and role-playing, with only one climac-
tic fight. The entire adventure takes
place between midnight and dawn in
Crellar's Trading Post. The trading post
must be in an isolated frontier area
where help is at least six hours away.
Before playing, the DM must familiar-
izehimself with the various characters
and the trading post. The contents of
each room will probably be searched
closely for clues.

NIGHT OF For the Dungeon Master

Rudvarien, a doppleganger, has been
prowling the frontier between civiliza-
tion and the untamed wilderness. When
he came upon Crellars Trading Post

FEAR today, he assumed the guise of a human

(or demihuman) and rented a room for
the night to enjoy the comforts of shel-
ter. When he noticed the prosperity of
the trading post, Rudvarien decided to
BY MARK LUCAS end his wanderings and take over the
In the middle of the night, Rudvarien
crept downstairs to kill Crellar in his
The deadliest enemy is sleep and substitute himself for the
trader. However, C re liar's faithful dog
smelled that Rudvarien was not human
in plain sight. and attacked the doppleganger. In the
loud fight that followed, the dog in-
flicted 4 hp damage on Rudvarien be-
fore the doppleganger killed it.

Artwork by Jim Holloway

As the inhabitants of the inn awake
and come running, Rudvarien stuffs the
dead dog up the chimney and reverts to
his disguise as a guest. He easily joins

40 Issue No. 28

the crowd to help search for the mysteri- By questioning Crellar further, the up the chimney with enormous
ous intruder. The DM
can initially give following information can be learned: strength). Close examination reveals
Rudvarien the identity of any guest Bone Breaker patrols the first floor at that the dog was clubbed to death (by
(other than the player character!). night to protect the strongboxes from the doppleganger's fists). Thick ashes in
thieves. Crellar was the first person to the fireplace hide any blood that
A Call to Arms! arrive in the empty bar* He saw nothing dripped from the corpse. A thief strip-
but the puddle of blood. ped of armor and gear could climb the
To begin the adventure, read or para-
Rudvarien is too arrogant to be chased chimney and help work the dog loose*
phrase the following to the player:
into the night at sword point by a bunch Four bar stools are bolted to the floor
You’ve been traveling the frontier of of “inferior” humans. He still intends to on the west side of the bar* Hidden be-
civilization for days in search of kill Crellar and replace the jovial hind the bar are a club, a heavy cross-
adventure* At the end of this day, trader, but he will not purposely kill bow, and a case containing 30 quarrels.
you checked into an isolated, rustic Creliar’s family, because they are to be A strongbox (locked and bolted to the
inn called Grellar’s Trading Post. the doppleganger’s free work force. bar) contains 1-10 of each coin type*
The Crellars are hardy, self-reliant Using his shapechanging abilities, Worthless glass mugs and towels are
folks, and the trading post is a sturdy Rudvarien will attempt to kill off the also under the bar. On the wall behind
stone structure* When you and the guests one at a time, when each is the bar, a shelf holds numerous kegs,
other guests retire to your rooms and alone* He always hides the bodies so he jugs, and bottles containing a wide
settle in to sleep, you feel safe and can
1. impersonate a wide range of people range of beverages (total value 10-60
secure. without raising suspicion. He will slip gp). A large mirror hangs on the wall
In the middle of the night, you in and out of the group of searchers above this shelf.
awake to a horrific din of barking, whenever it is to his advantage. Rudva- An empty coat rack stands beside the
growling, and screaming from down- rien is telepathic and very bright; the locked door at the west end of the din-
stairs. Within seconds, you hear DM should play him to the best of his ing room, in the corner by the fireplace,
running feet, pounding on doors, and ability* A bulletin board, cluttered with busi-
a call to arms: '‘Everyone up! Gear The rest is up to the PC. He and the ness and government notices, hangs on
for battle! The trading post is under NPC guests start their search in area 1, the wall beside the rack* This is a good
attack!” the barroom. source of information leading to future
employment and adventures*
The noise subsides quickly* By the Crellar's Trading Post, First Floor
time the PC exits his room, the second Barroom. This area contains seven
2, A small privy with a dirt
floor hallway is dark and deserted. The floor has been attached to the outside of
small tables, a bar to the east, and a
DM may st art the PC in any of the coat stand in the southwest corner, A
Crellar’s Trading Post. The sturdy door
empty guest rooms (marked with Xs) on bolts from the inside only* The walls are
fireplace on the west wall warmly lights
the second floor. A glow of light and the this room during business hours. Now,
shoddy, however, and someone could
murmur of excited voices copies up the bust through them as easily as a door to
the vast bar is dark and foreboding. A get outside* The shack contains a
west staircase leading down to the bar- staircase in the northwest corner leads
room (area 1), bucket of lime and a few rags. Only a
up to the second floor. It has a wooden
If the PC goes downstairs into area 1, halfling or dwarf could squirm through
railing but is not otherwise enclosed*
read the following: the hole in the wooden toilet seat. The
Brown fur floats in a puddle of fresh
hole leads down to a 10' cubic pit whose
blood near the center of the room,
You find the five members of the bottom holds 2' of refuse and garbage.
A small pile of logs sits on the I'-high
Crellar family and the other guests Two giant rats live in the muck and
granite hearth along with a set of brass
gathered around a puddle of blood on attack anyone who enters the pit. If the
chimney tools (poker, bellows, etc*; the
the barroom floor. Crellar addresses muck is searched for one turn, the PCs
set is worth only 1 gp), Above, on the
the circle of worried faces by the can find a leather pouch (dropped down
slate mantle is a tinder box. The stuffed
light of his lantern* the toilet by a drunken patron) contain-
head of a green dragon (worth 10 gp) is
“It looks like we have an intruder, ing a piece of onyx (value 50 gp)*
mounted over the mantle* Anyone who
folks. I can’t find my guard dog, Bone
looks up the chimney must make a
Giant rats: AC 7; HD V2 ; hp 3, 1; #AT
Breaker, and this looks like his fur in
saving throw vs. paralysis or leap back
1 bite; Dmg 1-3 plus disease; MV
the blood. We’d better split up and 120 "(40'), swim 60 '(20'); Save normal
in fear. This shock causes embarrass-
search the place* My family will search
ment but has no other effect aside from
man; ML 8; AL N; XP 6; BD/3G.
your rooms upstairs. You guests search
drama and suspense* Closer examina-
the first floor and the bam. All the 3. Kitchen. This room contains a
tion reveals that Cre liar’s dead guard
outside doors should be locked by my large wooden table, a fireplace to the
dog, Bone Breaker, has been shoved up
key, and the window shutters should southeast, a sink to the north, and a
the chimney backward. Its forepaws and
be closed and bolted from the inside. counter to the east* No food is stored in
head dangle down, so the dead dog ap-
Let me know if you find the intruder this room*
pears to be diving ferociously down the
or where he broke in. Empty iron pots and grills hang in the
chimney. Pulling down the dog is as
“And be careful. Bone Breaker was fireplace. Someone could squeeze
difficult as forcing open a door (indica-
the toughest dog I ever had,” through here and emerge from the other
ting that the 150-lb. mastiff was shoved
side of the fireplace into Crellar’s bed-


Master Character List Locked in his room are thieves' tools, a shield, club, crossbow, case with 30
tinder box, a mirror, a week's worth of quarrels, keys to all the locks in the
Krac (dwarf): AC 3; DI; hp 8; 0KT 1;
rations, and 2 gp. Mirapesh is cheerful trading post. Crellar is a good-natured,
Dmg by weapon type; MV 60X200;
and light hearted but not brave. He heavy set man. He is quietly proud of
Save D1;-ML 9; AL L; S 12, 1 7, W 7, D
wants to get through the night with no establishing a trading post and raising
12, C 16, Ch 7; plate mail, battle axe,
fuss and a whole skin. a hardy family at the edge of the
six torches. Locked in Krac's room is a
50' rope and a leather bag holding 1 Lyons (magic-user): AC 9, Ml; hp 3;
gp. Krac is brave and cooperative, but #AT 1; Dmg by spell or weapon type; Gertrude (Crellar’s wife): AC 6; FI;
also slow of thought and hesitant in MV 120X400; Save Ml; ML 8; AL N; S hp 3; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; MV
decisions. He will not attack anyone 8, 1 13, W 7, D 10, C 10, Ch 7; silver 120X40'); Save FI; ML 9; AL L; leather
unless he is sure it is the doppleganger. dagger, dagger, backpack, flask of oil, armor, shield, club, crossbow, case with
His indecisiveness may cause him and holy symbol, one vial of holy water, 30 quarrels; keys to trading post locks.
others to die. tinder box, wolfsbane, water skin, Gertrude is a heavy woman with a
lantern, quart of wine, 12 iron spikes loud and pushy disposition. Despite her
Brent (fighter): AC 2; FI; hp 2; #AT
and a small hammer, 5 gp, Lyons has frequent complaints and criticisms, she
Dmg by weapon type; MV 60X20');
left nothing in her room. She used her loves her family and is very generous
Save FI; ML 10; AL C; S 16, 1 9, 9, W one spell yesterday and has not rested and helpful. She, like her family, has
D 10, C 12, Ch
plate mail, shield,
enough to learn a new one tonight (a acquired some fighting experience
long sword, dagger, lantern. In his
magic-user who cannot cast a spell from past ore raids on the outpost.
room, Brent has an oil flask, a quart
might become the object of suspicion
bottle of wine, and rations for seven Kellogg (Crellar's older son): AC 6;
before the night is over). Her spell hook
days. Brent is a headstrong bully who
contains magic missile and light spells.
#AT 1; Dmg by weapon type;
FI; hp 4;
is almost as dangerous as the dopple-
Lyons is smart, greedy, independent,
MV 120X40'); Save FI; ML 8; AL L;
ganger. He is very insulting, but he leather armor, shield, club, crossbow,
and suspicious of others.
always provokes the other guy into case with 30 quarrels, keys to front
swinging first. Brent is determined to Lif (elf): AC 4, El; hp 1; #AT 1; Dmg door of trading post and room shared
kill the intruder, no matter how many by weapon type; MV 60X20'); Save El; with his brother. Kellogg is 24 years
innocent people get hurt. MLS; ALL; S 15, 114, W 6, D I0, C old, a quiet young man who is subser-
12, Ch 5; chain mail, shield, two hand vient to his father. Although he has
Galen (cleric): AC 3; Cl; hp 6; #AT 1;
Dmg by weapon type; MV 60X20'); axes, short bow, quiver with 19 arrows seen many barroom brawls and ore
and one silver-tipped arrow. In his he still might panic if faced with
Save Cl; ML 11; AL L; S 12, 1 7, W 14,
room Lif keeps enough rations for prolonged stress and danger.
D 10, C 9, Ch 6; banded mail, shield, seven days as well as an oil flask, six
club, lantern, holy symbol, sling, 30 Kelsey (Crellar's younger son): AC 6;
torches, a tinder box, and 50' of rope.
sling stones. In Galen's room are two FI; hp4; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type;
Lif is logical, calm, and quiet. He cur-
vials of holy water, a water skin, a
rently has a detect magic spell memo-
MV 120X40'); Save FI; ML 6; AL L;
large sack, and 2 gp wrapped in a scrap leather armor, shield, club, crossbow,
rized. His spell book also contains a
of linen. Galen is a bombastic old evan- 30 quarrels, keys to front door and
shield spell. He is an invaluable re-
gelist. He is fearless and encouraging room he shares with Kellogg. Kelsey is
source, but he has no patience with
in the pursuit of the intruder. His in- 17, energetic, and enthusiastic. He
fools and falls silent in the face of stub-
flexible convictions will not tolerate idolizes professional adventurers and
born and pushy people.
surrender, capture, or retreat in this hopes to become one someday. How-
“battle to the death with an agent of Rudvarien (doppleganger): AC 5; ever, he is likely to panic if faced with
Chaos!” HD 4*; hp 21 (currently 17); #AT 1; stress and danger.
Coddle (halfling): AC 4; HI; hp
Dmg 1-12; MV 90X300; Save F8; ML 8; Mary (Crellar's daughter): AC 6; FI;
AL C; XP 125; BD/28. A doppleganger
#AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; MV can assume thesize and shape of any
hp 3; #AT 4;Dmg by weapon type; MV
90X300; Save HI; ML 6; AL N; S 12,
humanoid creature from 4'-?' tall.
120X400; Save FI; ML 6; AL L; leather
8, W9, D 11, C 9, Ch
6; chain mail,
Dopplegangers can also read the sur-
armor, shield, club, crossbow, 30 quar-
shield, hammer, sling, 30 sling stones, rels, keys to front door and all interior
face thoughts of any one creature up to
backpack, wolfsbane, mirror, iron ra-
60' away. Rudvarien starts with the
doors. Mary is 18, quiet, and pretty.
tions (enough for a week), one vial of Like her brothers, she is likely to panic
shape, gear, and personality of one of
holy water, 3 gp. Goddle is a boastful in a real fight, though she has some
the guests previously listed. In his
wisecracker. Once he realizes the dan- fighting skill.
room, he keeps 266 gp and a long
ger, he may panic.
sword +1, +3 vs. dragons locked in his
Mirapesh (thief): AC 7; Tl; hp 3; footlocker. Rudvarien is smart and
#AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; MV deceitful.
120X400; Save Tl; ML 5; AL N; S 12,
W D C Ch leather armor,
AC 6; FI; hp 8; #AT
Crellar (trader):
7, 8, 9,
long sword, four silvered daggers.
1;Dmg by weapon type; MV 120X40');
Save FI; ML 9; AL L; leather armor,

42 Issue No. 28

room (area 6). A thief stripped of armor

and gear could climb up the chimney to NPC Actions and Suggestions
the roof. After each incident or clue found (or at least once per turn), some of the NPCs
Over the counter hang pans and large should have the following reactions. The DM can choose reactions that are appro-
utensils such as knives and meat cleav- priate to the circumstances or can roll ld8 to select an NPC, then ld4 for that
ers* Under the counter are large cabi- character's reaction. Other reactions can be added, so long as they are in charac-
nets for spices and wooden plates and ter for each NPC. Always have the NPCs react appropriately to each other's theo-
utensils. A man sized creature could ries.
2. Elaborate each suggestion and role-play debates with the PC.
easily hide in some of these cabinets.
i* Krac
Dirty dishes and utensils soak in the
1. “Perhaps the intruder is not hostile and killed only in self-defense.”
sudsy water of the sink. A cabinet un- 2. “Could we be dealing with more than one intruder?”
der the sink contains soap, rags, and 3. “No matter what happens, we must all stay together.”
kegs of water, 4. “Wouldn't it be awful if one of us were really some sort of shapeshifter”

4. Lobby. An open staircase with a

bannister winds up to the second floor
1. “I thinkone of us killed that mangy mutt and there is no intruder.”
2. “I think you're the killer!” Brent accuses someone randomly*
here. A potted plant sits at the bottom
3. Brent sneaks away from the group to get a free drink at the bar*
of the stairs* A cabinet hangs on the
4. Brent hears something in an adjoining room and charges off alone,
west wall behind the front counter.
A small worthless copper bell sits atop 3. Galen

the front counter. A quill, ink pot, and 1. “I think the intruder has already fled the trading post
register book also rest on the counter. 2. “I hope we are still asleep and this is just a terrible nightmare ”
The book lists everyone who has 3* “Where are you? Cowardly monster! I challenge you to face me!”
checked in and out of the inn over the 4, “Perhaps one of us is a vampire.”
past three months. All of the current 4, Goddle
guests checked in today. If the book is 1. “Hey, maybe the intruder isn’t even human.”
read for one turn, it reveals that only 2. “We have only one chance! We should all barricade ourselves into one room
Coddle (see the Master Character List) together and wait until more people arrive in the morning ” (See “Concluding the
is a regular visitor. (This may remove Adventure” for the results of this strategy.)
him from suspicion until the shapeshiflt- 3. “We're ail doomed! This creature is going to kill us one at a time, and there’s

ing nature of the intruder is discovered.) nothing we can do!” He goes hysterical until slapped.
A loaded heavy crossbow is strapped 4. Goddle slips away from the group and jumps out a window to flee the trading

under the counter. If C re liar has serious post. After an hour alone in the dark woods, he timidly knocks on the front door.
trouble with a visitor, he can reach 5. Mirapesh
down and fire the weapon through the 1. “This search say we set a trap to catch the intruder”
is futile* I
flimsy front of the wooden counter ( +2 2. Mirapesh slipsaway from the group to break into a strongbox.
to hit anyone in front of the counter 3* “Let's find out what the intruder wants and just give it to him!”
because of surprise). A locked strongbox 4* “If we surrender now, maybe the monster will be merciful.” (He's wrong.)
bolted under the counter contains 1-IQ
6. Lyons
of every coin type.
X. “For all we know, Crellar plays this hoax on all his guests* He’s probably up-
The locked cabinet contains labeled stairs looting our rooms right now

keys to each guest room on the second 2. “This place is too big. Let’s split into smaller search parties”
floor. Crellar keeps his emergency
3. “Perhaps the intruder is after one of us in particular. Are any of you being
wealth buried in the soil of the potted followed by an old enemy with a grudge?”
fern. It contains a small leather pouch 4. “Perhaps one of us is really a doppleganger”
with 1-4 gems, each worth 50 gp.
7. Lif
5. Shop. This locked room contains a
1* “Maybe we’re dealing with a winged creature that flew down a chimney.”
2* "Perhaps one of us is a lycanthrope, such as a werewolf.”
counter to the west, a large table in the
3. "Maybe we can use a spell to determine which of us is the monster,”
center, and shelves along the north and ”
4. “I keep wondering why the intruder attacked the guard dog first
south walls. This is the trading post
where Crellar buys, sells, and swaps 8* Rudvarien
goods for a profit* He will offer to buy 1. Rudvarien comes to the group disguised as Crellar and says to an NPC, “Come
almost anything for half its real value. upstairs with me. There is something in your room I'd like you to explain.”
2. The monster appears as Crellar ’s daughter, Mary, to seduce a male guest into a
He then resells the item at full value.
Bolted beneath the counter is another private rendezvous/ambush
locked strongbox, containing 1-20 of
3, Rudvarien impersonates an NPC who was separated from the group, claiming
to have been struck from behind, robbed, and left unconscious. When the real
each coin type. A list of the shop's in-
ventory and a club are also kept under
NPC returns later, the group will wrongly think he or she is the monster,
4, Rudvarien slips away from the guests and goes upstairs. Disguised as the PC,
the counter.
he briefly attacks Crellar and frees back downstairs. This will cast much suspi-
The shelves and tables contain a mix cion on the PC and lead to some interesting role-playing!
of items. At any time, the shop contains


0-3 ofany item Listed on page 29 of the ifone turn is spent skimming through Crellar's Trading Post,
Basic Set Players Handbook The shop
. the book, a story about a doppleganger Second Floor
never contains magical items. The total can be found. The story contains a de-
value of the inventory is 100-600 gp at tailed description of the doppleganger's
Guest Rooms* Each of these rooms

any given time. There is enough space isthe same; Crellar rents them to
powers. However, one part is inaccurate.
guests for 1 gp per night. Each room
beneath the table and on some of the The fairy tale states that, in ail of its
empty shelves to hide a man-sized comes with a chest of drawers and a
shapes, a doppleganger retains its gray
bed. A pottery pitcher full of water and
creature. eyes. Of all the inn’s occupants, only
a pottery basin sit on the chest of
Galen (see the Master Character List)
6, Crellar’s Room. This room con- has gray eyes. From the placement of
drawers. Afootlocker is under the bed.
In the footlocker is the key, so that
tains a double bed in the southeast her bookmark, Mary has not yet read
guests can lock their valuables inside.
comer. This is where Crellar and his the tale of the doppleganger.
Guests usually lock their doors when
wife, Gertrude, sleep. There is also a The following monsters are also de-
they leave their rooms or when they are
chest of drawers beside the fireplace, a scribed in Age-Old Fairy Tales. These
closet in the northwest corner, and a descriptions can be used as “red her-
The empty rooms (marked with Xs)
chair at the foot of the bed. Someone rings” to confuse the PC if the investi-
are unlocked. Some of the guests' gear
could stoop through the fireplace and gation is going too well: devil swine
has been left locked in their rooms. The
enter the kitchen (area 3) from here. (ER/48), gargoyle (BD/30), medusa (BD/
The closet contains Crellar's clothes. 34), ogre (BD/35), werebear (BD/33),
DM can randomly determine which
rooms are occupied by the inn's paying
A tinder box and an unlit lantern sit on vampire (ER/57).
the chest of drawers, which contains An and a tinder box sit
unlit lantern
Gertrude's clothing. on the chest of drawers, which contains
10* Bathroom. This small room holds
Mary's spare clothes.
a primitive wooden bathtub. A make-
7. Mary’s Room. The trader's sweet
shift box with holes in the bottom is
18-year-old daughter lives here, but the 8- Sons’ Room* Crellar’s two sons,
rigged over the tub. When filled with
room empty now. There is a bed along
is Kellogg and Kelsey, live here. This
water, the box serves as a crude shower.
the south wall. The room also contains a room contains a closet and two beds.
chest of drawers and a chair. The closet holds only spare clothes.
The room also contains jars of soap,
kegs of water, and towels. The room is
On the bed is a book entitled Age-Old
usually quite warm because it was built
Fairy Tales, by Hussan Ogar. Ironically,
beside the chimney.

44 Issue No. 28


Second Floor 1 square 5'

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The Barn XP 35; ER/46 (animal herd). Concluding the Adventure

Each contains one animal. From
11. Stable. The double doors at each There are several ways to defeat the
north to south, the stalls contain Crei-
end of the barn are barred from the doppleganger. As smart as he is, Rudva-
lar s two draft horses, two pigs, three
inside at night. Read the following rien still does not realize that domesti-
sheep, and two goats. The three south-
description aloud the first time the PC ernmost stalls are empty. Any steeds or
cated animals can smell that he is not
enters the barn: human. He will figure this out only if he
pets brought by the customers may be
reads it in the mind of an opponent. The
The familiar smells of farm animals kept here overnight.
Each time the doppleganger enters the
bam contains many animals that can be
and manure greet your nostrils as used as “doppleganger detectors”
you enter. The stables are fairly barn, regardless of his shape, the farm
The group may also find the body of
clean and sprinkled with straw. You animals become highly agitated because
someone Rudvarien is currently imper-
can hear the animals shuffling ner- they can smell he is not a human or
sonating. If the doppleganger knows
vously in their stalls. typical demihuman. The animals will
this is about to happen, he slips to the
and rear up in
snort, kick their stalls,
rear of the group and leaves before the
The stone barn contains 12 stalls alarm in Rudvarien’s presence.
body is found. Only a very alert player
along the east wall, a ladder to the loft, can prevent this from happening.
12. Hayloft. The
hayloft extends only
a horse-drawn cart, a coop containing 25
two-thirds of the length of the barn. The
Optional Rule: Tb be fair, the can DM
chickens against the south wall, and occasionally rearrange the miniatures
loft floor ends abruptly with no railing,
two stacks of sacks and kegs containing
and a 10' drop to the floor of the
representing the search party. If the DM
100 gp worth of food. Two unlit lanterns it is
can remove Rudvarien *s figure from the
and several wooden buckets hang on the barn from here. The contains sev-
board by sleight of hand without the
wooden support beams. Tbols also hang eral stacks of hay, sacks of grain, water
player noticing, the doppleganger has
on the southeast wall. These farm im- barrels, and other animal food. These
slipped away unnoticed by the PC.
plements are equal to a battle axe, a stacks are large enough to conceal a
Close inspection can reveal that the
hand axe, a war hammer, and three pole man-sized creature. The only other
doppleganger (in whatever form he
arms. A large pen against the west wall entrance to the loft is an unlocked door
takes) has been wounded (by the guard
houses a bull that will attack anything in the south wall that opens 10' above
dog and perhaps by his later victims).
he can reach. the ground. A flying creature could
Rudvarien, in character as whomever
Bull: AC 7; HD 4; hp 22; AT 1; Dmg have entered this door without leaving
1-6; MV 240X80'}; Save F2; ML 5; AL N; any damage. Continued on page 69


Continued from page 39 did just that on his way north. hier acosphinx, roc, harpy, pegasus, and
Ullin has been imprisoned in this others— all in preserving glass cases (the
Cell 2: A giant bumblebee has been a mirror about a month and wishes to be market value for these rare items is 50-
resident of this mirror for many years, on his way to complete his penance. He 200 gp each, though only a wizard or
even before Draskilion found it. has little in the way of possessions and merchants of sorcerous items will be
Bee, giant: Int low; AL N; AC 5; MV thus will reward his liberators by per- interested in such wares)* Several cleaned
6, fly 24 (E); HD
6 +4; hp 31; THACO 13; forming one service* The DM should glass ink jars are also here.
#AT 1; Drug 1-6 plus poison; SZ L; ML determine what this service will be, The machine on the south wall is for
11; XP 975; MM2/17, though it should entail Ullin using his binding and rebinding books and has
Cell 7: Nestor, a half-elf, is imprisoned abilities to somehow help the party* He two vials of oil (used to lubricate the
here* Long ago in Draskilion s home- will not break his vow of silence, com- thing) sitting by it.
land, Nestor’s younger brother Grendel municating in nods and signs or in All the desks are cluttered with sheets
somehow angered the arch-mage. Gren- writing (he speaks only his native of paper and projects in varying stages
del vanished and soon afterward tongue, an Eastern dialect)* Nor will he of completion. Draskilion required his
Draskilion fled west. After consulting stay with the party long, departing as apprentices to recopy aging tomes,
oracles, Nestor was convinced that his soon as he has rendered some help. He make scrolls, and do research, but only
brother was still alive and went search- will accept no reward for his service. two desks have items of true interest:
ing for him* He has been in the West for Ullin: AL LN; AC 5; MV 21; Monk7 C. Tipia was in the process of inscrib-
10 years and finally discovered the (as per 1st Edition PHB); hp 36; THACO ing a scroll at this desk when Draski-
arch-mage’s keep only a few days ago. 17; #AT 3/2; Dmg 3-9 or by weapon type lion had his accident. She had already
Nestor was quickly dealt with upon his { + 3,5); S 15, D 16, C 16, 1 12, W 15, Ch completed ice storm and Rary’s mne-
arrival, without being disarmed. Still 9; Monk abilities: A-E (1PHB/31), may monic enhancer on this sheet of vellum
sure his brother lives, Nestor will ally fall 30'without harm when within 4' of and was close to finishing a shout spell.
himself with the PCs if they agree to a wall, special saves vs. missile or spell Only careful examination will reveal
help release Grendel when he is found. attacks, 22% chance to be surprised; that this third spell is not yet complete.
(Grenders whereabouts are not detailed thieving abilities: OL 57%, F/RT 50%, The first two can be utilized normally,

in this module this is another opportu- MS 55%, HS 43%, HN 25%, CW 94%; but reading the third will wipe the
nity for further adventure of the DM’s ML 15; 1PHB/30; jo stick + 2; horn of sheet clean (and, of course, the shout
own devising*) If told about the amulet fog;ring of jumping; dagger; set of spell will be ineffective), ruining either
and what happened to the arch-mage thieving tools; sackcloth pouch contain- of the first two if they remain.
{F ad i men's false story), Nestor will ing 2 gp, 8 sp, and 21 cp. D. At this desk, Lebaddin was recopy-
encourageTthe party to find the amulet Cell 11; As cell 2. ing Controlling Beasts of the Abyss, a
but use it to completely destroy Draski- Cell 12; Ouchoke the minotaur is held book detailing the use of gate- type spells.
lion. This may prove disastrous advice, here. Apparently, a minor servant of
he is Underneath this opened text is a scroll
Nestor: AL N; AC 4; 12; D9; hp MV Chalol and has information that has been with the spells gate and bind inscribed
42; THACO 16; #AT 1; Dmg by spell or helpful to the arch-mage* He has no on it,
weapon type; S 11, D C 9, 1 14,
12, W weapon but will attack immediately, E* If Tipia has not yet been encoun-
15, Ch 16; ML 14; padded armor + 2 trying to wrest a weapon from someone tered, she will be found here under the
ring of protection +2; potion of fire nearby. guise of an improved invisibility spell.
breath; oil of sharpness ( + 5, four appli- Minotaur: Int low; AL CE; AC 6; MV She will remain hidden as long as she
cations); scroll with cure critical 12; HD 6 + 3; hp 37; THACO 13; 0 AT 2; can and attempt to harm the party if
wounds feeble mind wall of thorns;
, , Dmg 2-S/2-8 or 1-4/by weapon type; SA the opportunity presents itself* Tipia is
scroll with finger of death and fire grapple, charge; SD +2 bonus on sur- a cynical woman with a volatile temper,
storm; normal scimitar; half dozen prise rolls; SZ L; ML 13; XP 1,400, though she is able to take on the ap-
darts; purse containing 17 gp, 12 sp, pearance of a pleasant, matronly type if
15 cp, and a 50 -gp garnet. Fifth Floor she chooses.
Spells; animal friendship) cure light
44, Scriptorium. This large, well-lit
Tipia: AL CE; AC 2; 12; W13; hp MV
wounds, detect magic invisibility to ,
chamber the scriptorium. It looks
42; THACO 16; #AT 1; Dmg by spell or
animals, purify food & drink, charm
relatively bare save for five high draft-
weapon type; S 8, D 12, C 15, 1 16, W 9,
person or mammal ( x 3), heat metal t Ch 10; ML
14; XP 7,000; bracers of de-
ing tables with stools, a large roll-top
speak with animals, hold animal, tree,
oak desk and chair (A) at the center of
fense AC
4; cloak of protection +2; two
cure disease, neutralize poison , speak potions of healing; philter of glibness;
the north wall, and an odd-looking ma-
with plants insect plague.
f scroll of protection from magic ( x 2); scroll
chine (B) on the south wall* The roll-top
Cell 9: Ullin of Huopol is trapped in with Bigby's grasping hand and fear; ring
is locked but the desk drawers are not.
this ceil* After taking a vow of silence of sustenance; pouch containing 21 gp and
These are filled with 82 sheets of papy-
at his monastery in distant Huopol (far two 100-gp alexandrites; silver ring on
rus, 51 sheets of parchment, and 28
ebony-skinned man
to the south), this left hand (worth 60 gp); dagger.
sheets of vellum*
was making a great trek as penance for Spells: chill touch color spray protec-
There are some two dozen smaller com- , ,

harming another brother of his order. tion from good, wall of fog ( x 2 ), alter
partments and drawers beneath the roll-
Residents of Draskil ion's keep have self, continual light ( x 2), detect invisi-
top, filled with about four dozen quills
made a habit of apprehending many bility, spectral hand, dispel magic ( x 2),
from a number of bizarre creatures—
travelers who came too close, and Ullin

46 Issue No. 28

fireball, vampiric touch ( x 2), enervation This large chamber is the laboratory Spells: burning hands, charm person
(x 2), polymorph other, teleport ( x 2), where golems were manufactured. ( x 2), magic missile run, bind invisibil-
, ,

transmute rock to mud wall of iron

f There are a dozen 8' x 3' x 3' stone ity, mirror image. Tbs ha's uncontrollable
death fog flesh,
to stone . blocks in this room, upon each of which hideous laughter, web, fireball ( x 2) fly t

is a flesh golem in some stage of comple- ( x

2), wind wall fire shield minor globe
, ,

Potion Lab, The door to this room

45, tion. For this reason, the lab may at of invulnerability, Otiluke’s resilient
is and picking it triggers a sepia
locked, be mistaken for a charnel house.
first sphere, wall of ice, avoidance, cone of
snake sigil. This large chamber is where Four of these golems (A) are functional cold, Mordenkainen's faithful hound,
magical potions and inks are manufac- and await command. transmute rock to mud, eyebite. Tenser's
tured. The walls are lined: with shelves Bueli (unless a previous encounter transformation Mordenkainen's sword).

upon which sit jars of every shape, size, would prevent it) is also here and is
and colon These special preserving jars putting the finishing touches on a Sixth Floor
contain hundreds of different items used fifth golem (B). He plans to flee the
47* Open Chamber, The major item
in the making of potions and inks: castle with these automatons as body-
occupying this large, unused room is the
troll's blood,shrieker spores, ghost guards and make for his friend Col-
iron spiral staircase that ends at a trap-
ectoplasm, nixie organs, basilisk eyes, hure's home. He is currently casting a
rare roots and spices, powdered miner- door leading to the battlements above.
protection from normal missiles spell
als and gems, strange woods, and other on the golem directly from his spell
48, Interrogation Room. A heavy
ingredients too numerous to name. hook and will complete his project
Littering the workbenches are various when he casts polymorph any object wooden chair with chains and manacles
sits at the center of this room. Upon and
pieces of lab equipment: alembics, a and geas spells from a scroll in the next
device for crushing gems, scales, bra- two rounds. around it are spattered dark stains
ziers, basins, jugs etc. There is also a
, When the PCs open the door, he warns
(dried blood). A large rickety table
Fireplace in the west wall. A locked
stands south of the chair, and upon this
them not to enter and demands to know
sits an unlit brass brazier filled with
cabinet on the north wall (A) contains who they are. If they enter the room
seven vials of “neutralizer,” a clear, ashes, coals, and various implements of
against his wishes, he commands the
torture. It is here that prisoners of the
syrupy substance developed by Varosi, four functional golems to prevent them
Draskilion’s imprisoned alchemist (area
arch-mage were interrogated.
from advancing while he casts the two
49). “Neutralizer” will, if poured into a remaining spells. He then orders the
49. Cell Room, Most castle prisoners
magical potion, render that potion impo- fifth golem into the fray and joins the
are kept in this chamber. Kiran and
tent (two potions for each vial of neu- fight himself, keeping his distance as
tralizer used). This liquid is used in a
Bateso, two guards from the rooftop
long as possible. Bueli will do what he
(area 53) stand watch here. If a battle
large vat (B) where ruined formulas are can to escape if things go badly, taking
dumped. The liquid now in the vat is no goes badly for them, they try to flee and
the golems with him or using them to
join their cohorts on the rooftop.
longer magical but is terribly toxic cover his escape. He will try to destroy
(save vs. poison at -5 or die). Drinking Kiran and Bateso: AL CE; AC 4; MV
his spell book before he allows it to fall
“neutralizer” causes unconsciousness into enemy hands. 9; F4;hp 35, 31; THACO 17; #AT 1; Dmg
for 8-12 turns (save vs. poison at -2) The lab is a rather gruesome place, by weapon type; ML 11; XP 120; long
but will otherwise cause no permanent sword, chain mail, shield, purse with
filled with items used in the manufac-
damage. “Neutralizer” will not affect 5-14 gp; Bateso also has a magical key.
ture of flesh golems (body parts and
All cell doors are locked and made of
magical fountains or the like. surgical instruments). Nothing else of
A maximum of 10 potions (determine thick reinforced oak with small win-
serious value is here.
randomly) may be stumbled across by Flesh golems (4 or 5): Int semi; AL N;
dows blocked by three iron bars. Each
cell is furnished with straw, a short
those searching this chamber, one vial AC 9; MV 8; HD
9; hp 40 each; THACO
stool, two buckets, a tin bowl, and
for every turn. However, it will be very 11; #AT Dmg 2-16/2-16; SD special;
difficult to distinguish these items from SZ L; ML 19; XP 5,000; MC. wooden spoon. The following cells are
the other substances found here. A Bueli: AL CE; AC 3; MV 12; W14; hp
secret trapdoor in the floor in the north- 38; THACO 16; #AT 1; Dmg by spell or 49 A, Cudzol is a worker on a nearby
west corner hides a compartment con- weapon type; S 10, D 8, C 8, 1 18, W 13, farm who made the mistake of wander-
taining recipes for 12 potions and six Ch 12; ML 14; XP 8,000; robe of the ing too close to the castle. Recently
types of ink (determine randomly). archmagi; bracelet of protection +2 (as roughed up by these cruel guards, he is
Leaning against the far side of the vat ring ofprotection); wand of lightning in weak condition. Cudzol is likable if
is a wooden case containing seven po- bolts (nine charges, command word somewhat slow.
tions of extra healing , “canter”); ring of blinking (command Cudzol: AL NG; AC 10; MV 12; zero
word “blinko”); potion of speed; scroll level;hp 6 (currently 1); THACO 20;
46. Golem Lab. If the round doorknob with anti-magic shell, disintegrate, leg- #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; ML 7.
to this locked portal is turned clockwise end lore and flesh to stone; scroll with

after the lock is picked, the one doing so

49B, Varosi the alchemist is kept
polymorph any object and geas (for the
will be instantly teleported to area 36, golem); velvet drawstring pouch with 17
here. He does work in Draskilion's labs
under threat of death (or worse) and
Turning the knob counterclockwise will pp, 21 gp and a 100-gp reddish pale

would love to escape this painful captiv-

open the door. The DM should have each tourmaline; normal dagger; sling with
ity. Varosi is reasonably well off and
player show how his PC opens the door. seven stones.


will graciously thank his liberators* He Here they will be greeted by the after- wall is actually the planar gate that
requests that they escort him to his math of Draskilion’s terrible accident: Draskilion was in the process of construct-
home in the city of Bandry some 100 ing. Wiping away the soot from the gate’s
miles southwest. If the PCs accept this Without a doubt, an explosion and frame reveals intricate runes and glyphs,
hire, Varosi will pay a handsome re- fireoccurred in this room, but it is and the radiation of magic is stronger
ward when they reach this destination, soon apparent that this simple expla-
here, though it otherwise appears to be a
and he can introduce the party to his nation is inadequate. The air is in-
normal window. The gate is by no means
many connections in the city. Varosi is a tensely acrid, and before long the lot
functional, however, and anyone stepping
generally quiet, bookish man with a of you are coughing and choking at
through it is in for a surprise (roll percen-
polite yet awkward manner* the scent, eyes stinging painfully
tile dice and consult the sidebar “Step-
Varosi: AL LN; AC 10; 12; zero MV ping Through the Gate”).
hp 4; THACO 10; #AT 1; Dmg by
level; Obviously, the party cannot continue One more item of interest lies here.
weapon type; 116, other stats average; in this manner. However, if the adven- Fixed atop a counter against the east wall
ML 12. turers simply back out of the room and is a foot-square soot-covered box. When
cover their mouths and noses with cloth the box is cleaned off, twisting designs of
49C. Two young women, Heras and of some type, they can reenter. Vision is red, green, and yellow can he found along
Fina, are kept here. They were kid- reduced to 10' while in this chamber with a small latched door. When the door
napped from their home some 40 miles due to the atmosphere, but no serious is unlatched, an audible glamer of rum-
north for use in sorcerous experiments. damage will occur. As the PCs reenter bling thunder and the muted growl of
Their father, a herdsman, is poor and and walk about the room, continue by
can offer little in return for his daugh-
some huge beast is heard coining from
reading the following: within. If the box is opened, a great
ters’ freedom other than his thanks and
scream escapes (treat as a shout spell). A
hospitality Heras is outspoken and A thick, gritty soot, as black as a
continual darkness spell has been cast
headstrong while the younger Fina is starless night, covers the floor and
inside the box so that nothing can be seen
more quiet and shy parts of the walls and ceiling. The air
within. Thus, it appears to be empty.
Heras and Fina: AL NG; AC 10; MV seems charged, as if sorcery floats
Whoever reaches in, however, can draw
12; zero level; hp 4, 2; THACO 20; MT palpably on the air. The remnants of
out Draskilion ’s amulet of life.
1; Dmg by weapon type; ML 9. a podium sit charred at the center of
the room. Soot-coated counters line
49D. Leuko Madrig is kept here. He The Battlements
the walls between the windows, and
was recently abducted from a tavern 20
several blackish heaps lie about on The entire rooftop area is surrounded by
miles southeast for use in sorcerous
the floor. Whatever occurred here a crenelated parapet. There are two
experiments. He is a gruff, selfish man
must have been horrible. stone structures atop the fiat roof.
who will ally himself with the party as
long as it benefits him, taking safer
Closer examination of the podium 51* Rooftop Defenses. Four tracks
positions in battle and demanding an
equal share of all treasure taken. Leuko
reveals that a great tome lies upon it, run across the central 60' section of the
hopelessly damaged from the flames. rooftop. On these tracks, great wheeled
will stoop to treachery if it is required
to save his own hide, but always avoids
This was once Draskilion’s spell book. iron cauldrons filled with oil sit ready to
Most of the black heaps on the floor are be heated and poured into grated drains
a direct attack on the PCs.
other destroyed texts, Ruiz’s spell books at both ends of the tracks. The boiling
Leuko Madrig: AL CN (evil tenden-
and codices borrowed from the lich liquid will run through stone gargoyle
cies); AC 10; MV
12; F6; hp 41; THACO
Quioskala among them. Close to the heads and down on would-be attackers
15; # AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; S 18/
D C W 9, Ch ML 12. podium is an elongated heap. It is what six stories below.
17, 15, 15, 1 11, 7;
remains of Dr aski lion’s material form: IfKiran or Bateso are here, they and
Leuko’s belongings are in cell E.
horridly burnt, grizzled, and twisted have moved one of the
their cohorts will
49E* Leuko Madrig’s belongings were bones recognizable for what they are heavy cauldrons (450 lbs.) from the
casually tossed into this cell after his only through dose examination. All of track onto the trapdoor just to the
purse was emptied by the guards. In- his belongings, along with everything south, making it difficult for anyone
cluded in his equipment are: a suit of once exposed in the room, have been below to come up to the battlements.
ring mail; a shield +i; a long sword obliterated. The entire room radiates a
+ 1, +3 as. regenerating creatures; a powerful magic, so a detection spell will 52. Observatory. This locked octago-
liLckstone (hidden in one of the shield prove useless. nal stone building has a circular section
grips); a torn and muddied dark blue The Boot is acidic and does 1 hp dam- 15' in diameter open to the sky above.
cape; a worn pair of leather riding age per round to exposed skin. It can be Within are an expensive telescope
boots; and deerskin riding chaps. easily wiped away with a damp cloth. (1,800 gp value) and two tables covered
Clearing off the floor will reveal thau- with dozens of star charts and notes
50. Summoning Chamber* This maturgic triangles, pentagrams, magic scribbled on parchment (indecipherable
doorway is guarded by a symbol (dis- circles, and other such drawings, giving to the uninitiated). Atop the charts are
cord), and the door lock has Leomund's an indication as to the function of this astronomical tools and texts dealing
trap cast on it. When the PCs open the chamber. All summoning/conjuration with both astronomy and astrology.
portal, air rushes in noisily as if the spells work normally here. Some of these items may fetch a good
room had been hermetically sealed. The northernmost window on the east price from the right buyer.

48 Issue No. 28

53. Guard Barracks. This stone

building where Draskilion ’s soldiers
is Stepping Through the Gate
(the ruffians Draskilion employs to
serve as guards and to kidnap subjects Boll Consequence
for experimentation) sleep at night and
keep warm. Macro, Dusar, Immras, and 01-15 Gate does not function at all Victim plummets 60' to the hard ground
Rhule lie in wait for the party to come below.
up on the roof and will ambush the PCs
as they enter the barracks. 16-25 Two rounds after someone steps through the gate from this side, he
A pot-bellied stove sits in the center of emerges— but with the opposite of his former alignment. He acts ac-
the room, and next to each of their cots is
cording to his new alignment and may seek to destroy the party later,
a small locked chest containing 10-80 gp.
if he is evil. A wish will restore normal alignment, but the PC will not
Also taking refuge here (unless common
sense indicates otherwise) are Gallio, want to change,
Max, and Jake, three of the household
servants. There is a 60% chance that the 26-34 The victim emerges two rounds later as a homicidal maniac and at-
soldiers and servants will not fight unless tacks the nearest person. A cure disease spell negates this effect,
attacked, stating that they have no quar-
rel with the party. 35-43 The victim is thrown back violently (sustaining 1-6 hp damage), and a
Guards (4): AL CE; AC 6; MV 6; F5; emerges from the gate and attacks.
bar-1 gura
hp 40, 35, 33, 30;THAC0 MT
16; 1; Bar-lgura: Int very; AL CE; AC *3; MV 9; HD 6 +6; hp 44; THAC0
Dmg by weapon type; all stats average,
13; #AT 3; Dmg
1-6/1-6/2-12; SA/SD jump 40'; cast following spells at
except Macro has 18/32 strength; ML
will at 6th level, once per round: darkness 10* radius, create water,
11; XP 175 (Macro 270); scale mail, long
cause fear (by touch), detect illusion, detect invisible, dispel magic,
swords (Macro holds a bastard sword
+ and also possesses a magical key). entangle, plant growth, teleport without error telekinese 2,500 gp wt.;

Servants (3): AL CN; AC 10; MV 12; use these spells twice per day at 6th level: change self invisibility,

zero level; hp 7, 5, 3; THACG 20; AT 1;

spectra/ force; gate in another bar-1 gura once per day; MR 45%; SZ M;
Dmg by weapon type; ML 7; dagger, ML 16; XP 3,000; MM2/37.
1-12 gp each.
44-57 The victim emerges from the portal three rounds later. Memory of who
Concluding the Adventure he is, any spells studied, etc., has been totally wiped away The victim
Aside from the immediate effects on the will regain his memory in 2-3 weeks or when healed ,

PCs as they journey into Dr ask i lion's

keep, there are numerous long-term 58-67 The victim is transported to a layer of the Abyss and is enslaved by a
scenarios possible. This adventure can minor lord there. Rescue is possible.
give the DMan opportunity to turn the
campaign in another direction. 68-80 The victim is transported to the plane of elemental Air where he is
For instance, there are several power- captured by servants of a psychotic djinni and imprisoned in a cloud
fulbeings— some described briefly, oth- palace. Rescue is possible.
ers only hintedat— whose wrath the
party may incur: Chalol, Quioskala the 81-91 The victim is transported to the Astral plane. Rescue is possible,
Lich, Unguliustuk, Siragle, a pair of
vampire brothers, or any of the sorcer- 92-00 The victim enters the gate and is instantly slain, but at the same time
ers studying under Draskilion who
is affectedby a reincarnation spell. The character will attempt to
escape the party’s grasp. Perhaps in
rejoin the party in his new form 2-4 weeks later.
battle, Siragle attempts to grab a PC
and plane shift home, forcing the other
adventurers to undertake a rescue mis- Note: The fate or condition of the gate's victim may not immediately be apparent.
sion to the fiend's gruesome Abyssal Sorcery or other means may be necessary to figure out what has happened.
Perhaps the planar gate (in area 50) is
in functioning order and the party
plunges through it for a extended ad-
venture in a totally different realm of
reality. Or Cabet may return from his
errands, discover what has happened,
and plot his revenge on the party. Cabet
is a ISth-level wizard and should be
designed by the DM to be a challenging
encounter. ft

Shonn lives in Houston and is an aero-
space engineer designing lunar and
Martian missions for McDonnell
Douglas. He also helps NASA with
experiments in its zero-gravity airplane .

‘Visitors*’ was written to introduce
to the AD&D&
Shonn’s gaming group
SPELLJAMMER™ game and was sub-
mitted to DUNGEON® Adventures only
Monica suggested it.
after his wife, f

Shonn would like to thank her and the

friends who helped play-test this adven-
ture r especially Bruntor the Indigestible,
the dwarven war-priest who was swal-
lowed whole no less than four times.

“Visitors from Above” introduces the DM

and players to the concept of flying ships,
alien races, and space travel as described
in the AD&D SPELLJAMMEH boxed set.
The adventure is compatible with AD&D
2nd Edition rules and the Monstrous
Compendium, but can easily be played
with only AD&D 1st Edition rules. It is
not necessary for the DM
to be familiar
with the SPELL JAMMERboxed set to
run this adventure. All SPELLJAMMER
information necessary to run the adven-
ture is included.
The adventure is designed for 4-9
characters of 4th-8th level (a maximum
of 30 total levels). A balanced mixture
of muscle, skill, and magic is needed.
There should be a priest, a wizard, and
several warriors in the party. While
additional races and classes are not
required, it would be advantageous to

VISITORS have a dwarf, a thief, and a ranger as

well. A party of basically good align-
ment will find the adventure more re-
warding than a self-centered party.

FROM ABOVE This adventure can stand alone or be

used as a side adventure in any ongoing
campaign. The adventure in designed to
take place on the planet of Tbril, on
which lies the FORGOTTEN REALMS™
setting.The PCs begin in the city of
BY SHONN EVERETT Neverwinter and must venture upriver
through the Neverwinter Woods to
Mount Hotenow (see the Cyclopedia of

One night, a piece of the Realms pages 66-67, from the

FR5 The Savage Frontier, pages 31, 32,

the sky fell to earth.... and 48). However, the action can be set
in any forest with nearby mountains in
any world the DM chooses. A map of the
forest and major landmarks is included.

Artwork by Kevin Ward About the SPELLJAMMER Game

The SPELLJAMMER game is a system
that lets those who know its secrets

50 Issue No. 26

travel the void of space between the and major. A minor helm converts en- cal items. He is known music
to enjoy
worlds, and even between the stars. The ergy at a rate of one point of ship's rat- and and peoples.
tales of other lands
universal laws of the AD&D universe ing (SR) for every three levels of the Little is known about the Nine except
are based on the laws of magic, not the user. A major helm converts energy at a that they are also former adventurers
laws of physics. In this universe, space rate of one point of ship’s rating for who are highly respected. (This informa-
travel has developed along a different every two levels of the user. When fly- tion can be learned from the townspeo-
line than that of our technological uni- ing in the atmosphere of a planet, a ship ple, but the PCs will not be able to see
verse. Space travel, like all innovations moves 500 yards per round (or about 17 the lord or the Nine).
in the SPELL JAMMER universe, is miles per hour) for every point of ship's The city has a large militia of approxb
based on magic, not technology. rating. mately 400 archers and spearmen who
Spell -casters who sit in the throne carry explosive missiles created by the
Physical Laws of the gain a magical awareness that extends city's craftsmen and wizards (treat as
SPELLJAMMER Universe beyond the hull of the ship and allows grenade missiles for 2*16 hp damage).
them to sense their surroundings as The making of these missiles is a
Two major physical laws that exist in
well as move the ship at their slightest closely guarded secret, and they cannot
our “real” universe do not hold true in
thought. However, those who do so lose be bought. The militia patrols the city
the SPELLJAMMER universe. The
speed of light is not a limiting factor,
all spell -casting abilities for a period of and the High Road as far south as
24 hours. Leilon and as far north as Port Llast.
and gravity does not work the same way
as it does in our world.
For more information on the A fierce blizzard blew in two days ago,
A body (planet, ship, asteroid, etc.) in SPELLJAMMER setting, see “Jam- and high winds and heavy snowfall
the SPELLJAMMER universe has a
ram 5
” by Jim Ward, in DUNGEON have made travel on the High Road
magical gravity that draws an envelope
issue #21. dangerous. This point should be made
of air about it as the object enters the
very clear to the PCs.
void of space (known as wiidspace). This
Adventure Background
For the Player Characters
envelope is roughly three times the As the adventure begins, the PCs are
diameter of the body. Thus, a body the weathering the winter in Neverwinter, On the third night of the blizzard, while
size of a ship can carry enough air to a friendly city of craftsmen located on the PCs are eating supper in their inn,
sustain a small crew for a calculable the Sword Coast along the High Road read or paraphrase the following aloud
period of days before the air must be north of Waterdeep. to the players:
replenished. The length of time an air Neverwinter gets its name from the
bubble around a ship will remain fresh flowers and fruit trees that its skilled
depends on the number of beings inside gardeners keep blooming the year Just as you are sitting down to sup-
the bubble as well as the size of the around in hothouses. Also, the per, the crackle of burning logs and
ship, but a rule of thumb is that it will Neverwinter River flows warm through- the warmth of the hearth are sud-
last four months before becoming out the winter, keeping the harbor at denly replaced by howling winds and
poisonous. Neverwinter ice free. The river’s source a cold chill as the doors of the inn
Gravity also points in the most con* is said to be deep beneath Mount Ho* burst open. A young boy runs in,
venient direction, thus forming a uni- tenow in the midst of the Neverwinter shouting excitedly, “Father, Father,
form plane of gravity on a ship but Woods. The mountain is actually a Selune [the moon] is falling! We will
pulling toward the center of large sleepy volcano, whose ever-smoking all be killed!” He runs to the bar and
bodies such as planets. The gravity on a peaks are visible from Neverwinter over clings to the innkeeper's leg. As a
ship will be 1G (normal Earth gravity) the northern horizon. Due to the mys- patron rushes to close the door, you
down through the deck (just like in most tery surrounding the smoking moun- notice a bright glow in the sky.
science-fiction space films). tain, as well as the harsh weather and Through the windows you see people
unusual inhabitants of the Neverwinter looking up and pointing to the north-
Magical Helms Woods, the forest is feared and shunned east. There, visible even through the

by the locals. blizzard, a huge falling star blazes a

Though the specifics may vary, most fiery trail across the sky. It grows
Neverwinter is also known as “The
ships are propelled through atmosphere larger and larger, arcing northward
City of Skilled Hands” due to the re-
and space by means of devices that to disappear somewhere east of
nown of its craftsmen, who are best
siphon magical energy from a power Mount Hotenow.
known water clocks and exotic
for their
source and convert it to a motive force.
lamps multihued blown glass. The
The most common of these devices is If the PCs inquire about the moun-
city's residents, over 17,000 in number,
known as a helm (not to be confused tains or woods, the following rumors
are known for their quiet manners,
with a helmet). The helm is a thronelike
dedication, and efficiency. and information can be gained from
device powered by magical energy
The city is currently ruled by Lord people in the crowd or from locals the
drawn from a wizard or priest who sits following day. If the PCs do not ask
Nasher, an amiable but fearless man
in it and acts as a living engine. The
who is guarded by the “Neverwinter questions of the locals, they will over-
greater the level of the operator, the hear a choice rumor or two in the bar
Nine.” Nasher is a former adventurer
greater the speed and maneuverability
and renowned fighter who has amassed the following night.
of the ship.
great wealth and a fair number of magi-
There are two forms of helm: minor


Mina ban known

10. only as the Lady of the Woods
NEVERWINTER & lives within the forest.
The informant knows one of the
above rumors (DM’s choice) and also has
VICINITY a map of the area that he will sell for 5
gp (the DM can photocopy the
l" =40 miles Neverwinter and Vicinity map, deleting
BiackfOrtD the lettered encounter areas)*

All the rumors are true, but only the

firstthree have great significance to the
adventure. The others serve to build the
mystery surrounding the woods and can
be used as a basis for expanding the
adventure if the DM wishes.
If there is a thief in the party, each
successful pickpocketing attempt gives
Morgur’s Mound
a 10% chance (cumulative) to obtain a
N map of the Neverwinter region.

For the Dungeon Master

The “falling star” is actually a disabled
nautiloid, a space vessel originally build
by spacefaring mind flayers (illithids)*
The nautiloid is a large ship that closely
resembles the shellfish for which it is
named, the nautilus. It is not known
whether the mind flayers find this de-
sign esthetic, or if they simply think it
will strike fear in their enemies. (The
vessel is detailed later under “The
The ship's current crew are not mind
flayers but a group of humanoid pirates
who sail the void of space, plundering
those less powerful than they. They
recently took the nautiloid from a small
group of mind flayers, but they suffered
great losses in the battle* Tb replenish
their crew, they raided the passenger
ship Klolu t which was carrying new
colonists to a large mining asteroid
known as Ralock’s Rock. They took five
male sailors from the ship as well as
five couples who were emigrating to
start a new fife* All the others were
killed or left for dead*

dwarven mines
The captured sailors and colonists are
Roll ldlG for each person questioned 3. Legends say lost
not evil but are forced to do the pirates'
to determine what he knows* the PCs
If exist somewhere mountains
in the
bidding under the lash and threats
ask a specific question that can be an- around Mount Hotenow.
against their women* The women are
swered by one of the rumors, no roll is 4. Fire elemental are said to live
being treated well in hopes they can be
needed; the person remembers a tale within Mount Hotenow.
sold in the near future*
that answers the question directly. Roll 5. Griffin lairs are hidden in the steep
The nautiloid pirate ship is com-
duplicate rolls again. mountains north of Mount Hotenow.
manded by Captain Red w aid, a 13th-
6. The depthsof Neverw inter
level human fighter. His crew currently
Rumors and Information harbor dire creatures.
consists of his first mate Gurgar, an
7. Ore hordes always go around the
1. Mysterious lights have been seen orog (half-orc/half-ogre); the 10th -level
Neverwinter Woods, never through
over the N overwinter Woods and moun- wizard Alaginzeron, who powers the
tains for as long as can be remembered. ship; 10 trained sailors (3rddevel fight-
8. Loggers never touch the Neverwin-
2. The lights are seen only in the ers); six half-ores (3rd-level fighters);
ter Woods.
winter. five captive sailors and five captive
9. It is said that a powerful druid

52 Issue No. 28

colonists (treat as Ist-level Fighters); The ship plummeted toward the planet, upriver, or they can follow the banks on
and five women captives {zero-level but the captain was able to slow the foot or by horseback. A guide may be
humans). The statistics for these charac- ship’s approach using their backup hired, but he will go no farther than the

ters are given at “The Pirate Crew helm, a primitive device known as a edge of the woods.
The pirates recently voyaged into an furnace, which draws its power not from If the PCs follow the river, they can
uncharted area, where to their surprise a living source but from magical items. cover 20 miles per day by barge or
they came across a gargantuan fortress He sacrificed a ring of feather falling horseback, and 15 miles on foot. Move-
carved from a single white asteroid to and, with the hull glowing red hot and ment through the woods themselves is
resemble the head of a long-bearded leaving a trail of fire, managed to land almost impossible (maximum of four
dwarf. They sensed this object from a the nautiioid in the Neverwinter River miles per day) due to the deep snow and
great distance with a magical device east of Mount Hotenow* It finally came dense growth of trees.
known as a planetary locator, and they to rest on the northern shore (area B). The DM should roll for random
avoided being seen by the fortress's The dwarves, unable to land easily on encounters twice per day if the PCs
inhabitants by hiding in the midst of planets in their huge stone warships, follow the river and four times per day
the asteroids* sent a group of nine warriors down in a if they venture into the woods (a roll of
Unknown to the pirates, this was the mining ship, the Pebble Unable to see
, 1 on ld6 indicates an encounter). Roll
dwarven space citadel known as White- in the blizzard, the warriors landed the percentile dice and consult the Random
stone, which orbits Tbril in a cluster of Pebble about 10 miles downriver (area Encounters table {see sidebar) to deter-
asteroids known as the Tears of Selune, A) from the nautiioid. mine what monster is encountered.
so called because they cluster around Tholgrim, the captain of the dwarven
Tbril's single moon. ship, insisted on trekking upriver with
Whitestone is home to the White- seven of the warriors in search of the Random Encounters
beards, a secretive race of mountain nautiioid, leaving his first mate,
1-20 Lynx, giant(14): ENT very; AL
dwarves who venture to Mount Ho- Fallgon, behind. Under a forced march,
tenow every year during winter when they reached the nautiioid by morning.
N; AC 6; MV 12; HD 2 + 2; THACO
Tbril is closest to Whitestone. There, in 19; #AT 3; Dmg 1-2/1-2/1-2; SA
Unfortunately, the pirate mage’s ho-
the secluded mountains, they mine monculous saw the dwarves approach- rear claws 1-3/1-3; SD 90% unde-
precious ores long ago depleted on their ing, so the pirates arranged an ambush tectable in snow; SZ m; ML 9; XP
asteroid home. Unknown to the rest of for the dwarves and captured all of 270; MC*
Tbril, the Neverwinter Mountains are them. 2140 Wolf (2-20): INT semi; AL N;
rich in gems and metal ores, including Thking the dwarven slaves and two AC 7; MV 18; HD 2 + 2; THACO
mithral ore. The dwarves have an an- crewmen with them, the pirate captain 19; #AT 1; Dmg 2-5; SZ S; ML 10;
cient pact with the druidic demi goddess and his mage their ship’s repairs to
XP65; MC,
who cares for the Neverwinter Woods the crew while they went to explore a
41-60 Winter wolf (2-8): INT aver-
allowing them to mine the mountains. cavern (area C) visible in the mountains
The demi god dess is known only as the nearby. Once in the cavern, they found
AL NE; AC 5; MV 18; HD 6;

Lady of the Woods* it was a mine long ago abandoned by

THACO 15; *AT 1; Dmg 2-8; SA
Unlike most dwarven ships, these the space dwarves* The mage had no frost breath; SD immune to cold
small mining ships are propelled by trouble subjugating the tribe of attacks; SZ L; ML 13; XP 975;
minor helms. The captains and first grimlocks inhabiting the cavern, and MC.
officers are also the helmsmen and are they soon had the dwarves rearming the 61-80 Wolfwere (1-3): INT high; AL
always fighter/clerics who usually wor- ancient traps in the cavern, as they felt CE; AC 3; MV 15; HD 5 + 1;
ship Dumathoin, Keeper of Secrets it would make an excellent pirate lair* THACO 15; #AT 1 or 2; Dmg 2-12
Under the Mountain and protector of or by weapon type; SA singing
the mountain dwarves (see Unearthed Into the Woods brings on lethargy; SD iron or +
Arcana, page 111). These ships resem-
ble terrestrial sea vessels and can land
The shortest route to the crash site or better weapon to hit; MK 10%;
only in good-sized bodies of water.
would be north by northeast through SZ M; ML 14; XP 2,000; MC*
the woods, but any ranger or intelligent There is a 75% chance that these
In their last battle, the pirates at-
adventurer should realize this would be wolfweres are running with a
tacked a dwarven mining ship return-
difficult (if not impossible) because of
ing to Tbril and took several dwarves pack of wolves (see previous
the blizzard. There is, however, little
prisoner. The pirate's mage charmed the statistics)*
snow along the banks of the Neverwin-
dwarves and so learned the location of
ter River; the steam from its warm
81-00 Yeti (1-6); INT average; AL N;
their mine. The pirates were charting
waters keeps the snow melted. Tempera- AC 6; MVHD 4 +4; THACO
their course to the mine when a dwar-
tures near the banks are not as extreme 15; #AT 2; Dmg 1-6/1 -6; SA
ven war ship, thinking them to be mind squeeze for 2-16 hp; SD immune to
as they are farther into the woods.
flayers, attacked the ship on sight. The
The PCs can purchase winter gear in normal cold, invisible in snow and
pirate'smajor helm was destroyed when
the town. They may also purchase a ice; SZ L; ML 14; XP 420; MC*
a shot from the dwarves’ catapult burst
map for 10 gp if they have not already
through the nautiioid *s protective shell
acquired one.
and scored a direct hit. The wizard was
The PCs can rent a barge to travel
knocked out but not seriously wounded*



Dwarven Mining Ship Built by:

Used primarily by:
Whiteboard dwarves
Whitebeard dwarves
Hull points: 40
1 square =5 1

Crew: 20/40
Tbnnage 40
Maneuverability class: E
Landing, land: No
Landing, water: Yes
Armor rating: 7
Save as: Thick wood
Power type: Minor helm
s±] 2*
Ship's rating:
Standard armament:
Ab for spell -caster

1 light catapult Grew: 1

2 medium ballistas Crew: 2 each
Cargo: 20 tons
Upper Deck Keel length:
Beam length:


Aft Forward


1. Rotating catapult
2. Mizzenmast
3. Captain’s station

4. Chart room
5. Minor helm

6. Kitchen and pantry
7. Feast hall

Cargo Deck 8.
Medium ballista

10. First officer's cabin
11. Crew quarters
12. Storage closet
13. Passageway
14. Main mast
15. Cargo hay doors
16. Captain's cabin

Steerage Deck

54 Issue No, 28

Fallgon of the Whitebeards The catapult fires a heavy net elers mentioned in his vision, the ones

Several days after they leave Neverwin-

weighted with lead weights and con- who are to aid him in finding his
taining dozens of steel hooks. The net fellows.
ter, the party comes across the Pebble
will cover everyone in a 10- radius (roll
' There is a small raft hidden under
(area A) and meets its first officer,
to hit AC 10) and may damage and hook dead brush at the edge of the river.
Fallgon of the Whitebeards. Fallgon is
all within the net (roll to hit each target Fallgon points this out to the PCs so
still at the ship when the PCs arrive
in the net). A successful hit indicates that they may cross from the riverbank
because he prayed for guidance and
the target was hit by a lead weight, to the Pebble* If the party has had any
received a vision that he should await
doing 1-6 hp damage. wounds that have not yet healed,
the arrival of a group of travelers
Each person in the net must also Fallgon offers to aid them to the best of
searching for a falling star.
make a saving throw vs. breath weap- his clerical ability. He does this not only
When the PCs reach the dwarven ons or be pierced with 1-4 steel hooks. because he is good, but in hopes that
ship, read the following aloud:
Each hook does 1 hp damage initially, they will be willing to aid him.
Anchored about 10 yards off shore is but if pulled out does 2 hp damage more Fallgon will never lie but may answer
a small sailing ship. It appears to be due to the barbed tip. In addition, the questions and word statements so as not
very old but is in good repair. About hooks are coated with a narcotic. Any- to reveal his origin. The DM
100' in length, it seems somewhat one pierced by the hooks must make a word his dialog with the players very
squat for a sailing ship. Three overly separate saving throw vs. poison for carefully. If questioned on his origin,
thick masts rise from the deck. The each hook or lose consciousness for 4-24 Fallgon states truthfully that he is of
sails are furled, and a large boom is rounds (poison effects for each hook are the clan of the Whitebeards who are
visible on the main mast The stern- not cumulative). traders and miners, and that they live
castle appears to have three tiered The net can be cut only by characters far away beyond the horizon. The PCs
levels. A flag bearing the sign of a not caught up in the hooks. It is AC 10 may notice the oddity of a clan of
golden hammer upon a field of white and takes 10 hp damage before its dwarves sailing a ship, H
they question
waves from the mizzenmast Below strands are severed, A characters with Fallgon about this, he replies that his
the flag, on the deck of the upper exceptional strength may try only once homeland is very small, and most of the
sterncastle, is a turret on which is to break free by using his bend-bars Whitebeards are forced to become sail-
mounted a small catapult. As you roll. While characters are trapped in the ors out of necessity, in order to bring
watch, the weapon quickly swivels to net, they lose any armor class bonuses raw materials to their home (this is also
aim in your direction, and you see a due to dexterity; thus they can be more true). He answers all other questions in
dwarf sitting in a small chair fixed to easily hit by the ballistas. a like manner or politely tries to change
the side of the catapult. The dwarf is The earthbound statistics for a me- the subject.
dressed in bronze plate mail and dium bailista are given below, adapted If asked about the falling star, Fallgon

helm, from beneath which protrudes from the 1st Edition Dungeon Masters answers truthfully that he did not see
a long bushy white beard. [The DM Guide (pages 108-109) and the Concor- it, but that he fears it may have some-

should show the players the picture dance of Arcane Space (page 41), from thing to do with the disappearance of
and map of the dwarven mining the SPELLJAMMER boxed set. These his fellow dwarves. If the PCs mention
ship.] statistics will improve if the ballistas the falling star, he will know they are
are used in wild space (see the Concor- the heros from his dream.
Fallgon of the Whitebeards: AL LG; dance of Arcane Sparc, page 41). The Initially, Fallgon will not reveal his

3; MV 6; F4/C4; hp 38; THACO 17;

AC ballistas are already loaded. Once fired, origin, even to another dwarf, but in-
AT 1; Dmg by spell or weapon type; S Fallgon cannot reload them by himself sists his fellows were attacked some

18/92, D 15, C 19, 1 16, W 18, Ch 10; ML Medium Bailista: Value 75 gp; days ago by unseen foes in the night
14; war hammer +3, bronze plate mail. Range: min. S yards, max. 320 yards; (which is true), and that his captain and
Fallgon has major access to the folio w- Damage: S-M 2d6, L 3d6, 2d2 structural the rest of the crew pursued the in-
ing priest spheres: all, elemental, heal- points; Crew 3; Rate of Fire 1/3; THACO truders into the woods. He tells the
ing, protecting. He has minor access to 14; Critical hit on 20, party that his shipmates have not re-
the charm and necromancy spheres. He If none of the PCs are evil and there turned and he fears the worst. Fallgon
has the following spells: bless, com- are no dwarves in the party Fallgon will also say that, even though he was

mand cure light wounds ( x 2), detect steps away from the catapult and hails ordered to stay with the Pebble, he is

evil, aid hold person, produce flame,

the party cautiously: “Ho there! Well now going to search for his friends and

slow poison. met, travelers. Hast thou seen aught of would be glad to have the party’s
Fallgon saw the party approaching any such as I?” company,
and has already cast his detect evil spell. However, if there is a dwarf in the Fallgon may be used to feed the PCs
Since this spell has a range of 120 party, Fallgon is much less suspicious as little or as much information about
yards, he will have plenty of time to fire and calls out to the PC dwarf: “Ho, the pirates as the DM
sees Fit. The
the catapult at evil creatures, then run kindred of my blood. I am called dwarf may pass on his false fears that
forward to the ballistas before the ap- Fallgon. Come forth and warm thyself the pirates are mind flayers (due to the
proaching group can retaliate. If any of and thy friends at my hearth ” construction of their ship). He may also
the FCs are evil, Fallgon calls out to If the PCs are friendly in either case, mention that mind flayers are known to
them to stay clear of the ship before he Fallgon invites them to come aboard out consort with beholders (actually gas
of the cold. He hopes they are the traw spores). The DMshould be careful not to


The Lady of the Woods

will use severe
weather, summoned creatures, or the
PCs themselves against the pirates
rather than confront them herself. She
prefers that mortals deal with mortals.
She will not converse with the PCs
and she cannot be harmed by
any means. She has major access to the
following spheres: all, animal, elemen-
tal, healing, plant, and weather. She
has minor access to the divination
sphere. (For AD&D 1st Edition rules,
she has access to all druid spells.)

Journey to the Nautiloid

The crashed nautiloid lies approxi-

mately 15 miles upriver. Though it is
days old, the trail of the dwarves is not
hard to follow along the river bank. The
party will find signs of battle about a
mile before they come upon the nauti-
loid itself.
A ranger in the party has the normal
chance to determine approximately how
many foes attacked the dwarves. There
are eight sets of dwarf-sized bootprints,
eight sets of human-sized bootprints,
and one set of larger-than-buman boot-
prints. From
the footprints, it is evident
that the dwarves walked away from the
scene, heading farther upstream, {These
scare a lower-level party too much or mistlike apparition of a beautiful were charmed by the wizard.)
they may decide not to accompany woman dressed in a flowing green gown
Fallgon. appears to the party 1-4 hours after The Pirate Crew
If any of the PCs are reluctant to aid they leave the Pebble. The apparition The crew currently manning the nauti-
Fallgon, he tells them he does not speaks in a stern but kindly voice: “I loid is described below. The DM should
blame them, for he believes his foes am called the Lady of the Woods by your become familiar with them before the
wield great items of magic, and the task kind. I appear to you to tell you your PCs come upon the nautiloid.
could be very dangerous. (He believes destiny lies in following Fallgon. Keep Gurgar the Grog (first mate): INT
his foes are mind flayers, who are to the river.” As soon as she has uttered high; AL LE; AC MV 6 (12); HD
3 (10);
known to create numerous scrolls and these words, the lady disappears.
3; hp 23; THACO #AT 2; Dmg by
potions and wield great powers. He The Lady of the Woods is a demi- weapon type two handed, one
hopes the temptation of treasure and goddess who dwells in the Neverwinter battle axe in each hand, +2 to hit and
magic will convince the adventurers to Woods. She appears before the PCs, + 5 to damage); SD 60' infra vision; SZ
follow him.) using a wind walk spell. The lady is M (7' tall); ML13; XP 120; MC; plate
If the PCs agree to aid him, Fallgon neutral good but does not mind an occa- mail, dagger, two battle axes, ring of
insists on setting out immediately, un- sional evil creature wandering into her keys, Figurine of Golem, bag of holding
less it is near dark or some of the PCs woods. She does not, however, allow any (holds 15 lbs.) with 100 pp.
are injured, in which case he will leave permanent incursion of evil creatures Gurgar is more intelligent than most
at daybreak. If the PCs do not wish to (or good creatures for that matter), orogs. He is first officer not only be-
aid him, Fallgon politely asks them to especially the more intelligent ones, cause of his intelligence, but because he
leave the ship, as he is setting out alone though she does allow the Whitebeard keeps the halfores in line. He is cun-
in search of his friends. dwarves to mine the mountains each ning and brutal, and loyal to his
A map of the dwarven mining ship year. captain.
has been included in case the PCs stay The Lady of the Woods (demi- Golem the stone golem: INT non;
overnight, and because they may return goddess): AL NG; AC 6; MV 15; D20; hp AL N; AC 5; MV 6; HD 14; hp 60;
there later with the dwarves. There is 109; THACO 8; MT 1; Dmg by spell; S THACO 7; #AT 1; Dmg 3-24; SA casts
little of value on board, and only the 14, D 18, C 16, 1 17, W 19, Ch 19; MR slow spell every other round on anyone
bridge and the captain’s cabin are 50%; ML 19. Note that these are the within 10'; SD hit only by + 2 or better
locked. statistics of her avatar, not the demi- weapons; SZ L; ML 19; XP 10,000; MC.
If the PCs do not follow Fallgon, a goddess herself. This golem was specially constructed

56 Issue No. 28

so that it could be controlled by a small During the day, the rest of the crew
figurine that resembles the golem. Any- (except the captain, wizard, and two shell is composed of a smooth glossy
one holding the figurine and calling its pirates) are at the ship overseeing re- substance. Blackened chitinous
name— “Golem”— can give it simple pairs being done by their captive hu- plates cover most of the lower hull,
commands. Gurgar, the orog first mate, mans. The nautiloid ship sustained fire and a large dorsal fin juts from the
keeps the figurine on his person at all damage during the battle with the rear of the ship. Rising above all is a
times. If Golem is not destroyed, the dwarven warship as well as during the mast from which waves a black flag.
figurine may be recovered and it may be landing. Much of its chitinous armor Upon the field of black flies a white
controlled, but due to its weight (2,000 plating was burned, and the hull was skull with crossed swords clenched in
lbs.) and slow movement rate, it would pierced in several places when it struck its teeth.
not be wise for the PCs to take Golem the rocks on shore as it skidded up onto
with them into dungeons. the bank.
Half-ore pirates (6): AL CE; AC 8; Battle for the Nautiloid
MV 12; F3; hp 32 ( x 2), 29 ( x 4); THACO Night Encounter If the PCs approach the nautiloid dur-
18; 0AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA can
During the night, four half ores patrol ing the day without surprise, the pi-
target siege weapons even in the dark;
the woods in pairs. There is a 10% rates fire upon them with the ballistas
S 18/85, D 12, C 18, 1 9, W
11, Ch 7; SZ
chance per pair that they are asleep and catapult on the ship. The catapult
M; ML 12; XP 65; MC; halberds, short
rather than patrolling. As for the day fires clay pots the size of watermelons.
swords, leather armor, dirks, 2-20 gp in
coins. These pirates are cruel and vul-
encounters, the DM should roll to see if These weapons were inherited from the
the half-ores are alert, giving them a ship’s former mind flayer owners. The
gar by nature, and are kept in line only
by force.
+2 bonus to surprise if the PCs have no pots contain green slime and are known
spells or abilities to see in the dark. as green slime projectiles.
Human pirates (10): AL NE x 6), LE (
Green slime
( x 2), CN N; AC 8; MV 12; F3; hp 24
At night, the pirates lock the im- (15 projectiles): INT non;

x 5), 23 x 5); THACO 18; #AT 1; Dmg

pressed sailors in the slave hold (area AL N; AC 9; MV 0; HD 2; hp 12;
by weapon type; SA proficient with
B28). The crew members are either THACO 19; #AT 0; Dmg nil; SA dis-
asleep in their quarters or gathered in solves flesh and all types of armor
ballistas and catapults; S 15, D 16, C
the main saloon on the bridge deck, within four rounds; SD immune to all
18, 1 11, W 11, Ch 14; ML 15; XP65; drinking and gambling. The exception forms of attack but fire, cold, and cure
leather armor, cutlass and dirk, trident
and net, or crossbow. Each has 3-30 gp is Gurgar, who sleeps during the day disease spells; SZ S; ML 10; XP 120
and patrols the deck at night using his each; MC.
in coins.
infra vision. He will always have the The half-ore pirates will repel
Captive male humans (10): AL CG
figurine of Golem with him. boarders with their halberds. Gurgar
(x 8), NG, LG; AC 10; MV 12; FI; hp 11,
attacks with his axes and commands
9 ( x 2), 8 { x 2), 7 ( x 2), 6, 5, 4; THACO
The Nautiloid the stone golem to attack the PCs. The
20; ft AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; ML 7.
first mate may also choose to throw
Having been impressed into service, The following description should be green slime projectiles overboard at the
these men have no weapons or armor read to the PCs when they arrive at
but are proficient with cutlass or short area B on the Neverwinter and Vicinity
If the battle is going in favor of the
sword (if available) and will turn on map:
their captors if given the chance. The
PCs after the second round, the DM
should make morale checks for each of
PCs should not gain experience points
Beached on the the pirates. Any who miss their moral
for killing any of the capti ve sailors or far banks of the river
is a large structure that looks like a checks may attempt to flee to the ca-
cross between a sea vessel and a verns (area C) or to the slave deck to
shellfish. Measuring over 100' in
hold the women hostage. If the battle is
Day Encounter going badly for the PCs, the impressed
length, the lower body looks some-
During the day, two patrols each con- what like that of a ship. However, sailors will turn on the pirates and
taining three human pirates patrol the the aft section resembles the curling attack with whatever they can get their
woods and river within half a mile of horned shell of some sea creature hands on. They should get a roll for
the nautiloid crash site. There is a 25% and rises a good 60' into the air. surprise against the pirates.
chance that a patrol will be napping or If the PCs take the ship, the pirate
Upon the front are two large red
gambling somewhere in the woods eyes, and from its nose protrude long wizard (who is with his captain in the
rather than patrolling. The DM
should intertwining tentacles like those of a caves at area C) learns of it using his
determine whether or not each patrol is squid. The forward section of the ship crystal ball and will begin preparing his
alert before the PCs approach (roll for has three levels. The first sports a defenses. (For each use of the crystal
each group separately). If the pirates ballista, the next is supplied with a ball the
DM should consult the 2nd
are alert and gain surprise, the pirates catapult, and the last is equipped Edition DMG , page 165, to determine if

use the chance to retreat toward the with three ballistas. anyone detects the scrying.)
ship. The other patrol has a 90% chance
The main body appears to be
of hearing the First patrofs calls for help formed from a black organic sub- Into the Nautiloid
or the sounds of battle, and will run to stance resembling wood, whereas the The nautiloid has seven decks, lettered
alert the ship’s crew in 11-20 rounds.
A through G. The DM should read this


section thoroughly before the PCs ever

come upon the ship, since the design of
the ship is somewhat complicated, (See
the map of the nautiloid for more

Command Station (Con)

This area is located in the uppermost
section of the nautiloid's shell. Access is
gained by a ladder that leads down 10'
to the helm deck (area B4I.

Bl. Captain’s Chair This was once

the site of the mind-flayer captain's
command chair. Captain Redwald has
had his backup furnace helm mounted
here. From this position, he was able to
see the bridge deck w here the crew

gathered when he wished to address

them. The helm deck and the forward
and ventral observers were also in full
view, so that lookouts could report
sightings immediately.
The floor of the platform under the
furnace chair is formed of a transparent
crystal that enables anyone sitting in
the chair to view the deck directly be-
low. The furnace helm looks like an
ornate throne; a small door in the base
opens onto a compartment that contains
the captain’s now nonmagical ring. The
helm radiates magic.

B2, Captain’s Day Room. This room


is 10 wide and 10' deep. All the walls of

the shell are etched with grotesque
scenes of mind-flayer exploits. The cap-
tain keeps a cot and some of his per-
sonal things here: extra clothing (all
bright colors), a washbasin, and a jug of
wine. His ship's log is here also. It tells
of the pirates’ previous ship, relates the
taking of the mind- flayer ship, and
describes some of their conversions to
the nautiloid. The capture of the sailors
and the colonists is also noted. The last
entry details the discovery of the dwar-
ven asteroid fortress, the taking of the
small dwarven ship, the story of the ore
mines, and the pirates’ subsequent
battle wdth the dwarves. There are no
entries concerning the capture of
Fallgon’s friends.

Scout Deck
This deck comprises two platforms— one
forward and one aft— that jut out over
the battle deck below.

B3. Forward Observer, A human

guard will always be stationed here

58 Issue No. 28

unless an alarm has been sounded. stem. The pirates have installed a B8. Upper
Battle Station. This semi-
Night or day, a reddish glow emanates small bar and pantry along the aft sec- circular deck is approximately 10' wide
from the crystal viewing window tion. There are several tables and chairs and encompasses the front half of the
mounted in the forward shell. Every- scattered throughout the room, upon bridge deck. Three ballistas are
thing outside for 180° forward can be which lie unfamiliar dice, bones, and mounted here, where the deck is open to
seen from here, even at night; the crys- cards. the sky above. These ballistas can fire
tals are enchanted to mimic inftavision Several casks of wine and ale are in an arc of approximately 300°. All
(120' range). Sets of stairs on either side stored behind the bar, but an open and three ballistas are kept loaded, and
of the deck lead down 10' to the bridge partially empty bottle of tailia conspicu- there are always at least two men sta-
floor, ously awaits the return of its owner, tioned here (including a half-ore at
Thllia is a very potent alcohol fermented night).
B4. Helm Deck. This deck is located from fruits grown on a far-away world. Four doors lead in to the bridge deck
above the main saloon (area B5) and can If the liquor isimbibed without diluting (area B6). A metal rail surrounds the
be reached from the bridge floor via a it, the drinker must make a saving deck. Rising from the aftmost section of
ladder located by the saloon door. A throw vs. poison or become instantly the deck, a single mast carries the pi-
waist- high rail runs along the front of very intoxicated for 1-6 hours. 3
rates flag, a skull with crossed swords
the deck, which is about 15' wide at the The pantry contains dried fruits, clenched in its teeth. The statistics for
rail. The smooth walls curve to meet smoked meats, moldy bread, and jars of the medium ballista are given at
about 12' aft of the rails. unidentifiable pickled things. If it is “Fallgon of the Whitebeards.” The pi-
A thronelike chair sits in the middle night and no alarm has been sounded, rates can man each of these ballistas
of the deck. Further investigation re- most of the human crew are here, gam- with only two men.
veals it is chipped and cracked. One bling and drinking. At other times, no
large crack in the rear runs through the one will be here. Battle Deck
entire throne. A makeshift patch has
been attached to the rear hull with B6* Bridge Floor. This elliptical deck B9. Ala ginzer on’s Cabin and Lab.
spikes and tar. This was the area where measures 72' in length. It is 25' wide at This door is wizard locked (10th level).
the mind flayers had their own form of the greatest point. Ib either side of the It is evident at a glance that this is the
helm known as a series helm. The pi- room are located large hemispherical cabin of a wizard. The room takes up
rates gutted it and mounted their now- windows made of a translucent red the entire end of this deck. The forward
destroyed major helm here. crystal. Just aft of the windows, closed
wall is over 20 long, and the side walls
The pirates have tried to patch a doors lead out to the ventral observa- taper together to meet about 15' aft,
breach in the hull caused during the tion stations. Stairs in the center of the forming a semicircular room. A strange
battle with the dwarves but cannot room lead down to the battle deck. moss grows on the ceiling, giving off a
seem to find a good way of attaching Stairs along either wall lead up and dull green light (the moss is harmless).
anything to the hull. From here, the forward to the scout deck 10' above. Lining the walls are tables and
forward observer and the bridge deck Below the scout deck, the forward shelves with various apparatus for
can be viewed. A ladder leads up to the section has four door-sized portals made creating potions and magical items.
command station 10' above. of the translucent red crystal.These Most of the equipment was broken and
portals lead out onto the upper battle scattered on the floor during the crash
Bridge Deck station and can be locked from the landing. Alaginzeron has gathered the
This deck
inside. few vials and jars that survived and
is entirely enclosed inside the
The walled-off section in the rear has placed them on one of the tables, along
protective stern shell. The interior of
one door to the starboard (right) side. with a small wooden box and a bone
the shell resembles mother of pearl and
Above the door is a plank with the word scroll case.The vials contain common
reflects light allabout in a rainbow of
colors. Etched into the surface of the
SALOON painted on it. Tb the right of spellcomponents. One jar contains
the door, a ladder leads up 9' to a railed several ounces of gray ooze, and another
shell are baroque murals depicting
deck above the saloon. This is the helm contains green slime. The wooden box
hideous beings with tentacles sprouting
deck (area B4), and from here another contains a large egg (a trapper egg).
from their faces. These beings are
ladder leads up 10' to a narrow walk- The scroll case contains a single scroll
shown subjugating humans and other
creatures. High above, large etchings
way that juts out over the center of the with the following spells: blink dimen-

room high above the bridge deck. sion door, teleport, passwall. The scroll
depict fleets of vessels such as this one
also has explosive runes cast on it; it
battling fleets of other vessels with sails
B7* Ventral Observers. Located to explodes when read, destroying itself
like butterfly wings. From this deck,
the stairs lead up to the scout deck
either side of the bridge floor, the ven- and doing 6d4 + 6 hp damage to the
tral observers have large translucent reader (no save). Those within 10' may
crystal portals that Filter in a dim blood- save for half damage. A wizard has a
R5. Main Saloon. This room is lo-
red light during daylight hours. Just aft 5% per level chance of detecting the
of the portals are doors that lead out runes before they are set off.
cated in the aft end of the bridge deck
and is walled off, A single door leads out
onto small semicircular observation A small bed is nailed to the floor at
platforms. During the day, one pirate is the back wall. Near the port wall is a
to the bridge floor. The room is 40' wide
stationed on each of these platforms. chest measuring about 3' x 3' x 4\ The
as the widest point, tapering to 5" at the
chest is actually a mimic that guards


the wizard's valuables in exchange for

The Ring ofBurbul an occasional human meal.
This intelligent ring is both cursed and blessed. Each time a person dons the ring, Mimic: INT average; AL N; AC 7; MV
it instantly shapes itself to fit the wearer's finger. It will not allow itself to be 3; HD 7; hp 40;THACO 13; #AT I; Dmg
removed after that time unless the person dies or a remove curse spell is success- 3-12 (smash); SA glue; SD camouflage;
fully cast. The ring talks out loud in a high-pitched voice and will try to get some- SZ L; ML
15; XP 975; MC. If anyone
one to put it on by bragging about its great powers. A detect lie spell will not tries to open the “chest ” the mimic
reveal anything about the truth or falsity of the ring's words. attacks with a pseudopod (roll for sur-
The ring of Burbul is actually a modified version of a ring of contrariness (see prise), and a large mouth forms in the

2nd Edition DMG, page 147), but instead of having only one of the listed powers, chest.
it has access to all six powers. Inside the mimic-chest are three
The ring has a craving for precious metals, the more precious the better It eats books, 100 gp, and a small bony hand
these and uses them as a source of power for both its own existence and its spell with a ring on its third finger. The first
use. It prefers coins but will not turn down other small metal items such as ear- volume is a manual on the creation of
rings or other small rings* golems (see the Monstrous Compen-
Each time the wearer wishes the ring to use a power, the DM should roll percen- dium). The second is a manual on the
tile dice twice* If the spell requested is one of the six available, there is a 20% creation of homonculi (see the AfC also)*
chance (first roll) that the power will be activated* If the power fails or If the The third volume is a book penned by
power requested is not possessed by the ring, the innate contrariness of the ring Alaginzeron detailing the care and
will cause it to claim it doesn’t have enough power at the time to cast that spell. feeding of mimics and trappers, and the
In addition, if the second roll was 10% or less, the ring’s contrariness affects the growth and uses of green slime and
wearer as per a ring of contrariness. No save is allowed, since the person is wear- gray ooze. The mind flayers used these
ing the cursed item* The condition of contrariness becomes permanent unless a to etch the shell of the nautiloid and
limited wish wish or remove curse removes it.
, ,
various metal devices; however, this is a
The ring ofBurbul has access to the following spell powers: fly, invisibility, levi- dangerous procedure for humans to
tation* shocking grasp spell turning, strength. The ring will not necessarily tell
the wearer all of these powers at first (DM's option) and may boast of other nonex- The hand belonged to a half! mg who
istent powers. It will always insist on being fed before it will attempt a spell. The was fed to the mimic recently. The
amount of metal it desires before casting a spell is not a fixed value and may be cursed ring prevented the hand from
negotiated with the ring on a case-by-case basis that depends upon the gravity of being fully digested* In life, the ring
the situation the wearer (and thus the ring) is in. It will sometimes accept a prom- would not come off, but it can now be
ise to feed it well in the near future if it will perform a task immediately, but it removed. The ring appears to be formed
will remember if the promise is not kept. (If the ring perceives great danger to from various precious metals that have
itself or its wearer, it may
decide to cast any of its spells.) been melted and molded together. The
The ring's mouth canstretch to accommodate objects up to lVs" x lVa ff
is carved to resemble
face of the ring
Its interior is like a small bag of holding, and it can store up a great number of the face of a halfling. (See “The Ring of
coins for later digestion* In extremely dire circumstances, the wearer might be Burbul” sidebar for more information.)
clever enough to persuade the ring to literally "cough up” some coins for him.
In addition to coins, the ring loves small magical items such as rings. It may say B10. First Mate Gurgar’s Roam,
that, if fed a tiny magical item, it will gain the item's powers. This is partially The door to this room is locked, and
true, and only for the first time the ring is fed a magical item by its current Gurgar carries the key. The room is
owner. Thus, if the wearer fed it a ring of fire resistance, the ring ofBurbul would almost a rectangle 20’ long and 30'
gain the abilities of a ring of fire resistance. Unfortunately, it could access them deep* During the day, Gurgar can usu-
only 20% of the time, with a chance of causing the wearer to become contrary. ally be found sleeping in the large
After the first magical item consumed, there is only a 25% chance it will gain a
is feather bead against the far wall. He
new power each time it is fed an item; otherwise the item and its power are lost. If has hidden 20 gp under the mattress.
this occurs, the ring apologizes and claims ignorance* An unlocked chest in the far corner
The ring does not like wizards, clerics, paladins, or rangers because these contains a normal dagger hidden under
classes cast spells. It likes to have the limelight all to itself* It is of neutral -good layers of stinking ogre-sized clothing,
alignment and will not function for evil persons. It loves small, fun- loving demi-
humans such as halllings and kender. The more mischievous the use of its powers, BII, Sail Storage. The door to this
the more likely it will perform (the DM
should assign a higher percentile for the room is unlocked. The narrow, cramped

ring to work in such cases). area contains extra sails and ropes,
The ring assumes the name of its current wearer (the last wearer was Burbul
Hairfoot). It should be played by the DMin a manner to add comic relief as well BI2. Chart Room* The door to this
as mystery. It instantly gains the ability to speak the language of its current room is locked, but Gurgar’s keys will
wearer, and thus knows many languages from across the galaxy (the DM
should open it. The walls are lined with racks
decide what these might be). It will sometimes recall strange tales or humorous containing maps of other lands and
jokes* The ring does not know its own origin or age, but it has been around for worlds, and charts of known planetary
many centuries. systems* A strange black device, 3'-high
and circular, stands in the center of the
room. This is a planetary locator, a

60 Issue No. 28

magical device that can sense large 5 to the lower battle station. The
taper together to meet 20' forward. At
bodies in space at a great distance. The earthbound statistics for the medium the apex of the walls hangs a painting
device weighs 200 lbs, and is bolted to catapult are given here, derived from of a galleon floating on a field of black
the deck. Anyone standing before the the 1st Edition Dungeon Masters Guide with stars in the background. There is a
locator and placing his hands upon it (pages 108-109) and the Concordance of bed against the starboard wall. A locked
can cause a display of all nearby plane- Arcane Space (page 41), from the chest at the foot of the bed contains
tary bodies to appear above the flat, SPELLJAMMER boxed set. These sta- several changes of brightly colored
tablelike surface. tistics will improve
the catapult is
if clothes. A desk and chair sit against the
used in wild space (see the Concordance port wall. Ink, quills, parchment, and a
B13. Cargo Bay Hatch. This 10 of Arcane Space, page 40). flint box are on the desk. An oil lamp

square hatch is hinged on the aft side Medium Catapult; Value 175 gp; hangs from the ceiling.
and opens into the cargo hold (area Range: min* 160 yards, max* 330 yards;
B20). It is secured with a large chain Damage: S-M 2d 10, L 3d4, 2d2 struc- B17. Captain’s Chart and Treasure
and padlock. tural points; Crew: 5-8 (the pirates can Room, The door to this area is also
man it with only three); Rate of Fire 1/ locked, and is trapped with a poison
B14, Assembly Deck, This deck is 4; THAC0 17; Critical hit on 19 or 20* needle (save vs. poison or die in 1-4
30' wide and 25' long. The outermost rounds)* The room is approximately 10'
walls are formed by the interior of the Lower Battle Station square and is piled with charts of vari-
ship’s shell (see Bridge Deck for a de- ous planetary systems, and maps that
This station overlooks the ram at the
scription of the walls). The arch of the indicate the rumored locations of buried
nose of the ship. A medium ballista is
shell’s large hooded opening yawns treasures,
mounted forward (see “Fallgon of the
forward, opening to the outside* The
Whiteboards” for statistics). Two pi-
A locked and trapped chest (3 x 3' x 4 )
r r

hood gives partial cover to a catapult on sits in the corner. Failure to disarm the
rates are always posted here. At night,
the forward deck, A 10 '-square hatch trap causes a puff of poisonous spores to
one will be a half-ore. The hood formed
covers a large hold in the center of the explode, covering the entire room. Each
by the battle platform above gives this
deck* person in the room takes 3-18 hp dam-
station cover from overhead. Stairs on
To the stern, two sets of stairs lead aft. age (save vs. poison for half damage )
either side to the rear lead up to the
The starboard stairs lead above to the and must receive a cure disease spell
middle battle station* A single set of
bridge deck. The port stairs lead below within 24 hours or die, sprouting 1-4
stairs in the center of the rear wall
past the cargo deck to the slave deck. gas spores* The trap uses spores dis-
leads down 5' to the captain’s dining
Just port of the stairwells, a door leads tilled from a gas spore. Inside the chest
into the chart room; it is always locked, are a bone scroll case (containing a
and Gurgar has the key. Just starboard cursed scroll: the reader is stricken with
Cargo Deck
of the stairwell is a corridor that leads cowardice and must make a morale
aft. There is a door starboard midway The cargo deck can be reached only by check (at ML 6) for each encounter to
along the corridor (this is the sail stor- means of the stairs on the lower battle see if he flees), a small cloth bag (a bag
age closet and is unlocked)* The corridor station and by the cargo bay doors. of holding containing 500 pp), and a
widens out where it ends. From this dagger +2.
open space, two doors lead out. One door B16. Captain’s Cabin. The door to
is aft, and the other is in the port wall and magically
this area is locked B18. Mind-Flayer Pantry. The door
(see areas B9 and BIG), Golem usually trapped* The captain has the key to the to thisarea cannot be opened by any
stands at attention in this area until door.A thief or a detect traps spell may means short of physically destroying
summoned. reveal the trap, and a successful dispel the wood, unless the door to the cap-
magic spell against a lOth-level caster tain’s cabin is wide open* This was used
B15. Middle Battle Station, This will remove it. as a safety precaution by the mind flay-
section of the deck open to the outside
is If is set off, there is no imme-
the trap ers so that the pantry door would not be
but is covered overhead by the protect- diate indication that anything has hap- accidentally opened, but it has now
ive hood of the shell 15'-20' above. Here pened. It causes the door to the been rigged by the pirates as a trap. If
the deck is 30' wide here and 15' long* mind-flayer pantry (area BB) to quietly the captain’s door is opened without
In the center of the deck* a medium and slowly open, allowing the brown disarming the trap, the door to the
catapult is mounted on a turret that mold there to begin draining the heat pantry quietly opens, allowing the
allows it to fire forward in a 180° arc* from the dining room. Characters who brown mold inside to grow*
Six clay pots the size of watermelons do not enter the captain’s cabin have a Upon opening the door to this room,
and containing green slime (see “Battle 20% chance per round (cumulative) to the adventurers feel intense cold like
for the Nautiloid”) are arrayed beside notice that the dining room is growing that of an ice house. The room is ap-
the catapult. Six normal catapult projec- colder, but since it is cold outside, this proximately 10' on a side* Lining the
tiles are lined up on the other side of should not be overemphasized* If the walls are racks of large jars containing
the weapon. Ahead, the deck curves up pantry door is closed within five rounds, the frozen brains that serve as food for
steeply to a small platform that over- the brown mold will be contained; other- mind flayers when fresh ones are not
looks the lower battle station* Directly wise, it spreads to the dining room* available. The room is kept cold by

ahead, stairs lead up 5 to the platform. The captain’s cabin is dark. The deck means of a mutated form of brown mold
Tb port and starboard, stairs lead down is 20' wide near the door, but the walls growing on the ceiling. This mold does


not do instant damage to anyone within divided by lightning bolts; SZ M (6'); ML seland leaves everyone else alone. The
5' as does the normal kind. Thus, some-
10; XP 420; MC (oozes/slimes/jellies). pirates discovered the trapper in their
one can enter and leave in one round The hold contains kegs of ale, holts of exploration of the ship and have left it
without being harmed. But, if exposed silk, barrels of tar, extra ropes, and a here to guard their treasure. In ex-
to the outside air for more than one treasure chest. The chest is locked but change, they feed it regularly.
round, this brown mold begins to grow not trapped, and filled with coins of Trapper: INT high; AL N; AC 3; MV
rapidly. By the sixth round, it will have various metals including gold, silver, 3; HD 12; hp 86; THACO 9; #AT 1; Dmg
doubled in size and spread outside the and copper. The faces of the coins will special; SA entraps victim, who suffo-
room into the captain's dining room not be familiar to the PCs, since they cates in six rounds; victim loses 4 hp
(area B19). At this time, the mold ma- were coined on other worlds, but the plus own AC each round; SD immune to
tures and acts as a normal brown mold. coins can be melted down and sold for heat-or cold-based attacks; SZ H; ML 11;
Any creature locked within the pantry their metal, or perhaps sold to a collec- XP 2,000; MC.
will suffer hypothermia within one turn tor of strange coins. A
dagger, a long Lying about the room is a great deal
and freeze to death within an hour. sword, and a scroll case are buried in of dwarven armor and other gear, which
Brown mold: INT non; AL N; AC 9; the coins and partially visible. Fallgon can identify as belonging to his
MV 0; HD nil; hp nil; THACO 19; *AT All this was left here to appear to be fellows. He will not like it if anyone
nil; Ding nil; SA freezing; SD absorbs the pirate's main treasure. It contains tries to take their things, and insists
heat; torch causes it to double in size, 104 gp, 225 ep, 328 sp, 503 cp, and five that the gear be returned. If any of the
flaming oil quadruples it, fireball-type gems worth 50 gp each, but also con- PCs insist on keeping anything belong-
spells cause it to grow eightfold; harmed tains a colony of 10 flying goldbugs, a ing to the dwarves, Fallgon will not put
by only cold -based or disintegrate spells; cursed long sword + 1, a cursed dagger up much of a fight, but he will remem-
SZ S Cat first); ML nil; XP nil; MC. of throwing (when thrown, it automati- ber this greediness later when it is time
cally hits the one who threw it), and a to distribute the party's rewards.
B19. Captain’s Dining Room. This cursed scroll. The reader of the scroll The dwarven belongings include the
room is 20' long, 10 wide at the forward

must talk in rhyme. If he is a spell- following: one suit of field plate; one
end, and 15' wide at the aft end. An caster, he must make up a rhyme to cast suit of plate mail; three suits of chain
ornate chandelier hangs in the center of any spell— the higher the level, the mail; three suits of ring mail; hammer
the room over a long oak dining table. longer the rhyme. The DM
should deter- +2 dwarven thrower; short sword +2,
There are four chairs along either side mine whether the spell works based on giant slayer; hammer + 3; hammer +2;
and one at the head of the table. A sin- the player's creativity. battle axe +2; throwing axe +1; mace
gle closed door leads forward (to the Goldbug, flying (10): INT non; AL N; + i; short sword + 1. The other treasure
captain's cabin, area B16), another AC 9; MV 1, fly 6; HD V*; hp 2; THACO includes the following: cloak of protec-
leads starboard (into the mind-flayer’s 20; #AT 1; Dmg1; SA poison; SD looks tion +2; morning star + 1; suit of
pantry, area B18), and double doors lead like a gold coin; SZ T; ML
10; 65; FF XP human-sized splinted mail + 3 ; long
aft (into the cargo hold, area B2Q). (adapted). Each beetle has a flattened, sword +i (Int 12, AL LG, detect evil 10'
These are all locked. One staircase circular body and a golden shell, mak- radius, semi-empathy with wielder); and
leads up to the lower battle station, and ing it closely resemble a gold coin. They a box of 50 pearls worth 50 gp each, one
another set of stairs leads down and are very similar to the goldbug de- of which is actually a pearl of wisdom.
starboard (to the slave deck). scribed in the FIEND FOLIO® tome, but The following monetary treasure is in
this variety can fly. When disturbed, the real chest: 1,000 gp, 2,000 ep, 3,000
B20. Cargo Hold. The locked double they swarm like a hive of hornets, at- sp, 7,000 cp, 17 gems worth a base 100
doors leading into this area are trapped tacking anything that moves, A bite gp each, and a single 1,000-gp gem.
with a poison-needle trap. The hold is inflicts 1 hp damage; then the victim
dark and is approximately 60' long and must save vs. poison or lose 1 hp per Slave Deck
30' wide. The ceiling high. A
is 15' round for 3-18 rounds (multiple bites
There is very tittle of value in any of
closed stairwell passes through the have cumulative effects), unless a re-
the quarters, just hammocks and dirty
center of the hold but does not allow move poison spell is cast,
access to the hold. The pirates have
installed a false wall across the rear end B21. Rear Treasure Room. This
of the hold. Their real treasure is be- room is located behind the false wall aft
B22-23, 27. Pirate Quarters. A total

hind the wall (in area B21) and can be of 10 pirates live in these two rooms
of area B20 and can be entered through
reached by means of a secret door. Be- (foureach in areas B22 and B23, the
the secret door. The room is 15' deep
hind the stairwell is a covered vat con- remaining two in area B27).
and 25' wide, its walls tapering to meet
taining an ochre jelly. The creature was at the tail of the ship. In this narrow
mutated by the mind flayers so that it B24, 26. Half-ore Quarters. Six half-
space aft there are two large chests,
ores inhabit these two rooms, with three
cannot move, and it was used as a gar- each measuring 3 x 3' x 4'. One chest is

half-ores per room.

bage disposal. The pirates left it here actually a trapper that has spread itself
and also use it to dispose of their out on the floor to look like the deck and
B25. Passageway. Stairs from the
wastes. formed its center to look like a real
captain’s dining room (area B19) lead
Ochre jelly: INT non; AL N; AC 8; chest. If anyone throws a large chunk of
MV 0; HD 6; hp 38; THACO 15; #AT 1; meat, a dead body, or a small animal to down to this passageway. The door at
Dmg 3-12; SD immune to fire and cold, the trapper, it rolls up around the mor- the foot of the stairs leads aft to the

62 Issue No. 26

guard post at area B30 and is closed but till dawn. high, and 80' wide* The cloud persists
not locked. Other doors along the pas- Fallgon insists on finding his com- for sixrounds and remains stationary
sageway lead into crew quarters. None rades as soon as possible and urges the unless blown by winds (magical or non-
of these doors is locked. The half-ores PCs to go with him to the cavern if they magical). Cold-using creatures take 1 hp
may be sleeping in their rooms during have not already offered to do so. There damage for each round they are in the
the day unless aroused by the cries of is a one-in-six chance for an encounter cloud, and cold-dwelling creatures take
battle.Late at night, the human pirates on the way to the cavern. The DM 2 hp damage per round.
can he found sleeping in their rooms* should refer to the Random Encounters Alaginzeron has the following potions:
table to determine what the party speed, gaseous form, water walking
B28. Slave Quarters, The 10 male comes across. philter of love clairvoyance
, , ESR He
captives are kept in the six cells along As the PCs climb the foothills and has a scroll with the following spells;
the port wall, and the five female cap- near the cavern, they see that the monster summoning I, monster sum-
tives are kept in the three cells along mouth of the cave is approximately 40' moning IV ( x 2), monster summoning V
the starboard wall. Only the females wide and 30 high, A steaming waterfall
( x
2), monster summoning VL The DM
are here during the day* All the cells issues forth from the rocky opening and should consult the monster summoning
are locked, and the keys are kept in plunges down the mountain to meet the tables in the Monstrous Compendium or
area B29. There are guard posts at both main river. The water is about body roll randomly each time the scroll is
ends of the cells, but no one ever mans temperature* used, unless otherwise stated.
them except when the prisoners are fed As the PCs enter the steep foothills Alaginzeron has the following spells
or are being taken in or out* A stairwell below the mouth of the cavern, the evil memorized: alarm, color spray, phantas-
leads up and through the cargo hold to wizard Alaginzeron prepares to attack. mal force, shield, flaming sphere, im-
the battle deck. Pirates who miss their The wizard's statistics and his sug- proved phantasmal force, stinking cloud
morale checks may flee here to hold the gested tactics are detailed here. The DM web, lightning bolt spectral force,
fly, ,

women as hostages. should be thoroughly familiar with improved invisibility, minor globe of
these tactics before the PCs are allowed invulnerability, chaos teleport. He does

B29. Guard Post. This post is also to reach the cavern. not have a familiar but has created a
empty. A door leads forward to the slave homonculous named Medio.
quarters, and another leads aft to the The Wizard Alaginzeron Homonculous Medio: INT as crea-
rear jettison (area B3U* Neither door is 1

Since the adventurers arrival at the

tor;AL NE; AC 6; MV 6, fly 18 (B); HD
locked. 2; hp 13; THACO 16; #AT 1; Dmg 1-3;
ship, the pirate -mage Alaginzeron has
SA bite causes sleep for 5-30 rounds
been scrying the PCs in an effort to
B30. Guard Post, The post is empty (save vs* poison); SD cannot be captured
learn all he can about them* He has
but there are torches and flints here as while flying except by net or web spell;
used this knowledge to prepare his
well as a jug of water and a cup. Keys to save as M10; SZ T; ML 13; XP 420; MC.
defenses (see ^ Alaginzeron ’s Thctics'T;
the slave cells hang on the wall. Medio is telepath i cal ly linked to Alagin-
unless he is met elsewhere, Alaginzeron
zeron for up to 480 yards* If Alaginzeron
will scry on the PCs from area C20.
B3t. Rear Jettison and Storage, is attacked, Medio will defend him to
Alaginzeron: AL NE; AC 7; MV 12;
Unwanted materials are jettisoned from the death*
M10; hp 50; THACO 17; #AT 1; Dmg by
this room, and jettisoned cargo can be Alaginzeron is in his sixties with
spell or weapon type; S 16, D 16, C 16,
used as weapons against enemy ships. graying black hair, and wears a dark
The six green slime canisters stored 16, W 16, Ch 13; ML 12; XP 4,000. robe embroidered with silver stars. He
The wizard owns spell books contain-
here were such weapons. Unfortunately is very clever and will not confront the
ing his memorized spells plus any other
the containers were broken in the crash, PCs directly, preferring to use hit-and-
and green slime is scattered about the
spells that the DM
wishes to introduce.
run tactics. He will scry on individual
* He uses several magical items: robe of
room (see “Battle for the Nautiloid” for rooms of the cavern complex from C20
stars, ring of shooting stars dagger of
green slime statistics)* until he finds the party Once he locates
venom, pouch of accessibility, beads of
the PCs, he will send monsters after
force (6), crystal ball wand of steam and
Journey to the Caverns ,
them, cast spells at them, or try to trap
vapor (30 charges). The wand has two
them. He is concerned with his own well
The PCs may learn that the pirate cap- functions, each of which costs one
being only but will protect captain Re-
tain and his wizard have taken the charge. The steam function causes a
dwald and his men as long as it is in the
dwarves to the cavern by questioning cone of superheated steam to issue forth
wizard's best interest* If the PCs get
the crew or freed sailors. The lost dwar- (10' x 30' x 500, causing 6-36 hp damage
close to capturing him, Alaginzeron will
ven cavern is located about five miles to all within. The steam persists for
flee or use a teleport spell to escape
east of the wreck, in the foothills of three rounds, doing 4-24 hp damage to
(with or without the captain). If cap-
Mount Hotenow (area C on the
any creatures still in it on the second
tured, he will make any promises to
Neverwinter and Vicinity map). Alter- round, and 2-12 hp damage on the last
protect his life, offering information
natively, those with tracking skills may round. Creatures may save vs. wands
about lost treasures, new spells, or
track the pirates to the cavern. The for half damage each round. The vapor
spelljamming ships (a good place to
trail leads along the northern edge of function causes a warm cloud of steam
hinge the PCs' next adventure)* How-
the river, and thick fog rising from the vapors to issue forth. These vapors are
ever* the wizard will break his oaths as
warm waters obscures sight from dusk equi valent to a fog cloud 40' deep, 60'
easily as he gives them and will try to

, '


escape at the first opportunity. fication (the DM should secretly treat or closely pursue the wizard, he shoots
Alaginzeron is strong and quick for the roll as a save vs. illusion). The DM steam from his wand, uses one of the
his age, and speaks eloquent Common then describes a gray substance forming functions of his ring of shooting stars or ,

in a deep voice. He carries himself with over the skin and rapidly covering the throws beads of force to slow the party
an educated upper-class manner. character’s whole body. If the save was down. If Alaginzeron thinks he has
Though he can be ruthless and amoral, failed, the PC believes that he has been enough time, he may then cast a flam-
he is not sadistic. Strangely enough* he turned to stone and falls immovable in ing sphere spell and send it toward the
considers himself a gentleman. He is a state of shock. Have fun with this. adventurers.
meticulous and dislikes dirt and filth. If Gas spores (2): INT non; AL N; AC 9;
H. At any time the PCs are in a cavern,
the PCs are captured, Alaginzeron could MV 3; HD hp; THACO 20; AT 1; Dmg
the mage may the entrance invisi-
fly to
be persuaded to free them if the proper special; SA 6-36 hp damage to all within
bly and fire a lightning bolt at the ceil-
ransom were arranged. 20' (save for half damage); victims must
ing to try to cave it in. (There is a 40%
Some tactics Alaginzeron might use receive cure disease spell within 24
are suggested hereafter Each time the
chance this will work. If a cave -in is
hours or die, sprouting 2-8 gas spores;
DM must make a decision on Alagin- SD 90% likely to be mistaken for a caused, the DM
should roll percentile
dice to determine the extent of the dam-
zeron ’s actions, this table should be beholder; SZ M; ML 8; XP 120; MC
age. For every 10% rolled, the PCs take
consulted. (fungus).
1-8 hp damage. For rolls of 60% and
C* Alaginzeron reserves his minor globe above, the PCs take 6-48 hp damage
Alaginzeron’s Tactics
of invulnerability* shield, improved and are completely trapped. Refer to the
A, As the PCs enter the foothills, Ala- invisibility, and teleport spells as a last effects of being wrapped in a web spell
ginzeron learns their position through resort, if thePCs are very near and all to determine further effects and the
his crystal hall When
the party is close else has failed, the mage sends the results of escape attempts. Saves for
to the cavern entrance, the wizard goes charmed dwarves or summoned mon- half damage may be made.
to the entrance, casts monster summon- sters forth to detain them. He casts
I, If the PCs catch Alaginzeron off
ing VI from his scroll, and sends the shield, minor globe of invulnerability
guard, he may cast an improved phan-

monsters (a anticore and an otyugh) to and improved invisibility on himself,
tasmal force spell to create the appear-
battle the PCs. He then goes back into then comes forth to cast chaos or other
ance and sound of a cave-in between the
the cavern and studies the results with spells at the PCs or use his wand on
his crystal ball. them. Lf that does not work, he teleports
PCs and himself, thus blocking them
off. This illusion persists for two rounds
Manticore: INT low; AL LE; AC 4; away.
while the wizard attempts to escape by
MV 12, fly 18 (E); HD
6 + 3; hp 42;
D* If the PCs enter the main cavern or drinking his potion of gaseous form or
THACO 13; #AT 3; Dmg 1-3/1 -3/1-8; SA are getting too close, Alaginzeron may by teleporting, if absolutely necessary. If
tail spikes; SZ H; ML 13; XP 1,400; MC.
send Medio out through the hidden Alaginzeron teleports away, he is re-
The manticore attacks first by firing a
mines to lure them away into traps or moved from the adventure.
volley of six tail spikes (1-6 hp damage
monster lairs in the lower caverns.
each); it can fire four volleys per day. J, Whenever the PCs are in trouble,
Medio will carry several of the beads of
Otyugh: INT low; AL N; AC 3; 6; MV force with him and may throw them at
Alaginzeron may appear and shoot
HD 6; hp 44; THACO 15; #AT 3; Dmg the PCs from hiding.
steam or cast a web spell at them, then
1-8/ 1-8/2 -5; SA grapple foes for 2-4 hp flee.
damage per round, gaining a + 2 bonus E. When the PCs are in one of the lower
K. If confronted with invisible foes, the
to hit with bite; diseased bite; SD never caverns or mine shafts, the mage casts a
wizard uses faerie fire from his ring of
surprised; SZ M; ML 14; XP 650; MC. fly spell and travels to the cavern above
shooting stars.
them to summon a monster (using a
B. If the PCs continue to approach the
spell from a scroll). He then sends a
cavern, the mage goes near the en-
stinking cloud and cone of steam down
The Lost Dwarven Caverns
trance and sends two gas spores to meet (Area C)
upon the PCs, sending the monster
them (the creatures were summoned by
down to finish them. He returns to area While it is not necessary, the Dun-
monster summoning / from his scroll).
C20 immediately and scries upon the geoneer’s Survival Guide could be a
Alaginzeron also casts a spectral force
spell on the gas spores and maintains
PCs to see how the battle goes. helpful reference as the PCs explore the
cavern complex on the side of Mt,
this spell through his crystal ball escap- PCs enter the tunnel leading to
F* If the
ing deeper into the cavern if the spell the grimlock lair (area C9), Alaginzeron
fails to stop the PCs. He speaks to the casts normal invisibility and fly spells.
Cl. Cave Entrance* The entrance is
PCs through the spectral force to make He then quickly flies to area 08 and
about 40' wide and 30' high. A small
them believe the gas spores are actually down the tunnel leading to the lair.
stream exits from the mouth of the
beholders. He may even use an illusion When in range, he casts a color spray
cave, forming a narrow bank about 10
to make the PCs believe the “behold* spell and flies away. He hopes this will
wide in the north edge. The mage Ala-
ers” are shooting beams from their blind some or all of the PCs, giving the
ginzeron will have already executed
eyes. The illusion that one of the party grim locks a better chance since they are
tactics A and B (see “ Alaginzeron *s
has turned to stone should do the trick. blind already. 1
Thctics *). If a ranger checks for foot-
Here's how to do it: A gray beam hit a
G. At any time that the PCs draw near prints prior to entering the cave, he sees
PC's foot, and he is told to save vs. petri-

64 Issue No. 28

tracks leading along the narrow ledge across and has openings at both ends, A swarm forth to attack any intruders.
on the north wall. hidden door in the east wall leads into The DM should determine if the PCs
area C7, are surprised, taking into account the
C2. Main Cavern. The stream issues blending ability of the grimlocks. Ala-
forth from twin waterfalls on the north C7. Hidden Mines. A hidden door in ginzeron may perform tactic F at this
wall of the cavern. The water forms a area C6 opens into this small mine time.
dark pool in the back of the cave and tunnel. The dwarves liked to keep their Grimlocks (22): INT average; AL NE;
circles around a single stalagmite that operations a secret, so they went to AC 5; MV 12; HD 2; hp 16, 14 ( * 4), 11
rises over 40' into the air. The back of great pains to conceal their tunnels. (
x 4), 10 (6 ( x 7); THACO 19; # AT
x 4),
the cave stretches into darkness over Gold dust can be found in the dirt of the 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA fight
1-6 or
120 beyond, and the ceiling is almost

floor and glitters in the walls, but the in total darkness without penalties due
100' above, sporting many
beautiful veins of ore have been depleted. The to highly developed sense of smell and
stalactites. There is an alcove in the tunnels are about 5' square, and the hearing (they are sightless); SD immune
southern wall and two tunnels at the timbers shoring them up are very old. If to visual-effect spells; can blend in ca-
rear of the cave. One tunnel slopes Fallgon is with the party, he points out verns or rocky terrain so as to be totally
down to the south, the other is 15 '-20' that these tunnels are dangerous; any- undetectable except by detect invisibility
wide and runs east. Unless a ranger one else with mining proficiency is also spell as long as they are motionless;
specifically checks behind the falls, the able to discern this. save as F6; SZ M; ML 10, 14 with
footprints leading to the edge of the pool One tunnel leads north to a ladder leader, 18 with champion; XP 120; FF.
(area C4) will not be found. that leads up to area C12. The ladder is Grimlocks prefer blood-letting weapons;
Unless the PCs enter the cave along trapped. The fifth rung from the top will 10 of these use long swords, and 10 use
the north wall and walk along the nar- give way when anyone grasps it. The battle axes.
row ledge, they will be attacked by victim must make a dexterity check or (2): AC 4; HD 3; hp
Grimlock leaders
piercers that live among the stalactites fall 20', taking 2-12 hp damage. There THACO 17; ML 14, 18 with
22, 18;
above. isnothing of value in the tunnels. There champion; XP 175; other statistics as
Piercers (6): INT non; AL N; AC 3; isa 1% chance each round of a cave-in for grimlocks above; use bastard swords.
HD 4, 3 ( x 3, 2 ( x 2); hp 16, 12 ( x 3), 5 due to the vibrations of the PCs foot- Grimlock champion: AC 3; HD 4; hp
( x 2); THACO 19, 17; Ding 1-6 hp per hit THACO ML
steps whenever they are in the mining 28; 17; 18; XP 270; other
die; SA 95% likely to surprise; SZ 4757 tunnels. Any battles that occur raise statistics as for grimlocks above; uses
6' long; ML 10; XP: 4 HD = 420, 3 this chance to 5% per round of battle. two-handed sword.
HD = 120, 2 HD ^ 65 MC, ;
Spells such as lightning bolt fireball,

etc. will almost certainly cause a cave CIO. Natural Bridge. This natural
C3> Alcove* This alcove has a beauti-
in.Alaginzeron may try tactic E or H if bridge spans the chasm between areas
ful "drapery' of limestone spread across the PCs enter the shafts. C8 and Cll. It is about 10' wide and 70'
its walls. long. The sound of rushing water can be
C8. Connecting Cave. This cave has heard from far below, and warm steam
C4. The Blue Pool. This pool is blue- three tunnels leading into it. The tun- rises up from the waters, making visi-
green in color due to the copper leached nel to the north leads steeply upward to bility poor on the bridge. The ceiling is
out in the water. An open tunnel only the mob at cave (area Cl4). The opening not visible (but is 30' above the bridge).
10' under the surface is not visible in the west wall branches almost imme- The bridge has been sabotaged by the
above the waterline. This is the mouth diately. The right branch leads up to dwarves. For each person crossing,
of the secret tunnel (area G18). The DM area G6; the left branch goes down to there is a one-in-six chance that the
should not allow the PCs time to dis- the grimlock lair (area C9). The sound bridge will give way when the travelers
cover this at first. If they show much of rushing water can be heard through reach the middle. Dwarven PCs or those
interest in the pool, Alaginzeron will an opening in the east wall, and steam with mining proficiency have a chance
execute tactic D to lure them away and billows through the opening into the to detect this trap (1-3 on ld6 for
down to the grimlock lair (area 09), The cavern. This doorway leads out onto a dwarves, proficiency check required for
pool may be drained in five rounds by natural bridge (area CIO) that spans a miners). If the bridge collapses, those
throwing a switch hidden inside the wide chasm. A 15 '-wide shaft drops into standing near the center of the span fall
giant stalagmite (area C5), which the darkness in the center of the room. into the warm water. Anyone close to
causes the flow from the eastern falls to This was once an elevator shaft down to either end of the bridge falls 60' to the
cease, deep mining tunnels, but the workings riverbank below, taking 6-36 hp dam-
below have long ago caved in. The shaft age. The river flows from south to north
C5. The Giant Stalagmite. There is a is 100' deep. Alaginzeron may execute into a cave. It does not flow quickly, and
secret door at the top of the stalagmite. tactic E from the mobat cave above if characters with swimming proficiency
If the door is opened and the switch the PCs are in this room. may easily reach the banks. Alagin-
inside thrown, the east falls are blocked zeron may perform tactic J at this time
off and diverted to the west falls, and C9. Grimlock Lair. A steep tunnel if the PCs are in the water or on the
the pool at area C4 drains into under- leads into a sunken cavern 40' long and banks. If any of the PCs are swept into
ground caverns. 15' wide. Small holes, about 3' across, the cave, they may be captured by the
dot the walls. These are the griml ock’s cave fisher that lives within and always
C6. Small Cave. This cave is 20' caves. These evil creatures immediately has its filament at the mouth of the



Area C
1 square = 10'

cave. The cave is round, 30' across, with southern tunnels has a shaft leading hidden among them are six huge mo-
10 'wide banks. The water
exits far down to area C7 (see area C7 for a de- bats that are hibernating for the winter.
below through small holes into other scription of the trapped ladder in this Alaginzeron has cast an alarm spell
subterranean caverns. shaft). There is nothing of value in the here as a trap. The first person to step
Cave fisher: INT semi; AL N; AC 4; shafts. Alaginzeron may try tactic E or 10' into the room will set off the spell,
MV 1; HD 3; hp 22; THACO 17 (15); #AT H if the PCs enter the shafts. awakening the bats to swarm down
2;Dmg 2-S/2-8; SA adhesive trapline, angrily upon the intruders. If a battle
can shoot filament at prey as 6 -HD Cl 3, Hidden Mine Shafts, A hidden ensues, the giant bats from area C 16 and
monster; SD filament is very strong and door on the north side of the tunnel the normal bats from area C17 awaken
very thin, can be detected only 10% of connecting areas C2 and C14 leads into and swarm into the room, attacking the
the time in normal cases, takes a + 1 or these tunnels. In the far northeastern intruders and putting out torches.
better weapon to cut it; the fisher can end of the tunnels, a secret door leads to Mobats (6); INT low; AL NE; AC 2 (7
pull filament in with 18/00 strength; SZ a ladder that goes up to area C20, over if crowded in flight, 10 if not in flight);

M; ML 11; XP 175; MC. 55' above. If the PCs enter these tun- MV 3, fly 15 (C); HD 6, 5, 4 ( x 4; hp 36,
nels, Alaginzeron will certainly try 32, 31 { x 4); THACO 15, 17; #AT 1; Dmg
Cll. Cave Fisher Lain As the party tactics D, E, or G, If they reach the 2-8; SA piercing screech, victims suffer
enters this area, the two leading charac- shaft leading to area C 20, he will fire -3 to surprise rolls; SZ H; ML12; XP
ters may be captured by the two cave steam down upon them from his wand 975, 650, 420 (x 4); MC.
fishers that dwell here and always have and begin tactic C, The mobats collect shiny objects. The
their filaments strung across the en- silver nuggets are their collection,
trance, The filaments are 98% undetect- C14. The Mobat Cave* This cavern is picked up from mountain tops during
able due to the steam rising from below. one of the l argest, approximately 70' in their hunts in the warmer months. Only
The cavern is approximately 30' deep diameter with a domed ceiling 50' very determined PCs would attempt to
above. The temperature is much take many of the nuggets, since they

and 35 wide. These fishers have the

same statistics as the one in area CIO. warmer than outside, and the air is weigh much more than their worth In
damp due to the steam rising from area silver and are covered with bat guano,
Cl 2, Hidden Mine Shafts. A hidden CIO (through area 8), The floor is cov- A concealed door in the west wall leads
door in the corridor leading from area ered with shining silver nuggets (6,000 into the hidden mines (area C12).
C2 to area C14, and one in area C14, sp worth). There are many stalactites on
lead into these tunnels. One of the the ceiling, and hanging silently and Cl 5* Cave Bear Lair* A foul stench

66 Issue No. 28

emanates from this cave. Any ranger a torch or flame touches the droppings, Bats (80): INT animal; AL N; AC 8 (4);
should realize this is the distinctive the whole room will ignite, doing 1-8 hp MV 1* fly 24 (B); HD 1-2 hp; hp 2 { x 40),
smell of a cave bear’s lain The cave is damage per round to any on the ground 1 (X40); THACO 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1; SA
30' across and is home
mated pair
to a for one turn before burning out. The swarm puts out torches and disrupts
of cave hears. They are hibernating and ceiling is 30' high and hides 16 hiber- spells; SD AC reduced from 8 to 4 in
will take one round to awaken if at- nating giant bats. If disturbed, they will ideal flying conditions; SZ T (1' wing-
tacked. Once awake* however* the cave swarm down and attack. span); ML 3; XP 15; MC.
bears attack like berserkers. Giant bats (16): INT animal; AL N;
Cave bears (2): Lnt semi; AL N; AC 6; AC 8; MV 3, fly 18 (C); HD 1-4 hp; hp 4 C18. The Secret Tunnel. If the PCs
MV 12; HD 6 + 6; hp 41, 37; THACO 16; ( x 4), 3 ( x 3), 2 ( x 4), 1x 5); THACO 20;
drain the blue pool (area C4) or dive
#AT 3; Dmg 1-8/1-8/1-12; SA on paw hits #AT 1; Dmg 1-2; M
SA rabies; SZ (6' under its surface and discover the secret
of 18 or better, hugs victim for 2-16 wingspan); ML 6; XP 35; MC. tunnel, Medio tries to lure them away
extra hp damage; SD can continue to (refer to tactic D). If this does not work,
fight into negative hp for 1-4 rounds 07. Bat Cave, This cave is 60' wide Alaginzeron travels to the top of the
until reaching -9 hp; SZ H
(12' tall);

and 20 deep, with a 20' -high ceiling. It tunnel and casts a phantasmal force
XP 650 each; MC. is home to 80 normal bats who are hi- spell to try and convince the PCs that
bernating. If disturbed, they swarm out the tunnel has long ago collapsed and is
C16. Giant Bat Lain This oblong cave of the room into area C14, attacking a dead end. This may not be convincing
is about 40' deep and 60' wide. The floor anyone in the way. Bat guano covers the if a ranger has detected footprints in the
is covered in a dried stinking substance floor (see the information at area C16 tunnel. If the PCs continue up the tun-
(bat guano) that is very flammable. If about the danger of Are). nel, the wizard will try tactics G, H, or
J, then retreat to area C2G.

The Whitebeard Dwarves

The statistics for the dwarves are given below. The weapons and armor listed are not currently in their possession but are
stored in the treasure room of the nautiloid ship (area B21).
Captain Tholgrim: AL LG; AC 8 (0); MV
6; F5/C5; hp 40; THACO 16; # AT 1; Dmg by spell or weapon type; S 18/23, D 16, C
19, 1 14, W18, Ch 13; ML
15; field plate mail; hammer + 2 dwarven thrower Tholgrim has access to the following priest

spheres: all, elemental, healing, protecting. He has minor access to the charm and necromancy spheres. He has only the follow-
ing spells left: bless, cure light wounds ( x 3), chant, slow poison, cure disease, stone shape, Tholgrim is generally taciturn and
suspicious of others. However, if the PCs free him and his crew, he may wish to show them his gratitude by presenting them
with gifts or inviting them to journey to Whitestone,
Valdheim: AL LG; AC 10 (2); MV
6; F6; hp 74; THACO 15; HAT 1; Dmg by weapon type; S 18/53, D 14, C 19, 1 14, 14, Ch W
9; ML 15; plate mail, hammer +3; shield, Valdheim is old and dour, and will be suspicious of the PCs no matter how good they
have been to him and his fellow dwarves. However, he will not go against his captain’s wishes if Tholgrim decides to aid the
Osorm: AL LG; AC 9 (3); MV 6; F4; hp 44; THACO 17; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; S 18/49, D 15, C 19, 1 16, W 16, Ch 8;
ML 14; bronze plate mail; short sword +2, giant slayer Osorm is a brave and skillful warrior who loves drinking and fighting.
Ordinarily, he is a happy-goducky fellow and is friendly toward most races (with the exception of giants, whom he has sworn to
wipe from existence due to some forgotten transgression against one of his ancestors). He loves to drink and recount tales of
his exploits.
Storhm: AL LG; AC 10 (5); MV
6; F3; hp 41; THACO 18; HAT 1; Dmg by weapon type; S 18/23, D 14, C 19, 1 14, 13, Ch 13; W
ML 14; chain mail; axe +2, throwing. Storhm is a stout and serious dwarf who continually chides Osorm for his joviality.
Hlodar: AL LG; AC 7 (2); MV
6; F3; hp 20; THACO 18; HAT 1; Dmg by weapon type; S 16, D 17, C 15, 1 8, 15, Ch 17; W ML
14; chain mail, hammer +2. Hlodar is somewhat dull witted but is a jolly, likable fellow. He is a skilled fighter and is liked by
everyone in the crew.
Some: AL LG; AC 9 (5); MV
6; F2; hp 22; THACO 19; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; S 17, 15, C 18, 1 14, D
11, Ch 13; W ML
14; scale mail, battle axe + J. Some is a gruff dwarf who is contrary to all but his captain.
Thrumm: AL LG; AC 6 (2); MV
6; F2; hp 15; THACO 19; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; S 14, 18, C 13, 1 10, D
13, Ch 14; W
ML 14; scale mail, mace +1. Thrumm is quiet and contemplative. Though he is a fine warrior, he always tries to use reason
before violence.
Horgrum: AL LG; AC 7 (3); MV
6; F2; hp 24; THACO 19; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; S 16, D 17, C 16, 1 13, 15, Ch 12; W
ML 14; scale mail, short sword +1. Horgrum is the youngest of the dwarves (30 years old) and is curious about the PCs and all
groundling things.

The Miner Dwarves

The miners who were the first dwarves captured by the pirates are brave and proud of their heritage and work. Though they
are not mighty warriors, they can still handle themselves well in a fray.
Faldor, Baldur, and Rorlox: AL LG; AC 10; MV 6; FI; hp 7, 5, 8; THACO 20; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; S 15, C 15 for
each (other statistics unremarkable); ML 12; no possessions.


PCs have come to slay their dwarven

The dwarves wear normal clothing
and are equipped with only normal
swords and hand axes* They charge
across the ledge and attack the PCs. If
other pirates are present, they follow
the dwarves across. With the other
dwarves occupied and not watching
him, Redwald walks to the center of the
pool and lets go of Tholgrim, who sinks
immediately. The dwarf captain will
drown in 1-4 rounds if the PCs cannot
reach him. None of the dwarves, includ-
ing Fallgon, can swim.
During the distraction, the pirate
captain runs forward across the water
to battle the PCs. At the same time as
Redwald is fighting the party, Alagin-
zeron attacks invisibly using tactic C
(see “Alaginzeron *s Tactics”)* If things
go against him, Redwald backs up onto
the water and retreats, preventing the
PCs from getting back attacks except by
missile or spell. Given time, Redwald
and Alaginzeron will flee into the hid-
den mining shaft in area C20 and lead
the PCs on a chase through the caverns;
Alaginzeron will use tactics I and Kif
necessary. Otherwise, Redwald and
Alaginzeron teleport away, perhaps to
the Hock of Bral (as described in the
The tunnel curves sharply upward ard Alaginzeron is present, too (see SPELL JAMMER boxed set) or to an-
and is dry except for its first few feet. It following notes for his tactics). other location in the campaign world,
is about 250 in length and climbs about The captain has drunk potions of
40' up to area C19* speed and water walking given to him C20. The Dwarves' Treasure
by his mage. The potions work normally Room* This we 11 -hidden room was once
C19. The Secret Pool. The secret and will last 11 rounds, giving him four the treasure room of the dwarves. No
tunnel (area CIS) at the bottom of the attacks per round, a movement rate of treasure remains* The cavern is 30' in
pool in area C4 leads up to this room. 24, and the ability to walk on water* diameter with a 20' high ceiling. A
This upper pool is about 40' across and Captain Redwald: AL NE; AC 2; secret door in the south wall leads down
30' wide, and is fed by a waterfall that MV 12; F13; hp 74; THAC0 8; #AT 2; to the hidden mines below. If not en-
drops 30' from an opening above. The Dmg by weapon type; S 18/24, D 18, C countered elsewhere, Alaginzeron will
ceiling is 40' high and smooth. At the 15, 1 13, W 12, Ch 17; ML 14; XP 4,000; be encountered in this room, from which
west and east sides of the pool are small long sword +2, dagger +2, leather he has been scrying with his crystal
banks about 10' wide. A narrow ledge armor, ring of protection +J, cloak of ball.
leading behind the waterfall connects protection +J.
the banks. The pool is about 30' deep in Redwald is a clever man. He will try Concluding the Adventure
the middle. The waters flow out at the to force the PCs to surrender and possi-
bly even make a deal with them, but he Ifthe PCs rescue the dwarves, and the
bottom of the pool into other subterra*
nean caverns. is also ruthless. He is fall, with long
PCs acted with goodness toward Fallgon
dark hair gathered in back by a red silk throughout the adventure, the dwarves
If the PCs reach room from the
reveal their origin and invite the adven-
secret tunnel, Captain Redwald is wait- ribbon. He wears a scarlet tunic and
ing near the east bank, standing on the cloak over his leathers. The captain
turers and the human captives to
fancies himself to be a ladies' man and Whitestone for a celebration (no evil
water holding Tholgrim (the captain of
the dwarven ship) in front of him, mak- will have favorable reaction rolls if
PCs will be allowed to go). The dwarves
insist on destroying the nautiloid, but
ing no obvious threat toward the dwarf. there is a beautiful woman in the party
When the PCs enter, Redwald orders they will help the PCs remove treasure
On the shore, the rest of the charmed
dwarves stand and watch the PCs ar- them to surrender and throw their
rive. Two pirates stand behind the pris- weapons into the pool, “or else ” If the The trek back to the dwarves' ship
will be uneventful.Once aboard, the
oners (if there are any pirates left who PCs do not surrender, he orders the
dwarves to attack, telling them that the captain seats himself on the minor helm
have not already been killed). The wiz-

68 Issue No. 28

and begins their ascent. The players venture and is very grateful for the help offer to serveon the PCs’ galleon (if the
may find strange for their characters
it the PCs gave his people. adventurers were given one). They will
to rise slowly above the world and still At the citadel, the king may give the serve the PCs for an indefinite period,
be able to breath, but the PCs might not PCs a galleon space ship and aid them then will wish to be taken to their origi-
even question this, since they have not in equipping it with a furnace helm. If nal destination or to a world where they
been educated in our physical sciences. the PCs insist on the dwarves giving may book passage to the colony. If the
One strange phenomenon that Fallgon them a minor helm, the dwarves will DM has the SPELL JAMMER boxed set,
may demonstrate is the plane of gravity refuse, explaining that they have only a the humans might wish to go to the
through the ship. An object dropped few. If the PCs persist, the dwarves Rock of Bral.
over the side will bob down and up become insulted and ask the adventur-
through the plane. ers to leave.
As the dwarven ship leaves the world The PCs should start out with a fur- Furnace Helm
far below and approaches the moon, nace helm to range
initially limit their For every 1,000 XP a magical item is
Selune, and the asteroids known as the of travel and to force them to use up worth, the furnace will function for
Tears of Selune, they are met by huge some of the magical items they have one week at a SR of 2. The SR can be
stone dwarven warships that escort acquired over the years. boosted to 3 by sacrificing more than
them to the citadel of Whitestone, a If the DM does not wish to give the one item simultaneously, but there is
huge city the size of a mountain, carved PCs a galleon right away, the king will a 25% chance that this will cause the
from a single white stone to resemble a simply give them some gifts and return furnace to explode, causing 10-100 hp
long-bearded and helmed dwarven them to their world. Roll a random item damage to all within 30'. As stated
warrior. from the 2nd Edition DMGfor each earlier, a ship in the atmosphere or
The ship flies into the “warrior's” character in the party, rerolling until a gravity well of a large body moves at
mouth and lands on a lake. There is a suitable item for that character is a rate of 500 yards per round for
great feast, and King Gundulph White- found. All items should be of approxi- every point of SR. However, all ships
beard VII is present. He is a very old mately the same value. can travel 100 million miles per day
dwarf who enjoys hearing tales of ad- If the PCs rescued the human pris- in wildspace regardless of their SR. Q
oners, some of the former prisoners will

Gontinued from page 45 Continued from page 21

he is impersonating, claims that he was rien has other things to do, but as a non-
attacked by a wandering monster before human adventurer of sorts, he may cross stealing horses), Manden developed a
reaching the trading post. “Such is an paths with the PC again. He will hear a finewardrobe and a snobbish, dandy
adventurer's life

grudge against anyone who thwarted his manner. Now enjoying the “prestige”
Rudvarien will not relent until he has plan to take over the trading post. How- of leading the Meathooks (after the

substituted himself for Creilar. If the ever, the PC shouldn’t recognize Rudva- army cashiered him for stealing),
PC barricades himself in a room with rien in each of his new disguises. Manden puts on airs that conceal his
everyone else, nothing happens until The secret of sustaining a good arch- peasant background.
dawn. Then Rudvarien and everyone enemy is to avoid overusing him. The Tobias; AC 4; F2; 9 hp; #AT l;
else go their separate ways. If Rudva- PC should not encounter Rudvarien Dmg by weapon type; MV
120' (40 );

rien is not one of the people barricaded more than once at each level. Here are Save F2; ML 9; AL C; XP 20; chain
some of the endless possibilities: mail, shield, broad sword, short bow
in the room, he will leisurely loot the
whole trading post, write insulting 1. On the eve of a particularly profit-
with 16 arrows.
able adventure, Rudvarien joins the Ibbias is Manden's Sancho Panza,
graffiti on the walls, and leave before
PC's party disguised as an NPC adven- his loyal servant and silent worshiper.
Rudvarien is killed, he reverts to turer. He fights like a good teammate Tbbias is as brutal and ignorant as the
his true hideous form. Creilar offers a until the treasure is won. Then he other brigands, but his status as lieu-
generous reward to those who braved seizes a good opportunity to betray the
tenant and manservant to the “classy”
the night. Breaking policy, Creilar will party and steal the treasure. Jask Manden has made him arrogant
2. The PC's party repeatedly encoun-
to the other men, who dislike him
pay 100% value for the doppleganger's
possessions as well as for the gear of ters a rival party of NPC adventurers intensely.

any dead guests! The money will be whose leader is Rudvarien in disquise.
split evenly among the surviving Even his own scruffy henchmen don't In addition to adventures for TSR
guests. If the PC wants to keep a partic- know that he’s really a monster. games, Allen Varney has designed many
ular item (such as the dopple ganger's 3. The PC enters a castle or town adventures and supplements for other
magical long sword), the negotiations where Rudvarien is impersonating a game companies He also reviews role-

must be role-played. local official, such as the mayor or playing games for DRAGON® Magazine .

guard captain. Using his authority, This scenario is based on material cut
If Rudvarien and the PC Survive Rudvarien fines, arrests, and otherwise (for reasons of space) from module
bullies the PC's party. Will the PC rec- HWA1 Nightwail, the first adventure for
The doppleganger would make a good
arch-enemy for the fledgling PC. Rudva-
ognize his old nemesis and finally ex- the HOLLOW WORLD™ campaign set. Q
pose him? Q


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