Acceptability and Marketability of Laing Siopao

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Acceptability and Marketability of Laing Siopao: A Product Development Study

Acceptability and Marketability of Laing Siopao: A Product Development Study


Bakery products are characterized by a relating short shelf life; during the storage.

Several physicochemical changes occur leading to the staling process which involves the less of
freshness and the worsening of bread quality. The economic looses caused by bread staling are
extremely important; so, considerable attention has been focused on this problem, although the
mechanism still remains unknown (Gray and bemiller 2003). Sourdough was traditionally obtained by
spontaneous fermentation of a mixture of flour, water, and salt; nowadays, specific cultures are used to
control the fermentation process.(Gray and Bemiller 2003).

In the technological sense of word, bakery products are defined in the legal rule-book on the
quality of wheat milling and baking product, pasta products and fast frozen doughs [7].Bread is the
product obtained by mixing, fermentation, forming and baking of dough obtained from basic raw
materials such as; flours obtained from cereals, grist water or other allowed liquids, bakers yeast and
other fermentation aims and table salt with respect of the improvements of physical and sensory
properties and shelf life of bred, the used of additives is allowed pastries, in the context of the rule-book
are products similar to bread, but there weight per piece is not higher than 250grams other kinds of
bakery products in the context of the rule-book, are products obtained from basic and additional raw
materials, as will as additives. These products has distinctive form and are processed by using of
procedures differing from procedures used in production of bread and pastry.(Aleksandar Maric, Slarko
arsorski and Jasna mastilovic 2009).

Bread is a food product basically formed from flours, water, salt and yeasts. Bread flour is
commonly made from wheat but can produced from other cereals like maize, rye, barley, rice and non-
grain plants. Flour is the major basic ingredients in bakery products. Bread mainly produced from wheat
flour but it can also be produced from composite flour such as a mixture of wheat and non wheat flours
or wholly non wheat flour (David, 1992).

The aglutenics biscuits are intended to those persons who are suffering due to gluten intolerance
also named celiac disease. The fabrication technologies of the aglutenics products can be developed in
on two ways: by separating gluten from grain or by replacing the grain flour with other types of gluten
less flour, in case of bakery and pastry products four experimental variants ( gluten-free biscuits) we
obtained by varying the proportion of flours; these variants were coded as follows T 1,T2,T
optimization of the aglutenics biscuits manufacture recipe was realized through sensory analyze, using
the hedonic test (9 Point scale ),( Lubna Masoodi et al...2012).
However, evidence from food consumption survey in nigeria indicated that there is a growing
increase in the consumption of to move away from traditional eating pattern on three meals a day to
eating snack foods such as bread and biscuits, mushrooms are edible fungi that contain high quality
digestible protein that varied between (10-40%).Carbohydrate (3-21%) and dietary fiber (3-35%) on dry
weight basic depending on species (Mallavadhani et al..,2006).
Combine all the ingredients in a mixing bowl (except salted eggs and chorizo).Mix until all the
Acceptability and Marketability of Laing Siopao: A Product Development Study

Vitamin A deficiency is a major public problem in developing countries; with child. Ren and
pregnant/lactating women being the most vulnerable, vitamin- A is essential for a well -functioning
immune system and vision , and its deficiency significantly increase the risk of mortality in children [1].
Nutrition related disease are increasing because , among other reasons , energy intake is to high and
dietary fiber intake is below recommendations. These result in a duplication of the population with
overweight and obesity and the last 30 years [64]. Obesity may be related to There non-communicable
diseases [27]. (Zea mays L. and Ipomoea batatas L. 2005)

Research Question:

1.What is the goal of our research study?

2.Who will be the target market of our research study?

3.How can we say that the experimental related to our business?


Research Design:

Experimental design methods are tools for conducting informative, time- and cost-
effective experiment. Our study employed a descriptive and quantitative method of research. The
descriptive and quantitative nature of this research allowed the researchers to experimental a Laing
siopao experience.


In order to prepared the Laing siopao, the following materials has been purchased from
local market.

Ingredients: Tools: Equipment:

10 g. Taro leaves dried - Mixing bowl -Oven

6 cups coconut milk -Thermometer to check the liquid

/2lb. pork/ chicharron -rolling pin

5 to 7 pcs red chilies -parchment paper

5 pcs. Onion sliced -pan

/2 cup shrimp paste
/2 cup sliced ginger
Acceptability and Marketability of Laing Siopao: A Product Development Study

10 cloves garlic
/2 lb. shrimp with read (optional)

Experimental Set-Up:

The experimental set-up used or for the present research is given in two way for the
Laing siopao preparation

Control Set-Up: Description:

Chalk ling Siopao

-Ingredients: Bread flour-350g

Corn starch 50g, salt-4g, sugar-80g, baking

Powder 8g, yeast-8g, vegetable oil-40ml

Bread improver- 3g(optional)

Experimental Set-Up: Laing siopao

-Ingredients: 10 g taro leaves, 6 cups coconut

Milk, 2 cups coconut cream, 1/2 lb. pork/

Chicharron, 5 to 7 pcs red chilies, 5 pcs onion

Sliced, 1/2 cup shrimp paste, 1/2 lb. shrimp

With head (optional) 1/2 cup sliced ginger,10

Cloves garlic.

Product Development:

The researchers discuss the recipe and procedure for each set-up.

Recipe: Procedure:

Laing Siopao -Combined the coconut milk, pork/ chicharron, shrimp

10grams taro leaves dried paste, ginger, onion, and garlic in a cooking pot. Heat

6 cups coconut milk the pot and let boil.

2 cups coconut cream -Once the mixture starts to boil, gently stir to mix the
2 lb. pork/ chicharron ingredients. Cover the pot and simmer for 15 to 20

5 to 7 pcs red chilies minutes.

5 pcs onion sliced - Add the dried taro leaves. Do not stir. Let it stay until
Acceptability and Marketability of Laing Siopao: A Product Development Study

/2 shrimp paste the leaves absorb the coconut milk. This take about
/2 cup shrimp with head (optional) 20 to 30 minutes.
/2 cup sliced ginger - Pour the coconut cream and to the cooking pot.

10 cloves garlic Add the red chilies. Cook for 10 to 20 minutes then

After that transfer to a serving plate then serve.

Product Testing:

The researchers discuss on how to test the product.

Appearance: Taste:

Crust Salty

Browning Sweet

Shininess Bitterness

Thickness Acidity

Crumb Texture:

Color Crispiness

Alveolus regularity Tenderness

Alveolus average size Elasticity

Alveolus density/ crumb airing




Data Gathering Procedure:

This study used a google method using the experiment developed by the
researchers with the informed consent of the respondent of our research study.

Data Presentation and Interpretation:

This research study used a tables, flow chart and graphs to present and
interpret the experimental product development.
Acceptability and Marketability of Laing Siopao: A Product Development Study

Data Analysis:

This research study used the cellphone for our research study , in title, acceptability and
marketability of Laing siopao. A Product Development Study. Through the Google.


[1] Gray and Bemiller (2003). Effect of Sourdough with Exopolysaccharide (EPS)- Producing Lactic

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4626 & Print ISSN: 0975-5896

[4] Lubna Masoodi et al.., (2012). Preparation and Quality Evaluation of Gluten-Free Biscuits. Bulletin

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[5] Anyika and Uwaegbute (2005),Mallavadhani et al..,(2006).Quality Characteristics of Bread Made

from Wheat and Nigeria Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus Plumonarius) Powder. Pakistan Journal of

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[6] Zea Mays L. and Ipomoea batatas L. (2015). Nutritional, Microbial and Sensory Properties of Flat-

bread (kitta) Prepared from Blends of Maize. International Journal of Food Science and Nutritional

Engineering 2015, 5 (1): 33-39,DOI:10.5923/j. food 20150501.05

Acceptability and Marketability of Laing Siopao: A Product Development Study

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