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The Institution of Engineers (India)

A Century of Service to the Nation

All India Seminar

26-27 August, 2023
Bokaro Steel City
Organised by
E& O R
T ofNEngineers
The Institution (India)
Bokaro Steel City Local Centre

Under the aegis of

G R Environmental Engineering Division Board,IEI
In association with

SAIL, Bokaro Steel Plant

( A Govt. of India public undertaking)
The Institution of Engineers (India) Bokaro Steel City Local Centre
AbhiyantaBhawan, Sector V – A Bokaro Steel City – 827006
About The Ins tu on of Engineers (India)
The Ins tu on of Engineers (India) or IEI is the largest mul disciplinary
professional body that encompasses 15 engineering disciplines and gives engineers a
global pla orm to share professional interest. IEI has membership strength of more than
0.7 million. Established in 1920, with its headquarters at 8, Gokhale Road, Kolkata- 700020,
IEI has served the engineering fraternity for over nine decades. In this period of me it has
been inextricably linked with the history of modern-day engineering.
In 1935 IEI was incorporated by royal Charter and remains the only professional body in
India to be accorded this honour. Today, its quest for professional excellence has given it a
place of pride in almost every pres gious and relevant organiza on across the globe. IEI
func ons among professional engineers, academicians' and research workers. It provides a
vast array of technical, professional and suppor ng services to the Government, Industries.
Academia and the engineering fraternity, opera ng from 105 Centres located across the
country. The Ins tu on has established R & centres at various loca ons in the country and
also provides grant-in-aid to its members to conduct research and development on
engineering subjects.
IEI has been recognized as Scien fic and Industrial Research Organiza on (SIRO)by the
Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India and besides conduc ng its own research,
provides Grant-in-Aid to UG/PG/PhD students of Engineering Ins tutes & Universi es.
IEI holds the Interna onal Professional engineers (IntPE) Register for India under the global
Interna onal Professional Engineers Alliance (IntPEA). The Ins tu on also awards the
Professional Engineers (PE) Cer fica on.
For details, please visit

About Bokaro Steel City Local Centre

The Bokaro Steel City Local Centre was established in the year 1986. It has been
serving the society since incep on in general and the engineering community in par cular
in dissemina on and polifera on of knowledge amongst its members.
It has corporate membership strength of over 781. The centre has its own infrastructure
with ameni es like AC Conference Hall, AC Mee ng Hall, Library, 2 AC Double bed room,
two 6 bedded AC dormitory, office and Lawn.

About SAIL, Bokaro Steel Plant -

Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) is one of the largest steel-making companies
in India with revenue and one of the Maharatnas of the country's Central Public Sector
Enterprises. It is under the ownership of Ministry of Steel, Government of India with an
annual turnover of INR 1,03,473 Crores for fiscal year 2021–22. SAIL produces iron and steel
at five integrated plants and three special steel plants, located principally in the eastern and
central regions of India and situated close to domes c sources of raw materials. SAIL
manufactures and sells a broad range of steel products.
Bokaro Steel Plant - the fourth integrated plant in the Public Sector - started taking shape in
1965 in collabora on with the Soviet Union with capacity of 5.77 MTPA Hot Metal & 5.006
MTPA Crude Steel. Bokaro is designed to produce flat products like Hot Rolled Coils, Hot
Rolled Plates, Hot Rolled Sheets, Cold Rolled Coils, Cold Rolled Sheets, Tin Mill Black Plates
(TMBP) and Galvanised Plain and Corrugated (GP/GC) Sheets. Bokaro Steel has provided a
strong raw material base for a variety of modern engineering industries including
automobile, pipe and tube, LPG cylinder, barrel and drum producing industries.
Bokaro Steel is a one-stop-shop for world-class flat steel in India. The modernisa on plans
were aimed at increasing the liquid steel produc on capacity, coupled with fresh rolling and
coa ng facili es. The new facili es are capable of producing the most premium grades
required by the most discerning customer segments. Brand Bokaro signifies assured quality
and delivery, offering value for money to the customers.

- India recently became the fi h-largest economy in the world, according to the latest GDP
calcula ons from the Interna onal Monetary Fund (IMF). In fact, India is projected to overtake Japan
and Germany to become the world's third-largest economy around 2030 and the US by the year 2048
when it will become the world's second-largest economy behind China. A globally compe ve
manufacturing sector is India's greatest poten al to drive economic growth and job crea on. Due to
factors like power growth, long-term employment prospects, and skill routes for millions of people,
India has a significant poten al to engage in interna onal markets.
With the world's second-largest popula on of 1.4 billion and the fi h largest economy with an annual
gross domes c product (GDP) of $3.1 trillion in 2022, India is also ranked third globally in terms of
carbon emissions. In 2021, the country emi ed 2.7 billion metric tons of CO2 or 7 percent of the
global total. Since 2016, India has come forward with commitments and strategies to mi gate its GHG
emissions and scale up clean technologies. Yet despite these efforts, the Interna onal Energy Agency
(IEA) in its World Energy Outlook (WEO) forecasts that India's share of global CO2 emissions will rise
from 7 percent in 2021 to 10 percent in 2030.
While the Power, steel, cement & Petrochemical Industries are carbon intensive, significant progress
has been made to reduce emissions through technological Interven ons. The produc on of steel
results in the genera on of by products that can reduce CO2 emissions by subs tu ng resources in
other industries such as Cement & Brick manufacturing Industries. Again renewable energy from
Power Sector can reduce the overall Carbon foot-print further. The implementa on of sustainable &
green technologies focused on inves ga ng the energy saving & CO2 emission can help India to
achieve the Sustainable Development Growth targets. What is the need of the hour is to come-up
with Green Technologies that can dras cally reduce the impact of industrial ac vi es on
Green technologies can also be referred as environmental friendly technologies or clean
technologies. While the Power, steel, Cement, Transporta on & Petrochemical Industries are
working relentlessly to innovate and apply energy efficient technologies, it is impera ve that this is
supported by a robust policy framework that incen vises a culture of research and development. It's
high me to adopt technologies which can reduce our Carbon Foot print, Water Foot Print as well as
ensure proper & effec ve u liza on of By-Products developed during the process of steel making,
cement making & Power Genera on using Green Technologies as a tool. To bring this per nent issue
of providing Green Technologies for Industries, especially, Iron & Steel Making, Cement, Power,
Petrochemicals & Transport
1. Sharing of best prac ces among Iron & Steel, Cement, power & Petrochemicals.
2. Emerging Sustainable Technologies for various Sectors.
3. Ways for GHG reduc on by Industries.
4. Use of alterna ve technologies for Steel Making.
5. Role of Renewable energy in Industrial Sector.
6. Energy Efficient Steel making Processes.
7. Dry type Pollu on Control Equipment.
8. Role of E-Vehicle in Transport sector.
9. Affordable and Convenient Solar Power System.
10. Latest & cost-effec ve technologies for Waste U liza on.
11. Government ini a ves & regula ons to encourage Green Technologies.
Call for papers
All interested par cipants are requested to contribute technical/ research papers
and case studies detailing concept, innova on, idea or prac cal experiences for oral as well
a poster presenta on. Each paper should begin with a synopsis of about 200 words and
should be limited to 6 typed pages in A-4 size papers including text, figures and tables etc. A
brief bio-data (not more than half a page, affixing a photo) of the author(s) should
accompany the paper. Email Id :
Submission of Full Text Paper :
Last date for receipt of full paper with abstract and so copy is 15thAugust, 2023

Programme Schedule
Day 1 Schedule :August, 26.08.2023 (Saturday)
9.00 - 10 .00 Hrs Registra on
10.00 - 10.30 Hrs Inaugural session
10.30 - 11.00 Hrs High Tea
11.00 - 13.30 Technical Session – I
13.30 - 14.30 Networking Lunch
14.30 - 17.00 Technical Session II
19.30 Hrs Networking Dinner
Day 2 Schedule : August, 27. 08. 2023 (Sunday)
10 - 11.30 Hrs Technical Session III
11.30 - 11.45 Hrs High Tea
11.45 - 13.30 Technical Session – Iv
13.30 - 14.30 Lunch
14.30 - 16.00 Valedictory Session
16.00Hrs Tea
Important last Dates
(i) For Submission paper 15.08.2023
(ii) For sponsorship 22.08.2023
(iii) For Adver sement with material 22.08.2023
(iv) For Registra on 25.08.2023
Registra on details
The par cipants may register in advance by remi ng the registra on fees as
indicated below in the enclosed registra on form.
Category Registra on fee
Members of IEI Rs. 1,000=00 + 18% GST
Non-members (Individual) Rs. 3,000=00+ 18% GST
Spouse of delegate Rs. 1,000=00+ 18% GST
IEI Student Members Rs. 1,000=00+ 18% GST
Foreign par cipant US # 200=00+ 18% GST
Souvenir Sponsorship
All India Seminar will be a mega event which will be a ended by professionals, engineers,
Technocrates, Industrialists and policy makers from all over the country sponsorship is an
excellent way for the organisa on to receive recogni on. The organising commi ee extends
a very warm invita on to related organisa on to sponsor this important na onal event.
Category of Sponsorship Company Privileges
1. Pla num sponsor Rs. 2,00,000.00 5 free delegates + one inside full page
( Two Lakhs) mul colour Advt. + exhibi on space 10' X 10’
+ Logo display on back drop
2. Gold sponsor Rs. 150,000.00 5 free delegates + One inside full page mul colour
(One Lakh Fi y Thousand) Advt. + Logo display on back drop.
3. Silver sponsor Rs. 100,000.00 3 free delegates + one inside full pag
(One Lakh) mul colour Advt..+Logo display on back drop
4. Sponsoring Rs. 75,000.00 2 free delegates + one inside Half page
(Seventy Five Thousand) mul colour Advt..+ display on Sponsorer's banner
5. Sponsoring High Tea Rs. 35,000.00 1 free delegate +Display of Sponsorer's banner
(Thirty five thousand)
6. Sponsoring Delegate Kit Rs. 100,000.00 2 free delegates + one inside Colour Half page
(One Lakh) Advt. + Firms will have their names printed
inside flap of the kit
N.B:- 18% GST Extra as applicable
Technical Souvenir
A Souvenir (Size A4) will be brought out on this occasion for distribu on to the
delegates as well as to various related organisa on across the country. It has been decided to
accept adver sements of various organiza ons for publishing in the Technical souvenir.
Adver sement Tariff for Souvenir
Back Cover (outside) cover Rs. 50,000=00
Front Cover (Inside) mul colour Rs. 40,000=00
Back Cover (Inside) Mul colour Rs. 30,000=00
Inside full page colour Rs. 20,000=00
Inside Half page (Colour) Rs. 15,000=00
Inside Half page (B & W) Rs. 10,000=00
Exhibi on:
An exhibi on is also being organized with an aim to provide an opportunity to all Industries
involved in sustainable & Green Technologies for Industries to exhibit their various
products for the benefit of delegates and others. 10' X 10' space will be provided at a
nominal amount of Rs. 30,000=00 for the exhibitors + one inside (B & W) adver sement
and one free delegate will be allowed.
Payments Method
All payments are to be made through Bank Dra , crossed Banker's cheque, MICR cheque,
drawn in favour of The Ins tu on of Engineers (India) Bokaro Steel City Local Centre.

For Bank Transfer (NEFT/RTGS)

1. Account Name : The Ins tu on of Engineers (India) Bokaro Steel City Local Centre
2. Name of Bank: Bank of Baroda
3. Branch and code No. : Bokaro Steel Plant (2625)
4. Bank Account No. : 26250200000133
6. PAN No. : AAATT3439Q
7. GST No. 20AAATT3439Q3Z6
The fees includes course material, lunch, morning/evening Tea for two days.
N.B. Please send us proof of payment if made through online transfer
Accommoda on
The organisers will provide all help in arranging accommoda on for the delegates.
A wri en request for the same should be made to the organisers well in advance along with
advance payment. Hotels are available in the range of Rs. 1,500/- to Rs. 4,000/- per day.
Few Hotel details are as under.
Name of Hotel & address Recep on Contact Nos. e-mail Tariff Range

Hotel Hans Regency Sector 1 Market 06542-240896/240902 Rs. 4,500 to Rs. 9,000.00
Bokaro Steel City - 827 001

Hotel classic 06542-233138/233163 Rs. 1,500.00 to Rs. 3,000.00

A-1, City Centre, Sector - IV
Bokaro Steel City - 827 004 (Jharkhand)

Hotel Aadditayaa Interna onal 06542-233641 Rs. 1,700.00 to Rs. 3,500.00

M-4, City Centre, Sector IV
Mob. 09204792697
Bokaro Steel City - 827 004
Hotel Yuvraj Regency 06542-231434 Rs. 1,400.00 to Rs. 2,700.00
B-23, City Centre, Sector IV-
Bokaro Steel City - 827 004


Bokaro Steel City is among one of the important ci es of mineral rich Jharkhand
/State. It is a well planned city set up by SAIL, Bokaro Steel Plant It is a clean & green city with
all civic ameni es, beau ful sights, rolling topography, wide roads & un-intrupted power
supply. Bokaro Steel City has a pleasant weather in December. It is well connected with
other part of the country with Rail & road. It is situated about 45 km away from Dhanbad,
which is an important Rly. Junc on at Delhi Howrah Grand Chord line. Bokaro Steel City Rly
sta on is on SE Railway. Nearest Airport is Ranchi, the capital of Jharkhand which is about
130 km in Bokaro steel city. The Ins tu on of Engineers (India) building name
AbhiyantaBhawan is about 15 km from Bokaro Steel City Rly Sta on.
Venue: The Ins tu on of Engineers (India)Bokaro Steel City Local Centre
AbhiyantaBhawan Sector V – A Bokaro Steel City – 827 006 Phone 06542 363262,
Email : bokarolc@ieindia.orgAll payments are to be made through crossed Demand
Dra /Cheque, drawn in favour of “The Ins tu on of Engineers (India) Bokaro Steel City
Local Centre”
Chairman: Er. C Debnath,FIE, President, IEI
Co-Chairman: Er. Jagdish Chand Singhal, FIE, Chairman, ENDB, IEI
Convenor: Er. N P Srivastava, FIE Head of Environment SAIL, Bokaro Steel Plant
Members: Mr. Daljit Singh, Member, ENDB
Dr. Santosh Kumar Singh, Member, ENDB
Dr. Arup Kumar Misra
Mr. Ajoy Kumar Sinha
Dr. M Velan
Honorary Secretary, Sunil Kumar, BSCLC, IEI
Chairman: Er. N P Srivastava, FIE, Chairman, Bokaro Steel City Local Centre
Co- Chairman: Er. Ankit Kumar, AMIE, Sr Mgr (ECS) SAIL BSL
Convenor: Er. Nitesh Ranjan, AMIE, AGM (ECS), SAIL, BSL
Organising Secretary: Er. V P Upadhyay, FIE CGM (Ref.), SAIL, BSL
Members : Er. Y N Singh, FIE, Ex AGM (R & R), SAIL, Bokaro Steel Plant
Er. S N Teriar, FIE, Ex DGM (Design Bureau)SAIL, Bokaro Steel Plant
Er. D P Singh, FIE, Ex DGM SIL, BSL
Er. Sunil Kumar, GM (EL & TC) SAIL, BSL
Er. C P Sahay, Ex DGM (Traffic) SAIL, BSL
Er. Sudhanshu Shekhar, MIE, (C & IT) SAIL, BSL
Er. Sudhir, FIE, GM (HSM) SAIL, BSL
Er. Harihar Rout, MIE, GM (ETL) SAIL, BSL
Er. Nitesh Ranjan, AMIE, AGM (ECS) SAIL , BSL
Er. Manoj Kumar, MIE, Mgr. (Projects) SAIL, BSL
Er. P K Upadhayay, MIE, Mgr. (EMD) SAIL, BSL
Er. S K Pradhan, MIE, AGM (Coke oven)SAIL, BSL
Er. Rakesh Kumar, MIE, Mgr. (projects) SAIL, BSL
Er. Pankaj Kumar, AMIE AGM (DNW) SAIL, BSL
Er. A K Mandel, MIE, AGM (Coke Oven) SAIL, BSL
Er. N K Sahu, AMIE
Er. KunalRanjan, AMIE
Er. Manish Kumar, AMIE
Er. S K Tiwari, AMIE
Er. Animesh Chandra, AMIE
Technical Commi ee:
Chairman : Er. B K Prasad, FIE, Commi ee Member
Co-Chairman Er. Nitesh Ranjan, AGM (ECS) SAIL, BSL
Member : Er. AnandVerma, MIE
Er. S N Teriar, FIE
P K Gupta, GM (RED)
Er. C P Sahay, FIE
Er. Manoj Kumar, MIE
Er. S K Pradhan, MIE
Name of the contact persons
1. Er. NiteshRanjan, AGM (Environment & Sustainability) SAIL, BSL
Mob. No. 8986871464 E-mail:
2. Er. Sunil Kumar, FIE Honorary Secretary
Mob. No. 8986871547 E-mail.

Bokaro Steel City Local Centre
Sector V – A
Bokaro Steel City – 827 006
Phone 06542 363262, Mob.9608190672
Dist- Bokaro, Jharkhand
E-mail :
Registra on form/Adver sement form
All India Seminar on “Sustainable & Green Technologies for Industries”

Name of the par cipant/firm Er/Mr/Dr/Ms

Designa on
Ins tu on/organisa on
Mailing Address
Please Tick ( ) in the relevant category
1. Member of IEI
2. Non-Members
3. Sponsor
4. Student member
5. Foreign par cipant
6. Sponsorship/Adver sement Release enclose dra ma er to be printed
7. Wish to submit a paper and par cipate as a delegate
8. Title of Paper
Please find enclosed a demand dra /cheque No. dt.forRs.
Drawn on Bank name in favour of “The Ins tu on of Engineers (India) Bokaro
Steel City Local Centre

Date :

Note:- Completed form with NEFT/IMPS/RTGS detail should be sent to

Er. Sunil Kumar
Honorary Secretary
The Ins tu on of Engineers (India)
Bokaro Steel City Local Centre
Sector V – A
Bokaro Steel City – 827 006
Dist- Bokaro, Jharkhand
Phone 06542 363262, Mob.9608190672
Email :
The Institution of Engineers (India)
Bokaro Steel City Local Centre
All India Seminar
Sustainable & Green Technologies For Industries
26-27 August, 2023


From :
Hony. Secretary
The Ins tu on of Engineers (India)
Bokaro Steel City Local Centre
Sector V – A
Bokaro Steel City – 827 006
Phone 06542 363262, Mob.9608190672
Dist- Bokaro, Jharkhand
E-mail :

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